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Brak treści. Ta firma nie uzupełniła zakładki “O firmie”.
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Archiwalne ( 2 )
Senior DevOps Engineer
Wygasła: 11.02.2021
senior specialist (Senior)
Maintain and grow our infrastructure stack (K8s, GCP, Docker, Terraform, Helm)
Develop CI/CD pipelines (CircleCi)
Build monitoring/alerting dashboards (Grafana, Prometheus, Graphite)
Work alongside our product engineers to improve our product and helping with adding new features (Python)
Scale our infrastructure to handle 10x its current load over the next 12 months
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Senior Python Engineer
Wygasła: 11.02.2021
senior specialist (Senior)
You'll work closely with the business team to distill complex business problems into elegant technical solutions (Python, Django based REST services)
You'll work on systems that represent the real-world intricacies of aerospace entities and the process of having a plane fly from airport to airport
You'll build improvements to the performance and reliability of our infrastructure (metric-driven development)
You'll launch features rapidly and incrementally
You will be able to work in different Computer Science areas: algorithms, graph theory, distributed computing, machine learning
Opportunity to work with/learn cutting-edge tech stack: Kubernetes, Google Cloud Platform, Helm, Terraform, Grafana, Prometheus, PubSub, Dataflow
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne