Czy macie jakieś informacje na temat pracy w tej firmie? Jak wygląda atmosfera? Czy wynagrodzenie jest dobre? Czy są jakieś benefity? Jakie są warunki pracy? Z góry dzięki!
Wsparcie przy negocjacjach i zawieraniu umów z właścicielami gruntów zabezpieczających teren pod inwestycje parków wiatrowych i parków fotowoltaicznych
Przygotowywanie pism i wniosków
Weryfikacja ważności danych
Odpowiadanie na bieżące pytania kontrahentów oraz inwestorów
Wsparcie w bieżącej komunikacji z innymi podmiotami zaangażowanymi (władze lokalne, konsultanci, doradcy, prawnicy, geodeci)
Wsparcie w przygotowywaniu projektów umów
Wsparcie działań związanych ze sprzedażą i rozwojem biznesu
Being key account to our customers and therewith responsible for the customer relationship management including participation in and organization of board meetings/other meetings with customers in Poland and abroad, participation in trade fairs and regular telephone/e-mail contact
Reception and monitoring of customer requests
Checking commercial and technical data regarding plausibility and perceivability
Preparation of reports regarding the operation of the wind farm companies by analyzing and compiling commercial and technical data
Communication with other parties involved in the wind farm projects (authorities, consultants, advisors, lawyers, contractual partners, landowners, etc.)
Coordination of purchase and sale processes of wind farms on behalf of the customer (support of due diligence processes)
Cross-departmental coordination - day-to-day support of the accounting and technical departments in their duties
Fulfilling various contractual obligations under a power of attorney (overseeing the validity of data on various portals, completing online applications on behalf of the owner, etc.)
Support of sales and business development activities
Administration of the customer web portal for the respective customers
Obsługa korespondencji (wychodzącej i przychodzącej)
Organizacja podróży służbowych,
Wprowadzanie faktur do wewnętrznego systemu zarządzania fakturami,
Organizacja i obsługa spotkań biznesowych,
współpraca z Zarządem, wsparcie w codziennych obowiązkach,
aktywne wsparcie pracodawcy w obszarach: HR , Marketing, ochrona danych osobowych - pełnienie roli IOD
Współpraca z podmiotami trzecimi (kurierzy, poczta, archiwa, dostawcy itp.) i innymi działami pracodawcy (w Polsce i zagranicą), wsparcie w codziennych obowiązkach
Inne zadania administracyjne powiązane z obsługiwanymi projektami
Monitoring and analysis of wind farm operation data
proper operation of windfarms and verification of potential optimizations and business opportunities in accordance with the company's guidelines to provide a maximum availibility and efficiency of wind turbines,
planning, organisation and supervision of operation and maintenance of the project and ensuring, that it complies with Project Owner's requirements and all applicable laws, regulations and industry best practice,
planning and authorization of additional works in the wind farm, which are outside of scope of the O&M company responsibilities and management of subcontractors,
Various reporting duties including government, customer and other operation related reporting
Coordination of service works with service providers, grid operators, authorities and other stakeholders
Site inspections
Constant contact with service providers, authorities, insurance companies etc
Being key account to our customers and therewith responsible for the customer relationship management including participation in and organization of board meetings/other meetings with customers in Poland and abroad, participation in trade fairs and regular telephone/e-mail contact
Reception and monitoring of customer requests
Checking commercial and technical data regarding plausibility and perceivability
Preparation of reports regarding the operation of the wind farm companies by analyzing and compiling commercial and technical data
Communication with other parties involved in the wind farm projects (authorities, consultants, advisors, lawyers, contractual partners, landowners, etc.)
Coordination of purchase and sale processes of wind farms on behalf of the customer (support of due diligence processes)
Cross-departmental coordination - day-to-day support of the accounting and technical departments in their duties
Fulfilling various contractual obligations under a power of attorney (overseeing the validity of data on various portals, completing online applications on behalf of the owner, etc.)
Support of sales and business development activities
Administration of the customer web portal for the respective customers