1. Pracodawca
  2. Warszawa
  3. Rudradeb Mitra
poleca firmę Opinie ()
Ocena ogólna pracodawcy

Rudradeb Mitra

Warszawa, ul. Bracka 3/2

Dodaj opinię, pomóż innym znaleźć dobrego pracodawcę

Wszystkie ( 0 ) Pozytywna ( 0 ) Neutralna ( 0 ) Negatywa ( 0 )

Użytkownik: Administrator

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Brak treści. Ta firma nie uzupełniła zakładki “O firmie”.

Rekrutacje prowadzone przez firmę:

Wszystkie (2) Aktualne ( 0 ) Archiwalne ( 2 )

Office Assistant

Solec 24, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 18.10.2023
umowa zlecenie
kontrakt B2B
hybrid work
  • We are looking for an office adminstrator/assistant who can do routine work but the person needs good IT skills like using database, slack, online tools, etc. The person needs to speak fluent english and work in an international environment (the employees are from 20 countries). You can work from any location as it is mostly online work but sometimes may need to meet with the team
od 6000 do 7000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Sales & Business Development Manager

Wygasła: 06.03.2022
kontrakt B2B
hybrid work
team manager
  • A fast growing US tech startup (with full-time employees in 11 countries) is looking to hire a full-time sales & business development person. The person will work with the existing sales team (located in Germany, Ireland, and Poland) to drive growth. Initial focus will be to generate leads but can develop into a consultative sales role
  • Since the company is in the beginning (only 2.5 years old) the opportunity to grow for the right candidate is huge
od 12000 do 15000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Work or Not - Sprawdź pracodawcę i wybierz mądrze!

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