Czy macie jakieś informacje na temat pracy w tej firmie? Jak wygląda atmosfera? Czy wynagrodzenie jest dobre? Czy są jakieś benefity? Jakie są warunki pracy? Z góry dzięki!
Develop, maintain and distribute reports & dashboards to key business leaders
Utilize business tools: Tableau, Alteryx, SAP BW reporting to ensure accuracy and timely reports to all relevant departments (Sales, Supply Chain, Finance)
Ensure the quality and robustness of the data
Support the business leaders with ad-hoc analysis
Support planning by identifying, maintaining, and evaluating information and recommending actions
Znajomość zasad czytania rysunków technicznych - kandydat powinien umieć czytać i interpretować rysunki techniczne, aby móc dokładnie diagnozować problemy z maszynami,
Doświadczenie w naprawie i konserwacji parku maszynowego - kandydat powinien mieć co najmniej 2 lata doświadczenia w naprawie i konserwacji różnych typów maszyn,
Znajomość zasad bezpieczeństwa - kandydat powinien mieć świadomość zasad bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy, aby uniknąć wypadków i urazów,
Umiejętność diagnozowania problemów - kandydat powinien umieć dokładnie diagnozować problemy z maszynami i proponować skuteczne rozwiązania,
Umiejętność pracy w zespole - kandydat powinien umieć pracować w zespole i współpracować z innymi pracownikami, aby zapewnić sprawną pracę parku maszynowego
The ideal candidate has an entrepreneurial spirit and possesses the initiative to learn about new technologies and continuously improve the network environment
Operate, maintain, and support a secure network infrastructure, utilizing industry best practices and relevant technology
Support the Lincoln Electric business by participating in merger & acquisition activities. This includes designing network layouts, working with suppliers on the quoting/purchasing process, and implementing purchased equipment remotely or on-site at the new location
Actively contribute to research, design, and implementation of network technology (wireless, route/switch, data center, security, etc) infrastructure
Simplify and streamline wide area network design (SD-WAN) to strike a balance between security and operational excellence
Clearly documents policies and procedures. Ensures that systems are documented, and system back-ups are running as expected
Participate in project teams comprised of IT technical experts and business representatives, owning your aspect of the technology and helping others with integrations
Drive automation projects to decrease management time and increase operating efficiency
Provide Systems Maintenance request and test plans for cross platform projects. This includes making recommendations for standards, patching, performance tuning, and security best practices
Quickly spot trends and accurately predict future requirements on assigned platforms
Participate in continuous improvement efforts by leveraging data, end user feedback, and teamwork
Assumes additional responsibilities as needed or directed in support of the Company’s 2025 Strategy
Demonstracja technologii Lincoln Electric i praktycznych możliwości ich stosowania
Dostarczanie klientom jakościowych informacji o procesach spawania Lincoln Electric
Zbieranie danych technicznych, niezbędnych do przygotowania dla klientów, propozycji najlepszych rozwiązań, związanych z optymalizacją ich obecnego procesu spawalniczego
Wsparcie zespołu sprzedaży podczas wizyt technicznych u klientów końcowych
Przeprowadzanie szkoleń praktycznych i teoretycznych dla klientów i dystrybutorów, związanych z produktami i technologiami Lincoln Electric , zarówno u klientów jak i w siedzibie firmy
Raportowanie w systemie CRM/Salesforce
Opracowywanie dokumentacji technicznej po wizytach u klientów (redukcja kosztów, optymalizacja procesu spawalniczego)
Przygotowywanie prezentacji technicznych
Optymalne planowanie podróży służbowych
Koncentracje na osiągnięciu uzgodnionych wyników i zapewnieniu osiągnięcia założonych celów. Nasz zespół stawia na współpracę z naszymi klientami, opartą na rzetelnym oferowaniu i dostarczeniu produktów dla naszych klientów w oparciu o ich potrzeby związane z procesem spawania
Utrzymywanie profesjonalnych relacji z użytkownikami biznesowymi i decydentami technicznymi. Chcemy abyś rozwijał się w naszym zespole i zdobywał zaufanie naszych klientów, stając się dla nich doradcą ds. spawania
The ideal candidate has an entrepreneurial spirit and possesses the initiative to learn about new technologies and continuously improve the network environment
Operate, maintain, and support a secure network infrastructure, utilizing industry best practices and relevant technology
Support the Lincoln Electric business by participating in merger & acquisition activities. This includes designing network layouts, working with suppliers on the quoting/purchasing process, and implementing purchased equipment remotely or on-site at the new location
Actively contribute to research, design, and implementation of network technology (wireless, route/switch, data center, security, etc) infrastructure
Simplify and streamline wide area network design (SD-WAN) to strike a balance between security and operational excellence
Clearly documents policies and procedures. Ensures that systems are documented, and system back-ups are running as expected
Participate in project teams comprised of IT technical experts and business representatives, owning your aspect of the technology and helping others with integrations
Drive automation projects to decrease management time and increase operating efficiency
Provide Systems Maintenance request and test plans for cross platform projects. This includes making recommendations for standards, patching, performance tuning, and security best practices
Quickly spot trends and accurately predict future requirements on assigned platforms
Participate in continuous improvement efforts by leveraging data, end user feedback, and teamwork
Assumes additional responsibilities as needed or directed in support of the Company’s 2025 Strategy
Doradztwo dla kadry managerskiej w zakresie zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi, rozwiązywanie problemów związanych z personelem, opracowywanie strategii rozwoju zespołów; wsparcie w procesie oceny i wynagradzania pracowników;
Przygotowywanie danych do naliczenia wynagrodzenia pracownikom;
Administracja kadrowo- płacowa;
Wdrażanie procesów i standardów HR zgodnych z firmową polityką i strategią;
Wsparcie kadry managerskiej w planowaniu zasobów ludzkich, identyfikowaniu potrzeb kadrowych, prognozowaniu zmian personalnych i tworzenie planów sukcesji;
Rekrutacja oraz onboarding nowych pracowników;
Uczestnictwo w inicjatywach związanych z budowaniem marki pracodawcy i komunikacją wewnętrzną;
Zaangażowanie w budowanie i utrzymanie pozytywnego środowiska pracy
Develop, maintain and distribute reports & dashboards to key business leaders
Utilize business tools: Tableau, Alteryx, SAP BW reporting to ensure accuracy and timely reports to all relevant departments (Sales, Supply Chain, Finance)
Ensure the quality and robustness of the data
Support the business leaders with ad-hoc analysis
Support planning by identifying, maintaining, and evaluating information and recommending actions
Develop, maintain and distribute reports & dashboards to key business leaders
Utilize business tools: Tableau, Alteryx, SAP BW reporting to ensure accuracy and timely reports to all relevant departments (Sales, Supply Chain, Finance)
Ensure the quality and robustness of the data
Support the business leaders with ad-hoc analysis
Support planning by identifying, maintaining, and evaluating information and recommending actions
Corporate representative that provides EHS support for EMEAR (primarily) sites & other sites
Facilitate the development, implementation and training of Corporate EHS Programs & Initiatives
Act as a Corporate EHS liaison between facilities
Supports EHS Management System Software. Develop training materials and business process for EHS Modules
Review and analyse EHS metrics and recommend improvements, including assisting in preparing EHS reports
Develop & maintain a thorough knowledge of EHS regulations for EMEAR region
Monitor appropriate government and other organizations for new or revised regulations that effect LE sites and assist sites in development of solutions for these regulations
Assist facilities in implementing and maintaining EHS Programs that ensure compliance and continual improve EHS at Lincoln facilities
Visit LE EMEAR facilities to provide training, perform assessments and assist on implementation of EHS programs
Perform accident investigations, analyse root cause and provide corrective actions
Assist in evaluation of new equipment or facility improvements
Assumes additional responsibilities and performs special projects in support of the Company’s EHS & Sustainability Strategy
Creates sourcing strategy for productive materials and services, negotiating the best possible price and service guarantee
Visits supplier base to investigate potential suppliers and conduct negotiations, certification audits, and quality quarantine audits
Negotiates with suppliers in the pre-qualifying stage and/or in routine procurement to obtain best possible price/value or meet target pricing. Runs e-auctions for strategic commodities
Reports on cost trends and purchasing price variances
Assists Design Engineers in new product development and industrialization
Maintains Supplier Map as investigates new suppliers
Develops new supply sources where vendors are inadequate
Completes purchase info records and other documentation pertaining to sourcing
Assists Material Control department as necessary by expediting raw material when Material Control has exhausted all other possibilities
Corporate representative that provides EHS support for EMEAR (primarily) sites & other sites
Facilitate the development, implementation and training of Corporate EHS Programs & Initiatives
Act as a Corporate EHS liaison between facilities
Supports EHS Management System Software. Develop training materials and business process for EHS Modules
Review and analyse EHS metrics and recommend improvements, including assisting in preparing EHS reports
Develop & maintain a thorough knowledge of EHS regulations for EMEAR region
Monitor appropriate government and other organizations for new or revised regulations that effect LE sites and assist sites in development of solutions for these regulations
Assist facilities in implementing and maintaining EHS Programs that ensure compliance and continual improve EHS at Lincoln facilities
Visit LE EMEAR facilities to provide training, perform assessments and assist on implementation of EHS programs
Perform accident investigations, analyse root cause and provide corrective actions
Assist in evaluation of new equipment or facility improvements
Assumes additional responsibilities and performs special projects in support of the Company’s EHS & Sustainability Strategy
Creates sourcing strategy for productive materials and services, negotiating the best possible price and service guarantee
Visits supplier base to investigate potential suppliers and conduct negotiations, certification audits, and quality quarantine audits
Negotiates with suppliers in the pre-qualifying stage and/or in routine procurement to obtain best possible price/value or meet target pricing. Runs e-auctions for strategic commodities
Reports on cost trends and purchasing price variances
Assists Design Engineers in new product development and industrialization
Maintains Supplier Map as investigates new suppliers
Develops new supply sources where vendors are inadequate
Completes purchase info records and other documentation pertaining to sourcing
Assists Material Control department as necessary by expediting raw material when Material Control has exhausted all other possibilities
Creates sourcing strategy for productive materials and services, negotiating the best possible price and service guarantee
Visits supplier base to investigate potential suppliers and conduct negotiations, certification audits, and quality quarantine audits
Negotiates with suppliers in the pre-qualifying stage and/or in routine procurement to obtain best possible price/value or meet target pricing. Runs e-auctions for strategic commodities
Reports on cost trends and purchasing price variances
Assists Design Engineers in new product development and industrialization
Maintains Supplier Map as investigates new suppliers
Develops new supply sources where vendors are inadequate
Completes purchase info records and other documentation pertaining to sourcing
Assists Material Control department as necessary by expediting raw material when Material Control has exhausted all other possibilities
Proactively identifies opportunities for sales process improvement
Identifies opportunities and weaknesses in sales regions and make proposals to create value and increase operational efficiency
Develops, maintains and monitors KPIs
Supervises and develops reporting and analysis including KPI visualization
Monitors the accuracy and efficient distribution of sales reports and other intelligence essential to the sales organization; recommends revisions
Develops and maintains pricings tools to support decision making process including price & margin monitoring and assisting sales management on identifying the root-causes of issues
Delivers & coordinates training to sales, sales management, and sales support personnel
Supports the consistent implementation of organization’s key initiatives strategy
Monitors the assigned sales organization’s compliance with required standards for maintaining Salesforce data
European pricing process rollout, maintenance and development, key SAP user acting as a trainer
Manages backend of sales process in order to provide best in class service level to internal & external customers
Act as primary point of escalation in regard to sales process effectiveness, engaging other departments to resolve identified issues or enhancement requests
Regional pricing management in SAP
Completes sales forecasts and sales activity reports and presentations in a timely manner
Supports execution of automation projects including down payment and invoicing process
Organizes the standardization of all processes and policies in sales operations
Agreeing with relevant departments all kind of policies for associated processes, active implementation of new and enhancement of existing procedures for effective and efficient sales team operations
Salesforce champion acting as single point of contact between the SF Project Managers and the local organization for everything is in relation with Salesforce