Czy macie jakieś informacje na temat pracy w tej firmie? Jak wygląda atmosfera? Czy wynagrodzenie jest dobre? Czy są jakieś benefity? Jakie są warunki pracy? Z góry dzięki!
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Rekrutacje prowadzone przez firmę:
Wszystkie (22)Aktualne ( 0 )Archiwalne ( 22 )
Account Manager
Wygasła: 05.11.2022
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Who’s the account manager?
Account managers are standing in the first line representing the agency in front of the clients. They take care of all client's operations and projects. They are clients ambassadors in the agency environment. Being responsible for systematic clients contact, managing status meetings, organizing information loop. They handle the workflow from the briefing, through clear communication with the creative and production team, up to optimization and postmortem meetings. Account managers are responsible for building relations with agency subcontractors and talents, besides cooperation with external entities that work together for the same client (PR agency, media house, event agency). One of the account managers' key responsibilities is achieving budgetary and profitability goals
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Project Manager/ Managerka
Wygasła: 10.09.2022
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
praca hybrydowa
specjalista (Mid / Regular)
odpowiedzialny/na za zarządzanie kampaniami dla najciekawszych klientów na rynku, którzy nie boją się działań odważnych i przełomowych
współpracować z multidyscyplinarnym zespołem Agencji, doświadczonym w różnorodnych i niestandardowych projektach
realizować nowatorskie zadania w celu finalizacji wielowątkowych projektów
nadzorować produkcję treści do emisji w internecie, prasie, ooh i innych kanałach komunikacji
Account managers are standing in the first line representing the agency in front of the clients. They are taking care of all client's operations and projects. They are clients ambassadors in the agency environment. Being responsible for systematic clients contact, managing status meetings, organizing information loop. They handle the workflow from the briefing, through clear communication with the creative and production team, up to optimization and postmortem meetings. Account managers are responsible for building relations with agency subcontractors and talents, besides cooperation with external entities that work together for the same client (PR agency, media house, event agency). One of the account managers' key responsibilities is achieving budgetary and profitability goals
What are the qualities of a person in this position?
• openness to work in an international environment, corporate environment,
• good communication skills,
• ability to delegate and prioritize tasks,
• ability to organize work independently and systematically,
• passion and commitment to the projects and responsibility in every aspect of your work,
• willingness to develop and ease in acquiring new knowledge and skills,
• resourcefulness and ability to act under time pressure,
Account managers are standing in the first line representing the agency in front of the clients. They are taking care of all the client's operations and projects. They are responsible for daily client contact, management of status meetings, organizing information loop. They handle the workflow from the briefing, through clear communication with the creative and production team, up to optimization and postmortem meetings. Account managers are responsible for building relations with agency subcontractors and talents
Our workload is getting bigger and bigger, which is why we are looking for an Account (Senior) Manager for our office
Office location: Warsaw or Gliwice / part-time remotely
The digital channels are for us the most important medium around which we create integrated advertising campaigns. Our workload is getting bigger and bigger, which is why we are looking for an Account (Senior) Manager for our office in Warsaw
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Asystent/tka Sekretariatu
Wygasła: 15.01.2022
pełny etat, część etatu
umowa o pracę
praca stacjonarna
asystent, młodszy specjalista (Junior)
dbanie o pozytywny wizerunek firmy,
wsparcie Office Managera,
obsługa bieżących spraw administracyjno-biurowych,
organizacja pracy recepcji odbiór telefonów, obsługa interesantów,
organizacja i ewidencjonowanie przesyłek przychodzących i wychodzących,
organizacja wyjazdów służbowych i rozliczanie delegacji,
zaopatrzenie agencji w art. biurowe, spożywcze i wszelkie inne,