Czy macie jakieś informacje na temat pracy w tej firmie? Jak wygląda atmosfera? Czy wynagrodzenie jest dobre? Czy są jakieś benefity? Jakie są warunki pracy? Z góry dzięki!
Designing and implementing new regulatory reporting software that supports global regulatory initiatives. The regulatory reports are crucial to the firm's compliance with external regulators
Solving challenging big data problems, ensuring data correctness while processing millions of rows a day, and finding effective ways to aggregate and present data to end-users
Utilizing Java/Spring/Spark/Scala technology stack to create efficient data processing services within the data lake
Design and implement solutions to ensure the integrity of Configuration Item (CI) data throughout the CI lifecycle
Update and maintain Configuration Management Databases (CMDB's), Asset Management Databases, and other asset/configuration management repositories in a complex IT environment
Monitor and maintain CMDB health to support Asset and Configuration Management and CI relationships
Develop solutions that focus on ensuring data quality for CI's, track and identify CI's, and establish change control processes while accounting for discovered/manual CI's
Develop technical specifications and solutions in conjunction with various stakeholders to provide guidance for managing CI's and their relationships
Partner with Infrastructure Architects to understand IT technology strategies that direct necessary requirements
Liaise with Application Owners and stakeholders for performing gap analysis and providing applicable solutions
Design and implement solutions to ensure the integrity of Configuration Item (CI) data throughout the CI lifecycle
Update and maintain Configuration Management Databases (CMDB's), Asset Management Databases, and other asset/configuration management repositories in a complex IT environment
Monitor and maintain CMDB health to support Asset and Configuration Management and CI relationships
Develop solutions that focus on ensuring data quality for CI's, track and identify CI's, and establish change control processes while accounting for discovered/manual CI's
Develop technical specifications and solutions in conjunction with various stakeholders to provide guidance for managing CI's and their relationships
Partner with Infrastructure Architects to understand IT technology strategies that direct necessary requirements
Liaise with Application Owners and stakeholders for performing gap analysis and providing applicable solutions
Design and implement solutions to ensure the integrity of Configuration Item (CI) data throughout the CI lifecycle
Update and maintain Configuration Management Databases (CMDB's), Asset Management Databases, and other asset/configuration management repositories in a complex IT environment
Monitor and maintain CMDB health to support Asset and Configuration Management and CI relationships
Develop solutions that focus on ensuring data quality for CI's, track and identify CI's, and establish change control processes while accounting for discovered/manual CI's
Develop technical specifications and solutions in conjunction with various stakeholders to provide guidance for managing CI's and their relationships
Partner with Infrastructure Architects to understand IT technology strategies that direct necessary requirements
Liaise with Application Owners and stakeholders for performing gap analysis and providing applicable solutions
Design and implement solutions to ensure the integrity of Configuration Item (CI) data throughout the CI lifecycle
Update and maintain Configuration Management Databases (CMDB's), Asset Management Databases, and other asset/configuration management repositories in a complex IT environment
Monitor and maintain CMDB health to support Asset and Configuration Management and CI relationships
Develop solutions that focus on ensuring data quality for CI's, track and identify CI's, and establish change control processes while accounting for discovered/manual CI's
Develop technical specifications and solutions in conjunction with various stakeholders to provide guidance for managing CI's and their relationships
Partner with Infrastructure Architects to understand IT technology strategies that direct necessary requirements
Liaise with Application Owners and stakeholders for performing gap analysis and providing applicable solutions
Design and implement solutions to ensure the integrity of Configuration Item (CI) data throughout the CI lifecycle
Update and maintain Configuration Management Databases (CMDB's), Asset Management Databases, and other asset/configuration management repositories in a complex IT environment
Monitor and maintain CMDB health to support Asset and Configuration Management and CI relationships
Develop solutions that focus on ensuring data quality for CI's, track and identify CI's, and establish change control processes while accounting for discovered/manual CI's
Develop technical specifications and solutions in conjunction with various stakeholders to provide guidance for managing CI's and their relationships
Partner with Infrastructure Architects to understand IT technology strategies that direct necessary requirements
Liaise with Application Owners and stakeholders for performing gap analysis and providing applicable solutions
Design and implement solutions to ensure the integrity of Configuration Item (CI) data throughout the CI lifecycle
Update and maintain Configuration Management Databases (CMDB's), Asset Management Databases, and other asset/configuration management repositories in a complex IT environment
Monitor and maintain CMDB health to support Asset and Configuration Management and CI relationships
Develop solutions that focus on ensuring data quality for CI's, track and identify CI's, and establish change control processes while accounting for discovered/manual CI's
Develop technical specifications and solutions in conjunction with various stakeholders to provide guidance for managing CI's and their relationships
Partner with Infrastructure Architects to understand IT technology strategies that direct necessary requirements
Liaise with Application Owners and stakeholders for performing gap analysis and providing applicable solutions
Design and implement solutions to ensure the integrity of Configuration Item (CI) data throughout the CI lifecycle
Update and maintain Configuration Management Databases (CMDB's), Asset Management Databases, and other asset/configuration management repositories in a complex IT environment
Monitor and maintain CMDB health to support Asset and Configuration Management and CI relationships
Develop solutions that focus on ensuring data quality for CI's, track and identify CI's, and establish change control processes while accounting for discovered/manual CI's
Develop technical specifications and solutions in conjunction with various stakeholders to provide guidance for managing CI's and their relationships
Partner with Infrastructure Architects to understand IT technology strategies that direct necessary requirements
Liaise with Application Owners and stakeholders for performing gap analysis and providing applicable solutions
Design and implement solutions to ensure the integrity of Configuration Item (CI) data throughout the CI lifecycle
Update and maintain Configuration Management Databases (CMDB's), Asset Management Databases, and other asset/configuration management repositories in a complex IT environment
Monitor and maintain CMDB health to support Asset and Configuration Management and CI relationships
Develop solutions that focus on ensuring data quality for CI's, track and identify CI's, and establish change control processes while accounting for discovered/manual CI's
Develop technical specifications and solutions in conjunction with various stakeholders to provide guidance for managing CI's and their relationships
Partner with Infrastructure Architects to understand IT technology strategies that direct necessary requirements
Liaise with Application Owners and stakeholders for performing gap analysis and providing applicable solutions
Design and implement solutions to ensure the integrity of Configuration Item (CI) data throughout the CI lifecycle
Update and maintain Configuration Management Databases (CMDB's), Asset Management Databases, and other asset/configuration management repositories in a complex IT environment
Monitor and maintain CMDB health to support Asset and Configuration Management and CI relationships
Develop solutions that focus on ensuring data quality for CI's, track and identify CI's, and establish change control processes while accounting for discovered/manual CI's
Develop technical specifications and solutions in conjunction with various stakeholders to provide guidance for managing CI's and their relationships
Partner with Infrastructure Architects to understand IT technology strategies that direct necessary requirements
Liaise with Application Owners and stakeholders for performing gap analysis and providing applicable solutions
Design and implement solutions to ensure the integrity of Configuration Item (CI) data throughout the CI lifecycle
Update and maintain Configuration Management Databases (CMDB's), Asset Management Databases, and other asset/configuration management repositories in a complex IT environment
Monitor and maintain CMDB health to support Asset and Configuration Management and CI relationships
Develop solutions that focus on ensuring data quality for CI's, track and identify CI's, and establish change control processes while accounting for discovered/manual CI's
Develop technical specifications and solutions in conjunction with various stakeholders to provide guidance for managing CI's and their relationships
Partner with Infrastructure Architects to understand IT technology strategies that direct necessary requirements
Liaise with Application Owners and stakeholders for performing gap analysis and providing applicable solutions
Design and implement solutions to ensure the integrity of Configuration Item (CI) data throughout the CI lifecycle
Update and maintain Configuration Management Databases (CMDB's), Asset Management Databases, and other asset/configuration management repositories in a complex IT environment
Monitor and maintain CMDB health to support Asset and Configuration Management and CI relationships
Develop solutions that focus on ensuring data quality for CI's, track and identify CI's, and establish change control processes while accounting for discovered/manual CI's
Develop technical specifications and solutions in conjunction with various stakeholders to provide guidance for managing CI's and their relationships
Partner with Infrastructure Architects to understand IT technology strategies that direct necessary requirements
Liaise with Application Owners and stakeholders for performing gap analysis and providing applicable solutions
Design and implement solutions to ensure the integrity of Configuration Item (CI) data throughout the CI lifecycle
Update and maintain Configuration Management Databases (CMDB's), Asset Management Databases, and other asset/configuration management repositories in a complex IT environment
Monitor and maintain CMDB health to support Asset and Configuration Management and CI relationships
Develop solutions that focus on ensuring data quality for CI's, track and identify CI's, and establish change control processes while accounting for discovered/manual CI's
Develop technical specifications and solutions in conjunction with various stakeholders to provide guidance for managing CI's and their relationships
Partner with Infrastructure Architects to understand IT technology strategies that direct necessary requirements
Liaise with Application Owners and stakeholders for performing gap analysis and providing applicable solutions
Design and implement solutions to ensure the integrity of Configuration Item (CI) data throughout the CI lifecycle
Update and maintain Configuration Management Databases (CMDB's), Asset Management Databases, and other asset/configuration management repositories in a complex IT environment
Monitor and maintain CMDB health to support Asset and Configuration Management and CI relationships
Develop solutions that focus on ensuring data quality for CI's, track and identify CI's, and establish change control processes while accounting for discovered/manual CI's
Develop technical specifications and solutions in conjunction with various stakeholders to provide guidance for managing CI's and their relationships
Partner with Infrastructure Architects to understand IT technology strategies that direct necessary requirements
Liaise with Application Owners and stakeholders for performing gap analysis and providing applicable solutions
Design and implement solutions to ensure the integrity of Configuration Item (CI) data throughout the CI lifecycle
Update and maintain Configuration Management Databases (CMDB's), Asset Management Databases, and other asset/configuration management repositories in a complex IT environment
Monitor and maintain CMDB health to support Asset and Configuration Management and CI relationships
Develop solutions that focus on ensuring data quality for CI's, track and identify CI's, and establish change control processes while accounting for discovered/manual CI's
Develop technical specifications and solutions in conjunction with various stakeholders to provide guidance for managing CI's and their relationships
Partner with Infrastructure Architects to understand IT technology strategies that direct necessary requirements
Liaise with Application Owners and stakeholders for performing gap analysis and providing applicable solutions
Design and implement solutions to ensure the integrity of Configuration Item (CI) data throughout the CI lifecycle
Update and maintain Configuration Management Databases (CMDB's), Asset Management Databases, and other asset/configuration management repositories in a complex IT environment
Monitor and maintain CMDB health to support Asset and Configuration Management and CI relationships
Develop solutions that focus on ensuring data quality for CI's, track and identify CI's, and establish change control processes while accounting for discovered/manual CI's
Develop technical specifications and solutions in conjunction with various stakeholders to provide guidance for managing CI's and their relationships
Partner with Infrastructure Architects to understand IT technology strategies that direct necessary requirements
Liaise with Application Owners and stakeholders for performing gap analysis and providing applicable solutions
Design and implement solutions to ensure the integrity of Configuration Item (CI) data throughout the CI lifecycle
Update and maintain Configuration Management Databases (CMDB's), Asset Management Databases, and other asset/configuration management repositories in a complex IT environment
Monitor and maintain CMDB health to support Asset and Configuration Management and CI relationships
Develop solutions that focus on ensuring data quality for CI's, track and identify CI's, and establish change control processes while accounting for discovered/manual CI's
Develop technical specifications and solutions in conjunction with various stakeholders to provide guidance for managing CI's and their relationships
Partner with Infrastructure Architects to understand IT technology strategies that direct necessary requirements
Liaise with Application Owners and stakeholders for performing gap analysis and providing applicable solutions
Przygotowanie i początkowe przeglądy różnych dokumentów podatkowych
Wykorzystanie MS Excel w codziennej pracy, w celu efektywnego zarządzania danymi
Wspomaganie w audytach
Obsługa wewnętrznego oprogramowania firmowego w celu generowania harmonogramów i szablonów zeznań podatkowych, które zostaną wykorzystane przez zewnętrznych doradców podatkowych do przygotowania zeznań podatkowych
Rozwiązywanie zadań ad hoc z różnych działów, dostarczając informacji na temat implikacji podatkowych związanych z planowanymi transakcjami i raportowaniem podatkowym inwestorów
Plan, construct, and sustain adaptable data conduits and ETL procedures for managing substantial quantities of organized and unorganized data
Apply data authentication, supervision, and anomaly identification methods to guarantee the quality and consistency of data
Enhance the efficiency of data storage solutions by adhering to superior practices in version control, data modeling, and continuous integration
Work closely with external teams to pinpoint inventive prospects and devise custom data resolutions
Conduct trials and engage in data scrutiny to assess and refine the effectiveness of conduits
Cooperate with engineering and product teams to seamlessly embed data pipelines into applications, tackling technical obstacles and introducing inventive resolutions
Craft explicit and succinct technical documentation for data pipelines, storage resolutions, and instances demonstrating the feasibility of concepts
You will lead complex technical projects within the Agile team focused on delivering reusable components, reusable APIs, component libraries and HTML / CSS in support of sophisticated visual design and UX
od 37000 do 45000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Tech Lead Angular
Mokotowska 49, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 07.12.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
senior specialist (Senior), expert
Who will lead complex technical projects within the Agile team focused on delivering reusable components, reusable APIs, component libraries and HTML / CSS in support of sophisticated visual design and UX
od 37000 do 45000 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Manager ds. wdrażania
Wygasła: 22.11.2023
pełny etat
kontrakt B2B
praca mobilna
starszy specjalista (Senior)
Opracowywanie i dokumentowanie standardowych praktyk w zakresie inżynierii lądowej, budownictwa i budowy, które mają zostać nałożone na podwykonawcę i które są zgodne ze standardami branżowymi, wymogami regulacyjnymi i celami biznesowymi
Pełnienie funkcji starszego przedstawiciela technicznego dla działu
Zapewnianie wsparcia i wskazówek w zakresie inżynierii lądowej dla kierownika ds. wdrożenia i inżynierów personelu terenowego projektu, a także podwykonawców
Uczestnictwo w razie potrzeby w przetargach, dokumentacji i przyznawaniu prac budowlanych dla projektów budowy obiektów telekomunikacyjnych
Zarządzanie działaniami w zakresie inżynierii lądowej, elektrycznej i mechanicznej w celu rozbudowy lub modyfikacji istniejących lokalizacji telekomunikacyjnych
Przeglądanie/zatwierdzanie projektów podwykonawców pod kątem zgodności z zakresem, obowiązującymi normami, kodeksami i specyfikacjami projektu
Wspieranie grup zarządzania projektami, inżynierii terenowej i zaopatrzenia w zakresie pozyskiwania/budowy nowych lokalizacji telekomunikacyjnych lub modyfikacji istniejących
Wspieranie kierownika ds. wdrażania w kwestiach inżynierii lądowej związanych z wieżami stron trzecich na potrzeby wniosków o kolokację
Engaging with renowned brands across the globe, contributing to the development of cloud solutions with global reach
Active involvement in the holistic creation of architecture, spanning from client consultations and conceptualization to the successful deployment of operational solutions
The chance to participate in the transition of IT infrastructure to cloud-based platforms
Exerting an impact on the direction and execution of projects
Facilitate execution of the Challenge and Quality Review Framework (1st LoD self-assessment), through engagement and credible challenge with senior stakeholders, 2nd and 3rd LoD
Partner with issue owners and teams to provide guidance, challenge and quality assurance on the approach to pass IA and Regulatory scrutiny
Drive compliance of the QC Framework with Accountable Executives and Issue Owners
Provide guidance to issue owners on how to best represent a reduction of risk and issue remediation that will pass the scrutiny of IA validation and regulatory review
Work with stakeholders to drive challenge to ensure strategic deliveries meet the letter and spirit of management, regulator, Compliance or IA concerns
Provide an independent initial assessment and challenge on the remediation and evidence artifacts
Build strong relationships with key stakeholders including issue owners, governance/policy owners, and program leads for intersecting work efforts
Ensure risks and issues are raised in a timely manner and in accordance with the Client's policy
Execute against multiple competing priorities simultaneously
Provide review and challenge of each program’s defined scope, assessed gap, target state, and success criteria to ensure it fully addresses the letter and the spirit of the regulatory feedback, broader supervisory expectations and underlying issues and root causes
Ensure all programs understand regulatory feedback and expectations, underlying concerns, and their root causes to make sure their commitments are complete
Review policies and risk frameworks
Identify related and interdependent program elements and provide feedback and input to ensure consistency of review and challenge implementation according to developed guidelines
Governance and project management
Proactivity and self-motivation in driving quality and timely reviews/assessments end-to-end
Facilitate execution of the Challenge and Quality Review Framework (1st LoD self-assessment), through engagement and credible challenge with senior stakeholders, 2nd and 3rd LoD
Partner with issue owners and teams to provide guidance, challenge and quality assurance on the approach to pass IA and Regulatory scrutiny
Drive compliance of the QC Framework with Accountable Executives and Issue Owners
Provide guidance to issue owners on how to best represent a reduction of risk and issue remediation that will pass the scrutiny of IA validation and regulatory review
Work with stakeholders to drive challenge to ensure strategic deliveries meet the letter and spirit of management, regulator, Compliance or IA concerns
Provide an independent initial assessment and challenge on the remediation and evidence artifacts
Build strong relationships with key stakeholders including issue owners, governance/policy owners, and program leads for intersecting work efforts
Ensure risks and issues are raised in a timely manner and in accordance with the Client's policy
Execute against multiple competing priorities simultaneously
Provide review and challenge of each program’s defined scope, assessed gap, target state, and success criteria to ensure it fully addresses the letter and the spirit of the regulatory feedback, broader supervisory expectations and underlying issues and root causes
Ensure all programs understand regulatory feedback and expectations, underlying concerns, and their root causes to make sure their commitments are complete
Review policies and risk frameworks
Identify related and interdependent program elements and provide feedback and input to ensure consistency of review and challenge implementation according to developed guidelines
Governance and project management
Proactivity and self-motivation in driving quality and timely reviews/assessments end-to-end
Facilitate execution of the Challenge and Quality Review Framework (1st LoD self-assessment), through engagement and credible challenge with senior stakeholders, 2nd and 3rd LoD
Partner with issue owners and teams to provide guidance, challenge and quality assurance on the approach to pass IA and Regulatory scrutiny
Drive compliance of the QC Framework with Accountable Executives and Issue Owners
Provide guidance to issue owners on how to best represent a reduction of risk and issue remediation that will pass the scrutiny of IA validation and regulatory review
Work with stakeholders to drive challenge to ensure strategic deliveries meet the letter and spirit of management, regulator, Compliance or IA concerns
Provide an independent initial assessment and challenge on the remediation and evidence artifacts
Build strong relationships with key stakeholders including issue owners, governance/policy owners, and program leads for intersecting work efforts
Ensure risks and issues are raised in a timely manner and in accordance with the Client's policy
Execute against multiple competing priorities simultaneously
Provide review and challenge of each program’s defined scope, assessed gap, target state, and success criteria to ensure it fully addresses the letter and the spirit of the regulatory feedback, broader supervisory expectations and underlying issues and root causes
Ensure all programs understand regulatory feedback and expectations, underlying concerns, and their root causes to make sure their commitments are complete
Review policies and risk frameworks
Identify related and interdependent program elements and provide feedback and input to ensure consistency of review and challenge implementation according to developed guidelines
Governance and project management
Proactivity and self-motivation in driving quality and timely reviews/assessments end-to-end
Facilitate execution of the Challenge and Quality Review Framework (1st LoD self-assessment), through engagement and credible challenge with senior stakeholders, 2nd and 3rd LoD
Partner with issue owners and teams to provide guidance, challenge and quality assurance on the approach to pass IA and Regulatory scrutiny
Drive compliance of the QC Framework with Accountable Executives and Issue Owners
Provide guidance to issue owners on how to best represent a reduction of risk and issue remediation that will pass the scrutiny of IA validation and regulatory review
Work with stakeholders to drive challenge to ensure strategic deliveries meet the letter and spirit of management, regulator, Compliance or IA concerns
Provide an independent initial assessment and challenge on the remediation and evidence artifacts
Build strong relationships with key stakeholders including issue owners, governance/policy owners, and program leads for intersecting work efforts
Ensure risks and issues are raised in a timely manner and in accordance with the Client's policy
Execute against multiple competing priorities simultaneously
Provide review and challenge of each program’s defined scope, assessed gap, target state, and success criteria to ensure it fully addresses the letter and the spirit of the regulatory feedback, broader supervisory expectations and underlying issues and root causes
Ensure all programs understand regulatory feedback and expectations, underlying concerns, and their root causes to make sure their commitments are complete
Review policies and risk frameworks
Identify related and interdependent program elements and provide feedback and input to ensure consistency of review and challenge implementation according to developed guidelines
Governance and project management
Proactivity and self-motivation in driving quality and timely reviews/assessments end-to-end
Facilitate execution of the Challenge and Quality Review Framework (1st LoD self-assessment), through engagement and credible challenge with senior stakeholders, 2nd and 3rd LoD
Partner with issue owners and teams to provide guidance, challenge and quality assurance on the approach to pass IA and Regulatory scrutiny
Drive compliance of the QC Framework with Accountable Executives and Issue Owners
Provide guidance to issue owners on how to best represent a reduction of risk and issue remediation that will pass the scrutiny of IA validation and regulatory review
Work with stakeholders to drive challenge to ensure strategic deliveries meet the letter and spirit of management, regulator, Compliance or IA concerns
Provide an independent initial assessment and challenge on the remediation and evidence artifacts
Build strong relationships with key stakeholders including issue owners, governance/policy owners, and program leads for intersecting work efforts
Ensure risks and issues are raised in a timely manner and in accordance with the Client's policy
Execute against multiple competing priorities simultaneously
Provide review and challenge of each program’s defined scope, assessed gap, target state, and success criteria to ensure it fully addresses the letter and the spirit of the regulatory feedback, broader supervisory expectations and underlying issues and root causes
Ensure all programs understand regulatory feedback and expectations, underlying concerns, and their root causes to make sure their commitments are complete
Review policies and risk frameworks
Identify related and interdependent program elements and provide feedback and input to ensure consistency of review and challenge implementation according to developed guidelines
Governance and project management
Proactivity and self-motivation in driving quality and timely reviews/assessments end-to-end
You will lead complex technical projects within the Agile team focused on delivering reusable components, reusable APIs, component libraries and HTML / CSS in support of sophisticated visual design and UX
Przygotowanie i początkowe przeglądy różnych dokumentów podatkowych
Wykorzystanie MS Excel w codziennej pracy, w celu efektywnego zarządzania danymi
Wspomaganie w audytach
Obsługa wewnętrznego oprogramowania firmowego w celu generowania harmonogramów i szablonów zeznań podatkowych, które zostaną wykorzystane przez zewnętrznych doradców podatkowych do przygotowania zeznań podatkowych
Rozwiązywanie zadań ad hoc z różnych działów, dostarczając informacji na temat implikacji podatkowych związanych z planowanymi transakcjami i raportowaniem podatkowym inwestorów
Take part in the development and maintenance of the Linux/Android platform, with the chance to specialize in areas like driver/kernel/security/GPU, among others
Develop Proof of Concept (PoC) solutions for our Automotive Platform
Provide support for customer issues related to our Automotive platform, ensuring top-notch service
Collaborate with third-party engineers to achieve successful project outcomes
Creating reusable components, APIs, and component libraries that support complex visual design and user experience
Employing REST, RPC, and WebSocket to obtain and distribute data that communicates with internal and external systems and services
Developing shared components and making them accessible to other developers within the organization
Enhancing existing web applications by implementing UI and writing reusable, custom components
Adapting Design wireframes and feedback
Implementing developer feedback to improve user interfaces
Partnering with different clients, product teams, design teams, and developer teams to identify needs and create optimized, efficient code with clean UIs for users
Maintaining documentation and performing tests when necessary
Develop and deliver analytics solutions for the customer-centric commercial operations of our Company, including short-long term forecasting, customer analytics, segmentation analysis, pricing, marketing, and risk models
Develop practical, solid, and automated solutions for business problems through statistical analysis, predictive modeling, simulation, and optimization methodology
Lead and mentor a small team of junior data scientists and provide technical support to the broader team
Work closely with data science teams and business partners to identify technical gaps, gather requirements, and build impactful, accurate, and customer-focused solutions
Champion digital transformation and promote data best practices and documentation
Deliver a seamless end-to-end support service for Treasury applications used by front office teams in London and Stamford, promptly addressing stakeholders' queries and resolving any issues that arise
Monitor SOD/EOD checks for critical workflows in the Treasury applications to ensure system stability and compliance with service level agreements
Provide on-demand support and troubleshooting for the stock loan desk, ensuring that critical broker data feeds are available and processed without errors. Collaborate with brokers to resolve any data-related issues
Analyze and coordinate the resolution of production issues related to the Margin platform, ensuring that critical margin feeds and scheduled batches are processed within the agreed SLA. Conduct regular health checks and escalate issues proactively when necessary
Coordinate and verify all deployments across the Treasury applications, ensuring that they are thoroughly tested before release. Conduct post-deployment verification checks to ensure smooth operation
Occasionally participate in calls with other regions, such as the US and APAC, during their time zones to address production issues. May also work weekends for production releases or infrastructure events such as DR and BC