Czy macie jakieś informacje na temat pracy w tej firmie? Jak wygląda atmosfera? Czy wynagrodzenie jest dobre? Czy są jakieś benefity? Jakie są warunki pracy? Z góry dzięki!
monitoring i zarządzanie umowami z klientami oraz dostawcami
doskonalenie procesów oraz narzędzi zarządzania dokumentacją w naszej firmie (optymalizacja i automatyzacja istniejących oraz tworzenie nowych)
współpraca w realizacji obowiązków sprawozdawczych i raportowych wynikających z umów oraz przepisów prawa
przygotowywanie dokumentów na potrzeby klienta oraz urzędów ( Urząd Regulacji Energetyki, Zarządca Rozliczeń S.A., władze lokalne)
wsparcie w pozyskiwaniu pozwoleń i koncesji oraz innych dokumentów wymaganych do rozpoczęcia działalności gospodarczej w zakresie wytwarzania energii elektrycznej
współpraca z operatorem systemu elektroenergetycznego, przekazywanie operatorowi niezbędnych informacji
sporządzanie pism urzędowych i korespondencji biznesowej
Wsparcie zespołu Asset Management w zarządzaniu projektami Klientów, w tym:
pomoc w planowaniu i koordynacji projektów
wspieranie przydzielonego Managera w przeglądzie harmonogramów, raportów statusowych i innej dokumentacji dotyczącej wybranych farm słonecznych i wiatrowych w fazie budowy lub fazie operacyjnej
wykonywanie wybranych zadań z zakresu analizy danych
aktualizacja i raportowanie postępów projektu
w przeprowadzeniu projektów przez proces energetyzacji
w obowiązkach sprawozdawczych oraz raportowych
w budowaniu bazy danych projektów w specjalistycznym narzędziu BluePoint
przygotowywanie dokumentów na potrzeby klienta oraz urzędów
Wsparcie zespołu Asset Management w zarządzaniu projektami Klientów, w tym:
pomoc w planowaniu i koordynacji projektów
wspieranie przydzielonego Managera w przeglądzie harmonogramów, raportów statusowych i innej dokumentacji dotyczącej wybranych farm słonecznych i wiatrowych w fazie budowy lub fazie operacyjnej
wykonywanie wybranych zadań z zakresu analizy danych
aktualizacja i raportowanie postępów projektu
w przeprowadzeniu projektów przez proces energetyzacji
w obowiązkach sprawozdawczych oraz raportowych
w budowaniu bazy danych projektów w specjalistycznym narzędziu BluePoint
przygotowywanie dokumentów na potrzeby klienta oraz urzędów
You will be a member of our technical asset management team with main responsibilities around protecting and creating value for the solar & wind farms we manage for our clients. You will cooperate with Ergy management and working with financial, legal and commercial teams. You will have a real impact on the managed assets value, our company’s processes (optimising and automating existing ones and creating new ones), tools
Main responsibilities:
- O&M providers supervision of selected solar and wind farms during operation period
- Direct cooperation with Ergy management on value creation initiatives relating to solar and wind farms performance
- Direct cooperation with investors and Ergy financial, legal, commercial and business development teams
- Coordinate the takeover processes of photovoltaic and wind farms
Operational phase management
- Running tenders for components and services
- Review vendors contracts and invoices issued by suppliers
- Verification of maintenance plans so as to minimize energy losses
- Managing suppliers obligations and their compliance with contracts requirements
- Periodic visits to operated assets
Performance monitoring
- Supervision of the onboarding process of SCADA data into the internal systems
- Regular monitoring and cleaning of performance data
- Calculating main KPIs (e.g. PR, AR) and tracking the farm’s performance
You will be a member of our construction team with main responsibilities around protecting and creating value for the solar & wind farms we manage for our clients. You will cooperate with Ergy construction team and working with financial, legal and commercial teams. You will have a real impact on construction preparation and construction monitoring processes, managing information flow and administration of contract documentation. You will be involved in excelling our company’s documentation management processes (optimising and automating existing ones and creating new ones) and tools
Main responsibilities
- Supporting Project Manager in contract administration and organisation
- Managing information and documentation flow throughout the Project
- Ensuring correctness and consistency of data
Construction preparation phase
- Verification and segregation of development documentation
- Adaptation of a documentation management system for a given Project
- Running tenders for components and services
- Registration of tender processes
- Supporting preparation of agreements’ drafts
Construction monitoring phase
- Administration of Project documentation
- Preparation of meeting notes (MoMs), reports and presentations
- Preparation of official letters and business communication
- Coordination and registration of construction related processes, such as: component deliveries, preparation of design documentation and as-built documentation, submission of reports and protocols by involved parties
You will be a member of our construction team with main responsibilities around protecting and creating value for the solar & wind farms we manage for our clients. You will cooperate with Ergy construction team and working with financial, legal and commercial teams. You will have a real impact on construction preparation and construction monitoring processes, managing information flow and administration of contract documentation. You will be involved in excelling our company’s documentation management processes (optimising and automating existing ones and creating new ones) and tools
Main responsibilities
- Supporting Project Manager in contract administration and organisation
- Managing information and documentation flow throughout the Project
- Ensuring correctness and consistency of data
Construction preparation phase
- Verification and segregation of development documentation
- Adaptation of a documentation management system for a given Project
- Running tenders for components and services
- Registration of tender processes
- Supporting preparation of agreements’ drafts
Construction monitoring phase
- Administration of Project documentation
- Preparation of meeting notes (MoMs), reports and presentations
- Preparation of official letters and business communication
- Coordination and registration of construction related processes, such as: component deliveries, preparation of design documentation and as-built documentation, submission of reports and protocols by involved parties
Poszukujemy osoby na Praktyki w dziale Księgowym w Białymstoku, chętnej do podjęcia nowych wyzwań zawodowych w perspektywicznej i szybko rozwijającej się branży OZE
Do obowiązków będzie należeć wspieranie pracowników Ergy w prowadzeniu księgowości klientów, w tym:
- bieżące wsparcie księgowych
- przygotowywanie ewidencji oraz deklaracji PIT, VAT i ZUS
- rejestracja i księgowanie faktur
- zarządzanie płatnościami na rzecz dostawców
- archiwizacja dokumentów finansowo-księgowych
- współpraca z organami państwowymi (US, GUS, ZUS)
- komunikacja z klientami zagranicznymi i krajowymi
Wsparcie zespołu Asset Management w zarządzaniu projektami Klientów, w tym:
pomoc w planowaniu i koordynacji projektów
wspieranie przydzielonego Managera w przeglądzie harmonogramów, raportów statusowych i innej dokumentacji dotyczącej wybranych farm słonecznych i wiatrowych w fazie budowy lub fazie operacyjnej
wykonywanie wybranych zadań z zakresu analizy danych
aktualizacja i raportowanie postępów projektu
w przeprowadzeniu projektów przez proces energetyzacji
w obowiązkach sprawozdawczych oraz raportowych
w budowaniu bazy danych projektów w specjalistycznym narzędziu BluePoint
przygotowywanie dokumentów na potrzeby klienta oraz urzędów
Wsparcie zespołu Asset Management w zarządzaniu projektami Klientów, w tym:
pomoc w planowaniu i koordynacji projektów
wspieranie przydzielonego Managera w przeglądzie harmonogramów, raportów statusowych i innej dokumentacji dotyczącej wybranych farm słonecznych i wiatrowych w fazie budowy lub fazie operacyjnej
wykonywanie wybranych zadań z zakresu analizy danych
aktualizacja i raportowanie postępów projektu
w przeprowadzeniu projektów przez proces energetyzacji
w obowiązkach sprawozdawczych oraz raportowych
w budowaniu bazy danych projektów w specjalistycznym narzędziu BluePoint
przygotowywanie dokumentów na potrzeby klienta oraz urzędów
Administrator kontraktu w Odnawialnych Źródłach Energii
Wygasła: 28.01.2024
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
umowa zlecenie
kontrakt B2B
praca stacjonarna
praca hybrydowa
specjalista (Mid / Regular)
Your role
You will be a member of our construction team with main responsibilities around protecting and creating value for the solar & wind farms we manage for our clients. You will cooperate with Ergy construction team and working with financial, legal and commercial teams. You will have a real impact on construction preparation and construction monitoring processes, managing information flow and administration of contract documentation. You will be involved in excelling our company’s documentation management processes (optimising and automating existing ones and creating new ones) and tools
Main responsibilities
- Supporting Project Manager in contract administration and organisation
- Managing information and documentation flow throughout the Project
- Ensuring correctness and consistency of data
Construction preparation phase
- Verification and segregation of development documentation
- Adaptation of a documentation management system for a given Project
- Running tenders for components and services
- Registration of tender processes
- Supporting preparation of agreements’ drafts
Construction monitoring phase
- Administration of Project documentation
- Preparation of meeting notes (MoMs), reports and presentations
- Preparation of official letters and business communication
- Coordination and registration of construction related processes, such as: component deliveries, preparation of design documentation and as-built documentation, submission of reports and protocols by involved parties
You will be a member of our technical asset management team with main responsibilities around protecting and creating value for the solar & wind farms we manage for our clients. You will cooperate with Ergy management and working with financial, legal and commercial teams. You will have a real impact on the managed assets value, our company’s processes (optimising and automating existing ones and creating new ones), tools
Main responsibilities:
- O&M providers supervision of selected solar and wind farms during operation period
- Direct cooperation with Ergy management on value creation initiatives relating to solar and wind farms performance
- Direct cooperation with investors and Ergy financial, legal, commercial and business development teams
- Coordinate the takeover processes of photovoltaic and wind farms
Operational phase management
- Running tenders for components and services
- Review vendors contracts and invoices issued by suppliers
- Verification of maintenance plans so as to minimize energy losses
- Managing suppliers obligations and their compliance with contracts requirements
- Periodic visits to operated assets
Performance monitoring
- Supervision of the onboarding process of SCADA data into the internal systems
- Regular monitoring and cleaning of performance data
- Calculating main KPIs (e.g. PR, AR) and tracking the farm’s performance
You will be a member of our technical asset management team with main responsibilities around protecting and creating value for the solar & wind farms we manage for our clients. You will cooperate with Ergy management and working with financial, legal and commercial teams. You will have a real impact on the managed assets value, our company’s processes (optimising and automating existing ones and creating new ones), tools
Main responsibilities:
- O&M providers supervision of selected solar and wind farms during operation period
- Direct cooperation with Ergy management on value creation initiatives relating to solar and wind farms performance
- Direct cooperation with investors and Ergy financial, legal, commercial and business development teams
- Coordinate the takeover processes of photovoltaic and wind farms
Operational phase management
- Running tenders for components and services
- Review vendors contracts and invoices issued by suppliers
- Verification of maintenance plans so as to minimize energy losses
- Managing suppliers obligations and their compliance with contracts requirements
- Periodic visits to operated assets
Performance monitoring
- Supervision of the onboarding process of SCADA data into the internal systems
- Regular monitoring and cleaning of performance data
- Calculating main KPIs (e.g. PR, AR) and tracking the farm’s performance
Playing a leading role in the largest transactions on the renewables market in Poland
Performing financial and market analyses and preparing presentations for clients and investors
Preparing transaction documents such as teasers, information memorandums, financial models
Negotiating transaction documentation such as financing agreements, SPAs, PPAs
Overall project management of varied transaction processes, including coordination of and cooperation with legal, technical and commercial experts involved on both sides of the deal
Playing a leading role in the largest transactions on the renewables market in Poland
Overseeing a team of Interns, Associates and Senior Associates
Coordinating the preparation transaction documents such as teasers, information memorandums, financial models
Negotiating transaction documentation such as financing agreements, SPAs, PPAs
Overall project management of varied transaction processes, including coordination of and cooperation with legal, technical and commercial experts involved on both sides of the deal
Leading client calls and business development initiatives
You will be a member of our asset management team with main responsibilities around protecting and creating value for the solar farms we manage for our clients. You will cooperate with Ergy management and have the opportunity to practice your team management skills as well as working with financial, legal and technical teams. You will have a real impact on the managed assets value, our company’s processes (optimising and automating existing ones and creating new ones), tools and team shape/structure. According to your interests, you will be encouraged to participate in transactions and other projects to better understand solar investors perspective and expectations
- Oversight of selected solar and/or wind farms
- Direct cooperation with Ergy management on value creation initiatives relating to both farm performance and internal asset management processes
- Direct cooperation with investors and Ergy financial, legal, technical and business development teams
Business analysis and reporting
- Regular analysis of sites performance, including energy production, revenues and costs
- Preparation and review of regular management reports to investors
- Drafting budgets and comparing actual results against budget
- Business efficiency improvements and implementation of value creation initiatives
Contract management
- Running tenders for selling energy and purchasing services
- Manage obligations and compliance requirements for contracts with energy off-takers and service suppliers
- Manage landowners' database and liaise with landowners
- Control energy invoicing
- Review invoices issued by suppliers
- Managing relations with regulatory and governmental bodies
- Managing reporting and compliance with the industry regulations
You will be a member of our asset management team with main responsibilities around protecting and creating value for the solar farms we manage for our clients. You will cooperate with Ergy management and have the opportunity to practice your team management skills as well as working with financial, legal and technical teams. You will have a real impact on the managed assets value, our company’s processes (optimising and automating existing ones and creating new ones), tools and team shape/structure. According to your interests, you will be encouraged to participate in transactions and other projects to better understand solar investors perspective and expectations
- Oversight of selected solar and/or wind farms
- Direct cooperation with Ergy management on value creation initiatives relating to both farm performance and internal asset management processes
- Direct cooperation with investors and Ergy financial, legal, technical and business development teams
Business analysis and reporting
- Regular analysis of sites performance, including energy production, revenues and costs
- Preparation and review of regular management reports to investors
- Drafting budgets and comparing actual results against budget
- Business efficiency improvements and implementation of value creation initiatives
Contract management
- Running tenders for selling energy and purchasing services
- Manage obligations and compliance requirements for contracts with energy off-takers and service suppliers
- Manage landowners' database and liaise with landowners
- Control energy invoicing
- Review invoices issued by suppliers
- Managing relations with regulatory and governmental bodies
- Managing reporting and compliance with the industry regulations
As a member in our financial asset management team, your work will be dedicated to protecting and creating value for the solar and wind farms we manage for our clients. You will be supporting Finance Managers in preparation and review of financial data of large scale renewable projects during construction and in operation phase. You will cooperate with Ergy top management and across departments with our technical, commercial and transaction teams
Main responsibilities:
- Preparation and review of financial reports related to photovoltaic and wind
- Supporting the team in management of debt (including drawdowns, bank reporting, documentation gathering and interest calculation)
- Data analysis and support in preparation of management reporting
- Preparation of construction and operation budgets for renewable projects
- Development and optimization of internal business processes
- Identifying, monitoring and reporting contractual obligations especially regarding loan agreements
As a member in our financial asset management team, your work will be dedicated to protecting and creating value for the solar and wind farms we manage for our clients. You will be supporting Finance Managers in preparation and review of financial data of large scale renewable projects during construction and in operation phase. You will cooperate with Ergy top management and across departments with our technical, commercial and transaction teams
Main responsibilities:
- Preparation and review of financial reports related to photovoltaic and wind
- Supporting the team in management of debt (including drawdowns, bank reporting, documentation gathering and interest calculation)
- Data analysis and support in preparation of management reporting
- Preparation of construction and operation budgets for renewable projects
- Development and optimization of internal business processes
- Identifying, monitoring and reporting contractual obligations especially regarding loan agreements
umowa o pracę
umowa zlecenie
kontrakt B2B
umowa o staż / praktyki
praca stacjonarna
praca hybrydowa
specjalista (Mid / Regular)
You will be a member of our technical asset management team with main responsibilities around protecting and creating value for the solar & wind farms we manage for our clients. You will cooperate with Ergy management and working with financial, legal and commercial teams. You will have a real impact on the managed assets value and our company’s processes (optimising and automating existing ones and creating new ones)
Main responsibilities
Supporting the manager in project management of selected solar and wind farms during the construction and/or operation period
Coordinate the takeover processes of photovoltaic and wind farms
Providing support in running tenders for components and services
Supervision of the onboarding process of SCADA data into the internal systems
Construction phase management
Assisting in preparation of budgets and construction schedules
Monitoring the project progress
Review vendors contracts and invoices issued by suppliers
Managing suppliers obligations and their compliance with contracts requirements
Operational phase management
Supervision of O&M providers
Regular monitoring and cleaning of performance data
Calculating main KPIs (e.g. PR, AR) and tracking the farm’s performance
Verification of maintenance plans to minimize energy losses
Wsparcie zespołu Asset Management w zarządzaniu projektami Klientów, w tym:
pomoc w planowaniu i koordynacji projektów
wspieranie przydzielonego Managera w przeglądzie harmonogramów, raportów statusowych i innej dokumentacji dotyczącej wybranych farm słonecznych i wiatrowych w fazie budowy lub fazie operacyjnej
wykonywanie wybranych zadań z zakresu analizy danych
aktualizacja i raportowanie postępów projektu
w przeprowadzeniu projektów przez proces energetyzacji
w obowiązkach sprawozdawczych oraz raportowych
w budowaniu bazy danych projektów w specjalistycznym narzędziu BluePoint
przygotowywanie dokumentów na potrzeby klienta oraz urzędów
Wsparcie zespołu Asset Management w zarządzaniu projektami Klientów, w tym:
pomoc w planowaniu i koordynacji projektów
wspieranie przydzielonego Managera w przeglądzie harmonogramów, raportów statusowych i innej dokumentacji dotyczącej wybranych farm słonecznych i wiatrowych w fazie budowy lub fazie operacyjnej
wykonywanie wybranych zadań z zakresu analizy danych
aktualizacja i raportowanie postępów projektu
w przeprowadzeniu projektów przez proces energetyzacji
w obowiązkach sprawozdawczych oraz raportowych
w budowaniu bazy danych projektów w specjalistycznym narzędziu BluePoint
przygotowywanie dokumentów na potrzeby klienta oraz urzędów
Preparation of market analyses under the supervision of experienced team members
Active participation in projects such as M&As, finance raising or PPAs
Support in preparation of transaction documents and analyses (e.g. information memorandum, financial model, presentations and sensitivity analyses)
Support in the analysis of documentation concerning renewable energy assets (e.g. lease agreements, grid connection agreements, environmental decisions, construction permits)
Poszukujemy osoby na stanowisko Senior Specialist do działu Commercial Asset Management w Warszawie, która jest chętna do podjęcia nowych wyzwań zawodowych w perspektywicznej i szybko rozwijającej się branży OZE
Wsparcie zespołu Asset Management w zarządzaniu projektami Klientów w tym:
✓ nadzór nad farmami fotowoltaicznymi, w szczególności analiza produkcji, przychodów i kosztów
✓ obowiązki sprawozdawcze i raportowe, wymagane zarówno przez Klientów, jak i URE, ARE oraz GUS
✓ zarządzanie umowami sprzedaży i zakupu energii oraz innymi umowami, zawartymi z OSD i podmiotami zewnętrznymi
✓ akceptacja faktur i rozliczeń
✓ kontakt z urzędami i dostawcami usług
✓ bezpośredni kontakt z Klientami w bieżących sprawach
✓ tworzenie oraz kompletowanie dokumentacji administracyjnej projektów
As a member in our financial asset management team, your work will be dedicated to protecting and creating value for the solar and wind farms we manage for our clients. You will be supporting Finance Managers in preparation and review of financial data of large scale renewable projects during construction and in operation phase. You will cooperate with Ergy top management and across departments with our technical, commercial and transaction teams
Main responsibilities:
__ Preparation and review of financial reports related to photovoltaic and wind farms (including balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements)
__ Supporting the team in management of debt (including drawdowns, bank reporting and documentation gathering)
__ Data analysis and support in preparation of management reporting, including key operational indicators (KPIs)
__ Preparation of construction and operation budgets for renewable projects
__ Development and optimization of internal business processes
__ Monitoring reporting and contractual obligations
You will be a member of our technical asset management team with main responsibilities around protecting and creating value for the solar & wind farms we manage for our clients. You will cooperate with Ergy management and have the opportunity to practice your team management skills as well as working with financial, legal and commercial teams. You will have a real impact on the managed assets value, our company’s processes (optimising and automating existing ones and creating new ones), tools and team shape/structure. According to your interests, you will be encouraged to participate in transactions and other projects to better understand solar investors perspective and expectations
Supporting the assigned Project Manager in reviewing schedules, status reports and other documentation of selected solar and wind farms during the construction
Assisting in the planning and coordination of projects
Updating and reporting project progress
Helping to coordinate and manage project tasks and deliverables
Performing selected data analysis tasks
Managing the technical project documentation
Conducting administrative duties, such as setting up meetings, drawing estimates
Preparation of Minutes of Meetings
Performing other duties assigned by the Project Manager in an orderly and efficient manner
Project management of PPA transaction processes on behalf of RES asset owners
Originating, structuring and negotiating PPA deals – long-term corporate & utility PPAs as well as shorter-term contracts and route-to-market agreements
Participation in the development of Ergy’s network with corporate off-takers (market education campaign) and maintaining relationships with industrial energy consumers
Providing PPA-related inputs into external & internal financial modelling initiatives on Ergy’s M&A and financing projects, including the evaluation of different hedging strategies
Building in-house expertise on power markets and key factors driving pricing and terms of PPAs, including staying up-to-date with the latest legal/regulatory developments and leading internal and external market analysis & reporting initiatives
Coordination and review of the work of junior team members
Poszukujemy osoby na stanowisko Junior Accountant / Młodszy Księgowy w Białymstoku, chętnej do podjęcia nowych wyzwań zawodowych w perspektywicznej i szybko rozwijającej się branży OZE
Prowadzenie księgowości klientów działu Financial Asset Management, w tym:
bieżące wsparcie księgowych
przygotowywanie ewidencji oraz deklaracji PIT, VAT i ZUS
You will be a member of our asset management team with main responsibilities around protecting and creating value for the solar farms we manage for our clients. You will cooperate with Ergy management and have the opportunity to practice your team management skills as well as working with financial, legal and technical teams. You will have a real impact on the managed assets value, our company’s processes (optimising and automating existing ones and creating new ones), tools and team shape/structure. According to your interests, you will be encouraged to participate in transactions and other projects to better understand solar investors perspective and expectations
General :
Oversight of selected solar farms
Direct cooperation with Ergy management on value creation initiatives relating to both solar farm performance and internal asset management processes
Direct cooperation with investors and Ergy financial, legal, technical and business development teams
Business analysis and reporting :
Regular analysis of sites performance, including energy production, revenues and costs
Preparation and review of regular management reports to investors
Drafting budgets and comparing actual results against budget
Business efficiency improvements and implementation of value creation initiatives
Contract management :
Support in running tenders for selling energy and purchasing services
Manage obligations and compliance requirements for contracts with energy off-takers and service suppliers
Manage landowners' database and liaise with landowners
Control energy invoicing
Review invoices issued by suppliers
Compliance :
Support in managing relations with regulatory and governmental bodies, as well as Distribution System Operators (DSOs)
Support in managing environmental reporting and compliance with environmental decisions
You will be a member of our asset management team with main responsibilities around protecting and creating value for the solar farms we manage for our clients. You will cooperate with Ergy management and have the opportunity to practice your team management skills as well as working with financial, legal and technical teams. You will have a real impact on the managed assets value, our company’s processes (optimising and automating existing ones and creating new ones), tools and team shape/structure. According to your interests, you will be encouraged to participate in transactions and other projects to better understand solar investors perspective and expectations
General :
Oversight of selected solar farms
Direct cooperation with Ergy management on value creation initiatives relating to both solar farm performance and internal asset management processes
Direct cooperation with investors and Ergy financial, legal, technical and business development teams
Business analysis and reporting :
Regular analysis of sites performance, including energy production, revenues and costs
Preparation and review of regular management reports to investors
Drafting budgets and comparing actual results against budget
Business efficiency improvements and implementation of value creation initiatives
Contract management :
Support in running tenders for selling energy and purchasing services
Manage obligations and compliance requirements for contracts with energy off-takers and service suppliers
Manage landowners' database and liaise with landowners
Control energy invoicing
Review invoices issued by suppliers
Compliance :
Support in managing relations with regulatory and governmental bodies, as well as Distribution System Operators (DSOs)
Support in managing environmental reporting and compliance with environmental decisions
Preparation of market analyses under the supervision of experienced team members
Active participation in projects such as M&As, finance raising or PPAs
Support in preparation of transaction documents and analyses (e.g. information memorandum, financial model, presentations and sensitivity analyses)
Support in the analysis of documentation concerning renewable energy assets (e.g. lease agreements, grid connection agreements, environmental decisions, construction permits)
You will be a member of our asset management team with main responsibilities around protecting and creating value for the solar farms we manage for our clients. You will cooperate with Ergy management and have the opportunity to practice your team management skills as well as working with financial, legal and technical teams. You will have a real impact on the managed assets value, our company’s processes (optimising and automating existing ones and creating new ones), tools and team shape/structure. According to your interests, you will be encouraged to participate in transactions and other projects to better understand solar investors perspective and expectations
General :
Oversight of selected solar farms
Direct cooperation with Ergy management on value creation initiatives relating to both solar farm performance and internal asset management processes
Direct cooperation with investors and Ergy financial, legal, technical and business development teams
Business analysis and reporting :
Regular analysis of sites performance, including energy production, revenues and costs
Preparation and review of regular management reports to investors
Drafting budgets and comparing actual results against budget
Business efficiency improvements and implementation of value creation initiatives
Contract management :
Support in running tenders for selling energy and purchasing services
Manage obligations and compliance requirements for contracts with energy off-takers and service suppliers
Manage landowners' database and liaise with landowners
Control energy invoicing
Review invoices issued by suppliers
Compliance :
Support in managing relations with regulatory and governmental bodies, as well as Distribution System Operators (DSOs)
Support in managing environmental reporting and compliance with environmental decisions
- Direct cooperation with Ergy management on value creation initiatives relating to both solar farm performance and internal asset management processes
- Direct cooperation with investors and Ergy financial, legal, technical and business development teams
Business analysis and reporting
- Regular analysis of sites performance, including energy production, revenues and costs
- Preparation and review of regular management reports to investors
- Drafting budgets and comparing actual results against budget
- Business efficiency improvements and implementation of value creation initiatives
Contract management
- Support in running tenders for selling energy and purchasing services
- Manage obligations and compliance requirements for contracts with energy off-takers and service suppliers
- Manage landowners' database and liaise with landowners
- Control energy invoicing
- Review invoices issued by suppliers
- Support in managing relations with regulatory and governmental bodies, as well as OSD
- Support in managing environmental reporting and compliance with environmental decisions
- Direct cooperation with Ergy management on value creation initiatives relating to both solar farm performance and internal asset management processes
- Direct cooperation with investors and Ergy financial, legal, technical and business development teams
Business analysis and reporting
- Regular analysis of sites performance, including energy production, revenues and costs
- Preparation and review of regular management reports to investors
- Drafting budgets and comparing actual results against budget
- Business efficiency improvements and implementation of value creation initiatives
Contract management
- Support in running tenders for selling energy and purchasing services
- Manage obligations and compliance requirements for contracts with energy off-takers and service suppliers
- Manage landowners' database and liaise with landowners
- Control energy invoicing
- Review invoices issued by suppliers
- Support in managing relations with regulatory and governmental bodies, as well as OSD
- Support in managing environmental reporting and compliance with environmental decisions