1. Pracodawca
  2. Tarnów
  3. Robert Bosowski POROLEX-PLUS
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Ocena ogólna pracodawcy

Robert Bosowski POROLEX-PLUS

Tarnów, Strusińska 10

Dodaj opinię, pomóż innym znaleźć dobrego pracodawcę

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Użytkownik: Administrator

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Rekrutacje prowadzone przez firmę:

Wszystkie (1) Aktualne ( 0 ) Archiwalne ( 1 )

Carrier Procurement Specialist

Wygasła: 11.03.2022
umowa o pracę
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • The Carrier Procurement Specialist will build strong carrier relationships while negotiating and securing carriers
  • The position will manage and maintain our local and global carrier rate portfolio
  • • Work crossfunctionaly in structuring and executing analyses required to develop pricing recommendations
  • • Analyze, develop and help implement new carrier pricing strategies
  • • Maintain continuous communication with carriers and customers to ensure a high quality transportation process
  • • Utilize strong knowledge of Excel to assist in rate calculations and procurement
  • • Provide ad hoc calculations of transportation costs
  • • Conduct research in available databases for potential leads, make cold calls to prospects
  • • Prepare current and future transportation forecast used to coordinate carrier pickups and control transportation costs
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od 4000 do 5500 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Work or Not - Sprawdź pracodawcę i wybierz mądrze!

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