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Rekrutacje prowadzone przez firmę:
Wszystkie (64)Aktualne ( 0 )Archiwalne ( 64 )
Junior HR Business Partner/ HR Generalist
Wygasła: 09.04.2023
umowa na zastępstwo
hybrid work
junior specialist (Junior)
Supporting managers in the field of HR management, including labour law provisions, implementing organizational and personnel changes, all activities related to the area of soft HR
Participation in HR projects (including international ones) and implementation of new HR solutions in cooperation with the HR team and management
Coordination of payroll data in cooperation with the outsourcing company and local HR team, including: collection, verification and transfer of data necessary for payroll, data for civil contracts (working hours) and benefits for employees
Coordination of personnel documentation including preparation of contracts (employment and civil contracts), referrals for medical examinations, etc
Supporting of HR processes (e. g. recruitment, onboarding, offboarding, engagement survey, employee evaluation) in order to build the best level of Employee Experience
Implementation of selected employer branding initiatives undertaken as part of HR activities (e. g. internships, well-being projects, local events like job fairs)
Providing research results of up-to-date market information like salary benchmark analysis and local trends
prowadzenie ewidencji księgowych i uzgadnianie ich z kontami księgi głównej, udział w zamknięciu miesiąca, kwartału i roku – pełna księgowość,
sporządzanie deklaracji VAT i CIT, podatku odroczonego, raportów JPK - odpowiedzialność za prawidłowość i terminowość rozliczeń,
analiza i przygotowywanie deklaracji WHT (IFT, CIT-10Z), ceny transferowe (TPR), CBC-P,
przygotowywanie analiz, raportów, miesięcznych bilansów, rachunków wyników na potrzeby wewnętrzne oraz dla instytucji zewnętrznych, w tym na potrzeby GUS i NBP,
aktywny udział w sporządzaniu pełnych sprawozdań finansowych zgodnie z Ustawą o Rachunkowości,
współpraca z audytorami zewnętrznymi oraz organami administracji skarbowej,
terminowe raportowanie zgodnie z grupowymi standardami,
monitorowanie zmian w przepisach podatkowo-finansowych i odpowiednie dostosowywanie procedur w Spółce,
optymalizacja efektywności procesów księgowych,
wspomaganie Głównego Księgowego w kwestiach finansowych i podatkowych
EMEA Project Controlling and Administration Manager for Shared Service Center (m/f/o)
Wygasła: 22.05.2022
umowa o pracę
senior specialist (Senior)
Lead the EMEA Project Accounting and Order administration teams
Oversee accounting and revenue recognition processes for all types of projects (incl. SaaS)
Ensure that all team members and other personnel are involved at work according to agreed standards and workflows
Liaise with other internal stakeholders to ensure optimal cooperation with the FBSC (Finance Business Support) team (SSC-team)
Participate in the process of reviewing proposals/contract analysis for financial risks
Coordinate Fair Value calculations and revenue recognition issues solving
Financial ownership of the implementation projects through the entire life-cycle of projects run in EMEA region
Monitor projects performance and financial indicators. Assessment of the related financial impact of projects’ performance
Review of the project’s financial performance and status with the Project and Country Managers on a regular basis
Work directly with Project Managers and others to ensure that the financial impact of contract changes is known and communicated timely
Organize and take part in large project reviews and support Senior Management. Take initiative to notify if there are any identified issues
Supervise the project accounting, revenue recognition, and contract administration processes
Ensure control compliance of project and financial reporting to Hexagon corporate accounting policies and IFRS
Optimize existing and introduce new project accounting and order administration workflows and standards, in a way to digitalize and automatize the process as well as possible
Cooperate with the global project accounting and order admin team leaders, discuss the best practice approach
Liaise with the financial auditors for all project-related audit work in EMEA region