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Grafik - Designer UI/UX - Animator - Ilustrator
Wygasła: 24.02.2022
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Plan and implement new designs using Adobe XD/Figma/Zeplin and other similar software
Use Design Kits to create rapid prototypes with an extremely quick turnaround
Be able to create design kits from scratch for use or publication
Optimize existing user interface & experience designs
Combine creativity with an awareness of the design elements
Conduct ongoing user research
Evaluating existing applications and evaluating their UX (user experience) effectiveness
Conducting user testing of applications, software and websites
Creating and implementing interaction models, user flows, and user interface specifications
Communicating scenarios, end-to-end experiences, interaction models, and screen designs with other members of the team
Developing and maintaining design wireframes and specifications of best practices to share with the design team as new projects begin
Design presentations and implement them in Powerpoint and other similar products
Create graphics for blogs and other media publications
Excellent visual design skills with sensitivity to user-system interaction
Must be able to work in a collaborative, and high stress work environment
Must have good communication skills and should be able to speak, read and write English at basic level
Must have good knowledge in finding solutions to problems independently
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne