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Brak treści. Ta firma nie uzupełniła zakładki “O firmie”.
Wszystkie (2 )
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Archiwalne ( 2 )
Analityk inwestycyjny
Wygasła: 21.10.2022
umowa zlecenie
kontrakt B2B
junior specialist (Junior)
You will gain experience working on some of the most unusual transactions in the CEE in a wide variety of sectors – from dividend recaps to LBOs
You will be a member of the team responsible for gathering, analysing, and processing data on investment funds and market news
You will be preparing teasers, presentations, reports etc
You will be reworking financial models to include alternative financing structures
You will be assisting your more senior colleagues in day-to-day tasks
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Investment Banking Analyst
Wygasła: 11.09.2022
umowa zlecenie
kontrakt B2B
junior specialist (Junior)
You will gain experience working on some of the most unusual transactions in the CEE in a wide variety of sectors – from dividend recaps to LBOs
You will be a member of the team responsible for gathering, analysing, and processing data on investment funds and market news
You will be preparing teasers, presentations, reports etc
You will be reworking financial models to include alternative financing structures
You will be assisting your more senior colleagues in day-to-day tasks
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne