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Rekrutacje prowadzone przez firmę:
Wszystkie (8)Aktualne ( 0 )Archiwalne ( 8 )
HR Coordinator
Jana Ciszewskiego 15, Ursynów, Warszawa
Wygasła: 10.09.2023
full-time, part time
umowa o pracę
umowa zlecenie
kontrakt B2B
full office work
hybrid work
manager / supervisor
HR Process Management: Coordinate personnel-related activities, including hiring, onboarding, off-boarding, and developing HR policies (e.g. employee evaluations, benefits, etc.)
Coordinate and supervise HR services: Coordinate the preparation of employment contracts and other employment-related contracts. Cooperate with the legal department on matters related to HR documentation. Coordinate the conclusion of employee contracts. Coordinate the preparation of payroll, including cooperation with an external company. Handling other employment-related matters concerning documentation. Taking care of HR documentation flow. Day-to-day responding to employee inquiries on documents
Building and maintaining relationships with employees: Providing support and advice to employees on matters related to their employment, and solving ongoing HR problems
Monitor changes in labour laws and ensure compliance: Ensuring compliance with labour laws, data protection regulations and other employment-related regulations (OHS, GDPR, others). Keeping abreast of current changes in labour laws and implementing necessary modifications to company documents and procedures, coordinating activities related to compliance with current regulations
Foreigners' employment processes management: Coordination of formalities related to the employment of foreigners, ensuring compliance of procedures with applicable immigration and labour laws, including cooperation with an external provider offering services in this area
Recruiting and building relationships with candidates (as an option): Coordinate recruitment processes, oversee the sourcing of candidates for various positions within the company, working with internal departments to define requirements. Develop positive relationships with candidates to ensure a professional impression of our company and maintain contact with potential candidates in the future. Operating the ATS recruitment system. Collaborate with external vendors in this area as needed
Reporting and Analysis: Conducting reports on HR activities, drawing conclusions and proposing improvements
Being in the office daily and helping others with their issues
Perform a variety of administrative tasks (handle incoming and outcoming letters & packages, preparing the expense reports, booking travels, scheduling facility and equipment purchases)
Taking care of supplying the office with various products (coffee, office equipment etc.) and handle daily office operations
Contact with building administrator and other vendors for office (cleaning, catering etc)
Arranging shipments and customs services
Preparation od documents, reports, translation
Planning and managing team events and activities
Collaborate regularly with HR and support HR activities (e.g. taking part in the onboarding of new incomers)
Support to responding effectively to existing needs and assist in defining new operational improvements as needed
Przygotowywanie i prowadzenie dokumentacji pracowniczej ( akta osobowe, umowy o pracę, umowy zlecenia, umowy o dzieło, umowy b2b, aneksy, wypowiedzenia umów, rachunki do umów zlecenia i umów o dzieło)
Prowadzenie dokumentacji pracowniczej od etapu przygotowania poprzez skanowanie dokumentów i wprowadzanie danych do systemu
Prowadzenie spraw związanych z BHP (w tym zbieranie oświadczeń pracowników) oraz utrzymywanie kontaktu z zewnętrznym dostawcą usług BHP
Prowadzenie spraw związanych z prywatną opieką medyczną dla pracowników (w tym zbieranie oświadczeń od pracowników)
Prowadzenie ewidencji urlopów, czasu pracy nad projektami itp
Prowadzenie innych spraw związanych z zatrudnieniem pracowników (np. plan PPK, skierowania na badania lekarskie)
Bieżące udzielanie odpowiedzi na zapytania pracowników dotyczące dokumentów
Prowadzenie spraw pracowników-cudzoziemców w zakresie załatwiania spraw z zewnętrznym urzędem imigracyjnym - jako opcja
Udział w innych zadaniach z zakresu HR (np. regulacje RODO)
Przygotowywanie raportów i zestawień
Dbałość o jakość przygotowywanej dokumentacji
Wprowadzanie usprawnień w ramach własnego zakresu obowiązków