Czy macie jakieś informacje na temat pracy w tej firmie? Jak wygląda atmosfera? Czy wynagrodzenie jest dobre? Czy są jakieś benefity? Jakie są warunki pracy? Z góry dzięki!
zapewnienie jak najlepszej obsługi klientów odwiedzających kompleksy Varso Place, Varso Tower oraz Forest (firma jest zarządcą obiektów) poprzez koordynację recepcji budynkowych
zarządzanie zespołem recepcyjnym w kilku obiektach od udziału w rekrutacji, po przeszkolenie i nadzorowanie odpowiedniego standardu i profesjonalnej obsługi gości i klientów
budowanie portfolio usług concierge poprzez wyszukiwanie dostawców, zawieranie umów, utworzenie procedur i procesów oferowania usług klientom
wsparcie zarządcy budynku w procesach administracyjnych, dokumentacji, organizacji eventów w budynkach, oprowadzania klientów po obiekcie, etc
zapewnienie jak najlepszej obsługi klientów odwiedzających kompleksy Varso Place, Varso Tower oraz Forest (firma jest zarządcą obiektów) poprzez koordynację recepcji budynkowych
zarządzanie zespołem recepcyjnym w kilku obiektach od udziału w rekrutacji, po przeszkolenie i nadzorowanie odpowiedniego standardu i profesjonalnej obsługi gości i klientów
budowanie portfolio usług concierge poprzez wyszukiwanie dostawców, zawieranie umów, utworzenie procedur i procesów oferowania usług klientom
wsparcie zarządcy budynku w procesach administracyjnych, dokumentacji, organizacji eventów w budynkach, oprowadzania klientów po obiekcie, etc
będziesz pracować dla zespołu zarządzającego prestiżowymi kompleksami biurowymi Varso oraz Forest w Warszawie, zapewniając pracownikom firm w budynkach, ich gościom i członkom lokalnych społeczności odpowiedni poziom doświadczeń związanych z korzystaniem z obiektów,
będziesz koordynować pracę recepcji budynkowych i ich pracowników - zależy nam na uśmiechu, profesjonalnym pierwszym wrażeniu i najwyższym poziomie obsługi,
będziesz rozwijać, we współpracy z innymi członkami zespołu, wprowadzanie nowych usług concierge – chcemy wspierać osoby pracujące w naszych budynkach na różne możliwe sposoby,
uwzględnia to szukanie partnerów biznesowych świadczących usługi, negocjowanie, zawieranie umów,
rola obejmuje też wsparcie organizacji wydarzeń i atrakcji dla osób korzystających z obiektów w zakresie powierzchni, powitania i komunikacji z uczestnikami, etc
będziesz współtworzyć zespół, który zarządza kompleksem biurowym Varso uwzględniającym Varso Tower – najwyższy budynek w Unii Europejskiej oraz kompleksem Forest, najbardziej zielonymi obiektami (to Twoje miejsce pracy),
będziesz wspierać Zarządcę nieruchomości we wszystkich działaniach operacyjnych dotyczących obiektów,
będziesz nadzorować zewnętrzne usługi ochrony i sprzątania budynków oraz umowy z dostawcami tych usług,
będziesz osobą kontaktową dla najemców w budynku i reagować na ich potrzeby czy zgłaszane przez nich problemy,
tym samym pomożesz nam rozwijać portfolio usług dodatkowych dla najemców (np. concierge),
będziesz zbierać i analizować dane dotyczące działania budynków i usług, przygotowywać raporty – liczymy na Twoje wnioski i sugestie co poprawić!
Manages new programs and services provided to customers and tenants at the country, runs pilots at selected properties
Prepares events and programs plans for assigned property from research, contacting suppliers, creating campaigns for promotions to final execution followed by reporting phase. Ensuring the smooth end to end execution
Monitors customer and tenants needs and feedback and identifies new opportunities for additional services (bike-sharing, yoga lessons, cooking crash courses, etc.)
Participates on creation of events catalogue and search for creative event ideas and client oriented services and execute them
Contributes to the knowledge base of the Group in this area; records lessons learned
Co-creating & producing marketing and communications material – presentations, videos, printed materials, digital signage, content in the app & corporate website, communications strategy strengthening the client awareness of the value delivered through offerings
Co-operates closely with other departments, such as country Property Management, Marketing and Leasing
Is responsible for maximum efficiency of the provided events and manages event budgets
Provides inputs and cooperates during the completion of the annual plan and budget for events and communication activities
You will support our vision to bring remarkable experience to people’s lives by managing the excellent services provided in our office buildings. As a Service Project manager your role is to research and develop services that will help our clients’ employees to better balance their work and personal life. You always focus on customer experience either we provide the services through our own teams or we hire the external providers. You implement and continuously improve miscellaneous services provided within our office buildings
Outcomes of your work will improve the wellbeing and support the business operations of building users and tenants
Client experience - Translate client needs into events and services programming. Deliver unique welcome experience and ensure top level events and service standards and execution across all zone buildings
Process & standards implementation - Implement standards and processes in accordance with the More Services MiniRex (Minimum remarkable experience). Work on continuous improvements and document the processes and procedures
Financial management - Create, implement, and actively manage annual OPEX and CAPEX operational budget plans. Provide input to Site PM on Events and Services start up and operations budget. Evaluate and analyze service KPIs reports
Leadership - Create and maintain an inspiring and motivating environment for the local services team. Manage recruitment, focus on building talent pipeline and help with training and talent management
Collaboration - Closely cooperate with local PM and FM on client offering, relationships and events services execution. Leverage the on-site supporting functions (leasing, marketing, legal, accounting etc.) to deliver the best possible client experience, and to ensure local compliance on all levels
Innovative, entrepreneurial mindset - Be innovative and open to new solutions according to new service trends and sustainable planet positive solutions. Constantly reinvent service offering, for new services create value proposition and business case
Marketing and communication - Ensure proper level and quality of client communication
You'll be part of the new concept of HB Reavis buildings with high future ambitions
You will motivate people to perform at the best and set an example for them to deliver an unforgettable experience of our services
You will pass on your experience to your junior colleagues, and you will be able see how they use them in practice
You will be able to use your creativity when preparing marketing campaigns for our services
You will meet interesting people who visit these buildings daily
You will be able to train your English to communicate with people from different parts of the world
The results of the reception and other services evaluation monthly, based on the designated KPIs
You will be involved in communicating with service suppliers as well as finding new and better ones. At the same time, you will be in contact with our accountants and IT colleagues
You will help people with a problem through the Concierge service
Innovation is one of our strengths, be a part of it and set up processes with us and make it easier to work for yourself and others
Be the first and last point of contact in HubHub space
Support execution of our events
Greet people who come in for tours, check-in members track walk-ins, schedule tours, and send confirmation
Work on community initiatives designed to develop connections between members, including member introductions, event support, email and print communications
Conduct building walkthroughs and embrace HubHub spirit
Solve member related issues to ensure a cohesive community
Assist with move ins and move outs; assist with building operations and maintenance to ensure highest level of member experience
Ensuring members have smooth experience and that the space is kept at high standards
Supporting the Development Department in areas of building law and real estate law, communication and correspondence with relevant public bodies and authorities
Supporting Construction team, in particular, drafting and review of contractual documentation related to construction, procurement and fit-outs
Assistance during due diligence processes, drafting and reviewing M&A transaction documents, negotiations with sellers/ buyers
Legal consultations and drafting of legal opinions
Be the first and last point of contact in HubHub space
Greet people who come in for tours, check-in members track walk-ins, schedule tours, and send confirmation
Work on community initiatives designed to develop connections between members, including member introductions, event support, email and print communications
Conduct building walkthroughs and embrace HubHub spirit
Solve member related issues to ensure a cohesive community
Assist with move ins and move outs; assist with building operations and maintenance to ensure highest level of member experience
Ensuring members have smooth experience and that the space is kept at high standards
Participation in take-over of new buildings and/or disposal of assets, i.a. preparation and execution of the project deployment plan
Undertaking operational management of A-class office property, i.a. preparing guidelines, procedures and regulations as well as supervision of their implementation,
Managing business issues, negotiations and liaison with tenants on all financial and operational matters
Instructing/supervising number of external variety of facility management contractors (technical, security, cleaning, etc.)
Preparation, execution and updates of the budgets (OpEx, CapEx), PM performance reports, tenancy schedules and service charge reconciliations,
monitoring the economy of the assets, i.e. payment discipline and other breaches of mutual obligations and taking appropriate actions
Commenting or preparation of draft contract documentation to close business deals
Commenting the new lease agreements from PM/AM point of view;
Building and management of relations with office/facility managers, pro-active and timely communication with the clients and occupiers;
Participation in events and concierge management as well as other Company initiatives
Providing PM expertise for the new projects such as estimation of the operational costs or design/organizational recommendations,
The purpose of the role is to ensure the highest quality of all services dedicated to our prime building and deliver remarkable experience to our clients. The candidate will be responsible for technical maintenance of VARSO building though managing external services, optimizing utilities, and solving unexpected problems. Your facility management should be executed based on entrepreneurship and environmental approach
Ability and experience to negotiate contracts with subcontractors (modern installations)
Coordination of building services and external suppliers
Efficient management of the defect removal process (internal cooperation with general contractor)
Planning and execution of the OPEX / CAPEX budgets
Representing owner in front of the tenants and business partners (solving client’s requests)
Utilities management ( consumptions analyzes, cost optimalization, energy tendering)
HR administration (in cooperation with external partner you will be responsible for coordinating payroll related activities and payroll provider and employees’ files),
Contracts and other employment related documents (you will be preparing those on the basis of existing templates),
Civil law contracts administration,
Benefits administration,
Vacation and other absences tracking and reporting,
HR system and its data accuracy,
Collecting HR metrics and preparing ad hoc reports based on data available,
Assistance in other HR processes (Staffing, Onboarding, Learning and Development, Exit Procedures)
Occupational health and safety support (you will need to manage medical check-ups and HSE mandatory trainings),
HR administration (in cooperation with external partner you will be responsible for coordinating payroll related activities and payroll provider and employees’ files),
Contracts and other employment related documents (you will be preparing those on the basis of existing templates),
Civil law contracts administration,
Benefits administration,
Vacation and other absences tracking and reporting,
HR system and its data accuracy,
Collecting HR metrics and preparing ad hoc reports based on data available,
Assistance in other HR processes (Staffing, Onboarding, Learning and Development, Exit Procedures)
Occupational health and safety support (you will need to manage medical check-ups and HSE mandatory trainings),
Be the first and last point of contact in HubHub space
Greet people who come in for tours, check-in members track walk-ins, schedule tours, and send confirmation
Work on community initiatives designed to develop connections between members, including member introductions, event support, email and print communications
Conduct building walkthroughs and embrace HubHub spirit
Solve member related issues to ensure a cohesive community
Assist with move ins and move outs; assist with building operations and maintenance to ensure highest level of member experience
Ensuring members have smooth experience and that the space is kept at high standards
HR administration (in cooperation with external partner you will be responsible for coordinating payroll related activities and payroll provider and employees’ files),
Contracts and other employment related documents (you will be preparing those on the basis of existing templates),
Civil law contracts administration,
Benefits administration,
Vacation and other absences tracking and reporting,
HR system and its data accuracy,
Collecting HR metrics and preparing ad hoc reports based on data available,
Assistance in other HR processes (Staffing, Onboarding, Learning and Development, Exit Procedures)
Occupational health and safety support (you will need to manage medical check-ups and HSE mandatory trainings),
HR administration (in cooperation with external partner you will be responsible for coordinating payroll related activities and payroll provider and employees’ files)
Contracts and other employment related documents (you will be preparing those on the basis of existing templates)
Civil law contracts administration
Benefits administration
Vacation and other absences tracking and reporting
HR system and its data accuracy
Collecting HR metrics and preparing ad hoc reports based on data available
Occupational health and safety support (you will need to manage medical check-ups and HSE mandatory trainings)
Assistance in other HR processes (Staffing, Onboarding, Learning and Development, Exit Procedures)
Assistance in development and implementation of human resource policies
Answering employees’ requests
Supporting audits and controls
Participates in HR projects and activities; cooperates with other HR team members
Aktywne zdobywanie wiedzy na temat rynku, potencjalnych najemców i konkurencyjnych projektów
Bieżące monitorowanie konkurencyjnych budynków, postępów w ich wynajmie i oferowanych warunków komercyjnych
Koordynowanie działania systemu CRM
Bieżące raportowanie postępów w wynajmie projektów
Wspomaganie działań marketingowych prowadzonych przez firmę
Wspomaganie Działu Wynajmu w przygotowywaniu ofert najmu, kalkulacji finansowych i prezentacji dla potencjalnych najemców
Organizowanie i udział w prezentacjach projektów potencjalnym najemcom
Organizowanie i udział w spotkaniach z potencjalnymi najemcami i negocjacjach warunków najmu
Udział w kompletowaniu i tworzeniu umowy najmu
Prowadzenie dokumentacji zawieranych transakcji
Wspomaganie działań związanych z przygotowywaniem space-planów dla potencjalnych najemców
Udział w spotkaniach koordynacyjnych dotyczących wynajmu
Udział w spotkaniach koordynacyjnych z development managerem oraz spotkaniach koordynacyjnych dotyczących postępów w realizacji wytycznych klienta odnośnie aranżacji pomieszczeń biurowych
Aktywna współpraca z agentem komercjalizującym projekt
Wszystkie pozostałe działania wspomagające pracę Działu Wynajmu