Czy macie jakieś informacje na temat pracy w tej firmie? Jak wygląda atmosfera? Czy wynagrodzenie jest dobre? Czy są jakieś benefity? Jakie są warunki pracy? Z góry dzięki!
Pozycja została utworzona w celu wsparcia MacGregor RoRo, zlokalizowanego w naszym biurze w Gdyni
Monter urządzeń elektrycznych będzie wykonywał prace instalacyjne urządzeń MacGregor pod nadzorem inżyniera instalacji
Zadaniami montera będzie montaż i podłączenie instalacji elektrycznych, szaf rozdzielczych i sterowniczych, układów automatyki, montaż urządzeń i elementów elektrycznych lub mechanicznych na podstawie dokumentacji technicznej
wspieranie naszej sieci serwisowej w identyfikowaniu odpowiednich części zamiennych i zestawów modernizacyjnych w celu zwiększenia zadowolenia klientów
obsługa zgłoszeń klientów za pośrednictwem JIRA, korzystanie z: platformy E-Commerce, systemu SAP ERP, Windchill, Product Data Management Link i C-Service
przyspieszenie reakcji i bezpiecznej funkcjonalności produktów Hiab i przepływu części
współpraca przy dostosowywaniu naszego asortymentu części z zespołami katalogów części (C-Service)
współpraca z zespołami ds. zarządzania cyklem życia produktu, katalogów części, zaopatrzenia i badań i rozwoju
na podstawie statystyk przypadków proponuje usprawnienia procesów w celu zmniejszenia liczby zgłoszeń, zadowolenia klientów lub pracy powiązanego zespołu
wspieranie zespołu serwisowego w zakresie obsługi i pism okólnych z działu wsparcia produktu
Projektowanie i rozwój konstrukcji stalowych/elementów i układów hydraulicznych/ układów sterowania nowych wyrobów
Prototypowanie i testowanie żurawi i ich części w fabryce, serwisach oraz u użytkownika końcowego, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem systemów sterowania (hydraulika/elektronika), rozwiązań mechanicznych oraz ergonomii i bezpieczeństwa
Praca jako członek zespołu inżynierskiego
Tworzenie rozwiązań technicznych w celu osiągnięcia celów wyznaczonych przez menedżerów produktu
Tworzenie list materiałowych•Opracowywanie metodologii badań i nadzór nad badaniami kompletnych produktów i części
Współpraca z dostawcami w celu osiągnięcia celu dotyczącego wydajności i jakości produktu
Wsparcie techniczne dla działów produkcji, zaopatrzenia oraz dostawców związane z wymaganiami i specyfikacjami produktu
Odpowiedzialność za wdrażanie zmian inżynierskich (ECR,ECN)
Aktywna współpraca z działami Produkcji i Serwisu w celu osiągnięcia najlepszych w swojej klasie produktów “Projektowania do Montażu” - “DtA” oraz i “Projektowania do Obsługi” - “DtS”
Przygotowywanie korekt technicznych dla zatwierdzonych projektów zgodnie z wymaganiami klientów i działem sprzedaż
Wprowadzanie nowych funkcji
Dbanie o mienie i wizerunek firmy
Przestrzeganie przepisów i zasad obowiązujących w Cargotec, w szczególności przepisów BHP oraz procedur i zapisów wewnętrznych polityk IMS
Obowiązek stosowania się do poleceń przełożonego, które dotyczą pracy o ile nie są sprzeczne z prawem lub umową o pracę
Obowiązek sumiennego i starannego wykonywania pracy
Projektowanie i rozwój konstrukcji stalowych/elementów i układów hydraulicznych/ układów sterowania nowych wyrobów
Prototypowanie i testowanie żurawi i ich części w fabryce, serwisach oraz u użytkownika końcowego, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem systemów sterowania (hydraulika/elektronika), rozwiązań mechanicznych oraz ergonomii i bezpieczeństwa
Praca jako członek zespołu inżynierskiego
Tworzenie rozwiązań technicznych w celu osiągnięcia celów wyznaczonych przez menedżerów produktu
Tworzenie list materiałowych•Opracowywanie metodologii badań i nadzór nad badaniami kompletnych produktów i części
Współpraca z dostawcami w osiągnięcia celu dotyczące wydajności i jakości produktu
Wsparcie techniczne dla działów produkcji, zaopatrzenia oraz dostawców związane z wymaganiami i specyfikacjami produktu
Odpowiedzialność za wdrażanie zmian inżynierskich (ECR,ECN)
Aktywna współpraca z działami Produkcji i Serwisu w celu osiągnięcia najlepszych w swojej klasie produktów “Projektowania do Montażu” - “DtA” oraz i “Projektowania do Obsługi” - “DtS”
Przygotowywanie korekt technicznych dla zatwierdzonych projektów zgodnie z wymaganiami klientów i działem sprzedaż
Wprowadzanie nowych funkcji
Dbanie o mienie i wizerunek firmy
Okazjonalne prowadzenie samochodu w celach służbowych
Przestrzeganie przepisów i zasad obowiązujących w Cargotec, w szczególności przepisów BHP oraz procedur i zapisów wewnętrznych polityk IMS
Obowiązek stosowania się do poleceń przełożonego, które dotyczą pracy o ile nie są sprzeczne z prawem lub umową o pracę
Obowiązek sumiennego i starannego wykonywania pracy
wspieranie naszej sieci serwisowej w identyfikowaniu odpowiednich części zamiennych i zestawów modernizacyjnych w celu zwiększenia zadowolenia klientów
obsługa zgłoszeń klientów za pośrednictwem JIRA, korzystanie z: platformy E-Commerce, systemu SAP ERP, Windchill, Product Data Management Link i C-Service
przyspieszenie reakcji i bezpiecznej funkcjonalności produktów Hiab i przepływu części
współpraca przy dostosowywaniu naszego asortymentu części z zespołami katalogów części (C-Service)
współpraca z zespołami ds. zarządzania cyklem życia produktu, katalogów części, zaopatrzenia i badań i rozwoju
na podstawie statystyk przypadków proponuje usprawnienia procesów w celu zmniejszenia liczby zgłoszeń, zadowolenia klientów lub pracy powiązanego zespołu
wspieranie zespołu serwisowego w zakresie obsługi i pism okólnych z działu wsparcia produktu
Installation, Design and Service Teams working hours registering and preparation for approval
Checking and reviewing suppliers invoices (Basware platform, etc.)
Support service operation administrative work include documentation (Work Order book), update service process in the ERP platform (Salesforce & SAP) and issue an invoices
Work closely with the operation team in daily service arrangements
Assist the Installation Manager or Operations Manager or Operations Superintendent in daily activities
Installation and service invoices sending to the internal/external customers
Preparing and issuing travel arrangements - including accommodation,yard pass arranging , A1 & EKUZ arranging for installation and service team, visa arranging if needed
Liaise with internal offices abroad
Cooperation with other departments across Macgregor
To provide a high standard of service to our customers in line with agreed requirements and expectations and including the following duties:
● Oversee and coordinate claims related to services provided by dedicated service centers
● Coordinate and process warranty claims between dealer network and factories both in English and German language
● Support the equipment handover process and coordinate the logistic aspect of the handover execution
● Cooperate and continuously communicate with sales representatives, customers, vendors and other internal stakeholders to execute sales operations smoothly and to provide timely solutions & replies
● Identify process improvement opportunities and support the implementation
● Provide good customer service for internal and external customers and find ways to improve the experience
● Execute the defined KPI targets
● Observe all safety procedures and instructions and assist in maintaining a safe working environment including the reporting of any accidents, hazards, near misses, defects or damages to Company equipment to your line manager or Health and Safety
Executing sales support process: Placing orders, cooperating with sales representatives and factories to complete change requests, supporting in case of issues, and processing invoicing;
Working in close cooperation & continuously communicating with sales representatives, customers, vendors, and other internal stakeholders to execute sales operations smoothly and to provide timely solutions & replies;
Identifying process improvement opportunities and supporting in implementing those;
Provide good customer service for internal and external customers, and finding ways to improve the experience
Pozycja została utworzona w celu wsparcia MacGregor, zlokalizowanego w naszym biurze w Gdyni
Monter urządzeń hydraulicznych będzie głównie wykonywał prace instalacyjne urządzeń MacGregor pod nadzorem inżyniera instalacji. Zadaniami montera będzie kompleksowe wykonywanie instalacji hydraulicznych wysokiego ciśnienia (prefabrykacja uchwytów, gięcie rur, montaż, przygotowywanie do płukania instalacji oraz prób ciśnieniowych). Praca na tym stanowisku wymaga odpowiedniego doboru oraz przygotowania niezbędnych narzędzi, parametrów pracy urządzeń. Monter będzie musiał pracować i przestrzegać wszystkich wytycznych jakościowych
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Technical Documentation Specialist
Wygasła: 25.02.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Creating manuals
Preparing and developing content of the manuals in cooperation with newbuilding design department
Handling updates of new revisions of the old manuals
Maintaining and developing manual software tools & procedures
Samodzielnie lub poprzez kierowanie zespołem pracowników wykonywanie oraz nadzorowanie działań serwisowych takich jak naprawy bieżące planowe, awarie, modernizacje, inspekcje urządzeń, takich jak: dźwigi ładunkowe (cargo); urządzenia ro-ro (rampy statkowe, rampy nabrzeżowe w przystaniach promowych, itp.); pokrywy lukowe (statki typu masowiec/ kontenerowiec i inne)
Rozwiązywanie problemów technicznych (troubleshooting) włączając zdalną formę wsparcia klienta w sytuacjach awaryjnych bądź doradczych;
Wykonywanie zadań i poleceń zgodnie z otrzymają uprzednio dokumentacją techniczną oraz standardami;
Przygotowywanie raportów z przeprowadzonych prac serwisowych;
Nadzorowanie realizowania prac serwisowych
Planowanie prac wykonywanych dla klientów;
Przygotowanie dokumentacji warsztatowej;
Bezpośredni nadzór nad wykonywaniem prac zgodnie z przepisami BHP;
Nadzór nad pracami wykonywanymi przez podwykonawców w miejscu prowadzenia prac;
Kontrola jakości i podejmowanie działań korygujących oraz naprawczych;
Organizacja prób ciśnieniowych i ruchowych;
Przygotowywanie zapisów dotyczących wykonanych prac;
Przestrzeganie zasad określonych w dokumentacji ZSZ
The position is tailored to support MacGregor’s Global Service Center (GSC) in Gdańsk, Poland
Your focus area will be providing customer service for the lifecycle of the marine and offshore spare parts business. You will coordinate and handle the order from the creation of Order Confirmation, through monitoring the delivery to the customer until it is invoiced. This will require contact with various stakeholders from around the world and working with the top of notch ERP system- SAP
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Logistic Order Handler
Wygasła: 26.10.2022
umowa o pracę
full office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Responsible for arranging Transport Order and following up the transport from our warehouses and suppliers as well as creating the Picking list and instructing warehouses to use the right packing material for chosen transport mode;
Choosing the right transport mode and forwarder for Air, Road, Parcel Service, Courier, Sea shipments for a given destination. This is under consideration of possible Dangerous Goods, and oversized cargo, given the urgency and economic aspects;
Notifying consignee about deliveries (shipping notifications);
Sending inquiries to forwardscalculatingulate freight charges;
Monitoring the inbound deliveries in case of consolidation of stock items with parts purchased to order;
Verifying and approving of forwarder invoices in Basware system;
Processing the current workflow based on email communication;
Close contact with warehouse, purchasers, and order handlers to provide proper service;
Proactively identifying areas for improvement and communicating them to Team Leader;
Analysing processes, risks & opportunities and proposing improvement solutions
The position is tailored to support MacGregor’s Global Service Center (GSC) in Gdańsk, Poland
Your focus area will be providing customer service for the lifecycle of the marine and offshore spare parts business. You will coordinate and handle the order from the creation of Order Confirmation, through monitoring the delivery to the customer until it is invoiced. This will require contact with various stakeholders from around the world and working with the top of the notch ERP system- SAP
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Wygasła: 28.08.2022
umowa o pracę
full office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Coordinating activities related to commodity purchases (pending enquiries, order confirmation etc.);
Preparing purchase order documents;
Confirming realization of the purchase orders and dates of deliveries;
Alerting Order handlers in case of prices/project dates incompatibilities;
Following-up placed orders and adjusting activities as needed to ensure timely;
Monitoring of demand and follow-up suppliers;
Goods delivering in accordance to agreed Incoterms / Terms & Conditions;
Ensuring purchase documentation is ready for invoicing
The Global Service Center (GSC) in Gdańsk, Poland is constantly growing and developing its organizational structure. We are currently looking for candidates interested in the position of invoicing handler
Your focus area will be providing customer service for the lifecycle of the marine and offshore spares products. You, with your team members, will be responsible for billing documents, invoicing in the correct time frame, and providing financial data support to relevant departments. This includes creating invoices for the customer and identifying discrepancies in billing documents by using the company's database
You will cooperate with logistics and customer care departments and as well with sales support responsible in branches around the world when needed
Main tasks and responsibilities
• creating and distributing daily deliveries report,
• processing billing documents from the daily report, verifying the data in the system,
• prioritizing and processing queries from the shared mailbox,
• handling incoming requests (from all parties involved),
• direct contact with the customer via email regarding billing documents
To provide sufficient and timely assistance of installation and service operations at all times to fulfil internal / external customer and business requirements
Key tasks:
• Assist the Installation Manager or Operations Manager or Operations Superintendent an cooperate with the operation team in daily activities;
• Support service operation administrative work include documentation, update service process in the ERP platform;
• Installation and Service Teams working hours registering and preparation for approval;
• Preparing and issuing travel arrangements - including accommodation, yard pass arranging etc.;
• Preparing and follow up the documents validity date: A1 & EKUZ and visa arranging if needed;
• To choose the right transport mode and forwarder for Air, Road, Parcel Service, Courier, Sea shipments for a given destination in cooperation with forwarder;
• Checking, reviewing and sending invoices to suppliers and internal/external customers;
• Carrying of office by cooperation with cleaning service and delivery- and cost control of office supply and equipment
The Global Service Center (GSC) in Gdańsk, Poland is constantly growing and developing its organizational structure
Main targets are to order execution of our spare parts orders shipped from our outsourced warehouses or suppliers. You will also be responsible for arranging Transport Order and to following up the transport from our warehouses and suppliers as well as creating the Picking List and instructing warehouses to use right packing material for chosen transport mode
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Service Engineer / Serwisant
aleja Grunwaldzka 103a, Gdańsk
Wygasła: 22.06.2022
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
specjalista (Mid / Regular)
Celem pracy jest nadzór nad instalacjami i naprawami urządzeń u klientów, partnerów oraz podwykonawców
Głównym zakresem obowiązków inżyniera serwis będą samodzielnie lub poprzez kierowanie zespołem wykonywanie oraz nadzorowanie działań serwisowych takich jak naprawy bieżące, awarie,modernizacje, inspekcje urządzeń MacGregor, takich jak dźwigi, urządzenia ro-ro, pokrywy lukowe
Częścią obowiązków inżyniera będzie również wykonywanie zadań i poleceń zgodnie z otrzymają uprzednio dokumentacją oraz standardami. Ponadto, inżynier serwisu będzie przygotowywał raporty z przeprowadzonych prac serwisowych oraz będzie raportował do Branch Managera
Your focus area will be providing customer service for the lifecycle of the marine and offshore spare parts business. You will coordinate and handle the order from the creation of Order Confirmation, through monitoring the delivery to the customer until it is invoiced. This will require contact with various stakeholders from around the world and working with the top-of-the-notch ERP system- SAP. As a Senior Order Fulfillment Handler, you will be focused on coordinating optimal workflow level as well as engaging your fellow team members. You will be cooperating closely with our Clients around the world and also GSC teams (Quotation, Purchasing, Logistic and Invoicing). You will be required to create reports based on SAP data and analyze them. Moreover, you will be responsible for proactively identifying areas for improvement- analyzing risks & opportunities and proposing improvement solutions and reporting them to Team Leader
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
aleja Grunwaldzka 103a, Gdańsk
Wygasła: 27.05.2022
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
specjalista (Mid / Regular)
Wykonywanie prac elektrycznych zgodnie z otrzymanymi wytycznymi,
Wykonywanie powierzonych prac montażowych,
Przygotowanie urządzeń do prób i odbiorów i branie czynnego udziału w próbach,
Kontrola jakości wykonanych prac,
Współpraca z innymi komórkami organizacyjnymi,
Dbałość o stan powierzonych maszyn, urządzeń i narzędzi,
Przygotowywanie zapisów dotyczących wykonanych prac,
Zgłaszanie zagrożeń dla BHP lub środowiska naturalnego przełożonemu,
Zgłaszanie przełożonemu niezgodności i zagrożeń dla jakości,
Zgłaszanie obecności nieuprawionych osób na terenie nadzorowanym przez MacGregor,
Przestrzeganie zasad określonych w dokumentacji ZSZ
The Global Service Center (GSC) in Gdańsk, Poland is constantly growing and developing its organizational structure
Main targets are to order execution of our spare parts orders shipped from our outsourced warehouses or suppliers. You will also be responsible for arranging Transport Order and to following up the transport from our warehouses and suppliers as well as creating the Picking List and instructing warehouses to use right packing material for chosen transport mode
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
aleja Grunwaldzka 103a, Gdańsk
Wygasła: 15.05.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Coordinating activities related to commodity purchases (pending enquiries, order confirmation etc.);
Preparing purchase order documents;
Confirming realization of the purchase orders and dates of deliveries;
Alerting Order handlers in case of prices/project dates incompatibilities;
Following-up placed orders and adjusting activities as needed to ensure timely;
Monitoring of demand and follow-up suppliers;
Goods delivering in accordance to agreed Incoterms / Terms & Conditions;
Ensuring purchase documentation is ready for invoicing
Responsible for designing and modifying equipment from existing product portfolios and developing new concepts, solutions and standardization of products
Responsible for giving input to product architecture on global arrangement (high understanding of products and systems and how they interact)
Assist in the tender phase (read and comment on the customer specifications, highlight risks, produce required documentation in accordance with specification)
Responsible for giving input to the project risk register, quality plan etc
Responsible for delivering design on budgeted cost, time and quality. Report progress, remaining time and cost, as well as flagging deviations vs. budget and suggesting mitigating actions
Responsible for following change management routines
Responsible for maintaining a higher level of knowledge of class requirements, International standards and country regulation regarding product design. Maintain communication with relevant class societies
Responsible for giving advice and guidance to other engineers and being a mentor for your area of speciality
Responsible for communicating technical deliveries both internally and externally (including establishing and giving technical presentations)
Be a role model with good work practices
Be able to take on the Engineering Lead role in projects
Give internal and external technical support
Participate in control of technical documentation
Other duties as assigned by the Line Manager (including flexibility to travel if required)
The Global Service Center (GSC) is part of the Global Services Division (GSD) in MacGregor. We are constantly growing and developing our organisational structure, and therefore have various opportunities available. GSC manages our spare parts process from customer enquiry to invoicing
We are currently looking for candidates interested in a position within GSC, such as Quotation Handlers, Order Fulfilment Handlers, Purchasers, Logistic Order Handlers, and Invoicing Handlers. We are open for people with experience from 0.5 year and more
The main goal with the role is ensuring that the quotes and orders reach Customers with a good cost/quality ratio and are in line with the company policies. You will be cooperating with other teams and functions globally. Moreover, you will be a SAP user working with Salesforce and Basware on a daily basis
Most of these roles are based in our Global Service Center in Gdansk, Poland, but some opportunities also exist in Pireus, Greece and New Mumbai, India
Participate in planning and implementation of electrical design for products
Give support to customers and other parts of the FAR organization in issues related to electrical part of products
Implement electrical design according to the current strategy and architecture
Deliver project documentation, drawings, calculations according to contract
Define a test strategy and conduct testing of electrical designs before/during FAT, HAT and SAT. Make sure all quality issues are dealt with before delivery
Maintain knowledge of class rules, standards and regulations
Collaborate closely with stakeholders
Comply with deadlines and collaborate closely with other team members
Inform line manager when delay in progress occurs, and help find good solutions to mitigate delays
Your focus area will be providing customer service for the lifecycle of the marine and offshore spare parts business. You will coordinate and handle the order from the creation of Order Confirmation, through monitoring the delivery to the customer until it is invoiced. This will require contact with various stakeholders from around the world and working with the top of the notch ERP system- SAP. As a Senior Order Fulfillment Handler you will be focused on coordinating optimal workflow level as well as engaging your fellow team members. You will be cooperating closely with our Clients around the world and also GSC teams (Quotation, Purchasing, Logistic and Invoicing). You will be required to create reports based on SAP data and analyzing them. Moreover you will be responsible for proactively identifying areas for improvement- analyze risks & opportunities and propose improvement solutions and report them to Team Leader
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Purchaser Production
aleja Grunwaldzka 103a, Gdańsk
Wygasła: 29.03.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Give input to Sales department on components and manufacturing costs in the bid-phase
Upon project demand participate as Purchase responsible in the Project team
Negotiate prices, place POs and follow up of POs with respect to order confirmation, delivery time, cost control and receipt of documentation
Ensure all supplier data and prices are correct and up to date at all times in the ERP-system
Contribute on a continuous basis to cost saving actions
Register claims to suppliers in company's database and support responsible purchaser for the supplier in solving the dispute
Meeting own KPI and contribute to the department KPI
Responsible for designing and modifying equipment from existing product portfolios and developing new concepts, solutions and standardization of products
Responsible for giving input to product architecture on global arrangement (high understanding of products and systems and how they interact)
Assist in the tender phase (read and comment on the customer specifications, highlight risks, produce required documentation in accordance with specification)
Responsible for giving input to the project risk register, quality plan etc
Responsible for delivering design on budgeted cost, time and quality. Report progress, remaining time and cost, as well as flagging deviations vs. budget and suggesting mitigating actions
Responsible for following change management routines
Responsible for maintaining a higher level of knowledge of class requirements, International standards and country regulation regarding product design. Maintain communication with relevant class societies
Responsible for giving advice and guidance to other engineers and being a mentor for your area of speciality
Responsible for communicating technical deliveries both internally and externally (including establishing and giving technical presentations)
Be a role model with good work practices
Be able to take on the Engineering Lead role in projects
Give internal and external technical support
Participate in control of technical documentation
Other duties as assigned by the Line Manager (including flexibility to travel if required)
We are looking for young talents to support our MacGregor Global Service Center (GSC), located in Gdansk
Internship is dedicated to bring new talent to MacGregor and our main goals is to continue the further development of our successful Interns in our company
If you want to take an active part in shaping our Global Service Center?
If you wani to work in an international environment with experienced professionals??
If you want to put theory to the practice an evolve in:
• Quotation
• Customer Care
• Purchasing
• Logistic
• Invoicing
Join us. We are waiting for you
Shape your professional future with us!
Take the opportunity to:
• Experience work inside the world's leading offshore and marine industry
• Choose one of the functions or rotate between them
• Learning by doing
• Take an active role in the current challenging projects in GSC
• Work in an international environment
experienced professionals
• Be a part of creating a partnership environment with your internal and external stakeholders
The purpose of this position is to provide services and after-sales technical service to customers, service partners and/or third party contractors on existing and/or newly acquired equipment and components. Support and develop defined sections of operations and assembly to achieve quality, safety and maximum utilization of equipment, materials and labor
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Junior Quotation Handler
aleja Grunwaldzka 103a, Gdańsk
Wygasła: 16.03.2022
umowa o pracę
junior specialist (Junior)
Reply to customer inquiries within agreed time frame
Identify prices and delivery date of spare parts
Create quotes to customers
Identify components accurately by using company's database or tech. support
Deliver sales price based on internal pricing tools
Secure quotation workflow using prioritization of inquiries
Support branches with follow up on open quotations
Secure unbroken flow in communication between the stakeholders
The Global Service Center (GSC) in Gdańsk, Poland is constantly growing and developing its organizational structure
Main targets are to order execution of our spare parts orders shipped from our outsourced warehouses or suppliers. You will also be responsible for arranging Transport Order and to following up the transport from our warehouses and suppliers as well as creating the Picking List and instructing warehouses to use right packing material for chosen transport mode
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Electrical Designer
aleja Grunwaldzka 103a, Gdańsk
Wygasła: 11.03.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Participate in planning and implementation of electrical design for products
Give support to customers and other parts of the FAR organization in issues related to electrical part of products
Implement electrical design according to the current strategy and architecture
Deliver project documentation, drawings, calculations according to contract
Define a test strategy and conduct testing of electrical designs before/during FAT, HAT and SAT. Make sure all quality issues are dealt with before delivery
Maintain knowledge of class rules, standards and regulations
Collaborate closely with stakeholders
Comply with deadlines and collaborate closely with other team members
Inform line manager when delay in progress occurs, and help find good solutions to mitigate delays
The position is tailored to support MacGregor’s Global Service Center (GSC) in Gdańsk, Poland
Your focus area will be providing customer service for the lifecycle of the marine and offshore spare parts business. You will coordinate and handle the order from the creation of Order Confirmation, through monitoring the delivery to the customer until it is invoiced. This will require contact with various stakeholders from around the world and working with the top of the notch ERP system- SAP. As an Order Fulfilment Handler you will be focused on coordinating optimal workflow level as well as engaging your fellow team members. You will be cooperating closely with our Clients around the world and also GSC teams (Quotation, Purchasing, Logistic and Invoicing). You will be required to create reports based on SAP data and analyzing them. Moreover you will be responsible for proactively identifying areas for improvement- analyze risks & opportunities and propose improvement solutions and report them to Team Leader
The position is tailored to support MacGregor’s Global Service Center (GSC) in Gdańsk, Poland
Your focus area will be providing customer service for the lifecycle of the marine and offshore spare parts business. You will coordinate and handle the order from the creation of Order Confirmation, through monitoring the delivery to the customer until it is invoiced. This will require contact with various stakeholders from around the world and working with the top of the notch ERP system- SAP. As a Senior Order Fulfilment Handler you will be focused on coordinating optimal workflow level as well as engaging your fellow team members. You will be cooperating closely with our Clients around the world and also GSC teams (Quotation, Purchasing, Logistic and Invoicing). You will be required to create reports based on SAP data and analyzing them. Moreover you will be responsible for proactively identifying areas for improvement- analyze risks & opportunities and propose improvement solutions and report them to Team Leader
Responsible for designing and modifying equipment from existing product portfolios and developing new concepts, solutions and standardization of products
Responsible for giving input to product architecture on global arrangement (high understanding of products and systems and how they interact)
Assist in the tender phase (read and comment on the customer specifications, highlight risks, produce required documentation in accordance with specification)
Responsible for giving input to the project risk register, quality plan etc
Responsible for delivering design on budgeted cost, time and quality. Report progress, remaining time and cost, as well as flagging deviations vs. budget and suggesting mitigating actions
Responsible for following change management routines
Responsible for maintaining a higher level of knowledge of class requirements, International standards and country regulation regarding product design. Maintain communication with relevant class societies
Responsible for giving advice and guidance to other engineers and being a mentor for your area of speciality
Responsible for communicating technical deliveries both internally and externally (including establishing and giving technical presentations)
Be a role model with good work practices
Be able to take on the Engineering Lead role in projects
Give internal and external technical support
Participate in control of technical documentation
Other duties as assigned by the Line Manager (including flexibility to travel if required)
Responsible in designing and modifying equipment from existing product portfolios and developing new concepts, solutions and standardization of products
Responsible for delivering design on budgeted cost, time and quality
Provide necessary documentation
Assist in both tender/concept and project phase
Work closely with the other engineering disciplines
Product Specialist - Service Contracts and Remote Insights
aleja Grunwaldzka 103a, Gdańsk
Wygasła: 09.01.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Drive and support sales, growth and profitability for defined market and products in line with budget and strategy, supporting the Global Product Management;
Day to day sales support to markets for service contract and remote services offering;
Preparing lifecycle deals and supporting margin management activities;
Supporting tasks in offering development projects;
Supporting and coordinating market launch and pilot activities;
Coordinating and reviewing of sales, training and legal materials including different market versions and required updates;
Supporting Product management and Pricing team in the contract price review processes, testing of pricing tools and supporting markets in the use of pricing tools;
Build relationships with functional or operational area managers to develop and implement local action plans that are appropriate for their business needs, but consistent with the organisation's overall human resource strategy
Implement and maintain human resources policies and CBS processes in line with the global human resource strategy to establish competitive programs and ensure compliance with legal requirements
Provide guidance to managers and employees in personnel matters, policies and guidelines, and services delivered. Handling questions, interpreting and administering contracts and helping resolve work-related problems
Evaluate the organisation's future workforce needs in order to recommend changes to the organisation's human resource initiatives and adapt existing current human resource initiatives to meet these needs
Support for the development of managerial skills such as leadership, team building, development of management skills: planning, organising, monitoring, motivating
Co-creating the organisational culture, supporting teamwork
Formulate, implement, and maintain local HR plans and budgets
Cooperation with offices and external agencies (lPayroll supplier, personnel consulting agencies, schools, and universities)
Keep all financials in the projects updated and reconciled. Prepare sales budget with PMs, engineering and SSC. A key responsibility is to validate and understand what the risk matrix is consisting of and that it is updated each month. Then challenge what the risk entails and how it is calculated
The project controller is responsible to perform hedging of all currency transactions (payable and receivable) the same day as the project is signed according to the project budget. If a project is cancelled or the scope of purchases or receivables change, then hedge additional currency or cancel hedges that are not needed
The project controller is responsible for fully reconciling the project’s hedge position every month against SAP and Trezone or any other tools used from time to time and to prove its efficiency (i.e. that all is hedged)
Ensure Letter of Credit, Parent Company Guarantees and any other guarantees relating to the project are executed, maintained and issued at the signing of the project and if any changes occur in the projects that requires new issuing or retracting the already issued guarantees
Call for and lead monthly meetings to review the input from PMs and SSC department in order to ensure financials are reflected in forecast.. Validate and ensure correct progress according to the POC model
Keep an updated cash flow analysis for each project on a monthly basis
The project controller is responsible for flagging significant changes in costing and risk to the line manager immediately and all other changes in the monthly reporting
Keep updated overview of all account receivables including mitigating actions and follow up the project managers to ensure timely payments of receivables
Follow the project execution model and report deviations of the project execution model to the line manager for mitigating actions
Make financial forecasts for all projects in the portfolio on a month by month basis (forward looking) in accordance with rolling forecasts
Stay relevant and develop competence within project controlling and the system landscape