Czy macie jakieś informacje na temat pracy w tej firmie? Jak wygląda atmosfera? Czy wynagrodzenie jest dobre? Czy są jakieś benefity? Jakie są warunki pracy? Z góry dzięki!
Client Success Manager (CSM) to specjalista odpowiedzialny za budowanie i utrzymanie pozytywnych relacji z Klientami oraz zapewnienie im wartościowych doświadczeń związanych z usługami oferowanymi przez naszą firmę. Głównym celem Client Success Managera jest zapewnienie, że Klienci są zadowoleni ze swojego doświadczenia oraz osiągają swoje cele przy współpracy z firmą
Zarządzanie relacjami z Klientami: trwałe budowanie relacji z Klientami poprzez regularny kontakt, zrozumienie ich potrzeb, oczekiwań oraz celów biznesowych
Doradztwo i wsparcie: dostarczanie Klientom wsparcia i doradztwa w zakresie korzystania z usług firmy. Pomoc w rozwiązywaniu problemów oraz doradztwo w zakresie optymalnego wykorzystania oferowanych rozwiązań
Analiza i ocena: monitorowanie efektywności i zadowolenia Klientów poprzez analizę danych oraz zbieranie opinii zwrotnych. Podejmowanie działań mających na celu poprawę jakości obsługi Klienta oraz oferowanych usług
Wdrażanie rozwiązań: wsparcie oferowane Klientom w procesie wdrażania nowych usług, zapewniając im niezbędną pomoc oraz szkolenia
Retencja klientów: utrzymanie Klientów, poprzez zapewnienie im wysokiej jakości obsługi oraz wartościowych doświadczeń, jest kluczowym celem CSM. Jego zadaniem są działania mające na celu zminimalizowanie churnu i zachęcenie Klientów do dalszej współpracy z firmą
Współpraca z zespołem: Client Success Manager współpracuje z różnymi działami w firmie, takimi jak dział Rekrutacji, Sprzedaży, Marketingu czy IT Delivery, aby zapewnić spójność działań i maksymalizację wartości dla Klientów
Advise managers on issues related to employee engagement, talent management, fair compensation, and employee evaluation
Manage employee relations discussions and challenges with assigned managers and employees (population of approximately 100 in the back office)
Work with the HR Generalist to ensure timely contract renewals for employees and associates
Support communication related to the soft HR area
Analyze HR metrics and engagement data to ensure informed business decisions
Understand the recruitment and development needs of the organization and work with the EB & Recruitment Partner to ensure the best possible recruitment processes and development programs
Together with the HR team and external vendors, optimize and continuously improve employee lifecycle processes
Ensure compliance with legal regulations and internal policies
Working collaboratively within a team to share ideas, ownership, and accountability for driving improvements and consistency of execution for key HR processes
Involved participation and independent coordination of certain stages in various internal HR projects - in cooperation with the Head of HR (including project groups, building an engaging work environment and values, building an employee evaluation process, etc.)
Współpraca z Managerem przy rozliczeniach Pracowników i Współpracowników (weryfikacja dokumentów zgodnie z procesami przyjętymi w Centrum Rozliczeń, weryfikacja poprawności premii, kontakt z kadrami i księgowością)
Procesowanie i zarządzanie dokumentacją w organizacji (archiwizacja)
Koordynowanie obiegu dokumentów (skanowanie, przygotowywanie do wysyłki, odbieranie i nadawanie korespondencji)
Współpraca z zewnętrznym Działem Księgowości w zakresie wystawiania faktur i wysyłania ich do Klientów
Współpraca ze Specjalistami w Zespole w zakresie rozliczania Specjalistów, Klientów oraz w innych zadaniach zleconych przez Managera
Przygotowywanie comiesięcznych wewnętrznych zestawień dotyczących zamknięcia miesiąca
Extensive cooperation with print and online media in Poland and abroad (especially USA, Scandinavia, and DACH countries)• Management of Social Media (Facebook, Linkedin)
Coordination of content marketing activities (preparation of blog articles, and leads, from the life of the company)
Coordination of activities related to the company's presence in the industry events in Poland and abroad
Taking care of a positive brand image in Poland
Building the brand in foreign markets
Preparation of graphic materials
Preparation of company newsletter
Cooperation in the organization of remote events (e.g. webinars)
Organizing photo material for promotional purposes
Performing PR activities within the established cost budget
Providing professional and effective service to Clients in the scope of concluded contracts
Building and strengthening relationships with Clients
Expanding teams of IT Specialists at serviced Clients
Proactive acquiring demand from Clients
Clarifying Clients' needs (with the support of the Recruitment Team)
Providing ongoing feedback to the Client on outsourced processes,
establishing terms and conditions of sales
Cooperation and support of IT Specialists employed by Clients, including agreeing on terms and conditions of cooperation
Negotiating contracts and orders with Clients
Preparing documentation and orders for IT Specialists
Support at the implementation stage, monitoring the job satisfaction of IT Specialists
Collaborating with the Recruiter Team, Vendors, and other Departments within the company to ensure effective service within the scope of orders and orders of Customers
Business development focused on financial results and customer satisfaction
Acquisition of new Clients mainly abroad (Western Europe, Nordic countries, UK, North America, Singapore), negotiation of terms and conditions, and conclusion of commercial contracts
Various sales activities to deliver new business
Business meetings with clients and prospects
Creating sales presentations and proposals in line with client needs and company standards
Liaising with the marketing department to execute the sales strategy
At RITS Professional Services, the Lead Generation Specialist will be responsible for building relationships with new clients potentially interested in working with the company in the US market. The position also requires researching the needs of customers for opportunities to work with our company and our customers, arranging meetings of potential customers with our sales department, and cold calling as well. One of the most important things about this position is a good knowledge of the US market
Conduct a minimum of 50 phone calls and 50 personalized emails per day as part of 500 blended activities to generate qualified leads and appointments
Utilize tools such as HubSpot, ZoomInfo, SalesLoft, and Linkedin to manage prospecting activities and maintain accurate records of interactions (prior experience is not required; willingness to learn is essential)
Engage with IT leaders and decision-makers in mid-market and enterprise-level organizations to understand their challenges and present RITS solutions
Collaborate with the sales team, including handing off qualified leads to Sales Executives for further nurturing and closure
Set a KPI of achieving a minimum of 3 held meetings per week with prospective clients
Be motivated and enthusiastic about engaging with the North American market to identify opportunities and establish connections
Business development focused on financial results and customer satisfaction
Acquisition of new Clients mainly abroad (Western Europe, Nordic countries, UK, North America, Singapore), negotiation of terms and conditions, and conclusion of commercial contracts
Various sales activities to deliver new business
Business meetings with clients and prospects
Creating sales presentations and proposals in line with client needs and company standards
Liaising with the marketing department to execute the sales strategy
Building relationships with new US clients potentially interested in working with the company and maintaining positive relationships with current clients,
Reporting to the Team Leader of the Lead Generation Team
Researching the needs of customers for opportunities to work with our company and our customers
Arranging meetings of potential customers with our sales department
Sporządzanie dokumentacji personalnej związanej z nawiązaniem, przebiegiem oraz rozwiązaniem stosunku pracy oraz umów cywilno-prawnych
Współpraca z firmą zewnętrzną w zakresie kadr i płac oraz zapewnianie efektywnego przepływu informacji oraz dokumentów pracowniczych, nadzór nad działaniami realizowanymi przez dostawcę usług kadrowo-płacowych,
Przygotowywanie danych do list płac (potrącenia, koszty benefitów) i weryfikacja list płac dostarczanych przez zewnętrznego dostawcę
Administrowanie oraz rozliczanie benefitów
Kompleksowe prowadzenie spraw pracowniczych z zakresu prawa pracy, w tym ustalanie uprawnień rodzicielskich, monitorowanie urlopów
Procesowanie zatrudnienia nowej osoby w organizacji ( BHP, badania medycyny pracy, koordynacja procesu)
Sporządzanie raportów, zestawień i analiz dotyczących obszarów kadrowo-płacowych,
Udział w przygotowywaniu i wdrażaniu procesów HR
Bieżąca współpraca z pozostałymi członkami zespołu HR i innymi działami w firmie
International Lead Generation Specialist (Danish market)
Wołoska 9, Mokotów, Warszawa
Wygasła: 25.06.2023
umowa o pracę
umowa zlecenie
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
At RITS Professional Services, International Lead Generation Specialist will be responsible for building relationships with new clients potentially interested in working with the company on the Danish market. The position also requires researching the needs of customers for opportunities to work with our company and our customers, arranging meetings of potential customers with our sales department, and cold calling as well. One of the most important things about this position is a very good knowledge of the Danish market (knowledge of the Danish language is an asset)
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Junior Business Development Manager with German
Wołoska 9, Mokotów, Warszawa
Wygasła: 01.06.2023
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
umowa zlecenie
kontrakt B2B
praca zdalna
praca hybrydowa
młodszy specjalista (Junior)
We would be nothing without our successful Business Development Managers at RITS Professional Services. We are seeking a Junior Business Development Manager with the German language to help us sell the IT Services that our customers have grown to rely on. The international business representative will understand the sales process, excelling at generating leads, and building relationships. The ideal candidate will be a quick learner, determined with solid negotiating skills, and able to showcase our offerings compellingly. Often tasked with giving presentations, attending networking events, and attending trade shows, it is essential that our Business Development Manager be personable and professional
This job is for you if:
- You are a communicative person who wants and enjoys working in constant contact with people
- You speak and write at least two languages (min. B2) - including English and German (experience in dealing with foreigners is welcome)
- You are strong in searching for information on the web and feel very comfortable on the telephone
- You like to operate with clear rules and targets that you strive for and are rewarded for
- You want to start your career in an international company
Your tasks will include:
- Building relationships with new international clients potentially interested in working with the company and maintaining positive relationships with current clients
- Researching the needs of customers for opportunities to work with our company and our customers
- Arranging meetings of potential customers with our sales department
We would be nothing without our successful Business Development Managers at RITS Professional Services. We are seeking a Junior Business Development Manager with the German language to help us sell the IT Services that our customers have grown to rely on. The international business representative will understand the sales process, excelling at generating leads, and building relationships. The ideal candidate will be a quick learner, determined with solid negotiating skills, and able to showcase our offerings compellingly. Often tasked with giving presentations, attending networking events, and attending trade shows, it is essential that our Business Development Manager be personable and professional
This job is for you if:
- You are a communicative person who wants and enjoys working in constant contact with people
- You speak and write at least two languages (min. B2) - including English and German (experience in dealing with foreigners is welcome)
- You are strong in searching for information on the web and feel very comfortable on the telephone
- You like to operate with clear rules and targets that you strive for and are rewarded for
- You want to start your career in an international company
Your tasks will include:
- Building relationships with new international clients potentially interested in working with the company and maintaining positive relationships with current clients
- Researching the needs of customers for opportunities to work with our company and our customers
- Arranging meetings of potential customers with our sales department
W RITS nasi Client Success Managers pełnią kluczową rolę w zakresie tworzenia długofalowej współpracy z Klientami oraz budowania pozytywnego wizerunku naszej marki na rynku
Głównym celem CSM jest wzmacnianie relacji z Klientem, ciągłe poszerzanie zakresu usług świadczonych na rzecz Klientów oraz bieżące monitorowanie satysfakcji Klientów
Zapewnienie profesjonalnej oraz efektywnej obsługi Klientów w zakresie zawartych umów, a w szczególności: budowanie i wzmacnianie relacji z Klientami, rozbudowa zespołów Specjalistów u obsługiwanych Klientów, pozyskiwanie zapotrzebowania od Klientów (również proaktywne), doprecyzowywanie potrzeb (przy wsparciu Zespołu rekrutacyjnego), udzielanie bieżącego feedbacku do Klienta w zakresie zleconych procesów, ustalanie warunków sprzedaży, Kontraktacja
Współpraca ze Specjalistami IT zatrudnionymi u Klientów, a w tym: uzgadnianie warunków współpracy, rozwiązywanie bieżących problemów Specjalistów IT, negocjowanie umów i zamówień, przygotowywanie dokumentacji oraz zamówień dla Specjalistów IT, wspieranie na etapie wdrożenia, monitorowanie satysfakcji z pracy
Współpraca z Zespołem Rekruterów, Sprzedawców oraz innymi Działami w firmie w celu zapewnienia skutecznej obsługi w ramach zleceń oraz zamówień Klientów
Building relationships with new international clients, especially from the US market, potentially interested in working with the company and maintaining positive relationships with current clients,
Self-Generation of direct New International Business Opportunities
Attending client meetings at customer sites as necessary
Attending partner events and training as required
Work independently on finding new ways to the acquisition of new international clients, especially from the US market, using marketing tools and creative campaigns
Generate month-end sales reports highlighting monthly accomplishments regarding new lead generation
Building effective strategies for acquiring sales leads
Preparing the team to implement new ideas
Identification of challenges
Conducting A/B test activities to increase sales and conversions
Results analysis
Cooperation with specialists in other fields on process optimization preparation of communication
Researching the needs of customers for opportunities to work with our company and our customers
Arranging meetings of potential customers with our sales department
At RITS Professional Services, we would be nothing without our successful Business Development Managers. We are seeking a qualified IT New Business Development Manager to help us sell the IT Services that our customers have grown to rely on. The international business representative will understand the sales process strongly, excelling at generating leads, building relationships, and closing deals. The ideal candidate will be a quick learner, determined with strong negotiating skills, an international portfolio, and the ability to showcase our offerings compellingly. Often tasked with giving presentations, attending networking events, and attending trade shows, it is essential that our Business Development Manager be personable and professional
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Specjalista ds. administracji i rozliczeń
Wołoska 9, Mokotów, Warszawa
Wygasła: 28.04.2023
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
umowa zlecenie
kontrakt B2B
praca stacjonarna
praca hybrydowa
specjalista (Mid / Regular)
Wsparcie w rozliczaniu pracowników, współpracowników, specjalistów (fakturowanie, rozsyłanie faktur do Klientów)
Sporządzanie i procesowanie dokumentacji administracyjno-kadrowej (pracowników, współpracowników, specjalistów)
We are seeking a highly motivated IT Recruiter to join our team. The ideal candidate will have a passion for recruitment and experience in end-to-end IT recruitment processes for IT specialists. The ideal candidate will possess a deep understanding of the talent acquisition process, excellent communication skills, and the ability to build strong relationships with candidates and the business development team
Conduct end-to-end IT recruitment processes for IT specialists, including sourcing, screening, and interviewing candidates
Complete data in the candidate application management system and prepare the necessary documents for the recruitment process
Create and publish recruitment advertisements on various job boards and social media platforms
Liaise with all departments at various stages of the recruitment process to ensure a smooth and efficient process
Work closely with the Business Development team to understand client requirements and provide a tailored recruitment strategy
Actively participate in interviews and meetings with clients to discuss their recruitment needs and provide guidance on the recruitment process
Set recruitment strategy with clients, including developing job descriptions, determining recruitment timelines, and identifying suitable candidates
The Vendor Manager represents our organization in the area of cooperation with external suppliers. The person in this position finds qualified vendors that meet our company's needs and negotiates contracts for services. Vendor Manager also is responsible for quality control and timely delivery of resources (Contractors). The purpose of this position is to build a network of suppliers and continuously develop it in order to successfully source contractors for RITS
Building a network of suppliers - meetings, inquiries (search engines, SoDA, LinkedIn, facebook groups)
Negotiating and contracting with suppliers (recruitment agencies, freelancers, body-leasing companies, software houses)
Develop and maintain long-term relationships with company-approved suppliers
Obtaining Candidats profiles from suppliers
Negotiating rates with Vendors
Creating a project list for Vendors - in consultation and cooperation with other Business Units (mainly Delivery Managers)
Concluding orders with vendors for hiring Contractors
Entering Candidate data into internal systems
Management of documentation on cooperation with suppliers
Acquiring lead generators from the market in directions consistent with the RITS development strategy
Creating cyclical reports and analysis of current work efficiency
At RITS Professional Services, we would be nothing without our successful Business Development Managers. We’re seeking a qualified IT New Business Development Manager to help us sell the IT Services that our customers have grown to rely on. The international business representative will understand the sales process strongly, excelling at generating leads, building relationships, and closing deals. The ideal candidate will be a quick learner with strong negotiating skills, an international portfolio, and the ability to showcase our offerings compellingly. Often tasked with giving presentations, attending networking events, and attending trade shows, it’s essential that our Business Development Manager be personable and professional
Business development focused on financial results and customer satisfaction
Acquisition of new Clients mainly abroad (Western Europe, Nordic countries, UK, North America, Singapore), negotiation of terms and conditions, and conclusion of commercial contracts
Various sales activities to deliver new business
Business meetings with clients and prospects
Creating sales presentations and proposals in line with client needs and company standards
Liaising with the marketing department to execute the sales strategy
At RITS Professional Services, we would be nothing without our successful Business Development Managers. We’re seeking a qualified IT New Business Development Manager to help us sell the IT Services that our customers have grown to rely on. The international business representative will understand the sales process strongly, excelling at generating leads, building relationships, and closing deals. The ideal candidate will be a quick learner with strong negotiating skills, an international portfolio, and the ability to showcase our offerings compellingly. Often tasked with giving presentations, attending networking events, and attending trade shows, it’s essential that our Business Development Manager be personable and professional
Business development focused on financial results and customer satisfaction
Acquisition of new Clients mainly abroad (Western Europe, Nordic countries, UK, North America, Singapore), negotiation of terms and conditions, and conclusion of commercial contracts
Various sales activities to deliver new business
Business meetings with clients and prospects
Creating sales presentations and proposals in line with client needs and company standards
Liaising with the marketing department to execute the sales strategy
Junior Lead Generation Specialist will be responsible for building relationships with new clients potentially interested in working with the company and maintaining positive relationships with current clients. The position also requires researching the needs of customers for opportunities to work with our company and our customers, arranging meetings of potential customers with our sales department, and cold calling as well. One of the most important things about this position is a very good knowledge of Nordic markets
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
IT International Business Development Manager
Wołoska 9, Mokotów, Warszawa
Wygasła: 25.12.2022
umowa o pracę
umowa zlecenie
kontrakt B2B
home office work
hybrid work
manager / supervisor, team manager
At RITS Professional Services, we would be nothing without our successful Business Development Managers. We’re seeking a qualified International Business Development Manager to help us sell the IT Services that our customers have grown to rely on. The international business representative will understand the sales process strongly, excelling at generating leads, building relationships, and closing deals. The ideal candidate will be a quick learner with strong negotiating skills, an international portfolio, and the ability to showcase our offerings compellingly. Often tasked with giving presentations, attending networking events, and attending trade shows, it’s essential that our Business Development Manager be personable and professional
Business development focused on financial results and customer satisfaction
Acquisition of new Clients mainly abroad (Western Europe, Nordic countries, UK, North America, Singapore), negotiation of terms and conditions, and conclusion of commercial contracts
Various sales activities to deliver new business
Business meetings with clients and prospects
Creating sales presentations and proposals in line with client needs and company standards
Liaising with the marketing department to execute the sales strategy
IT International Business Unit Director will be responsible for setting up the new Business Unit's structure in Poland or abroad and for planning and implementing the Business Unit's business strategy to ensure the Business Unit's organic growth. Responsibility for shaping and co-executing decision-making processes within the Business Unit.
Building the Business Unit structure (in Poland or creating a foreign structure) - Delivery, Sales, and Professional Services
Management of the Business Unit according to the established strategy
Creation and implementation of sales strategies and plans in the Business Unit - within the framework of acquiring new Clients and organic development of the potential of the Clients in the Business Unit's portfolio
Achievement of set goals for the Business Unit - responsibility for achieving the financial result by the budget
Managing the work of Business Unit employees
Preparing and using market analyses and data to build sales growth on existing and new customers
Preparation and control of budget implementation
Exchange information with other company departments to develop a joint sales and marketing strategy
Participation in meetings with clients, representing the company
Development and implementation of a business and operational strategy for the Delivery (recuritment) area of the company. Responsibility for overseeing, enhancing the effectiveness and successful achievement of results in the Delivery area
Ongoing cooperation with the Delivery area (regular meetings, workshops, consultations)
Creation and implementation of standards / good practices in processes in the Delivery area
Identification of gaps in the area of Delivery, implementation of optimization and improvements
Setting business and operational KPIs for the Delivery area
Monitoring and settlement of KPI implementation in the Delivery area
Implementation of new initiatives developed together with the Delivery area
Evaluation of the Delivery area's profitability
Standardisation of processes, tools and documentation in the Delivery area
Development of applications and planning of activities - based on the conducted analyzes
Solving difficulties and minimizing risks in the processes
Ensuring the expected level of effectiveness of the Delivery area and customer satisfaction with the services provided
Ongoing cooperation with Business Unit Directors and Professional Services area
Business Unit Director (Domestic or International)
Wołoska 9, Mokotów, Warszawa
Wygasła: 02.10.2022
umowa o pracę
umowa zlecenie
kontrakt B2B
home office work, hybrid work
director, team manager
Responsible for setting up the new Business Unit's structure in Poland or abroad and for planning and implementing the Business Unit's business strategy to ensure the Business Unit's organic growth. Responsibility for shaping and co-executing decision-making processes within the Business Unit
Building the Business Unit structure (in Poland or creating a foreign structure) - Delivery, Sales, Professional Services
Management of the Business Unit according to the established strategy
Creation and implementation of sales strategies and plans in the Business Unit - within the framework of acquiring new Clients and organic development of the potential of the Clients in the Business Unit's portfolio
Achievement of set goals for the Business Unit - responsibility for achieving the financial result in accordance with the budget
Managing the work of Business Unit employees
Preparing and using market analyses and data to build sales growth on existing and new customers
Preparation and control of budget implementation
Exchange information with other company departments in order to develop a joint sales and marketing strategy
Participation in meetings with clients, representing the company
Realizacja planów sprzedaży u dotychczasowych Klientów oraz pozyskiwanie nowych Klientów
Pozyskiwanie nowych klientów w zakresie sprzedaży usług IT / outsourcingu Specjalistów do IT / rekrutacji na stanowiska stałe w IT
Obsługa dotychczasowych Klientów, utrzymywanie dobrych relacji zarówno z osobami po stronie Klienta , jak i pracującymi Specjalistami u danego Klienta
Przygotowywanie ofert dla klientów we wszystkich w/w zakresach usług
Udział w przetargach ogłaszanych przez Klientów i przygotowywanie ofert przetargowych
Negocjacje i przygotowywanie Umów dla Klientów i dla Kandydatów
Dbałość o osiąganie odpowiedniego poziomu rentowności na poszczególnych kontraktach
Monitorowanie realizacji celów jakościowych i ilościowych
Współpraca z działem Marketingu nad przygotowywaniem odpowiednych akcji marketingowych dla Klientów
Prognozowanie działań związanych z rozwojem biznesu dla potencjalnych klientów i obecnych klientów. Analiza i rozumienie potrzeb, by zaproponować odpowiednie rozwiązania
Budowanie, rozwijanie i utrzymywanie relacji z potencjalnymi i obecnymi klientami
Realizacja strategii spółki w zakresie pozyskania i zwiększanie udziału w Rynku,
Odpowiedzialność za opracowanie, wdrożenie i egzekwowanie strategii sprzedażowej i dbanie o rentowność Business Unitu,
Zarządzanie zespołem sprzedaży, lead generation, presales, analizowanie wskaźników oraz skuteczności prowadzonych działań, służące zapewnieniu przewidywalności osiągania celów sprzedaży,
Osiąganie celów strategicznych poprzez zapewnianie adekwatnej jakości lejka sprzedaży,
Współpraca z działem marketingu w obszarze realizowanych kampanii sprzedażowych, budżetu oraz zdefiniowanych celów,
Rozbudowa i rozwój podległego zespołu,
Nawiązywanie i rozwijanie relacji Kluczowymi Klientami Firmy,
Przygotowywanie planów sprzedażowych, przekładanie ich na cele indywidualne, egzekwowanie ich wykonania,
Odpowiedzialność za wyniki sprzedażowe i marżowe na przypisanym obszarze, współtworzenie oferty Firmy,
Udział w wydarzeniach promocyjnych Firmy,
Negocjowanie umów z klientami, kompletowanie dokumentacji niezbędnej do ich realizacji oraz nadzór nad tym procesem u handlowców na przypisanym obszarze,
Używanie w pracy narzędzi wspierających sprzedaż w celu ewidencji działań oraz raportowania (aplikacje, systemy IT, CRM) i ich rozwój zakresie automatyzacji procesów sprzedaży,
Nadzór nad zachowaniem jakości i wysokich standardów obsługi klienta,
Rekrutacja, szkolenie i wdrażanie nowych pracowników Business Unitu
Prowadzenie działań w zakresie aktywnego technicznego wsparcia sprzedaży na rynku polskim oraz rynkach zagranicznych
Analizowanie, optymalizowanie i doradzanie obecnym klientom w zakresie utrzymania i rozwoju systemu
Budowanie długofalowych relacji z klientami (stała opieka nad wyselekcjonowaną grupą klientów)
Współpraca z działem handlowym oraz z działem wdrożeń w zakresie skalowania architektury wdrażanego rozwiązania oraz analizy wymagań/potrzeb biznesowych klienta
Współpraca z partnerami (dystrybutorami i resselerami)
Merytoryczny udział w tworzeniu materiałów marketingowych, studium przypadku, usecase, itp
Udział w konferencjach branżowych, prowadzenie prezentacji technicznych
Aktywny udział w rozwoju produktu
Analizowanie rynku pod kątem rozwiązań z zakresu SIEM/SOAR/GRC, śledzenie trendów w obszarze cyberbezpieczeństwa