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Administration worker
al.kalifornijska 23, Rzeplin (pow. wrocławski)
Wygasła: 26.02.2023
umowa o pracę
full office work
Administration duties related with sales in English and polish language, such as: / Obowiązki administracyjne związane ze sprzedażą w języku angielskim i polskim, takie jak:
Contact with prospect or existing customer in Poland and abroad / Kontakt z potencjalnym lub obecnym klientem w Polsce i za granicą;
Being a main contact between Sales Director and Sales Responsibles / Bycie głównym kontaktem pomiędzy Dyrektorem Sprzedaży a Odpowiedzialnymi za Sprzedaż;
Creating and sending out offers, mailings or other commercial info to customers / Tworzenie i wysyłanie ofert, mailingów lub innych informacji handlowych do klientów;
Develop the Account Manager role for Poland. The main goal is to identify, visit and develop relationships with both prospective and current clients
Use technical knowledge to convince prospective and current clients to choose PLPCOATINGS products
Develop both short-term and long-term sales opportunities
Monitor customer contacts where the time between first contact and conclusion can take several weeks or months. During this time act as the main point of contact for all parties both internally and externally
With support from the local director and the administration team develop and monitor proposals closely in order to complete the deals
Develop commercial responsibility for customer accounts in Poland
Administration duties related with sales in English and polish language, such as: / Obowiązki administracyjne związane ze sprzedażą w języku angielskim i polskim, takie jak:
Contact with prospect or existing customer in Poland and abroad / Kontakt z potencjalnym lub obecnym klientem w Polsce i za granicą;
Being a main contact between Sales Director and Sales Responsibles / Bycie głównym kontaktem pomiędzy Dyrektorem Sprzedaży a Odpowiedzialnymi za Sprzedaż;
Creating and sending out offers, mailings or other commercial info to customers / Tworzenie i wysyłanie ofert, mailingów lub innych informacji handlowych do klientów;
Develop the Account Manager role for Poland. The main goal is to identify, visit and develop relationships with both prospective and current clients
Use technical knowledge to convince prospective and current clients to choose PLPCOATINGS products
Develop both short-term and long-term sales opportunities
Monitor customer contacts where the time between first contact and conclusion can take several weeks or months. During this time act as the main point of contact for all parties both internally and externally
With support from the local director and the administration team develop and monitor proposals closely in order to complete the deals
Develop commercial responsibility for customer accounts in Poland
Obowiązki administracyjne związane ze sprzedażą w języku angielskim i polskim
takie jak:
Kontakt z potencjalnymi lub obecnymi klientami w Polsce i za granicą;
Bycie głównym kontaktem pomiędzy Dyrektorem Sprzedaży a Odpowiedzialnymi za Sprzedaż;
Tworzenie i wysyłanie ofert
mailingów lub innych informacji handlowych do klientów;
Praca z systemem CRM.
Miejsce pracy: ul. Al. Kalifornijska 23
55-020 Węgry
Kontakt z pracodawcą:
Praca w godzinach od 8.00-16.00
Develop the Account Manager role for Poland South. The main goal is to identify, visit and develop relationships with both prospective and current clients
Use technical knowledge to convince prospective and current clients to choose PLPCOATINGS products. Develop both short-term and long-term sales opportunities
Monitor customer contacts where the time between first contact and conclusion can take several weeks or months. During this time act as the main point of contact for all parties both internally and externally
With support from the local director and the administration team develop and monitor proposals closely in order to complete the deals
Develop commercial responsibility for customer accounts in Poland South
Travel frequently allover the South Poland Territory = overnight stays as well
Develop the Account Manager role for Poland South. The main goal is to identify, visit and develop relationships with both prospective and current clients
Use technical knowledge to convince prospective and current clients to choose PLPCOATINGS products. Develop both short-term and long-term sales opportunities
Monitor customer contacts where the time between first contact and conclusion can take several weeks or months. During this time act as the main point of contact for all parties both internally and externally
With support from the local director and the administration team develop and monitor proposals closely in order to complete the deals
Develop commercial responsibility for customer accounts in Poland South
Travel frequently allover the South Poland Territory = overnight stays as well
Develop the Account Manager role for Poland South. The main goal is to identify, visit and develop relationships with both prospective and current clients
Use technical knowledge to convince prospective and current clients to choose PLPCOATINGS products. Develop both short-term and long-term sales opportunities
Monitor customer contacts where the time between first contact and conclusion can take several weeks or months. During this time act as the main point of contact for all parties both internally and externally
With support from the local director and the administration team develop and monitor proposals closely in order to complete the deals
Develop commercial responsibility for customer accounts in Poland South
Travel frequently allover the South Poland Territory = overnight stays as well
Develop the Account Manager role for Poland South. The main goal is to identify, visit and develop relationships with both prospective and current clients
Use technical knowledge to convince prospective and current clients to choose PLPCOATINGS products. Develop both short-term and long-term sales opportunities
Monitor customer contacts where the time between first contact and conclusion can take several weeks or months. During this time act as the main point of contact for all parties both internally and externally
With support from the local director and the administration team develop and monitor proposals closely in order to complete the deals
Develop commercial responsibility for customer accounts in Poland South
Travel frequently allover the South Poland Territory = overnight stays as well
Rozwijanie istniejącej roli Kierownika Procesu Technicznego w Polsce południowej. Główna rola polega na wizytach u klienta, przeprowadzaniu testów lakierniczych u klienta lub audytach całego procesu malowania z uwzględnieniem prawidłowego dopasowania sprzętu malarskiego i rodzaju użytej farby / Develop the existing Technical Process Manager role for Poland south. The main role is based on visits at customer, carry out paint tests at the customer or audits of whole painting process including correct matching painting equipment and paint type used
Jednocześnie odwiedzenie i rozwijanie dobrych relacji zarówno z potencjalnymi, jak i obecnymi klientami / At the same time, visit and develop good relationships with both prospective and current clients
Rozwijanie zarówno krótkoterminowych, jak i długoterminowych możliwości współpracy / Develop both short-term and long-term cooperation opportunities
Przy wsparciu lokalnego dyrektora i zespołu administracyjnego ściśle opracowywanie i monitorowanie propozycji w celu sfinalizowania projektu / With support from the local director and the administration team develop and monitor proposals closely in order to complete the deals
Zarządzanie harmonogramem wizyt w sposób autonomiczny, współpracując z liderem zespołu i działem sprzedaży / Manage visits schedule autonomously, liaise with team leader and sales dept
Rozwijanie istniejącej roli Kierownika Procesu Technicznego w Polsce południowej. Główna rola polega na wizytach u klienta, przeprowadzaniu testów lakierniczych u klienta lub audytach całego procesu malowania z uwzględnieniem prawidłowego dopasowania sprzętu malarskiego i rodzaju użytej farby / Develop the existing Technical Process Manager role for Poland south. The main role is based on visits at customer, carry out paint tests at the customer or audits of whole painting process including correct matching painting equipment and paint type used
Jednocześnie odwiedzenie i rozwijanie dobrych relacji zarówno z potencjalnymi, jak i obecnymi klientami / At the same time, visit and develop good relationships with both prospective and current clients
Rozwijanie zarówno krótkoterminowych, jak i długoterminowych możliwości współpracy / Develop both short-term and long-term cooperation opportunities
Przy wsparciu lokalnego dyrektora i zespołu administracyjnego ściśle opracowywanie i monitorowanie propozycji w celu sfinalizowania projektu / With support from the local director and the administration team develop and monitor proposals closely in order to complete the deals
Zarządzanie harmonogramem wizyt w sposób autonomiczny, współpracując z liderem zespołu i działem sprzedaży / Manage visits schedule autonomously, liaise with team leader and sales dept
Develop the Account Manager role for Poland South. The main goal is to identify, visit and develop relationships with both prospective and current clients
Use technical knowledge to convince prospective and current clients to choose PLPCOATINGS products. Develop both short-term and long-term sales opportunities
Monitor customer contacts where the time between first contact and conclusion can take several weeks or months. During this time act as the main point of contact for all parties both internally and externally
With support from the local director and the administration team develop and monitor proposals closely in order to complete the deals
Develop commercial responsibility for customer accounts in Poland South
Travel frequently allover the South Poland Territory = overnight stays as well
Develop the Account Manager role for Poland South. The main goal is to identify, visit and develop relationships with both prospective and current clients
Use technical knowledge to convince prospective and current clients to choose PLPCOATINGS products. Develop both short-term and long-term sales opportunities
Monitor customer contacts where the time between first contact and conclusion can take several weeks or months. During this time act as the main point of contact for all parties both internally and externally
With support from the local director and the administration team develop and monitor proposals closely in order to complete the deals
Develop commercial responsibility for customer accounts in Poland South
Travel frequently allover the South Poland Territory = overnight stays as well
Develop the Account Manager role for Poland South. The main goal is to identify, visit and develop relationships with both prospective and current clients
Use technical knowledge to convince prospective and current clients to choose PLPCOATINGS products. Develop both short-term and long-term sales opportunities
Monitor customer contacts where the time between first contact and conclusion can take several weeks or months. During this time act as the main point of contact for all parties both internally and externally
With support from the local director and the administration team develop and monitor proposals closely in order to complete the deals
Develop commercial responsibility for customer accounts in Poland South
Travel frequently allover the South Poland Territory = overnight stays as well
Develop the Account Manager role for Poland South. The main goal is to identify, visit and develop relationships with both prospective and current clients
Use technical knowledge to convince prospective and current clients to choose PLPCOATINGS products. Develop both short-term and long-term sales opportunities
Monitor customer contacts where the time between first contact and conclusion can take several weeks or months. During this time act as the main point of contact for all parties both internally and externally
With support from the local director and the administration team develop and monitor proposals closely in order to complete the deals
Develop commercial responsibility for customer accounts in Poland South
Travel frequently allover the South Poland Territory = overnight stays as well
Poszukujemy pracownika na stanowisko technik laboratoryjny R&D (młodszy specjalista lub
specjalista) z podstawową lub zaawansowaną wiedzą w zakresie opracowywania farb
Jako technik laboratoryjny R&D będziesz intensywnie pracować nad rozwojem nowych produktów lakierniczych oraz przeprowadzać testy i analizy wspólnie z najlepszą ekipą technologów
Poszukujemy pracownika na stanowisko technik laboratoryjny R&D (młodszy specjalista lub
specjalista) z podstawową lub zaawansowaną wiedzą w zakresie opracowywania farb
Jako technik laboratoryjny R&D będziesz intensywnie pracować nad rozwojem nowych produktów lakierniczych oraz przeprowadzać testy i analizy wspólnie z najlepszą ekipą technologów