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Brak treści. Ta firma nie uzupełniła zakładki “O firmie”.
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Archiwalne ( 2 )
Account manager w agencji marketplace
Rycerska 24, Legnica
Wygasła: 09.10.2022
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
home office work, hybrid work
You help several brands to start up and develop their D2C strategy
You will maintain the relationships and make sure your accounts are successful on marketplaces like Allegro or Amazon
You define and translate strategies into concrete plans that you develop together with our clients and specialists (content, advertising, data)
You maintain an overview of the timing and to do's and make adjustments where necessary
By monitoring your customers' accounts on an ongoing basis, you identify trends from the data and results and translate them into clear actions
You then take the necessary steps, make proposals and coordinate these with the client and fellow colleagues
You have (strategic) meetings with our customers in which you discuss the progress and present necessary action points
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Account manager w agencji marketplace
Rycerska 24, Legnica
Wygasła: 23.07.2022
full office work, hybrid work
You help several brands to start up and develop their D2C strategy
You will maintain the relationships and make sure your accounts are successful on marketplaces like Allegro or Amazon
You define and translate strategies into concrete plans that you develop together with our clients and specialists (content, advertising, data)
You maintain an overview of the timing and to do's and make adjustments where necessary
By monitoring your customers' accounts on an ongoing basis, you identify trends from the data and results and translate them into clear actions
You then take the necessary steps, make proposals and coordinate these with the client and fellow colleagues
You have (strategic) meetings with our customers in which you discuss the progress and present necessary action points
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne