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Brak treści. Ta firma nie uzupełniła zakładki “O firmie”.
Wszystkie (240 )
Aktualne ( 0 )
Archiwalne ( 240 )
Wioślarska 8, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 23.03.2024
specjalista (Mid / Regular)
Aktywne zarządzanie płynnością, monitoring rynków oraz przygotowywanie analiz;
Współpraca z traderami w codziennych zadaniach;
Współpraca z innymi działami firmy;
Wykonywanie zadań ad hoc
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Business Relations Specialist with Chinese
Wioślarska 8, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 07.03.2024
full-time, part time, additional / temporary
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Building and maintaining profitable relationships with key customers;
Overseeing the relationship with customers handled by you and your co-workers;
Resolving key customer complaints quickly and efficiently;
Keeping customers updated on the latest products or system changes;
Understanding key customer individual needs and addressing these;
The possibility to travel;
Maintaining a strong work ethic with a commitment to success each and every day;
Working in a rapidly changing environment while maintaining professionalism in relations with clients;
Be a trusted advisor to external parties;
Recommend to management solutions insuring clients’ needs are always met
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Financial Manager
Wioślarska 8, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 02.03.2024
full-time, part time, additional / temporary
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
senior specialist (Senior), expert
Creating, preparing financial analyzes, reports and forecasting results to support decisions in a dynamically changing organization;
Proposing and creating system of performance metrics;
Creating managing reporting system;
Cooperating which various departments, finance evaluation of investments projects;
Cooperation with various jurisdictions;
Ensure that all accounting transactions and reports are recorded accurately in compliance with regulations;
Establish and manage a budget;
Support investment strategies and projects;
Coordinate with the top management on the treasury/cash flow requirements of the group and timely reporting of any deficits in cash management;
Provide support to the company cost efficiency processes;
Develop reports and financial analysis as required for external and internal purposes;
Be an business partner with different departments to develop strategies that serve key operational and financial targets
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Financial Manager
Wioślarska 8, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 14.05.2023
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Creating, preparing financial analyzes, reports and forecasting results to support decisions in a dynamically changing organization;
Managing accountant team;
Proposing and creating system of performance metrics;
Creating managing reporting system;
Implementing managing reporting tool;
Cooperating which various departments, finance evaluation of investments projects;
Optimization of financial flows;
Cooperation with various jurisdictions;
Ensure that all accounting transactions and reports are recorded accurately in compliance with regulations;
Establish and manage a budget;
Support investment strategies and projects;
Secure the positive cash flow;
Coordinate with the top management on the treasury/cash flow requirements of the group and timely reporting of any deficits in cash management;
Provide support to the company cost efficiency processes;
Develop reports and financial analysis as required for external and internal purposes;
Be an business partner with different departments to develop strategies that serve key operational and financial targets
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Senior Project Manager (Automotive/EV)
Wygasła: 06.05.2023
home office work
hybrid work
senior specialist (Senior)
Automotive/ EV project management;
Determining the directions of product development and searching for effective solutions;
Supervising the process of creating architecture and developing business and product applications;
Risk management of ongoing projects and solving emerging problems;
Managing the subordinate team and monitoring the implementation of tasks along with technical verification;
Cooperation with the Management Board and all teams in the company;
Cooperation with stakeholders and reporting to them schedule, team and budget management;
Contact with suppliers, manufacturers and subcontractors;
Development of the key suppliers chain;
Working on feasibility studies for additional functionalities, path of development of the product
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Programista PLC - Automatyk
Wygasła: 06.05.2023
specjalista (Mid / Regular)
Rozwój programów sterujących PLC, wdrażanie oraz testowanie i dostarczane systemów sterowania;
Wyznaczanie kierunków rozwoju produktów systemowych i poszukiwanie efektywnych rozwiązań;
Nadzorowanie procesu tworzenia architektury i rozwoju aplikacji biznesowych i produktowych systemowych;
Zarządzanie ryzykiem realizowanych projektów i rozwiązywanie pojawiających się problemów;
Współpraca z Zarządem i wszystkimi zespołami w firmie;
Współpraca z Interesariuszami i raportowanie do nich;
Zarządzanie harmonogramem, zespołem i budżetem;
Kontakt z dostawcami, producentami i podwykonawcami;
Praca nad studiami wykonalności dla dodatkowych funkcjonalności, techniczny rozwój produktu
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Backend PHP Developer
Wioślarska 8, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 16.04.2023
umowa zlecenie
kontrakt B2B
praca zdalna
praca hybrydowa
specjalista (Mid / Regular)
rozwój, projektowanie oraz wdrażanie aplikacji webowych (tylko backend)
integracja z wieloma systemami wewnętrznymi oraz zewnętrznymi
uczestnictwo w projektach realizowanych zgodnie z obowiązującymi trendami
wsparcie techniczne całego zespołu
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Senior HR Administration & Payroll Specialist
Wioślarska 8, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 14.04.2023
starszy specjalista (Senior)
Zapewnienie terminowej i prawidłowej obsługi kadrowej i płacowej pracowników;
Rozliczanie wynagrodzeń pracowników – skala: +/- 25 FTE
Sporządzanie stosownej dokumentacji przy zatrudnianiu pracowników;
Prowadzenie ewidencji zatrudniania cudzoziemców;
Prowadzenie ewidencji urlopów i zwolnień lekarskich;
Sporządzanie deklaracji rozliczeniowych ZUS, PFRON;
Kontrola nad terminowością przeprowadzanych badań lekarskich, szkoleń BHP oraz innych dokumentów pracowników;
Przygotowywanie świadectw pracy i innych wymaganych dokumentów związanych z rozwiązywaniem stosunku pracy;
Wystawianie dokumentów płacowych i kadrowych zgodnie z zapotrzebowaniem pracowników;
Współpraca ze wszystkimi działami firmy w zakresie monitorowania czasu pracy, absencji, zatrudnienia, wypowiedzeń, zmian umów o pracę;
Współpraca z instytucjami zewnętrznymi: US, GUS, ZUS, PUP;
Tworzenie procedur w obszarze kadrowo-płacowym i nadzór nad ich przestrzeganiem;
Sporządzanie okresowych raportów, sprawozdań na potrzeby wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne, w tym dotyczących czasu pracy czy wynagrodzeń;
Monitorowanie zmian i dokonywanie interpretacji przepisów Kodeksu Pracy oraz ubezpieczeń społecznych i zdrowotnych;
Wsparcie merytoryczne w rozwiązywaniu spraw związanych z prawem pracy, ubezpieczeniami społecznymi, prawem podatkowym, przepisami płacowymi, świadczeniami ubezpieczeń społecznych;
Bieżące wsparcie managementu w zakresie HR;
Inicjowanie usprawnień i wprowadzanie nowych rozwiązań w obszarze HR;
Uczestniczenie w projektach HR takich jak ewaluacja, procesy podwyżkowe, zatrudnienie obcokrajowców czy inne globalne projekty hr;
Rozwiazywanie indywidualnych casów pracowników oraz organizacji w zakresie prawa pracy
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Kierownik ds. Kadr I Płac
Wioślarska 8, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 30.03.2023
specjalista (Mid / Regular)
Zapewnienie terminowej i prawidłowej obsługi kadrowej i płacowej pracowników;
Rozliczanie wynagrodzeń pracowników – skala: +/- 25 FTE
Sporządzanie stosownej dokumentacji przy zatrudnianiu pracowników;
Prowadzenie ewidencji zatrudniania cudzoziemców;
Prowadzenie ewidencji urlopów i zwolnień lekarskich;
Sporządzanie deklaracji rozliczeniowych ZUS, PFRON;
Kontrola nad terminowością przeprowadzanych badań lekarskich, szkoleń BHP oraz innych dokumentów pracowników;
Przygotowywanie świadectw pracy i innych wymaganych dokumentów związanych z rozwiązywaniem stosunku pracy;
Wystawianie dokumentów płacowych i kadrowych zgodnie z zapotrzebowaniem pracowników;
Współpraca ze wszystkimi działami firmy w zakresie monitorowania czasu pracy, absencji, zatrudnienia, wypowiedzeń, zmian umów o pracę;
Współpraca z instytucjami zewnętrznymi: US, GUS, ZUS, PUP;
Tworzenie procedur w obszarze kadrowo-płacowym i nadzór nad ich przestrzeganiem;
Sporządzanie okresowych raportów, sprawozdań na potrzeby wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne, w tym dotyczących czasu pracy czy wynagrodzeń
Monitorowanie zmian i dokonywanie interpretacji przepisów Kodeksu Pracy oraz ubezpieczeń społecznych i zdrowotnych;
Wsparcie merytoryczne w rozwiązywaniu spraw związanych z prawem pracy, ubezpieczeniami społecznymi, prawem podatkowym, przepisami płacowymi, świadczeniami ubezpieczeń społecznych;
Bieżące wsparcie managementu w zakresie HR;
Inicjowanie usprawnień i wprowadzanie nowych rozwiązań w obszarze HR;
Uczestniczenie w projektach HR takich jak ewaluacja, procesy podwyżkowe, zatrudnienie obcokrajowców czy inne globalne projekty hr
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Systems Administrator
Wioślarska 8, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 24.02.2023
umowa zlecenie
kontrakt B2B
praca zdalna
praca hybrydowa
specjalista (Mid / Regular)
Utrzymanie infrastruktury sieciowej,
Zarządzanie systemami wewnętrznymi Jira, Optima, itp
Opieka nad serwerami fizycznymi i wirtualnymi,
Nadzór nad infrastrukturą opartą o środowisko Windows,
Rozwijanie i wdrażanie skryptów VBS i PowerShell,
Zarządzanie domenami,
Administrowanie systemami Windows Serwer, AD, Office 365
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Samodzielny księgowy/księgowa
Wioślarska 8, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 13.01.2023
starszy specjalista (Senior)
Weryfikowanie dokumentów wpływających do firmy pod względem formalnym i merytorycznym;
Terminowe rozliczanie dokumentów (faktury, wydatki gotówkowe);
Wsparcie w księgowaniu list płac, PFRON, umów zleceń;
Ewidencja środków trwałych;
Nadzór nad obiegiem dokumentów;
Przygotowanie zestawień i raportów na potrzeby Zarządu;
Przygotowanie dokumentów do akceptacji, wprowadzanie przelewów do systemu bankowego, przelewów;
Bieżące monitorowanie zmian w przepisach;
Wsparcie administracyjno-biurowe
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Chief Accountant
Wioślarska 8, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 07.01.2023
starszy specjalista (Senior)
Prowadzenie pełniej księgowości i rachunkowości zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami prawa;
Analiza dokumentów finansowych i deklaracji podatkowych;
Przygotowywanie sprawozdań finansowych;
Nadzór nad wszystkimi działaniami księgowymi;
Nadzór nad poprawnością rozliczeń podatkowych, odpowiedzialność za sporządzanie deklaracji podatkowych;
Księgowanie list płac, PFRON, umów zleceń;
Bieżące monitorowanie zmian w przepisach;
Nadzór nad obiegiem dokumentów
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Senior Financial Controller
Wioślarska 8, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 07.01.2023
senior specialist (Senior)
Creating, preparing financial analyzes, reports and forecasting results to support decisions in a dynamically changing organization;
Managing accountant team;
Proposing and creating system of performance metrics;
Creating managing reporting system;
Implementing managing reporting tool;
Cooperating which various departments, finance evaluation of investments projects;
Optimization of financial flows;
Cooperation with various jurisdictions;
Ensure that all accounting transactions and reports are recorded accurately in compliance with regulations;
Establish and manage a budget;
Support investment strategies and projects;
Secure the positive cash flow;
Coordinate with the top management on the treasury/cash flow requirements of the group and timely reporting of any deficits in cash management;
Provide support to the company cost efficiency processes;
Develop reports and financial analysis as required for external and internal purposes;
Be an business partner with different departments to develop strategies that serve key operational and financial targets
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Backend Developer Python/C++
Lower Silesia
Wygasła: 13.07.2022
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Architect, create and deliver new features and functionalities;
Work with Product to drive the requirements and own the project end-to-end;
Designing, developing, and deploying backend services with a focus on high availability, fault tolerance, low latency, and security;
Maintain CI / CD and reliability systems;
Identify unnecessary complexity and remove it, analyze existing solutions;
Take full end to end responsibility for the services your team owns, from development through to production operation;
Design high-performance, distributed, low-latency systems;
Ability to write well tested code
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Quality Assurance Specialist
Wioślarska 8, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 10.07.2022
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Monitor/audit quality of Customer Support department agents;
Assess customer support interactions based on internal standards;
Accompany evaluations with meaningful and constructive feedback;
Analyze data and turn them into actionable report for the management;
Addressing and discussing issues and proposed solutions with superiors;
Making recommendations for improvements;
Cooperation with supervisors and management;
Participate in calibration sessions to maintain consistency in internal evaluations;
Contribute to the team culture in a positive manner;
Any other duties and responsibilities assigned by management
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Senior Unity Developer
Wioślarska 8, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 15.06.2022
senior specialist (Senior)
Developing and creating new elements,
Supporting research and development of new internal project
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Senior Unity Developer
Lower Silesia
Wygasła: 08.07.2022
senior specialist (Senior)
Developing and creating new elements,
Supporting research and development of new internal project
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Developer PHP
Wioślarska 8, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 30.06.2022
specjalista (Mid / Regular)
Rozwój, projektowanie oraz wdrażanie aplikacji webowych;
Integracja z wieloma systemami wewnętrznymi oraz zewnętrznymi;
Uczestnictwo w projektach realizowanych zgodnie z obowiązującymi trendami;
Wsparcie techniczne całego zespołu
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Developer PHP
Wygasła: 30.06.2022
specjalista (Mid / Regular)
Rozwój, projektowanie oraz wdrażanie aplikacji webowych;
Integracja z wieloma systemami wewnętrznymi oraz zewnętrznymi;
Uczestnictwo w projektach realizowanych zgodnie z obowiązującymi trendami;
Wsparcie techniczne całego zespołu
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Customer Support Specialist with Arabic
Wioślarska 8, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 29.06.2022
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Current, comprehensive e-mail customer service;
Customer support regarding the use of products;
Building good relationships with clients;
Consulting in the scope of the company's offer;
Compliance with standards and development of customer service quality;
Caring for the company's image;
Updating of data in existing customer accounts
Supporting Translations Team
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Frontend Developer / React
Lower Silesia
Wygasła: 18.06.2022
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Development and maintenance of the frontend of projects;
Close cooperation with backend developers and testers;
Participation in projects carried out in accordance with current trends;
Implementation of tasks in accordance with the Sprint plan;
Caring about the quality of the code created in accordance with the applicable standards;
Technical support for the entire team
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Warszawa, Wioślarska 8
Wygasła: 11.06.2022
specjalista junior / mid / senior
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Marketing Specialist
Wygasła: 10.06.2022
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Coordinating and supporting marketing strategy, activities, tasks
Driving and monitoring positive brand communication, activities
Generating, editing, publishing, and sharing daily content that builds company image
Developing, implementing, and tracking marketing channels such as email, social media, digital campaigns, and events
Collaborating with other internal teams (e.g. product and business development) to develop and monitor strategic marketing initiatives
Analyzing and reporting on the performance and efficiency of campaigns
Conducting market research and analyzing trends to identify new marketing opportunities
Writing, and editing creative and technical content across different mediums
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Product Owner
Warszawa, Wioślarska 8
Wygasła: 05.06.2022
specjalista mid / senior / ekspert
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Social Media Specialist
Warszawa, Wioślarska 8
Wygasła: 04.06.2022
specjalista junior / mid / senior
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Scrum Master
Warszawa, Wioślarska 8
Wygasła: 22.05.2022
specjalista mid / senior / ekspert
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Product Owner
Wioślarska 8, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 22.05.2022
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Conducting stakeholder interviews;
Conducting knowledge acquisition and transferring sessions with the product team;
Identifying and establishing the business requirements with stakeholders;
Creating and prioritizing the product backlog;
Leading backlog refinement sessions;
Planning iterations and sprints with the product team, developing the product roadmap and keeping its progress on-time;
Providing decisions for the product team with regards to the product vision and its direction;
Producing high quality products on time in cohesion with the product team;
Working with relevant teams to prepare the product for launch and coordinate its launch;
Maintaining a high quality of the product and improving its quality as the product goes into operation;
Reviewing usage data and inferring how the product can change or can be prepared to overcome needs and issues of customers;
Managing stakeholders’ expectations and devising solutions that will satisfy business needs effectively;
Conducting presentations to stakeholders and the team
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Scrum Master
Wioślarska 8, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 19.05.2022
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Educating, developing and improving the agile methodologies used in the organization
Coaching the team members in self-management and cross-functionality
Facilitating agile practices and ceremonies: daily stand-up meetings, reviews, retrospectives, sprint and planning and other activities as needed
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Business Development Representative [rekrutacja prowadzona online]
Wygasła: 09.04.2022
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Blockchain Business Analyst [rekrutacja prowadzona online]
Wygasła: 08.04.2022
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Internal Trainer [rekrutacja prowadzona online]
Wygasła: 31.03.2022
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Frontend Developer
Wioślarska 8, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 13.03.2022
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Development and maintenance of the mobile apps;
Close cooperation with backend developers and testers;
Participation in projects carried out in accordance with current trends;
Implementation of tasks in accordance with the development plan;
Caring about the quality of the code created in accordance with the applicable standards;
Technical support for the entire team;
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Customer Relations Specialist with Spanish
Wygasła: 10.03.2022
full office work, hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Current, comprehensive e-mail customer service;
Escalating and resolving areas of concern as raised by clients;
Caring for the company's image;
Building good relationships with clients;
Attending meetings with clients to build relationships with existing accounts;
Letting customers know about other products the company offers;
Liaising with internal departments to ensure client needs are fulfilled effectively;
Compliance with standards and development of customer service quality;
Updating of data in existing customer accounts
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Customer Relations Specialist with Korean
Wygasła: 10.03.2022
full office work, hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Current, comprehensive e-mail customer service;
Escalating and resolving areas of concern as raised by clients;
Caring for the company's image;
Building good relationships with clients;
Attending meetings with clients to build relationships with existing accounts;
Letting customers know about other products the company offers;
Liaising with internal departments to ensure client needs are fulfilled effectively;
Compliance with standards and development of customer service quality;
Updating of data in existing customer accounts
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Księgowa / Księgowy [rekrutacja prowadzona online]
Wygasła: 07.03.2022
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Customer Relations Specialist with Korean [rekrutacja prowadzona online]
Wygasła: 07.03.2022
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Translator with Chinese [rekrutacja prowadzona online]
Wygasła: 05.03.2022
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Frontend Developer / React [rekrutacja prowadzona online]
Wygasła: 05.03.2022
specjalista mid / senior / ekspert
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Financial Controller
Wioślarska 8, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 05.03.2022
senior specialist (Senior)
Creating, preparing financial analyses, reports and forecasting results to support decisions in a dynamically changing organization
Recommending costs efficiency solutions
Proposing and creating system of performance metrics
Creating managing reporting system
Cooperating which various departments, finance evaluation of investments projects
Implementing managing reporting tool
Ability to build models in Excel, Power Query and Power BI
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Customer Relations Specialist with Spanish [online recruitment]
Wygasła: 04.03.2022
specjalista junior / mid / senior
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Finance Manager [rekrutacja prowadzona online]
Wygasła: 03.03.2022
kierownik/koordynator / menedżer
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Product Owner [rekrutacja prowadzona online]
Wygasła: 03.03.2022
specjalista mid / senior / ekspert
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Customer Support Agent with Spanish / Arabic [rekrutacja prowadzona online]
Wygasła: 28.02.2022
specjalista junior / mid / senior
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Blockchain Business Analyst [rekrutacja prowadzona online]
Wygasła: 19.02.2022
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Business Development Representative [rekrutacja prowadzona online]
Wygasła: 19.02.2022
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Frontend Developer / React [rekrutacja prowadzona online]
Wygasła: 10.02.2022
specjalista mid / senior / ekspert
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Translator with Chinese [rekrutacja prowadzona online]
Wygasła: 10.02.2022
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Finance Manager
Wioślarska 8, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 10.02.2022
Drive the company's financial strategy and planning
Supervise and develop finance department (accountants, treasurer) and processes
Collecting, interpreting and reviewing financial information
Reporting to management and providing advice how the company and future business decisions might be impacted
Producing financial reports related to budgets, account payables, account receivables, expenses etc
Developing long-term business plans
Reviewing, monitoring and managing budgets
Developing strategies that work to minimize financial risk
Support investment strategies and projects
Provide support to the company cost efficiency processes
Ensure compliance with the law, company’s policies, and processes
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Blockchain Business Analyst
Wioślarska 8, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 10.02.2022
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Work with internal and external customers to analyze the needs and align product roadmap to strategic goals;
Develop scope and define backlog items (epic/features/user stories) that guide the Agile software development team;
Solve product related problems, make decisions, complete trade-off analysis to stay on track towards business deliverable commitments;
Draft key objectives and results, strategies and apply the data for the product to make business decisions;
Act as an ambassador for the product internally and externally and as the primary contact for queries related to the product
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Senior BI Analyst
Wioślarska 8, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 03.02.2022
senior specialist (Senior)
Analyzing large amounts of information to discover trends and patterns
Presenting information using data visualization techniques
Doing ad-hoc analysis and presenting results
Working closely with all business units and engineering teams to develop a strategy for long term data platform architecture
Cooperating with other members of the BI team
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Senior Data Analyst
Wioślarska 8, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 03.02.2022
senior specialist (Senior)
Implementing, maintaining and optimizing MS SQL DB
Analyzing large amounts of information to discover trends and patterns
Presenting information using data visualization techniques
Doing ad-hoc analysis and presenting results
Working closely with all business units and engineering teams to develop a strategy for long term data platform architecture
Cooperating with other members of the BI team
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Head of Business Development
Wioślarska 8, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 16.01.2022
Understanding and developing organizational business goals and strategies;
Coordination of current projects and searching for new directions of development;
Building processes related to the effective management of the company's product offer;
Building a team that establishes and manages relationships with clientele and business partners around the world;
Creating business and opportunity analyses/proposals that are later the foundation for initiated business projects;
Implementation of projects according to decisions of the Management Board;
Monitoring the implementation in accordance to assumed work plan, reacting on an ongoing basis and informing about possible delays and threats to the timely implementation of the project;
Coordinating the cooperation between multiple teams/departments;
Analyzing business performance and trends to understand where the business can improve and where there are business risks
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Product Development Manager
Wioślarska 8, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 07.01.2022
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Responsibility for the development, coordination and implementation of new processes related to creating the future of the company, brands, and products
Researching and proposing new business solutions
Meeting with stakeholders to establish direction and strategy taken by team and organization. Stakeholders include members of the organization, as well as the organization’s clients and their advisors
Manage product development team, overseeing their work and directing them in which direction to go according to client vision and strategy
Provide mentorship and leadership to the product development team, as well as other members of the organization
Provide expertise and knowledge necessary to develop the product and improve processes within the organization to team members and other members of the organization
Expedite the decision-making process, escalating matters to the client in order to conduct operations and development efficiently
Ensure regular and efficient value is being added by the team and the organization as possible
Maintain high quality operations and continuously improve the product and processes
Take part in executive workshops
Manage clients’ expectations
Take part in managing of the organization as needed
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Product Owner
Wioślarska 8, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 07.01.2022
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Conducting stakeholder interviews;
Conducting knowledge acquisition and transferring sessions with the product team;
Identifying and establishing the business requirements with stakeholders;
Creating and prioritizing the product backlog;
Leading backlog refinement sessions;
Planning iterations and sprints with the product team, developing the product roadmap and keeping its progress on-time;
Providing decisions for the product team with regards to the product vision and its direction;
Producing high quality products on time in cohesion with the product team;
Working with relevant teams to prepare the product for launch and coordinate its launch;
Maintaining a high quality of the product and improving its quality as the product goes into operation;
Reviewing usage data and inferring how the product can change or can be prepared to overcome needs and issues of customers;
Managing stakeholders’ expectations and devising solutions that will satisfy business needs effectively;
Conducting presentations to stakeholders and the team
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Lower Silesia
Wygasła: 16.10.2021
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
full office work, hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 16.10.2021
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
full office work, hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 16.10.2021
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
full office work, hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 16.10.2021
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
full office work, hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 16.10.2021
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
full office work, hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Lesser Poland
Wygasła: 16.10.2021
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
full office work, hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 16.10.2021
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
full office work, hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
Pokaż więcej >>
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 16.10.2021
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
full office work, hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
Pokaż więcej >>
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 16.10.2021
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
full office work, hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
Pokaż więcej >>
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 16.10.2021
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
full office work, hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
Pokaż więcej >>
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 16.10.2021
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
full office work, hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
Pokaż więcej >>
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 16.10.2021
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
full office work, hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
Pokaż więcej >>
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 16.10.2021
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
full office work, hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Greater Poland
Wygasła: 16.10.2021
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
full office work, hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
Pokaż więcej >>
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
West Pomeranian
Wygasła: 16.10.2021
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
full office work, hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Lower Silesia
Wygasła: 05.09.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
Pokaż więcej >>
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 05.09.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
Pokaż więcej >>
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 05.09.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
Pokaż więcej >>
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 05.09.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
Pokaż więcej >>
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 05.09.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
Pokaż więcej >>
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Lesser Poland
Wygasła: 05.09.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
Pokaż więcej >>
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 05.09.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
Pokaż więcej >>
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 05.09.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
Pokaż więcej >>
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 05.09.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
Pokaż więcej >>
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 05.09.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
Pokaż więcej >>
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 05.09.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
Pokaż więcej >>
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 05.09.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
Pokaż więcej >>
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 05.09.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Greater Poland
Wygasła: 05.09.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
West Pomeranian
Wygasła: 05.09.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Lower Silesia
Wygasła: 26.06.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 26.06.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 26.06.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 26.06.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 26.06.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Lesser Poland
Wygasła: 26.06.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 26.06.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 26.06.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 26.06.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
Pokaż więcej >>
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 26.06.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
Pokaż więcej >>
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 26.06.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
Pokaż więcej >>
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 26.06.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
Pokaż więcej >>
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Wygasła: 26.06.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
Pokaż więcej >>
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
Greater Poland
Wygasła: 26.06.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
Pokaż więcej >>
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. Cybersecurity z językiem angielskim
West Pomeranian
Wygasła: 26.06.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Performs design reviews of mobile and web applications to identify vulnerabilities
Responsible for security QA of mobile and web applications
Reviews applications in terms of security and consult team members on best secure coding and design practices
Supports the implementation and enforcement of secure design principles according to policies, standards, and patterns of information security
Builds strong relationships and co-operates with product development teams
Works with security product vendors and service providers to conduct security penetration testing of mobile and web applications
Keep develops a familiarity with new tools and best security practices
Writes detailed technical documentation
Improves software security knowledge within SOC team
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Information Security Analyst
Wygasła: 17.06.2021
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Protecting digital files and information systems against unauthorized access, modification or destruction;
Managing network, intrusion detection and prevention systems;
Analyzing security breaches to determine their root cause;
Installing appropriate tools and countermeasures;
Encryptioning PKI, TLS;
Writing high quality reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne