Czy macie jakieś informacje na temat pracy w tej firmie? Jak wygląda atmosfera? Czy wynagrodzenie jest dobre? Czy są jakieś benefity? Jakie są warunki pracy? Z góry dzięki!
opracowywanie standardów opakowaniowych dla: nowych projektów wdrażanych w zakładzie produkcyjnym; modernizacja obecnych standardów; opakowań kartonowych jako alternatywa do obecnie stosowanego opakowania oraz opakowania docelowego dla rynku aftermarket;
prowadzenie testów transportowych weryfikujących poprawność zastosowanego opakowania, materiału, zabezpieczenia;
obliczanie ilości potrzebnych opakowań w obiegu;
tworzenie kart pakowania dla poszczególnych detali;
zarzadzanie budżetami przeznaczonymi na opakowania;
aktualizowanie danych na portalach klientów;
kontakt z dostawcami oraz klientami w celu rozwoju koncepcji pakowania detali/wyrobu gotowego;
kontakt z klientami i zarządzanie reklamacjami opakowaniowymi; wprowadzanie wymaganych zmian i modyfikacji;
kontakt z producentami opakowań, materiałów dostępnych na rynku;
przyjmowanie do systemu dostarczanych opakowań;
tworzenie udoskonaleń logistycznych (kaizen) od strony opakowaniowej;
aktywny udział w procesach gospodarki odchudzonej (lean) w dziale logistyki;
dostosowywanie obszarów logistycznych pod stosowane / wdrażane opakowania;
Manage relation with all financial institutions (banks, factoring companies)
Assure proper management of bank balances in all accounts, manage daily interactions with banks, managing and supervising banks’ IT systems
Reconcile bank statements, handle all incoming and outgoing banking transactions on behalf of the company (approve payment orders towards suppliers)
Manage cash flow, submit monthly reports detailing the company's present financial situation (flows) and forecasting the coming 6-month period (explain any variances between plan and actual)
Define cash related items in all forecasts, budgets and plans in cooperation with financial manager
Analyze outstanding receivables, monitor overdue positions (calculate and keep updated the reserve for overdue receivables), submit relevant group reports and support business in collecting incoming payments
Analysis of current supplier backlog and resulting impact on cashflow
Manage Fx transaction
Responsibility for compliance and cash-related procedures
Support the local Financial Manager and the Business in any analysis related to cashflow and related balance sheet positions
Manage risk management in cooperation with local broker and central policies
Ensure a proper correct staff management at site level
Ensure that payroll is processed accurately and on time
Responsible for the administration and analysis of employing labour costs at site level
Ensure that the management of personnel administrative documentation is in line with corporate processes and regulatory requirements
Manage the administrative procedures for hiring, promotion, salary increase, change of work location, contractual transformation or termination of employees, trainees and agency workers
Monitor, analyze and manage time attendance, overtime, holidays, leaves and long-term absences
Manage the company car fleet
Manage and monitor business travel processes and expenses
Produce reports related to employee personnel statistics
Responsible for day-to-day administration of policies and programs covering some of the following areas: compensation and benefit, training, organization development, and employee relations programs
In cooperation with Industrial Relations/legal dpt, cooperating in defining the Labour Relations guidelines at Country level
Participate in collective contract negotiations as required. Provides advice on grievances initiates and maintains satisfactory relations between the respective union leaders and management. Support contract negotiations, supervise grievance procedures and administer labour/management relations
Manage the selection processes (definition of the job description, choice of publication channels, screening of CVs, conducting of interviews, elaboration of the economic proposal, delivery of final feedback