Czy macie jakieś informacje na temat pracy w tej firmie? Jak wygląda atmosfera? Czy wynagrodzenie jest dobre? Czy są jakieś benefity? Jakie są warunki pracy? Z góry dzięki!
Organise and prepare accurate payroll information to meet processing deadlines. Responsible for gathering and summarising data for special report
Deliver accurate and timely processing of timesheet information to support payroll process
Build effective working relationships within the internal client organisation, delivering high-quality professional services with guidance from senior colleagues
Create and ensure compliance with document management system guidelines, ensuring appropriate timekeeping data is recorded and managed
Resolve queries from internal customers by providing appropriate payroll information, referring to others where necessary for interpretation of policy and ensuring adherence to data protection and company data access guidelines
Initiate and monitor the payroll onboarding and/or offboarding processes, to ensure all payroll files are completed and accurate, checked and delivered efficiently to agreed timelines
Organise and prepare accurate payroll information to meet processing deadlines. Responsible for gathering and summarising data for special report
Deliver accurate and timely processing of timesheet information to support payroll process
Build effective working relationships within the internal client organisation, delivering high-quality professional services with guidance from senior colleagues
Create and ensure compliance with document management system guidelines, ensuring appropriate timekeeping data is recorded and managed
Resolve queries from internal customers by providing appropriate payroll information, referring to others where necessary for interpretation of policy and ensuring adherence to data protection and company data access guidelines
Initiate and monitor the payroll onboarding and/or offboarding processes, to ensure all payroll files are completed and accurate, checked and delivered efficiently to agreed timelines
Resolution of any amounts on the Goods Received Not Invoiced (GRNI) listings, including performing three-way matching to corresponding invoices and purchase orders
Working with relevant supply chain, finance departments, and external suppliers to resolve any issues with mismatched quantities delivered or prices agreed/invoiced
Reviewing for problem suppliers to understand the cause of any issues and prevent these from occurring going forward
A detailed review of any aged/older amounts in line with the Group Designated Levels of Authority and subsequent proposals for write-offs
Purchase to Pay Associate / Specjalista ds. fakturowania i rozliczeń
Stobno (pow. policki)
Wygasła: 13.08.2022
umowa o pracę
full office work, home office work, hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
You will be processing vendor requests for payment according to standard process, reviewing and addressing any invoice queries
You will help to maintain supplier files and records and completes standard reports according to reporting schedule
You will address and respond to a range of vendor queries using standard office software, producing accurate, professionally formatted letters or emails, memoranda, and routine reports
You will run routine reports and carries out all necessary reconciliation activity according to standard process
You will ensure your work is carried out to the required quality standards and adherence to external regulatory codes and internal codes of conduct
Manage and help in resolving supplier disputes and queries
Resolution of any amounts on the Goods Received Not Invoiced (GRNI) listings, including performing three-way matching to corresponding invoices and purchase orders
Working with relevant supply chain, finance departments, and external suppliers to resolve any issues with mismatched quantities delivered or prices agreed/invoiced
Reviewing for problem suppliers to understand the cause of any issues and prevent these from occurring going forward
A detailed review of any aged/older amounts in line with the Group Designated Levels of Authority and subsequent proposals for write-offs
Resolution of any amounts on the Goods Received Not Invoiced (GRNI) listings, including performing three-way matching to corresponding invoices and purchase orders
Working with relevant supply chain, finance departments, and external suppliers to resolve any issues with mismatched quantities delivered or prices agreed/invoiced
Reviewing for problem suppliers to understand the cause of any issues and prevent these from occurring going forward
A detailed review of any aged/older amounts in line with the Group Designated Levels of Authority and subsequent proposals for write-offs