poleca firmę Opinie ()
Ocena ogólna pracodawcy


Warszawa, Górczewska 226a/9

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Czy macie jakieś informacje na temat pracy w tej firmie? Jak wygląda atmosfera? Czy wynagrodzenie jest dobre? Czy są jakieś benefity? Jakie są warunki pracy? Z góry dzięki!
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Brak treści. Ta firma nie uzupełniła zakładki “O firmie”.

Rekrutacje prowadzone przez firmę:

Wszystkie (231) Aktualne ( 0 ) Archiwalne ( 231 )

QA Engineer (Manual)

Wygasła: 04.04.2024
kontrakt B2B
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • As a QA Engineer in our company, you will be a part of the team with 2 QA Engineers. On a daily basis, you will work with our development teams, which consist of Project Managers, System Analysts, and developers
od 40 do 60 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Android Developer

Wygasła: 04.04.2024
kontrakt B2B
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • About the role
  • 🚀 As a Android Developer in our company, you will be a part of the team with 5 Android Developers. On a daily basis, you will implement features in applications with our development team, which consists of not only developers but also Project Manager, System Analyst, UX/UI Designers and QA
  • Tech stack 👩‍💻👨🏻‍💻
  • ● Kotlin or/and Java
  • ● RxJava 2/3 or/and Coroutines/Flow
  • ● Room
  • ● Dagger 2 and Hilt
  • ● MVVM or/and MVI or/and MVP
  • ● Gradle or/and Kotlin DSL
  • ● OkHttp, Retrofit
  • ● Layouts or/and Jetpack Compose
Pokaż więcej >>
od 87 do 107 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Frontend Developer (Vue)

Towarowa 20, Bydgoszcz
Wygasła: 10.03.2024
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • As a Frontend Developer in our company, you will be a part of the team with 4 Frontend and FullStack Developers. On a daily basis, you will work with our development team, which consists of not only developers but also Project Manager, System Analyst, UX/UI Designers, and QA
  • Currently, we are looking for a developer to join long-term projects (medical and logistics industry)
  • At itCraft we develop projects in different technologies, so:
  • Tech stack 👩‍💻👨🏻‍💻
  • ● proficiency in Vue 3 – the vast majority of projects are written in this framework
  • ● JavaScript
  • ● TypeScript
  • ● Familiarity with React – we have 1 project written in this library
  • ● Angular – it would be nice if you understand syntax and can solve a bug when it’s needed :)
  • ● Node.js
Pokaż więcej >>
od 72 do 107 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Samodzielny/a specjalista/tka ds. kadr i płac

Towarowa 20, Bydgoszcz
Wygasła: 05.05.2023
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca hybrydowa
specjalista (Mid / Regular)
  • kompleksowe prowadzenie akt osobowych pracowników i rozliczeń dla każdego pracownika, współpracownika (kontrakty B2B), zleceniobiorców,
  • prowadzenie baz danych, opracowywanie raportów, analiz i statystyk dotyczących zatrudnienia w firmie,
  • organizacja dokumentacji kadrowo-płacowej firmy, nadzór nad nią,
  • przygotowywanie dokumentów związanych z zatrudnieniem: umów o pracę, umów zleceń, wypowiedzeń, świadectw pracy, aneksów i innych,
  • przygotowywanie i aktualizacja szablonów/wzorów wniosków, adekwatnie do zmian w Kodeksie Pracy (zapewniamy wsparcie prawne),
  • obliczanie wynagrodzeń pracowników i przygotowanie przekazywania środków pieniężnych na ich konta z uwzględnieniem PPK i rozliczeń benefitów (np. dopłaty do ubezpieczenia zdrowotnego), rozliczanie przepracowanych godzin i dni ustawowo wolnych od pracy,
  • sporządzanie list płac, dokumentów rozliczeniowych z ZUS, US, itp.,
  • prowadzenie dokumentacji związanej z ZFŚS, i innych spraw pracowniczych,
  • sporządzanie deklaracji PFRON, sprawozdań GUS,
  • bieżąca obsługa pracowników, wystawianie zaświadczeń, monitorowanie uprawnień urlopowych i wykorzystania urlopów, zwolnień lekarskich,
  • kontrola ważności badań lekarskich, szkoleń BHP,
  • przyjmowanie i odpowiadanie na pisma urzędowe, kontakt na płaszczyźnie urząd – firma, informowanie kierownictwa o powstałych należnościach i zobowiązaniach,
  • asystowanie przy ewentualnej inspekcji PIP, dostarczanie wymaganej dokumentacji i udzielanie wyjaśnień,
  • współpraca z zewnętrznym biurem księgowym,
  • obsługa programu płacowo-kadrowego wykorzystywanego przez firmę (enova),
  • monitorowanie zmian w przepisach prawa pracy, informowanie kierownictwa o zmianach dotyczących przedsiębiorstwa i opracowanie wymaganych przez nie działań
Pokaż więcej >>
od 6500 do 8000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Samodzielny/a specjalista/tka ds. kadr i płac

Tadeusza Rejtana 2, Mokre, Toruń
Wygasła: 05.05.2023
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca hybrydowa
specjalista (Mid / Regular)
  • kompleksowe prowadzenie akt osobowych pracowników i rozliczeń dla każdego pracownika, współpracownika (kontrakty B2B), zleceniobiorców,
  • prowadzenie baz danych, opracowywanie raportów, analiz i statystyk dotyczących zatrudnienia w firmie,
  • organizacja dokumentacji kadrowo-płacowej firmy, nadzór nad nią,
  • przygotowywanie dokumentów związanych z zatrudnieniem: umów o pracę, umów zleceń, wypowiedzeń, świadectw pracy, aneksów i innych,
  • przygotowywanie i aktualizacja szablonów/wzorów wniosków, adekwatnie do zmian w Kodeksie Pracy (zapewniamy wsparcie prawne),
  • obliczanie wynagrodzeń pracowników i przygotowanie przekazywania środków pieniężnych na ich konta z uwzględnieniem PPK i rozliczeń benefitów (np. dopłaty do ubezpieczenia zdrowotnego), rozliczanie przepracowanych godzin i dni ustawowo wolnych od pracy,
  • sporządzanie list płac, dokumentów rozliczeniowych z ZUS, US, itp.,
  • prowadzenie dokumentacji związanej z ZFŚS, i innych spraw pracowniczych,
  • sporządzanie deklaracji PFRON, sprawozdań GUS,
  • bieżąca obsługa pracowników, wystawianie zaświadczeń, monitorowanie uprawnień urlopowych i wykorzystania urlopów, zwolnień lekarskich,
  • kontrola ważności badań lekarskich, szkoleń BHP,
  • przyjmowanie i odpowiadanie na pisma urzędowe, kontakt na płaszczyźnie urząd – firma, informowanie kierownictwa o powstałych należnościach i zobowiązaniach,
  • asystowanie przy ewentualnej inspekcji PIP, dostarczanie wymaganej dokumentacji i udzielanie wyjaśnień,
  • współpraca z zewnętrznym biurem księgowym,
  • obsługa programu płacowo-kadrowego wykorzystywanego przez firmę (enova),
  • monitorowanie zmian w przepisach prawa pracy, informowanie kierownictwa o zmianach dotyczących przedsiębiorstwa i opracowanie wymaganych przez nie działań
Pokaż więcej >>
od 6500 do 8000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior Mobile Developer with Flutter

Towarowa 20, Bydgoszcz
Wygasła: 22.04.2023
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
home office work
senior specialist (Senior)
  • Have advanced knowledge of Android/iOS platform with 4+ years native Android/iOS development commercial experience, including at least 2 years in Flutter development,
  • Fluency in English – feeling free to work with natives (a must-have, we have international clients),
  • Polish at a communicative level (our company communication is conducted in Polish)
Pokaż więcej >>
od 12000 do 19000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior Mobile Developer with Flutter

Tadeusza Rejtana 2, Mokre, Toruń
Wygasła: 22.04.2023
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
home office work
senior specialist (Senior)
  • Have advanced knowledge of Android/iOS platform with 4+ years native Android/iOS development commercial experience, including at least 2 years in Flutter development,
  • Fluency in English – feeling free to work with natives (a must-have, we have international clients),
  • Polish at a communicative level (our company communication is conducted in Polish)
Pokaż więcej >>
od 12000 do 19000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior Mobile Developer with Flutter

Aleje Jerozolimskie 181 B, Ochota, Warszawa
Wygasła: 05.04.2023
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
home office work
senior specialist (Senior)
  • Have advanced knowledge of Android/iOS platform with 4+ years native Android/iOS development commercial experience, including at least 2 years in Flutter development,
  • Fluency in English – feeling free to work with natives (a must-have, we have international clients),
  • Polish at a communicative level (our company communication is conducted in Polish)
Pokaż więcej >>
od 12000 do 19000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

DevOps Engineer

Towarowa 20, Bydgoszcz
Wygasła: 22.04.2023
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Perform systems administration,
  • Set up cloud infrastructure,
  • Configure automated CI/CD workflows,
  • Dockerize and kubernetize stuff here and there,
  • Write infrastructure as a code,
  • Advise developers and architects in the field application and infrastructure development,
  • Create recommendations for changes of infrastructure in terms of performance and security,
  • Set up monitoring to see how it grows and works from a security point of view
Pokaż więcej >>
od 7850 do 13450 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

DevOps Engineer

Tadeusza Rejtana 2, Mokre, Toruń
Wygasła: 22.04.2023
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Perform systems administration,
  • Set up cloud infrastructure,
  • Configure automated CI/CD workflows,
  • Dockerize and kubernetize stuff here and there,
  • Write infrastructure as a code,
  • Advise developers and architects in the field application and infrastructure development,
  • Create recommendations for changes of infrastructure in terms of performance and security,
  • Set up monitoring to see how it grows and works from a security point of view
Pokaż więcej >>
od 7850 do 13450 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

DevOps Engineer

Wygasła: 22.04.2023
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Perform systems administration,
  • Set up cloud infrastructure,
  • Configure automated CI/CD workflows,
  • Dockerize and kubernetize stuff here and there,
  • Write infrastructure as a code,
  • Advise developers and architects in the field application and infrastructure development,
  • Create recommendations for changes of infrastructure in terms of performance and security,
  • Set up monitoring to see how it grows and works from a security point of view
Pokaż więcej >>
od 7850 do 13450 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Starszy Programista Frontend (React)

Wygasła: 19.08.2022
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
praca zdalna
starszy specjalista (Senior)
  • 🚀 Jako Senior Frontend Developer będziesz pracować z Tomkiem, naszym Frontend Tech Leadem, z którym zobaczysz się na kolejnym etapie rekrutacji. Jako developer otrzymasz wsparcie m.in naszych Team Managerek – Moniki lub Doroty, które odpowiednio zadbają o Twój rozwój i satysfakcję z pracy
od 11200 do 17200 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Analityk Systemowy

Wygasła: 25.05.2022
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
specjalista (Mid / Regular), starszy specjalista (Senior)
  • Jako Analityk Systemowy będziesz pracować z Kubą, naszym Head of Product Design
  • Team, który zadba odpowiednio o Twój rozwój i satysfakcję z pracy. Będziesz także w ścisłym
  • kontakcie z pozostałymi analitykami biznesowymi oraz systemowymi, jak i z zespołem UX/UI
  • Design. Twoją rolą głównie będzie zbieranie wymagań biznesowych oraz systemowych od
  • klienta, tworzenie user stories oraz zarządzanie backlogiem produktu, a także dzielenie się
  • wymaganiami zebranymi od klienta z designerami oraz deweloperami
Pokaż więcej >>
od 6670 do 13340 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

PHP Developer

Wygasła: 05.03.2022
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
praca stacjonarna, praca zdalna, praca hybrydowa
specjalista (Mid / Regular), starszy specjalista (Senior)
  • Rozwój i utrzymanie aplikacji e-commerce związanej z ochroną zdrowia i jej ekspansja na rynki zagraniczne
  • Wdrażanie i rozwój nowych technologii oraz innowacyjnych rozwiązań
  • Proponowanie usprawnień w oparciu o posiadaną wiedzę i doświadczenie
  • Dbanie o przejrzysty i czytelny kod wdrażanych aplikacji
  • Współpraca z innymi osobami z zespołu nad projektem
Pokaż więcej >>
od 10525 do 15565 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

QA Engineer

Wygasła: 05.03.2022
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
praca zdalna
specjalista (Mid / Regular)
  • Kontrola jakości oprogramowania,
  • Testowanie aplikacji mobilnych i webowych,
  • Tworzenie przypadków testowych,
  • Tworzenie dokumentacji funkcjonalnej i technicznej
Pokaż więcej >>
od 4668 do 7410 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

IT Recruiter

Wygasła: 05.03.2022
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
praca stacjonarna, praca zdalna
specjalista (Mid / Regular)
  • Samodzielny - prowadzić projekty rekrutacyjne zaczynając od stworzenia ogłoszenia przechodząc przez cały proces aż po
  • onboarding nowego pracownika
  • Aktywny - poszukiwać kandydatów różnymi metodami Koleżeński - budować długofalowe relacje z kandydatami oraz dbać o pozytywny candidate experience
  • Zdyscyplinowany - codziennie zarządzać bazą kandydatów w systemie ATS
  • Ciekawski - badać rynek i sprawiać, że codziennie stajemy się lepsi
Pokaż więcej >>
od 5000 do 8500 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Android/iOS Developer with Flutter

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Implementing and design of dedicated mobile apps for Android/iOS platform with Flutter,
  • Design and implementation of advanced mobile app projects for international clients, creating new solutions, supporting startup projects,
  • Leading an Android/iOS/Flutter development team,
  • Cooperating with backend and mobile dev teams,
  • Working with UX/UI designers,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation
Pokaż więcej >>
od 12000 do 18000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Android/iOS Developer with Flutter

Lesser Poland
Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Implementing and design of dedicated mobile apps for Android/iOS platform with Flutter,
  • Design and implementation of advanced mobile app projects for international clients, creating new solutions, supporting startup projects,
  • Leading an Android/iOS/Flutter development team,
  • Cooperating with backend and mobile dev teams,
  • Working with UX/UI designers,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation
Pokaż więcej >>
od 12000 do 18000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Android/iOS Developer with Flutter

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Implementing and design of dedicated mobile apps for Android/iOS platform with Flutter,
  • Design and implementation of advanced mobile app projects for international clients, creating new solutions, supporting startup projects,
  • Leading an Android/iOS/Flutter development team,
  • Cooperating with backend and mobile dev teams,
  • Working with UX/UI designers,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation
Pokaż więcej >>
od 12000 do 18000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Android/iOS Developer with Flutter

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Implementing and design of dedicated mobile apps for Android/iOS platform with Flutter,
  • Design and implementation of advanced mobile app projects for international clients, creating new solutions, supporting startup projects,
  • Leading an Android/iOS/Flutter development team,
  • Cooperating with backend and mobile dev teams,
  • Working with UX/UI designers,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation
Pokaż więcej >>
od 12000 do 18000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Android/iOS Developer with Flutter

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Implementing and design of dedicated mobile apps for Android/iOS platform with Flutter,
  • Design and implementation of advanced mobile app projects for international clients, creating new solutions, supporting startup projects,
  • Leading an Android/iOS/Flutter development team,
  • Cooperating with backend and mobile dev teams,
  • Working with UX/UI designers,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation
Pokaż więcej >>
od 12000 do 18000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Android/iOS Developer with Flutter

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Implementing and design of dedicated mobile apps for Android/iOS platform with Flutter,
  • Design and implementation of advanced mobile app projects for international clients, creating new solutions, supporting startup projects,
  • Leading an Android/iOS/Flutter development team,
  • Cooperating with backend and mobile dev teams,
  • Working with UX/UI designers,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation
Pokaż więcej >>
od 12000 do 18000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Android/iOS Developer with Flutter

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Implementing and design of dedicated mobile apps for Android/iOS platform with Flutter,
  • Design and implementation of advanced mobile app projects for international clients, creating new solutions, supporting startup projects,
  • Leading an Android/iOS/Flutter development team,
  • Cooperating with backend and mobile dev teams,
  • Working with UX/UI designers,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation
Pokaż więcej >>
od 12000 do 18000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Android/iOS Developer with Flutter

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Implementing and design of dedicated mobile apps for Android/iOS platform with Flutter,
  • Design and implementation of advanced mobile app projects for international clients, creating new solutions, supporting startup projects,
  • Leading an Android/iOS/Flutter development team,
  • Cooperating with backend and mobile dev teams,
  • Working with UX/UI designers,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation
Pokaż więcej >>
od 12000 do 18000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Android/iOS Developer with Flutter

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Implementing and design of dedicated mobile apps for Android/iOS platform with Flutter,
  • Design and implementation of advanced mobile app projects for international clients, creating new solutions, supporting startup projects,
  • Leading an Android/iOS/Flutter development team,
  • Cooperating with backend and mobile dev teams,
  • Working with UX/UI designers,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation
Pokaż więcej >>
od 12000 do 18000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Android/iOS Developer with Flutter

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Implementing and design of dedicated mobile apps for Android/iOS platform with Flutter,
  • Design and implementation of advanced mobile app projects for international clients, creating new solutions, supporting startup projects,
  • Leading an Android/iOS/Flutter development team,
  • Cooperating with backend and mobile dev teams,
  • Working with UX/UI designers,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation
Pokaż więcej >>
od 12000 do 18000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Android/iOS Developer with Flutter

Greater Poland
Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Implementing and design of dedicated mobile apps for Android/iOS platform with Flutter,
  • Design and implementation of advanced mobile app projects for international clients, creating new solutions, supporting startup projects,
  • Leading an Android/iOS/Flutter development team,
  • Cooperating with backend and mobile dev teams,
  • Working with UX/UI designers,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation
Pokaż więcej >>
od 12000 do 18000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Android/iOS Developer with Flutter

West Pomeranian
Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Implementing and design of dedicated mobile apps for Android/iOS platform with Flutter,
  • Design and implementation of advanced mobile app projects for international clients, creating new solutions, supporting startup projects,
  • Leading an Android/iOS/Flutter development team,
  • Cooperating with backend and mobile dev teams,
  • Working with UX/UI designers,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation
Pokaż więcej >>
od 12000 do 18000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior iOS Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the iOS platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Cooperation with a backend team and teams programming iOS mobile applications,
  • Collaboration with the UX / UI team when designing the application,
  • Creating technical design documentation,
  • Writing clean and reusable code (we hope so :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 13500 do 19000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior iOS Developer

Lesser Poland
Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the iOS platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Cooperation with a backend team and teams programming iOS mobile applications,
  • Collaboration with the UX / UI team when designing the application,
  • Creating technical design documentation,
  • Writing clean and reusable code (we hope so :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 13500 do 19000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior iOS Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the iOS platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Cooperation with a backend team and teams programming iOS mobile applications,
  • Collaboration with the UX / UI team when designing the application,
  • Creating technical design documentation,
  • Writing clean and reusable code (we hope so :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 13500 do 19000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior iOS Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the iOS platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Cooperation with a backend team and teams programming iOS mobile applications,
  • Collaboration with the UX / UI team when designing the application,
  • Creating technical design documentation,
  • Writing clean and reusable code (we hope so :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 13500 do 19000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior iOS Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the iOS platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Cooperation with a backend team and teams programming iOS mobile applications,
  • Collaboration with the UX / UI team when designing the application,
  • Creating technical design documentation,
  • Writing clean and reusable code (we hope so :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 13500 do 19000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior iOS Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the iOS platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Cooperation with a backend team and teams programming iOS mobile applications,
  • Collaboration with the UX / UI team when designing the application,
  • Creating technical design documentation,
  • Writing clean and reusable code (we hope so :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 13500 do 19000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior iOS Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the iOS platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Cooperation with a backend team and teams programming iOS mobile applications,
  • Collaboration with the UX / UI team when designing the application,
  • Creating technical design documentation,
  • Writing clean and reusable code (we hope so :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 13500 do 19000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior iOS Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the iOS platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Cooperation with a backend team and teams programming iOS mobile applications,
  • Collaboration with the UX / UI team when designing the application,
  • Creating technical design documentation,
  • Writing clean and reusable code (we hope so :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 13500 do 19000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior iOS Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the iOS platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Cooperation with a backend team and teams programming iOS mobile applications,
  • Collaboration with the UX / UI team when designing the application,
  • Creating technical design documentation,
  • Writing clean and reusable code (we hope so :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 13500 do 19000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior iOS Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the iOS platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Cooperation with a backend team and teams programming iOS mobile applications,
  • Collaboration with the UX / UI team when designing the application,
  • Creating technical design documentation,
  • Writing clean and reusable code (we hope so :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 13500 do 19000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior iOS Developer

Greater Poland
Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the iOS platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Cooperation with a backend team and teams programming iOS mobile applications,
  • Collaboration with the UX / UI team when designing the application,
  • Creating technical design documentation,
  • Writing clean and reusable code (we hope so :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 13500 do 19000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior iOS Developer

West Pomeranian
Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the iOS platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Cooperation with a backend team and teams programming iOS mobile applications,
  • Collaboration with the UX / UI team when designing the application,
  • Creating technical design documentation,
  • Writing clean and reusable code (we hope so :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 13500 do 19000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Android Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the Android platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Leading an Android development team,
  • Working closely with backend, iOS and UX/UI teams,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 12000 do 18000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Android Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the Android platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Leading an Android development team,
  • Working closely with backend, iOS and UX/UI teams,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 12000 do 18000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Android Developer

Lesser Poland
Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the Android platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Leading an Android development team,
  • Working closely with backend, iOS and UX/UI teams,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 12000 do 18000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Android Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the Android platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Leading an Android development team,
  • Working closely with backend, iOS and UX/UI teams,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 12000 do 18000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Android Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the Android platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Leading an Android development team,
  • Working closely with backend, iOS and UX/UI teams,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 12000 do 18000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Android Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the Android platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Leading an Android development team,
  • Working closely with backend, iOS and UX/UI teams,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 12000 do 18000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Android Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the Android platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Leading an Android development team,
  • Working closely with backend, iOS and UX/UI teams,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 12000 do 18000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Android Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the Android platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Leading an Android development team,
  • Working closely with backend, iOS and UX/UI teams,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 12000 do 18000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Android Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the Android platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Leading an Android development team,
  • Working closely with backend, iOS and UX/UI teams,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 12000 do 18000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Android Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the Android platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Leading an Android development team,
  • Working closely with backend, iOS and UX/UI teams,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 12000 do 18000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Android Developer

Greater Poland
Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the Android platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Leading an Android development team,
  • Working closely with backend, iOS and UX/UI teams,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 12000 do 18000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Android Developer

West Pomeranian
Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the Android platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Leading an Android development team,
  • Working closely with backend, iOS and UX/UI teams,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 12000 do 18000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Flutter Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Developing mobile apps, (iOS and/or Android)
  • Designing and implementing advanced mobile apps for international clients,
  • Actively participating in project implementation and creation of innovative solutions, supporting startup projects,
  • Cooperating with backend and native developers,
  • Supporting analysts and system architects
Pokaż więcej >>
od 8000 do 16000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Flutter Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Developing mobile apps, (iOS and/or Android)
  • Designing and implementing advanced mobile apps for international clients,
  • Actively participating in project implementation and creation of innovative solutions, supporting startup projects,
  • Cooperating with backend and native developers,
  • Supporting analysts and system architects
Pokaż więcej >>
od 8000 do 16000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Flutter Developer

Lesser Poland
Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Developing mobile apps, (iOS and/or Android)
  • Designing and implementing advanced mobile apps for international clients,
  • Actively participating in project implementation and creation of innovative solutions, supporting startup projects,
  • Cooperating with backend and native developers,
  • Supporting analysts and system architects
Pokaż więcej >>
od 8000 do 16000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Flutter Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Developing mobile apps, (iOS and/or Android)
  • Designing and implementing advanced mobile apps for international clients,
  • Actively participating in project implementation and creation of innovative solutions, supporting startup projects,
  • Cooperating with backend and native developers,
  • Supporting analysts and system architects
Pokaż więcej >>
od 8000 do 16000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Flutter Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Developing mobile apps, (iOS and/or Android)
  • Designing and implementing advanced mobile apps for international clients,
  • Actively participating in project implementation and creation of innovative solutions, supporting startup projects,
  • Cooperating with backend and native developers,
  • Supporting analysts and system architects
Pokaż więcej >>
od 8000 do 16000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Flutter Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Developing mobile apps, (iOS and/or Android)
  • Designing and implementing advanced mobile apps for international clients,
  • Actively participating in project implementation and creation of innovative solutions, supporting startup projects,
  • Cooperating with backend and native developers,
  • Supporting analysts and system architects
Pokaż więcej >>
od 8000 do 16000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Flutter Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Developing mobile apps, (iOS and/or Android)
  • Designing and implementing advanced mobile apps for international clients,
  • Actively participating in project implementation and creation of innovative solutions, supporting startup projects,
  • Cooperating with backend and native developers,
  • Supporting analysts and system architects
Pokaż więcej >>
od 8000 do 16000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Flutter Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Developing mobile apps, (iOS and/or Android)
  • Designing and implementing advanced mobile apps for international clients,
  • Actively participating in project implementation and creation of innovative solutions, supporting startup projects,
  • Cooperating with backend and native developers,
  • Supporting analysts and system architects
Pokaż więcej >>
od 8000 do 16000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Flutter Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Developing mobile apps, (iOS and/or Android)
  • Designing and implementing advanced mobile apps for international clients,
  • Actively participating in project implementation and creation of innovative solutions, supporting startup projects,
  • Cooperating with backend and native developers,
  • Supporting analysts and system architects
Pokaż więcej >>
od 8000 do 16000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Flutter Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Developing mobile apps, (iOS and/or Android)
  • Designing and implementing advanced mobile apps for international clients,
  • Actively participating in project implementation and creation of innovative solutions, supporting startup projects,
  • Cooperating with backend and native developers,
  • Supporting analysts and system architects
Pokaż więcej >>
od 8000 do 16000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Flutter Developer

Greater Poland
Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Developing mobile apps, (iOS and/or Android)
  • Designing and implementing advanced mobile apps for international clients,
  • Actively participating in project implementation and creation of innovative solutions, supporting startup projects,
  • Cooperating with backend and native developers,
  • Supporting analysts and system architects
Pokaż więcej >>
od 8000 do 16000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Flutter Developer

West Pomeranian
Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Developing mobile apps, (iOS and/or Android)
  • Designing and implementing advanced mobile apps for international clients,
  • Actively participating in project implementation and creation of innovative solutions, supporting startup projects,
  • Cooperating with backend and native developers,
  • Supporting analysts and system architects
Pokaż więcej >>
od 8000 do 16000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

PHP Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • … Active: Working on various projects - you can read more about some of them by clicking on this link
  • and also these active days will be in:
  • 60% Discoverable: Developing new features; Fixing a technical problem,
  • 10% Peaceful: Preparing documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :)),
  • 10% Qualitative: Doing code reviews,
  • 10% Creative: Writing clean code and performing tests,
  • 10% Developmental: Permanently develop your skills by working with the team, having discussions, team meetings, and daily standups
Pokaż więcej >>
od 11000 do 17000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

PHP Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • … Active: Working on various projects - you can read more about some of them by clicking on this link
  • and also these active days will be in:
  • 60% Discoverable: Developing new features; Fixing a technical problem,
  • 10% Peaceful: Preparing documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :)),
  • 10% Qualitative: Doing code reviews,
  • 10% Creative: Writing clean code and performing tests,
  • 10% Developmental: Permanently develop your skills by working with the team, having discussions, team meetings, and daily standups
Pokaż więcej >>
od 11000 do 17000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

PHP Developer

Lesser Poland
Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • … Active: Working on various projects - you can read more about some of them by clicking on this link
  • and also these active days will be in:
  • 60% Discoverable: Developing new features; Fixing a technical problem,
  • 10% Peaceful: Preparing documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :)),
  • 10% Qualitative: Doing code reviews,
  • 10% Creative: Writing clean code and performing tests,
  • 10% Developmental: Permanently develop your skills by working with the team, having discussions, team meetings, and daily standups
Pokaż więcej >>
od 11000 do 17000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

PHP Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • … Active: Working on various projects - you can read more about some of them by clicking on this link
  • and also these active days will be in:
  • 60% Discoverable: Developing new features; Fixing a technical problem,
  • 10% Peaceful: Preparing documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :)),
  • 10% Qualitative: Doing code reviews,
  • 10% Creative: Writing clean code and performing tests,
  • 10% Developmental: Permanently develop your skills by working with the team, having discussions, team meetings, and daily standups
Pokaż więcej >>
od 11000 do 17000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

PHP Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • … Active: Working on various projects - you can read more about some of them by clicking on this link
  • and also these active days will be in:
  • 60% Discoverable: Developing new features; Fixing a technical problem,
  • 10% Peaceful: Preparing documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :)),
  • 10% Qualitative: Doing code reviews,
  • 10% Creative: Writing clean code and performing tests,
  • 10% Developmental: Permanently develop your skills by working with the team, having discussions, team meetings, and daily standups
Pokaż więcej >>
od 11000 do 17000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

PHP Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • … Active: Working on various projects - you can read more about some of them by clicking on this link
  • and also these active days will be in:
  • 60% Discoverable: Developing new features; Fixing a technical problem,
  • 10% Peaceful: Preparing documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :)),
  • 10% Qualitative: Doing code reviews,
  • 10% Creative: Writing clean code and performing tests,
  • 10% Developmental: Permanently develop your skills by working with the team, having discussions, team meetings, and daily standups
Pokaż więcej >>
od 11000 do 17000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

PHP Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • … Active: Working on various projects - you can read more about some of them by clicking on this link
  • and also these active days will be in:
  • 60% Discoverable: Developing new features; Fixing a technical problem,
  • 10% Peaceful: Preparing documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :)),
  • 10% Qualitative: Doing code reviews,
  • 10% Creative: Writing clean code and performing tests,
  • 10% Developmental: Permanently develop your skills by working with the team, having discussions, team meetings, and daily standups
Pokaż więcej >>
od 11000 do 17000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

PHP Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • … Active: Working on various projects - you can read more about some of them by clicking on this link
  • and also these active days will be in:
  • 60% Discoverable: Developing new features; Fixing a technical problem,
  • 10% Peaceful: Preparing documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :)),
  • 10% Qualitative: Doing code reviews,
  • 10% Creative: Writing clean code and performing tests,
  • 10% Developmental: Permanently develop your skills by working with the team, having discussions, team meetings, and daily standups
Pokaż więcej >>
od 11000 do 17000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

PHP Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • … Active: Working on various projects - you can read more about some of them by clicking on this link
  • and also these active days will be in:
  • 60% Discoverable: Developing new features; Fixing a technical problem,
  • 10% Peaceful: Preparing documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :)),
  • 10% Qualitative: Doing code reviews,
  • 10% Creative: Writing clean code and performing tests,
  • 10% Developmental: Permanently develop your skills by working with the team, having discussions, team meetings, and daily standups
Pokaż więcej >>
od 11000 do 17000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

PHP Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • … Active: Working on various projects - you can read more about some of them by clicking on this link
  • and also these active days will be in:
  • 60% Discoverable: Developing new features; Fixing a technical problem,
  • 10% Peaceful: Preparing documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :)),
  • 10% Qualitative: Doing code reviews,
  • 10% Creative: Writing clean code and performing tests,
  • 10% Developmental: Permanently develop your skills by working with the team, having discussions, team meetings, and daily standups
Pokaż więcej >>
od 11000 do 17000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

PHP Developer

Greater Poland
Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • … Active: Working on various projects - you can read more about some of them by clicking on this link
  • and also these active days will be in:
  • 60% Discoverable: Developing new features; Fixing a technical problem,
  • 10% Peaceful: Preparing documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :)),
  • 10% Qualitative: Doing code reviews,
  • 10% Creative: Writing clean code and performing tests,
  • 10% Developmental: Permanently develop your skills by working with the team, having discussions, team meetings, and daily standups
Pokaż więcej >>
od 11000 do 17000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

PHP Developer

West Pomeranian
Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • … Active: Working on various projects - you can read more about some of them by clicking on this link
  • and also these active days will be in:
  • 60% Discoverable: Developing new features; Fixing a technical problem,
  • 10% Peaceful: Preparing documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :)),
  • 10% Qualitative: Doing code reviews,
  • 10% Creative: Writing clean code and performing tests,
  • 10% Developmental: Permanently develop your skills by working with the team, having discussions, team meetings, and daily standups
Pokaż więcej >>
od 11000 do 17000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

iOS Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects - you can read more about some of them by clicking on this link,
  • Implement and design of dedicated native mobile applications for the iOS platform,
  • Design and implementation of advanced mobile applications for large clients from Poland and abroad, as well as active creation of new solutions, improvement of startup projects,
  • Cooperation with a backend team and teams programming Android mobile applications,
  • Collaboration with the UX / UI team when designing the application,
  • Creating technical design documentation
Pokaż więcej >>
od 7500 do 13000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

iOS Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects - you can read more about some of them by clicking on this link,
  • Implement and design of dedicated native mobile applications for the iOS platform,
  • Design and implementation of advanced mobile applications for large clients from Poland and abroad, as well as active creation of new solutions, improvement of startup projects,
  • Cooperation with a backend team and teams programming Android mobile applications,
  • Collaboration with the UX / UI team when designing the application,
  • Creating technical design documentation
Pokaż więcej >>
od 7500 do 13000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

iOS Developer

Lesser Poland
Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects - you can read more about some of them by clicking on this link,
  • Implement and design of dedicated native mobile applications for the iOS platform,
  • Design and implementation of advanced mobile applications for large clients from Poland and abroad, as well as active creation of new solutions, improvement of startup projects,
  • Cooperation with a backend team and teams programming Android mobile applications,
  • Collaboration with the UX / UI team when designing the application,
  • Creating technical design documentation
Pokaż więcej >>
od 7500 do 13000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

iOS Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects - you can read more about some of them by clicking on this link,
  • Implement and design of dedicated native mobile applications for the iOS platform,
  • Design and implementation of advanced mobile applications for large clients from Poland and abroad, as well as active creation of new solutions, improvement of startup projects,
  • Cooperation with a backend team and teams programming Android mobile applications,
  • Collaboration with the UX / UI team when designing the application,
  • Creating technical design documentation
Pokaż więcej >>
od 7500 do 13000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

iOS Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects - you can read more about some of them by clicking on this link,
  • Implement and design of dedicated native mobile applications for the iOS platform,
  • Design and implementation of advanced mobile applications for large clients from Poland and abroad, as well as active creation of new solutions, improvement of startup projects,
  • Cooperation with a backend team and teams programming Android mobile applications,
  • Collaboration with the UX / UI team when designing the application,
  • Creating technical design documentation
Pokaż więcej >>
od 7500 do 13000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

iOS Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects - you can read more about some of them by clicking on this link,
  • Implement and design of dedicated native mobile applications for the iOS platform,
  • Design and implementation of advanced mobile applications for large clients from Poland and abroad, as well as active creation of new solutions, improvement of startup projects,
  • Cooperation with a backend team and teams programming Android mobile applications,
  • Collaboration with the UX / UI team when designing the application,
  • Creating technical design documentation
Pokaż więcej >>
od 7500 do 13000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

iOS Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects - you can read more about some of them by clicking on this link,
  • Implement and design of dedicated native mobile applications for the iOS platform,
  • Design and implementation of advanced mobile applications for large clients from Poland and abroad, as well as active creation of new solutions, improvement of startup projects,
  • Cooperation with a backend team and teams programming Android mobile applications,
  • Collaboration with the UX / UI team when designing the application,
  • Creating technical design documentation
Pokaż więcej >>
od 7500 do 13000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

iOS Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects - you can read more about some of them by clicking on this link,
  • Implement and design of dedicated native mobile applications for the iOS platform,
  • Design and implementation of advanced mobile applications for large clients from Poland and abroad, as well as active creation of new solutions, improvement of startup projects,
  • Cooperation with a backend team and teams programming Android mobile applications,
  • Collaboration with the UX / UI team when designing the application,
  • Creating technical design documentation
Pokaż więcej >>
od 7500 do 13000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

iOS Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects - you can read more about some of them by clicking on this link,
  • Implement and design of dedicated native mobile applications for the iOS platform,
  • Design and implementation of advanced mobile applications for large clients from Poland and abroad, as well as active creation of new solutions, improvement of startup projects,
  • Cooperation with a backend team and teams programming Android mobile applications,
  • Collaboration with the UX / UI team when designing the application,
  • Creating technical design documentation
Pokaż więcej >>
od 7500 do 13000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

iOS Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects - you can read more about some of them by clicking on this link,
  • Implement and design of dedicated native mobile applications for the iOS platform,
  • Design and implementation of advanced mobile applications for large clients from Poland and abroad, as well as active creation of new solutions, improvement of startup projects,
  • Cooperation with a backend team and teams programming Android mobile applications,
  • Collaboration with the UX / UI team when designing the application,
  • Creating technical design documentation
Pokaż więcej >>
od 7500 do 13000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

iOS Developer

Greater Poland
Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects - you can read more about some of them by clicking on this link,
  • Implement and design of dedicated native mobile applications for the iOS platform,
  • Design and implementation of advanced mobile applications for large clients from Poland and abroad, as well as active creation of new solutions, improvement of startup projects,
  • Cooperation with a backend team and teams programming Android mobile applications,
  • Collaboration with the UX / UI team when designing the application,
  • Creating technical design documentation
Pokaż więcej >>
od 7500 do 13000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

iOS Developer

West Pomeranian
Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects - you can read more about some of them by clicking on this link,
  • Implement and design of dedicated native mobile applications for the iOS platform,
  • Design and implementation of advanced mobile applications for large clients from Poland and abroad, as well as active creation of new solutions, improvement of startup projects,
  • Cooperation with a backend team and teams programming Android mobile applications,
  • Collaboration with the UX / UI team when designing the application,
  • Creating technical design documentation
Pokaż więcej >>
od 7500 do 13000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior Android Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the Android platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Leading an Android development team,
  • Working closely with backend, iOS and UX/UI teams,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 13500 do 19000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior Android Developer

Lesser Poland
Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the Android platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Leading an Android development team,
  • Working closely with backend, iOS and UX/UI teams,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 13500 do 19000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior Android Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the Android platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Leading an Android development team,
  • Working closely with backend, iOS and UX/UI teams,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 13500 do 19000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior Android Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the Android platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Leading an Android development team,
  • Working closely with backend, iOS and UX/UI teams,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 13500 do 19000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior Android Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the Android platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Leading an Android development team,
  • Working closely with backend, iOS and UX/UI teams,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 13500 do 19000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior Android Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the Android platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Leading an Android development team,
  • Working closely with backend, iOS and UX/UI teams,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 13500 do 19000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior Android Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the Android platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Leading an Android development team,
  • Working closely with backend, iOS and UX/UI teams,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 13500 do 19000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior Android Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the Android platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Leading an Android development team,
  • Working closely with backend, iOS and UX/UI teams,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 13500 do 19000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior Android Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the Android platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Leading an Android development team,
  • Working closely with backend, iOS and UX/UI teams,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 13500 do 19000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior Android Developer

Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the Android platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Leading an Android development team,
  • Working closely with backend, iOS and UX/UI teams,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 13500 do 19000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior Android Developer

Greater Poland
Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the Android platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Leading an Android development team,
  • Working closely with backend, iOS and UX/UI teams,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 13500 do 19000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior Android Developer

West Pomeranian
Wygasła: 16.11.2021
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working on various projects by designing and implementing dedicated, native mobile apps for the Android platform for a diversity of our clients from startups to corporations from Poland and abroad,
  • Leading an Android development team,
  • Working closely with backend, iOS and UX/UI teams,
  • Creating and maintaining projects’ technical documentation (Yes. We are doing our best to have it and have it up to date :))
Pokaż więcej >>
od 13500 do 19000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Work or Not - Sprawdź pracodawcę i wybierz mądrze!

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