Czy macie jakieś informacje na temat pracy w tej firmie? Jak wygląda atmosfera? Czy wynagrodzenie jest dobre? Czy są jakieś benefity? Jakie są warunki pracy? Z góry dzięki!
Daily monitoring of the school event calendar and communicating the upcoming events to students / teachers / staff; welcoming / guiding expected guests
Ad-hoc simple technical support to teachers & guests
Collecting and processing office orders
Monitoring school auditorium equipment & providing support with setting-up the key functions
Ad-hoc office support to teachers
Being part of school event team and participating in the events at request of the event coordinator
Supporting the Development Director in planning, developing and executing of marketing strategy, including event marketing, online & offline advertising, and digital presence
Gathering market insights and tracking competitor schools’ activity by keeping abreast of market changes and the marketing mix used by competitors
Tracking, measuring and reporting performance of all marketing campaigns, and assess against goals (ROI and KPIs) on a regular basis
Developing and curating engaging multi-media content around key school events, highlights, education approach, etc
Working with admissions department on designs, marketing collateral and promotion related to admissions driven events – Open Days, Assessment Weekends, School Fairs etc
Working with teachers and students on ongoing school’s projects – Faculty Lectures, Seminars, Personal Development Scheme projects, Wellbeing Department projects
Building positive relationships with alumni, using face-to-face communication, electronic and social media channels, while providing outstanding customer service and meaningful opportunities for volunteering activities and personal and professional development within the growing alumni community,
Creating posters, flyers, e-banners and other collateral related to marketing campaigns and school events
Liaising with external graphic designer and vendors for marketing production as required
Owning all brand presence in designs and collaterals across the school to ensure that they follow AHS brand and safeguarding guidelines
Supporting with video and photography for school events and promotional activities
Supporting the Development Director in planning, developing and executing of marketing strategy, including event marketing, online & offline advertising, and digital presence
Gathering market insights and tracking competitor schools’ activity by keeping abreast of market changes and the marketing mix used by competitors
Tracking, measuring and reporting performance of all marketing campaigns, and assess against goals (ROI and KPIs) on a regular basis
Developing and curating engaging multi-media content around key school events, highlights, education approach, etc
Working with admissions department on designs, marketing collateral and promotion related to admissions driven events – Open Days, Assessment Weekends, School Fairs etc
Working with teachers and students on ongoing school’s projects – Faculty Lectures, Seminars, Personal Development Scheme projects, Wellbeing Department projects
Building positive relationships with alumni, using face-to-face communication, electronic and social media channels, while providing outstanding customer service and meaningful opportunities for volunteering activities and personal and professional development within the growing alumni community,
Creating posters, flyers, e-banners and other collateral related to marketing campaigns and school events
Liaising with external graphic designer and vendors for marketing production as required
Owning all brand presence in designs and collaterals across the school to ensure that they follow AHS brand and safeguarding guidelines
Supporting with video and photography for school events and promotional activities
Admissions Officer / Pracownik działu rekrutacji uczniów
Św. Urszuli Ledóchowskiej 2, Wilanów, Warszawa
Wygasła: 08.10.2023
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
full office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Supporting the Admissions Process:
• Helping to maintain the proper and timely recordkeeping of all data relevant to the school admissions process, as well as keeping up-to-date all statistics relevant to the process
• Helping ensure the Admissions Department’s compliance with all relevant data protection and legal obligations
• Helping maintain warm and professional relationships with other key departments and external stakeholders, including families of prospective candidates to our school
• Ensuring the timely and accurate submission of documentation from candidates to the school in advance of assessment weekends, and further to the admittance of successful candidates
• Maintaining up-to-date records of candidates and accepted students in the school’s Information Management System before student files are transferred to the School Office
• Daily communication with prospective parents and students regarding the application process and related documents
• Assisting the Director of Admissions with the organisation of, and enrolment to, Akademeia Short Courses and Summer Schools
Coordination of AHS External Events and Assessment Weekends:
• Helping with the scheduling of each Assessment Weekend in line with school policies, including timetabling, rooming, staffing, IT, and catering arrangements
• Attendance at, and helping with coordination of, each assessment weekend (2 weekends per year)
• Participation in relevant external events as appropriate (educational fairs, conferences etc)
• Helping with the coordination of, and participating in, school Open Days
Supporting the Development Director in planning, developing and executing of marketing strategy, including event marketing, online & offline advertising, and digital presence
Gathering market insights and tracking competitor schools’ activity by keeping abreast of market changes and the marketing mix used by competitors
Tracking, measuring and reporting performance of all marketing campaigns, and assess against goals (ROI and KPIs) on a regular basis
Developing and curating engaging multi-media content around key school events, highlights, education approach, etc
Working with admissions department on designs, marketing collateral and promotion related to admissions driven events – Open Days, Assessment Weekends, School Fairs etc
Working with teachers and students on ongoing school’s projects – Faculty Lectures, Seminars, Personal Development Scheme projects, Wellbeing Department projects
Building positive relationships with alumni, using face-to-face communication, electronic and social media channels, while providing outstanding customer service and meaningful opportunities for volunteering activities and personal and professional development within the growing alumni community,
Creating posters, flyers, e-banners and other collateral related to marketing campaigns and school events
Liaising with external graphic designer and vendors for marketing production as required
Owning all brand presence in designs and collaterals across the school to ensure that they follow AHS brand and safeguarding guidelines
Supporting with video and photography for school events and promotional activities
Daily monitoring of the school event calendar and communicating the upcoming events to students / teachers / staff; welcoming / guiding expected guests
Ad-hoc simple technical support to teachers & guests
Collecting and processing office orders
Monitoring school auditorium equipment & providing support with setting-up the key functions
Ad-hoc office support to teachers
Being part of school event team and participating in the events at request of the event coordinator
Prace naprawczo- gospodarcze na terenie obiektu szkoły
Utrzymanie porządku i czystości wewnątrz budynku i w jego otoczeniu,
Wykonywanie prac konserwacyjnych, jak malowanie drzwi i okien, malowanie poręczy, ogrodzeń, itp
Dobieranie maszyn, urządzeń i narzędzi do realizacji powierzonych zadań gospodarczych i naprawczych
W okresie zimowym: odśnieżanie i usuwanie lodu z ciągów komunikacyjnych, a także posypywanie ich solą i piaskiem
Oznaczanie taśmą ostrzegawczą miejsc niebezpiecznych
Wykonywanie prostych prac naprawczych wewnątrz i na zewnątrz obiektu
Pielęgnowanie zieleni,
Posługiwanie się sprzętem mechanicznym przeznaczonym do pielęgnacji zieleni oraz narzędziami ręcznymi
Nawożenie i podlewanie roślin
Cięcie żywopłotów
Rozpoznanie drzew stwarzających zagrożenie
Zabezpieczanie roślin przed mrozami
Konserwacja wykorzystywanego sprzętu technicznego do pielęgnacji trawników, rabat, żywopłotów, drzew i krzewów
Organizowanie stanowiska pracy, a także wykonywanie prac zgodnie z przepisami Bezpieczeństwa i Higieny Pracy, ochrony przeciwpożarowej i ochrony środowiska
Koordynowanie prac naprawczych i konserwacyjnych we współpracy z podwykonawcami,
Developing and curating engaging multi-media content, including videos and photos, for all school communication channels
Managing the school’s social media profiles and the website
Tracking, measuring, and reporting performance of all marketing campaigns,
Owning all brand presence in designs and collaterals across the school to ensure that they follow AHS brand guidelines
Design and produce quality, eye-catching and compelling graphics (posters, flyers, e-banners, promotional presentations, newsletters, and other collateral)
- Play a leading role maintaining the proper and timely recordkeeping of all data relevant to the school admissions process, as well as keeping up-to-date all statistics relevant to the process
- In conjunction with the Director of Admissions, review and update of all admissions related documents, including application forms, contract templates, subject choice forms, etc
- Manage the budget of all Admissions related events (Open Days and other events, student admissions process, including scholarship contests)
- Ensure the Admissions Department’s compliance with all relevant data protection and legal obligations
- Help maintain good working relationships with other key departments and stakeholders, including the School Office, Development and Marketing, the school’s legal team, IT, and the teaching faculty
The duties below may be shared with/delegated to the Admissions Assistant as appropriate:
- Ensure the timely and accurate submission of documentation from candidates to the school in advance of assessment weekends and further to the admittance of successful candidates
- Create and maintain up-to-date records of candidates and accepted students in the school’s Information Management System before student files are transferred to the School Office
- Follow-up with accepted students’ parents by ensuring the timely submission of all documents and payments required by the school (transcripts, contracts, consents, personal forms etc), in line with the contract and school procedures, until student files are transferred to the School Office
- Daily communication with prospective parents and students regarding the application process and related documents (including aspects of the Polish programme, if applicable), including individual meetings and tours
- Assisting the Director of Admissions with the organisation of, and enrolment to, Akademeia Short Courses and Summer Schools
Coordination of AHS External Events and Assessment Weekends:
- Scheduling each Assessment Weekend in line with school policies, including timetabling, rooming, staffing, IT, and catering arrangements
- Attendance at, and coordination of, each Assessment Weekend
- Participation in relevant external events (educational fairs, conferences etc)
- Helping with the coordination of, and participating in, school Open Days
Developing and curating engaging multi-media content, including videos and photos, for all school communication channels
Managing the school’s social media profiles and the website
Tracking, measuring, and reporting performance of all marketing campaigns,
Owning all brand presence in designs and collaterals across the school to ensure that they follow AHS brand guidelines
Design and produce quality, eye-catching and compelling graphics (posters, flyers, e-banners, promotional presentations, newsletters, and other collateral)
As a Junior IT Technician you will provide advanced 1st and basic 2nd line support to all users, investigating and diagnosing IT faults and problems
You will be responsible for the triaging of tickets as they are logged within the IT Service Desk, regularly liaising with the Head of IT to ensure tickets are processed in a timely manner
This role will play a key part in the management of the equipment requests, ensuring they are ordered, deployed and managed effectively
Managing AHS main facility - relationships & contracts with all service providers (canteen, security, cleaning, maintenance services, utilities, gardening, repairs, capex, etc.)
Managing AHS boarding house facility logistics (rented from a third party - contracts, service providers, security, etc.)
Managing all teacher flats rented by Akademeia (contracts, service providers, occupancy, etc.)
Coordination of AHS event calendar (internal and external) and responsibility for logistic aspects of the events (catering, service providers, etc.); cooperation with all Akademeia teams to ensure smooth communication (Schedule, School Office, Marketing)
Oversight over AHS cafe - coordination of baristas' schedules, key pricing & sourcing decisions, etc
External rent of AHS space
Managing budgets for all above mentioned activities
Wystawianie i księgowanie dokumentów sprzedażowych
Uzgadnianie rozrachunków i sald
Prowadzenie ewidencji środków trwałych
Przygotowywanie płatności i wprowadzanie do banku
Udział w tworzeniu list płac i bieżących rozliczeń pracowniczych (w tym ZUS)
Udział w prowadzeniu i rozliczaniu inwentaryzacji
Udział w przygotowaniu sprawozdań finansowych, raportów oraz innych informacji na potrzeby wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne. Udział w sporządzaniu deklaracji podatkowych (VAT, CIT, PIT, PCC, GUS, raporty JPK)
Współudział we wdrożeniu narzędzi wspomagających prace w obszarze rachunkowości
Managing AHS main facility - relationships & contracts with all service providers (canteen, security, cleaning, maintenance services, utilities, gardening, repairs, capex, etc.)
Managing AHS boarding house facility logistics (rented from a third party - contracts, service providers, security, etc.)
Managing all teacher flats rented by Akademeia (contracts, service providers, occupancy, etc.)
Coordination of AHS event calendar (internal and external) and responsibility for logistic aspects of the events (catering, service providers, etc.); cooperation with all Akademeia teams to ensure smooth communication (Schedule, School Office, Marketing)
Oversight over AHS cafe - coordination of baristas' schedules, key pricing & sourcing decisions, etc
External rent of AHS space
Managing budgets for all above mentioned activities
We are looking for a dynamic, academically-driven teacher to join our team. This is an exciting opportunity to be part of the Akademeia High School community, which is already a well-established international school in its sixth year of operation. The school boasts a vibrant academic environment with fantastic faculty members and a supportive administrative team
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Teacher of Physics
Św. Urszuli Ledóchowskiej 2, Wilanów, Warszawa
Wygasła: 11.05.2022
full-time, part time
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
specialist (Mid / Regular)
We are looking for a dynamic, academically-driven teacher to join our team. This is an exciting opportunity to be part of the Akademeia High School community, which is already a well-established international school in its sixth year of operation. The school boasts a vibrant academic environment with fantastic faculty members and a supportive administrative team
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Teacher of Geography
Św. Urszuli Ledóchowskiej 2, Wilanów, Warszawa
Wygasła: 08.05.2022
full-time, part time
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
specialist (Mid / Regular)
We are looking for a dynamic, academically-driven teacher to join our team. This is an exciting opportunity to be part of the Akademeia High School community, which is already a well-established international school in its sixth year of operation. The school boasts a vibrant academic environment with fantastic faculty members and a supportive administrative team
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ukrainian speaking School Psychologist (part-time to full-time)
Św. Urszuli Ledóchowskiej 2, Wilanów, Warszawa
Wygasła: 10.04.2022
full-time, part time
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
specialist (Mid / Regular)
To formulate an appropriate care plan and provide one-to-one counselling to students
To liaise with teaching and other pastoral staff to ensure the students feel supported in school
To communicate with parents, where appropriate, within the limits of confidentiality
To provide workshops for students and parents on issues such as stress management, substance abuse, and mental health
To provide support to teachers on how to deal with students' emotional and pastoral problems
To promote and safeguard the welfare of young persons
Provide technical support and advice to students and teaching staff
Perform routine IT tasks
Manage small projects
Facilitate the smooth running of the network by undertaking reasonable tasks as required, including some administrative tasks
Support the school’s Internet, Email and E-Learning Environment
Support the day-to-day running of the curriculum/admin network in collaboration with the IT Manager
Provide support and maintenance for network hardware and software, including classroom support
Provide technical support for curriculum and school events
Support staff in the use of IT equipment
Report faults to the IT Manager as required
Work to continually improve the reliability, resilience, performance and functionality offered by these systems
Be aware of and comply with GDPR/RODO policies and procedures relating to safeguarding, health and safety, security, confidentiality and data protection, reporting all concerns when they may arise
Flexible with working times when necessary
Attend full staff, departmental and other meetings with staff working groups as requested
To take part in training and performance management procedures
To carry out the duties in the most effective, efficient and economic manner available
To contribute to the development of the school’s ethos
Undertake any additional duties or responsibilities, commensurate with the scope and grade of the post, as reasonably directed by the Headmaster or other immediate line manager(s)
Provide technical support and advice to students and teaching staff
Perform routine IT tasks
Manage small projects
Facilitate the smooth running of the network by undertaking reasonable tasks as required, including some administrative tasks
Support the school’s Internet, Email and E-Learning Environment
Support the day-to-day running of the curriculum/admin network in collaboration with the IT Manager
Provide support and maintenance for network hardware and software, including classroom support
Provide technical support for curriculum and school events
Support staff in the use of IT equipment
Report faults to the IT Manager as required
Work to continually improve the reliability, resilience, performance and functionality offered by these systems
Be aware of and comply with GDPR/RODO policies and procedures relating to safeguarding, health and safety, security, confidentiality and data protection, reporting all concerns when they may arise
Flexible with working times when necessary
Attend full staff, departmental and other meetings with staff working groups as requested
To take part in training and performance management procedures
To carry out the duties in the most effective, efficient and economic manner available
To contribute to the development of the school’s ethos
Undertake any additional duties or responsibilities, commensurate with the scope and grade of the post, as reasonably directed by the Headmaster or other immediate line manager(s)