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Brak treści. Ta firma nie uzupełniła zakładki “O firmie”.
Wszystkie (4 )
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Archiwalne ( 4 )
Asystent / Asystentka - Pracownik biurowy
Krucza 50, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 24.11.2022
Performing general office clerk duties and errands
Initiating and managing processes and procedures within the company
Handling logistic processes, introducing changes and improvements,
Cooperating with teams in setting and monitoring the goals achievement of subordinate employees, as well as motivating employees to achieve them,
Minimizing costs and optimizing resources, managing budget and proposing solutions ensuring goal achievement within budgetary targets,
Cooperating with the accounting department to ensure correctness and completeness of accounting documentation
Participating in the preparation process for internal and external financial audits
Collaborating with the financial department in the coordination of purchasing, payment, and payroll processes
Cooperating with the HR department controlling employee documentation and benefit structure
Representing the company and communicating in a positive way with suppliers to ensure efficient and fruitful cooperation
Communicate with the interdisciplinary team members to ensure appropriate transfer of information
Organizing travel by booking accommodation and reservation needs as required
Maintaining supply inventory, office equipment and office common areas
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Asystent / Asystentka biura
Krucza 50, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 27.07.2022
Performing general office clerk duties and errands
Initiating and managing processes and procedures within the company
Handling logistic processes, introducing changes and improvements,
Cooperating with teams in setting and monitoring the goals achievement of subordinate employees, as well as motivating employees to achieve them,
Minimizing costs and optimizing resources, managing budget and proposing solutions ensuring goal achievement within budgetary targets,
Cooperating with the accounting department to ensure correctness and completeness of accounting documentation
Participating in the preparation process for internal and external financial audits
Collaborating with the financial department in the coordination of purchasing, payment, and payroll processes
Cooperating with the HR department controlling employee documentation and benefit structure
Representing the company and communicating in a positive way with suppliers to ensure efficient and fruitful cooperation
Communicate with the interdisciplinary team members to ensure appropriate transfer of information
Organizing travel by booking accommodation and reservation needs as required
Maintaining supply inventory, office equipment and office common areas
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Administrative Assistant
Wygasła: 02.07.2022
Performing general office clerk duties and errands
Initiating and managing processes and procedures within the company
Handling logistic processes, introducing changes and improvements,
Cooperating with teams in setting and monitoring the goals achievement of subordinate employees, as well as motivating employees to achieve them,
Minimizing costs and optimizing resources, managing budget and proposing solutions ensuring goal achievement within budgetary targets,
Cooperating with the accounting department to ensure correctness and completeness of accounting documentation
Participating in the preparation process for internal and external financial audits
Collaborating with the financial department in the coordination of purchasing, payment, and payroll processes
Cooperating with the HR department controlling employee documentation and benefit structure
Representing the company and communicating in a positive way with suppliers to ensure efficient and fruitful cooperation
Communicate with the interdisciplinary team members to ensure appropriate transfer of information
Organizing travel by booking accommodation and reservation needs as required
Maintaining supply inventory, office equipment and office common areas
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Asystent / Asystentka biura
Krucza 50, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 09.02.2022
Performing general office clerk duties and errands
Initiating and managing processes and procedures within the company
Handling logistic processes, introducing changes and improvements,
Cooperating with teams in setting and monitoring the degree the goals achievement of subordinate employees, as well as motivating employees to achieve them,
Minimizing costs and optimizing resources, managing budget and proposing solutions ensuring goal achievement within budgetary targets,
Cooperating with the accounting department to ensure correctness and completeness of accounting documentation
Participating in the preparation process for internal and external financial audits
Collaborating with the financial department in the coordination of purchasing, payment, and payroll processes
Cooperating with the HR department controlling employee documentation and benefit structure
Representing the company and communicating in a positive way with suppliers to ensure efficient and fruitful cooperation
Communicate with the interdisciplinary team members to ensure appropriate transfer of information
Organizing travel by booking accommodation and reservation needs as required
Maintaining supply inventory, office equipment and office common areas
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne