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Rekrutacje prowadzone przez firmę:
Wszystkie (258)Aktualne ( 0 )Archiwalne ( 258 )
Mechanical Validation Engineer (MEE System Engineering)
Krzywoustego 31g, Oleśnica
Wygasła: 14.04.2024
umowa o pracę
full office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Support of interface and integration of the sub-systems in terms of definition, development, verification and validation within customer program
Participation in the continuous improvement process for requirement engineering processes
Analyze the mechanical product architecture and identify mechanical subsystems inclusive
functions and requirements which needs to be verified
Create a design verification plan which covers all relevant functions and product characteristics for verification. Consider physical and virtual testing
Consider customer and decomposed internal product requirements for verification in a systematic approach and track the verification evidence
Include FMEA Method to identify and address failure modes on all product levels. Add specific test activities for detection and analyse gaps within the failure tree
Create Test Specifications with support of technical experts and align on verification targets with the executing test department
Plan timing and necessary resources for all verification activities in alignment with the test department and other stakeholders against project milestones
Identify prototype demands based on the design verification plan and other sources. This includes an understanding of the prototype requirements regarding quality and quantity
Independent planning and management of mechanical development projects and electric drive (sub)systems from the concept phase to series production readiness, taking into account the CAPM, Automotive SPICE and DES development processes
Technical support in project acquisition
Examination of development results for patentability and support of patent applications
Preparation, regular review and maintenance of development, activity and time plans as well as resource and project cost planning for own projects or in coordination with the higher-level overall programme management for system programmes
Planning, controlling, tracking and reporting of project efforts (workload) and project resources
Initiation and monitoring of cost reduction measures (VA/VE)
Regular reporting / presentation of the development progress and its results as well as, if necessary, presentation of problem-solving analyses and their proposed solutions internally as well as to the customer
Technical management of international development teams
Collaboration in the analysis of customer complaints and in the initiation of corrective measures to avoid future complaints and the resulting measures for product improvement (ISO 26262, FMEA)
Coordination of requirements, capacities (internal & external) and costs for the development and acceptance tests to be carried out. Clarification of priority conflicts
Review of customer/supplier specification and capturing the requirements in PTC Integrity including RFQ documents, standards and legal requirements
Analysis of customer requirements, standards, supplier documents and legal requirements in collaboration with involved domains including capturing of requirement
Clarification and agreement of specification with customer, suppliers, and the internal component responsible engineers and the Programme Engineering Manager (PEM)
Ensuring the traceability of requirements and appropriate evidence in PTC Integrity, On-going customer support during the project work
Conduct requirements change management process, implementation of amendments and updates within RV&S (PTC Integrity)
Preparation of specification for sub systems in PTC integrity and alignment with the project team and based on generic specifications or derived customer requirements
Tracking of requirement verification traceability matrix (RVTM) documents and customer requirements for documentation
Preparation of the System FMEA in correlation with the specification under consideration of related norms and standards including FUSI and product safety
Support of interface and integration of the sub-systems in terms of definition, development, verification and validation within customer program
Participation in the continuous improvement process for requirement engineering processes
Perform V-model based engineering development work
Provide engineering deliverables according to GKN process
Responsibility for concept and layout definition: initial package analysis, sketching drafts, dimensioning and calculation of components, product selection based on requirements
Documentation and reporting of development results
Executing role specific work packages as assigned by team leader
Benchmarking of competitor products
Invention disclosures and Intellectual Property creation to foster GKN’s technology leadership
Component testing and supports DVP development
Provide input and support for:
Continuous development and optimization of components and their performance and cost
Development of Product Specifications, Processes and Standards
Development, maintenance & documentation of product databases
Know How Transfer of detailed component knowledge and related topics
Projektowanie elektrycznych układów napędowych samochodów, ich podsystemów oraz komponentów zgodnie ze specyfikacją klienta i we współpracy z innymi zespołami inżynieryjnymi
Przygotowywanie specyfikacji produktu poprzez tworzenie modeli 3D, rysunków 2D zgodnie ze standardami (DIN/ISO/GKN) i metodologią modelowania oraz tworzenia rysunków wykonawczych, złożeniowych, z naciskiem na dokładność i jakość danych
Tworzenie i zarządzanie dokumentacją w trakcie całego procesu projektowania, a w szczególności listami materiałowymi (BOM’s) w systemie PDM
Wspieranie tworzenia DFMEA zgodnie ze standardami AIAG/VDA
Projekty koncepcyjne i prototypowe oraz optymalizacja projektowanych produktów i części zgodnie z otrzymanymi raportami i dokumentacją testów
Wspieranie innych zespołów (Przygotowanie produkcji, Zapewnienie jakości, Zakupu) przy rozwiązywaniu problemów projektowych i redukcji kosztów ( np. VA/VE)
Provide Differential expertise to global engineering & commercial account teams in pursuit of new product business
Lead all performance investigation activities associated with differential related components
Work with manufacturing engineering to lead DFMEA, DFM/A, PFMEA inputs necessary to meet the customer application needs. Provide Differential knowledge to aid in developing program specific manufacturing specifications necessary for a robust processing of the awarded product
Design responsible for creation of BOM/assembly designs of initial product proposals
Provide “Product expertise” to Application Engineers, Development Engineers, Manufacturing Engineers when information is required
Initiate and lead development activities identified as required for the new application program: DFMEA, DFM/A reviews with manufacturing, FEA of base products & periphery products, initial design options, new technical designs solutions, benchmark studies in relationship to the target business opportunity. Utilize in depth market knowledge and product development cycles to target new business opportunities
Continuously improve & maintain the application tools required for product selection available internally
Lead and execute necessary development and testing activities as it pertains to new business
Support local and global VA/VE activities with product expertise, working with GKN purchasing and process specialists
Understand and organize the existing component / product performance characteristics to improve overall application of Differential products
Execute KHT of Differential knowledge to the engineering community both regionally & globally
Mechanical System Engineer (ME Sys. Engineer / Inverter)
Krzywoustego 31g, Oleśnica
Wygasła: 07.10.2023
umowa o pracę
full office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Technical lead of interface and integration of the sub-systems in terms of definition, development, verification, and validation within customer program
Application of rules from ISO15288 and INCOSE systems engineering processes including methods for traceability of requirements in PTC Integrity
System analysis using tools and support of model-based approach for system analysis
Analysis of customer requirements, standards, supplier documents and legal requirements in collaboration with involved domains including capturing of requirements
Development of specification for system, sub-systems and components while ensuring that legal, technical, and quality requirements are met using system engineering technique
Clarification and agreement of specification with customer, suppliers, and the internal component responsible and the Programme Engineering Manager (PEM)
Discussion and clarification of missing or critical requirements with the OEM in agreement with the project engineering manager
Preparation of target specification for sub systems in agreement with the project team and based on generic specifications or derived customer specific requirements
Create and track requirement verification traceability matrix (RVTM) documents including technical reporting for internal and external customers
Provides expert support on the trade-offs between expected sub-system performance on system level in terms of weight, NVH, package, efficiency, durability and cost
Vehicle test to rig correlation of test results and measured data
Support of the continuous improvement process for requirement engineering processes
Support of the requirement change management process, implementation of amendments and updates
Mechanical System Engineer (ME Sys. Engineer / Inverter)
Krzywoustego 31g, Oleśnica
Wygasła: 07.09.2023
umowa o pracę
full office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Technical lead of interface and integration of the sub-systems in terms of definition, development, verification, and validation within customer program
Application of rules from ISO15288 and INCOSE systems engineering processes including methods for traceability of requirements in PTC Integrity
System analysis using tools and support of model-based approach for system analysis
Analysis of customer requirements, standards, supplier documents and legal requirements in collaboration with involved domains including capturing of requirements
Development of specification for system, sub-systems and components while ensuring that legal, technical, and quality requirements are met using system engineering technique
Clarification and agreement of specification with customer, suppliers, and the internal component responsible and the Programme Engineering Manager (PEM)
Discussion and clarification of missing or critical requirements with the OEM in agreement with the project engineering manager
Preparation of target specification for sub systems in agreement with the project team and based on generic specifications or derived customer specific requirements
Create and track requirement verification traceability matrix (RVTM) documents including technical reporting for internal and external customers
Provides expert support on the trade-offs between expected sub-system performance on system level in terms of weight, NVH, package, efficiency, durability and cost
Vehicle test to rig correlation of test results and measured data
Support of the continuous improvement process for requirement engineering processes
Support of the requirement change management process, implementation of amendments and updates
Provide Differential expertise to global engineering & commercial account teams in pursuit of new product business
Lead all performance investigation activities associated with differential related components
Work with manufacturing engineering to lead DFMEA, DFM/A, PFMEA inputs necessary to meet the customer application needs. Provide Differential knowledge to aid in developing program specific manufacturing specifications necessary for a robust processing of the awarded product
Design responsible for creation of BOM/assembly designs of initial product proposals
Provide “Product expertise” to Application Engineers, Development Engineers, Manufacturing Engineers when information is required
Initiate and lead development activities identified as required for the new application program: DFMEA, DFM/A reviews with manufacturing, FEA of base products & periphery products, initial design options, new technical designs solutions, benchmark studies in relationship to the target business opportunity. Utilize in depth market knowledge and product development cycles to target new business opportunities
Continuously improve & maintain the application tools required for product selection available internally
Lead and execute necessary development and testing activities as it pertains to new business
Support local and global VA/VE activities with product expertise, working with GKN purchasing and process specialists
Understand and organize the existing component / product performance characteristics to improve overall application of Differential products
Execute KHT of Differential knowledge to the engineering community both regionally & globally
konstruowanie narzędzi, oprzyrządowania i sprawdzianów dla potrzeb produkcji;
wprowadzanie zmian i usprawnień w istniejących konstrukcjach oprzyrządowania i maszyn poprawiających warunki procesów produkcyjnych oraz optymalizujących koszty;
współpraca z innymi działami firmy w celu zapewnienia efektywności, jakości i ciągłości wykonywanej pracy oraz procesów produkcyjnych (w tym w sytuacjach awaryjnych);
standaryzacja rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych i usprawnianie procesu konstrukcji;
uczestnictwo w próbach skonstruowanego oprzyrządowania;
uzupełnianie i nadzorowanie danych zawartych w bazach danych
konstruowanie narzędzi, oprzyrządowania i sprawdzianów dla potrzeb produkcji;
wprowadzanie zmian i usprawnień w istniejących konstrukcjach oprzyrządowania i maszyn poprawiających warunki procesów produkcyjnych oraz optymalizujących koszty;
współpraca z innymi działami firmy w celu zapewnienia efektywności, jakości i ciągłości wykonywanej pracy oraz procesów produkcyjnych (w tym w sytuacjach awaryjnych);
standaryzacja rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych i usprawnianie procesu konstrukcji;
uczestnictwo w próbach skonstruowanego oprzyrządowania;
uzupełnianie i nadzorowanie danych zawartych w bazach danych
tworzenie oraz aktualizacja dokumentacji technologicznej w programie IQRM, AutoCad, MS Office (karty operacyjne, plany nadzorowania, przepływy procesu, karty Poka-Yoke, karty przezbrojeń);
uruchamianie nowych projektów na liniach montażowych prowadzenie testów;
doskonalenie przydzielonych procesów technologicznych z zakresu jakości, BHP, ergonomii oraz wydajności poprzez: zbieranie i analizowanie danych, współpracę przy tworzeniu konstrukcji, wdrożenia na liniach, szkolenia operatorów;
współpraca z innymi wydziałami firmy (projekty, logistyka, BHP, produkcja, dział konstrukcji);
Zarządzanie zespołem produkcyjnym poprzez delegowanie zadań, wsparcie merytoryczne, pomoc w rozwiązywaniu problemów, motywowanie oraz budowanie zaangażowania i rozwój podległych pracowników;
Wspieranie zespołu w osiąganiu założonych celów produkcyjnych;
Monitorowanie, nadzorowanie i odpowiedzialność za wskaźniki działalności wydziału oraz raportowanie wyników pracy zespołu do Dyrektora Montażu;
Analiza procesów technologicznych z zakresu produkcji i montażu;
Codzienna współpraca z innymi działami w celu realizacji planu produkcyjnego, zapewnienia efektywności, jakości i ciągłości wykonywanej pracy;
Costing and sourcing process (RFQ, negotiation), in coordination with Programme Procurement Leaders to ensure flawless launch and new programs targeted performance;
Support Commodity strategy execution within the sourcing process;
Lead negotiations and related formal contractual agreements in compliance with policies and procedures;
Manage supply base operational relationships, achieving performance targets (QCD) and continuous improvement;
Manage and drive proactively material cost improvement to achieve procurements metrics (KPIs) using all levers (negotiation, resourcing, VaVe, localization, product productivity);
Ensure material savings actuals and forecast are timely and accurately reflected within the Procurement systems
Zarządzanie zespołem produkcyjnym poprzez delegowanie zadań, wsparcie merytoryczne, pomoc w rozwiązywaniu problemów, motywowanie oraz budowanie zaangażowania i rozwój podległych pracowników;
Wspieranie zespołu w osiąganiu założonych celów produkcyjnych;
Monitorowanie, nadzorowanie i odpowiedzialność za wskaźniki działalności wydziału oraz raportowanie wyników pracy zespołu do Dyrektora Montażu;
Analiza procesów technologicznych z zakresu produkcji i montażu;
Codzienna współpraca z innymi działami w celu realizacji planu produkcyjnego, zapewnienia efektywności, jakości i ciągłości wykonywanej pracy;
Manage supplier and internal KPIs to achieve targets in PPB, PPM, number of complaints and concerns, time to close issues, quality costs recovery, and supplier warranty indicators;
Carry out on-site and virtual supplier validation audits, with supplier support and supplier advanced product quality planning (APQP) and PPAP;
Establish strong operational relationships with suppliers and internal stakeholders;
Support supplier run at rate planning, preparation, and on-site execution;
Work with Engineering (Design and Manufacturing) team to define process parameters and criteria to ensure supplier process capability is effective to meet product and process requirements;
Collaborate with suppliers on VAVE and process improvement opportunities and projects;
Manage complaint management and problem-solving using PDCA/A3/8D/FTA and audit verification to ensure root cause analysis and corrective actions implemented and read across;
Support and develop supplier new product launch and project management to ensure suppliers are capable to deliver on-time to the required quality standards;
Lead supplier development strategy, designing the metrics for the function and supplier performance, support longer term general improvement plans and actions;
Review and evaluate supplier quality data to identify process improvement opportunities throughout the supply chain
lead and coordinate technical design activities within a local and global team;
create the documentation of the design process, calculation results and insert these documentation in the data management system;
to lead, create, review and manage assembly and component design FMEA’s, support PFMEA’s and identify and specify critical and significant characteristics in agreement with GKN Application and Manufacturing Engineers and Customer;
specify in detail required drawings, create, manipulate and maintain 3D CAD models and drawings for production level designs, assembly and manufacturing requirements, as well as concept, prototype and general design studies. Understanding and use of the GD&T required;
optimizing of products, parts and analyzing of reports and documentation;
set up of calculations on life circle, firmness, abrasion, weight, tolerances, balance point, torsional stiffness, mass, inertia, etc.;
applying and considering by creating models and drafts;
follow all standards (DIN / ISO/ GKN ….) and modeling methodology. Strong emphasis on accuracy and data quality;
work as part of the ePT design team to carry out activities to reduce internal and external costs e.g. VA/VE and manufacturing process changes;
support of Manufacturing, Quality and Account on design issues
zapewnienie spełnienia wymagań Klienta w zakresie jakości kupowanych części oraz usług;
współpraca z dostawcami oraz klientami wewnętrznymi w zakresie zapewnienia zgodności komponentów oraz usług;
planowanie jakości dostawców poprzez aktywny udział w procesie APQP;
nadzór nad procesem reklamacji (problem solving) do dostawców oraz procesem obciążania dostawców kosztami NOK jakości;
doskonalenie oraz rozwój dostawców poprzez planowanie oraz prowadzenie audytów i okresowych ocen;
monitorowanie bieżącego poziomu jakości dostarczanych komponentów oraz inicjowanie działań w celu utrzymania wymaganego poziomu jakości;
proponowanie, prowadzenie i monitorowanie realizacji projektów doskonalących - szczególnie oszczędnościowych i usprawniających pracę zarówno wewnętrznych jak i u dostawców;
analiza i monitoring wdrożonych przez dostawcę działań korygujących;
weryfikacja dokumentacji PPAP i zgodności komponentów z wymaganiami GKN;
przygotowywanie raportów, kalkulacji i zestawień na potrzeby firmy
przygotowywanie, analizowanie i interpretowanie wyników operacyjnych na potrzeby raportowania do Zarządu, Regionalnego Zespołu Finansowego oraz innych działów firmy;
kalkulacja rentowności produktów;
analiza kosztowa nowych projektów biznesowych;
weryfikacja projektów oszczędnościowych i aktywne wsparcie organizacji w podejmowaniu decyzji;
Costing and sourcing process (RFQ, negotiation) , in coordination with Programme Procurement Leaders to ensure flawless launch and new programs targeted performance;
Support Commodity strategy execution within the sourcing process;
Lead negotiations and related formal contractual agreements in compliance with policies and procedures;
Manage supply base operational relationships, achieving performance targets (QCD) and continuous improvement;
Manage and drive proactively material cost improvement to achieve procurements metrics (KPIs) using all levers (negotiation, resourcing, VaVe, localization, product productivity);
Ensure material savings actuals and forecast are timely and accurately reflected within the Procurement systems
The primary focus of this role is to be the Senior Talent Acquisition Partner and point-of-contact for hiring managers and senior executives, leading hiring activities internally and externally and collaborating with hiring managers on their Recruitment needs at global level
Responsible for all levels of Recruitment including senior hiring for key positions as well as provide support as needed to vacancies amongst the wider TA function in wider regions as appropriate (Europe, Americas, APAC
Manage full-cycle recruitment needs for cross-functional client groups while developing and implementing strategic and direct sourcing strategies
Develop, manage, measure and communicate industry best practices surrounding Recruitment
Partner with Business HR on development of workforce planning to ensure we have visibility of the hiring plan in order to source the best talent internally and externally
Implement a core, common and consistent approach to finding key talent for the company that aligns with our overall company Talent Acquisition strategy
Manage 360 Recruitment process – hiring manager vacancy briefing, internal and external posting, manage screening through ATS (initial pre-screen and telephone interviews to assess candidate’s abilities, qualifications, and fit), ensure relevant F2F interview process are robust and fit for purpose, interview wrap up, offer negotiation (internal and external), onboarding hand off with HR
Apply Boolean and other sourcing techniques on Linkedin, with local networking groups and social media to build the passive talent pipeline; and utilise technology to keep in contact with Talent Communities. Will identify industry leaders, subject matter experts and respected competitors to recruit them to GKN Automotive business units/global functions
Utilise MI from our ATS and establish and manage a schedule of regular updates with hiring managers to generate progress reports
Evaluate and maintain all Recruitment channels (internal and external), maintain agency PSL and make recommendations on supplier usage and spend
Be responsible for project delivery / initiatives as the Global Talent Acquistion CoE develops
manage and follow up daily CAE work within the project, pre-development and product care with effective resource management and visualize the status to project team and organization;
interpret customer requirements from the order into technical specifications and CAE analysis together with other functions;
establish, execute, follow up and report CAE Plan for CAE activities;
initiate the CAE analysis as required in the CAE plan;
compile calculation reports including recommendation, technical guidance, and conclusions for internal use;
support PEM manager compiling calculation reports for customer use;
support project team in Product Life prediction and technical recommendation for verification of the product;
support PEM with the customer contact and discussion regarding CAE verification;
update and store test data in PDM system in a STD WoW and update TSO document;
participate in product design review (Technical Sign-Off) meeting;
continuously carry back testing and validation results and drive for efficient and good correlation between virtual and test results;
support testing activities;
drive and implement new tools, processes and methods into Virtual Analysis team with direct contact to GKN Driveline globally;
ensure that all CAE work is done acc. latest GKN STDs, customer STDs, international STDs and agreed WoW;
lead and drive lean enterprise activities within the team;
lead, drive and execute continues improvement activities;
independent planning and management of mechanical development projects and electric drive (sub)systems from the concept phase to series production readiness, taking into account the CAPM, Automotive SPICE and DES development processes;
technical support in project acquisition;
examination of development results for patentability and support of patent applications;
preparation, regular review and maintenance of development, activity and time plans as well as resource and project cost planning for own projects or in coordination with the higher-level overall programme management for system programmes;
planning, controlling, tracking and reporting of project efforts (workload) and project resources;
initiation and monitoring of cost reduction measures (VA/VE);
regular reporting / presentation of the development progress and its results as well as, if necessary, presentation of problem-solving analyses and their proposed solutions internally as well as to the customer;
technical management of international development teams;
collaboration in the analysis of customer complaints and in the initiation of corrective measures to avoid future complaints and the resulting measures for product improvement (ISO 26262, FMEA);
coordinating resources with other engineering functions (e.g. design, test, prototyping), also with regard to priorities;
coordination of requirements, capacities (internal & external) and costs for the development and acceptance tests to be carried out. Clarification of priority conflicts
lead and coordinate technical design activities within a local and global team;
create the documentation of the design process, calculation results and insert these documentation in the data management system;
to lead, create, review and manage assembly and component design FMEA’s, support PFMEA’s and identify and specify critical and significant characteristics in agreement with GKN Application and Manufacturing Engineers and Customer;
specify in detail required drawings, create, manipulate and maintain 3D CAD models and drawings for production level designs, assembly and manufacturing requirements, as well as concept, prototype and general design studies. Understanding and use of the GD&T required;
optimizing of products, parts and analyzing of reports and documentation;
set up of calculations on life circle, firmness, abrasion, weight, tolerances, balance point, torsional stiffness, mass, inertia, etc.;
applying and considering by creating models and drafts;
follow all standards (DIN / ISO/ GKN ….) and modeling methodology. Strong emphasis on accuracy and data quality;
work as part of the ePT design team to carry out activities to reduce internal and external costs e.g. VA/VE and manufacturing process changes;
support of Manufacturing, Quality and Account on design issues
Udział w strategicznym rozwoju procesów przedsiębiorstwa poprzez analizy wydajnościowe, kosztowe, określanie możliwości wytwórczych, planowanie inwestycji;
Zarządzanie danymi inżynieryjnymi w ERP – BOM, technologia, gniazda produkcyjne;
Nadzór nad procesem NBA – analiza możliwości produkcyjnych, szacowanie czasów wytworzenia, kosztów maszyn niezbędnych do produkcji;
Zarządzanie czasami cyklów wytworzenia;
Udział w tworzeniu budżetu przedsiębiorstwa;
Współpraca z innymi działami oraz zapewnienie właściwego obiegu informacji i dokumentacji
konstruowanie narzędzi, oprzyrządowania i sprawdzianów dla potrzeb produkcji;
wprowadzanie zmian i usprawnień w istniejących konstrukcjach oprzyrządowania i maszyn poprawiających warunki procesów produkcyjnych oraz optymalizujących koszty;
współpraca z innymi działami firmy w celu zapewnienia efektywności, jakości i ciągłości wykonywanej pracy oraz procesów produkcyjnych (w tym w sytuacjach awaryjnych);
standaryzacja rozwiązań konstrukcyjnych i usprawnianie procesu konstrukcji;
uczestnictwo w próbach skonstruowanego oprzyrządowania;
uzupełnianie i nadzorowanie danych zawartych w bazach danych
Ścisła współpraca z Centrum usług wspólnych w celu: zapewnienia prawidłowości rejestracji operacji gospodarczych w księgach, przekazywania informacji do Centrum usług wspólnych o zmianach w prawie podatkowym, które skutkują zmianą procesów, wdrożenia nowych schematów księgowych, miesięcznej kontroli uzgadnianych kont księgowych zgodnie z zasadami Grupy GKN, akceptacji i wysyłki deklaracji VAT-7 do US, koordynowania prognozy przepływów pieniężnych
Opracowywanie schematów księgowych dla nowych operacji gospodarczych: kontakt z Grupą GKN celem wdrożenia nowych kont księgowych i schematów księgowych
koordynowanie z innymi departamentami „nietypowych” zdarzeń gospodarczych np. sprzedaż toolingu; transakcje trójstronne VAT;
kontrola poprawności dekretowanych operacji gospodarczych;
kontrola poprawności wykonywanych kontroli wewnętrznych, a które odpowiada Spółka;
przygotowywanie uzgodnień, które pozostały w odpowiedzialności GK (np. uzgodnienie kont podatku CIT);
przygotowywanie miesięcznych i rocznej deklaracji CIT wraz z obowiązującymi załącznikami;
identyfikowanie obowiązków związanych z WHT (wraz z Centrum Usług Wspólnych) oraz przygotowanie rocznych deklaracji związanych z WHT;
kalkulacja i przygotowanie deklaracji rocznej podatku od nieruchomości;
przygotowanie miesięcznych i rocznych sprawozdań finansowych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem Statutowych Sprawozdań Finansowych;
koordynowanie prac związanych z przygotowaniem dokumentacji cen transferowych, która jest przygotowywane przez big4;
koordynowanie innych prac, która wynikają z bieżących potrzeb spółki np. rejestracja VAT w innych krajach EU;
raportowanie MDR;
podpisywanie realizowanych przelewów z tytułu płatności za usługi i towary;
bieżąca współpraca z Urzędem Skarbowym, również w trakcie kontroli podatkowych;
bieżąca współpraca z innymi urzędami zewnętrznymi np. NBP; Urząd Statystyczny