Czy macie jakieś informacje na temat pracy w tej firmie? Jak wygląda atmosfera? Czy wynagrodzenie jest dobre? Czy są jakieś benefity? Jakie są warunki pracy? Z góry dzięki!
Brak treści. Ta firma nie uzupełniła zakładki “O firmie”.
Rekrutacje prowadzone przez firmę:
Wszystkie (36)Aktualne ( 0 )Archiwalne ( 36 )
Asystentka ds. administracyjnych
Wygasła: 30.04.2024
Umowa o pracę na okres próbny
- Bieżąca obsługa administracyjna biura. Zapewnienie prawidłowego obiegu dokumentów firmowych. Obsługa poczty wychodzącej i przychodzącej
współpraca z firmami kurierskimi. Zaopatrywanie biura w materiały biurowe i spożywcze. Przyjmowanie i obsługa gości w biurze. Dbałość o estetykę pomieszczeń biura. Organizacji podróży służbowych Zarządu oraz ich rozliczenie. Redagowanie pism oraz przygotowywanie prezentacji w języku polskim oraz angielskim. Dostarczanie listów
przesyłek do urzędów i na pocztę.
- Godziny pracy: 7:00-16:00 - do uzgodnienia z pracodawcą
- obsługa korespondencji przychodzącej i wychodzącej; elektroniczny obieg dokumentów
kserowanie pism
wysyłanie zapytań ofertowych i nadzór nad nimi
- archiwizacja pism
umów i innych dokumentów firmowych
- rejestrowanie faktur
- tworzenie rejestrów
pism administracyjnych
- codzienne wsparcie Kierowników Projektu we wszystkich działaniach organizacyjnych związanych z przygotowaniem i realizacją projektów
- Weryfikacja zgodności oraz nadzór nad kompletnością dokumentacji technicznej
projektowej. Dbanie o odpowiednie przechowywanie dokumentacji technicznej
projektowej w systemie M-Files. Stały kontakt z innymi działami firmy w celu przepływu informacji. Wsparcie zespołu z zakresie bieżących zadań.
- Godziny pracy: 7:00-16:00 - do uzgodnienia z pracodawcą
- Weryfikacja zgodności oraz nadzór nad kompletnością dokumentacji technicznej
projektowej. Dbanie o odpowiednie przechowywanie dokumentacji technicznej
projektowej w systemie M-Files. Stały kontakt z innymi działami firmy w celu przepływu informacji. Wsparcie zespołu z zakresie bieżących zadań.
- Zlecenie wykonywane w godzinach: 7:00-16:00 - do uzgodnienia z pracodawcą
Oversee subcontractors works to ensure compliance to codes, standards, regulations, equipment specific specifications, and QMS requirements,
Oversee that equipment is being designed, produced and tested according to codes, standards, regulations, equipment specific specifications, and QMS requirements,
Oversee that all required tests and inspections are being done,
Analyze tests and inspection results. Checking completeness of quality documentation for respective equipment,
Attendance on selected inspections and tests,
Communication with subcontractors and Client regarding quality matters
Oversee subcontractors works to ensure compliance to codes, standards, regulations, equipment specific specifications, and QMS requirements,
Oversee that equipment is being designed, produced and tested according to codes, standards, regulations, equipment specific specifications, and QMS requirements,
Oversee that all required tests and inspections are being done,
Analyze tests and inspection results. Checking completeness of quality documentation for respective equipment,
Attendance on selected inspections and tests,
Communication with subcontractors and Client regarding quality matters
1. Support daily IT needs of 50+ internal end users, incl:
a. React to enquiries and IT services request to exist staff globally
b. Provide IT training as, when necessary, e.g., new software, functions
c. Setup hardware and accounts of new employees, provide IT orientation
d. Provide technical support to end-users, troubleshoot problems, and provide solutions
2. Support business operational reporting activities from project execution to factory production incl.:
a. Project resources plan and work distribution report
b. Direct costs of every product assigned to each responsible project
c. Any other special reports required supporting business performance monitoring
3. Provide support to setup and maintain an effective IT environment by applying corporate standards and best practices:
a. Maintain and upgrade global ERP platform, document database (M-Files), synchronize engineering vault and database (Autodesk Vault, Aveva)
b. Maintain various software administration (MS Business 365, M-Files, Aveva E3D, Autodesk etc.) in conjunction with software vendors
c. Maintain IT Infrastructure, including servers, storage, and networking equipment like routers, switches, and firewalls
d. Support to build in customized functions of systems as where special business operational needs are proved
4. Provide support to IT systems architecture development, including drive from concept to results delivery, optimize where necessary of existing infrastructure, with assistance from external IT specialist
Identify and pre-qualify companies, in particular European manufacturers, supplying relevant equipment, parts for DP projects’ scope
Lead and manage process of project purchasing together with engineers, QA/QC personnel - prepare RFQs with input from project engineers re. technical specifications; assess proposals from sub-suppliers; select suitable proposals; and negotiate contracts
Follows execution of purchasing contracts until closure with support from QA personnel on site - fulfill contractual commercial obligations; expedite progress; solves dispute with sub suppliers
Oversees contractor work for project assuring key procurement processes are under control
Forecasting and evaluation of potential extra costs and proposing mitigation plan, monitoring plan implementation status
Checking fulfillment of applicable requirements before proceeding to subcontractor payment
Monetize deliverables especially from Subcontracts for payment milestone and other fulfillments
Regularly refer to Project Manager in concern progress of manufacturing and escalate risky situation in due course to them for actions
Share previous experience and knowledge with global colleagues to enhance product improvement and global knowledge; and to contribute to problem resolution
Execute international projects as part of the international project engineering team, under the technical leadership of the Lead Project Engineer and be responsible for boiler engineering and design
Together with your engineering colleagues, convert contractual design standards and quality requirements into design documentation for boiler production or subcontracting, according to ASME and EN 12952
Oversee and guide production of detailed boiler drawings (incl. compensators interface between boiler/grate, support etc.) produced from team of designers
In conjunction with 3D modeling of boiler, ensure that appropriate details embedded for effective 2D drawings generation point of view
Undertake, verification or validation of strength calculation of boiler pressure parts according to ASME and EN 12952, including submission from vendors
Make general strength calculation of overall boiler structure (incl. backstay, hoppers, loads etc.) for typical and new prototype boiler, or coordinate with and verify submission from external specialist
Undertake weight and load calculation of overall boiler, both typical and new prototype structured, or coordinate with and verify submission from external specialist
Support international sales and tendering efforts (sometimes at short notice), to provide engineering consultation services and/or deliver technical proposal documentation (e.g., datasheet, calculations and drawings, technical specifications etc.), attend sales meeting with client and external project stakeholders
Develop balanced solutions to address specific boiler specifications and requirements
Document and share experience and knowhow for continuous product improvement/upgrading
1. Execute international projects as part of the international project team, and under the technical leadership of the Lead Project Engineer
2. Together with your engineering colleagues, convert contractual design standards and quality requirements into design documentation for production or subcontracting of mechanical equipment such as
a) Basic and detail design document of chain and belt fuel conveyor for various fuel types and compositions
b) Basic and detail design document of fuel feeding system (incl. screw conveyor, fuel silo and level measurement, fuel distributor, damper, stockers, water-cooled jackets etc.)
c) Basic and detail design document of vibration drive and steel structure support for water-cooled grate
d) Basic design document of ash/slag conveyor and reclaimer etc
e) As built document of responsible products, including verification and validation of submission from vendors
3. Review, evaluate, amend, and approve technical documentation from suppliers or other external party(ies)
4. Deliver internal working documents for other engineering disciplines
5. Deliver documents for client and other external stakeholders as per contractual requirements
6. Participate and present at internal and external project meetings upon request
7. Provide engineering support for production, installation and commission wherever it is required
8. Follow project document control protocols and schedules
9. Support international sales and tendering efforts (sometimes at short notice), to provide engineering consultaton services and/or deliver technical proposal documentation (e.g. datasheet, model and drawings, techinical specifications etc) as required