1. Pracodawca
  2. Katowice
  3. HIRERIGHT POLAND sp. z o.o.
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Rekrutacje prowadzone przez firmę:

Wszystkie (670) Aktualne ( 0 ) Archiwalne ( 670 )

Customer Service Specialist with English

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 16.03.2024
umowa o pracę
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular), junior specialist (Junior)
  • Customer Service Specialist works with clients and their applicants to facilitate accuracy and timely resolution to their requests. Individuals in this role respond to inquiries via phone, e-mail or instant chat. Our customers are global leaders in their fields, whether it be social media, financial services, pharmaceuticals, health providers, recruitment, entertainment, digital, IT, transport and many more
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Supervisor, Customer Service

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 07.01.2024
umowa o pracę
home office work
manager / supervisor
  • Responsible for team of 10-15 CSR’s
  • Provides supervision to team members in attaining Customer Service performance, and productivity goals including completion of email, online-chat and telephonic service and support of HireRight customers
  • Effectively and clearly convey performance issues to management, team leads and the Customer Service team members
  • Effectively resolve and/or escalate customer issues to management, Account Managers and Sales, resulting from service failures or misaligned customer expectations
  • Oversees the day-to-day duties of the CSR’s using real-time monitoring tools and methodologies to ensure
  • Proper adherence to client or general guidelines
  • Proper adherence to policies and procedures
  • Adherence to responsiveness targets
  • Adherence to turnaround targets
  • Coverage of workstation assignments
  • Proper phone etiquette
  • Proper email etiquette
  • Proper use of HireRight’s time
  • Training (New Hires and ongoing CSR Certification)
  • Interact with internal and external clients daily
  • Analyze and evaluate performance, productivity and quality data • Participate in resolution of escalated issues as they relate to Customer Service and overall
  • Demonstrates proficiency in client guidelines and HireRight product knowledge and procedures
  • Performs daily performance and productivity monitoring on team members
  • Provides performance and disciplinary feedback to team members as required
  • Monitor work environment to ensure that work area is conducive to a safe, professional, satisfying environment
  • Implement and maintain morale events to promote team camaraderie and job satisfaction
  • Language Ability: Ability to read and interpret documents such as safety rules, operating and maintenance instructions, and procedure manuals. Adept at composing and documenting notes and correspondence. Very effective at speaking professionally and persuasively to customers / individuals on the telephone, and to team members as required to give suggestions, feedback, or instructions
  • Reasoning Ability: Above-average ability to apply understanding to carry out instructions furnished in written, oral, or diagram form. Above-average ability to deal with problems involving several concrete variables in standardized situations, and to assist others in doing so
  • Computer Skills: Proficient in the use of all HireRight proprietary operating and reporting systems and available tools. Should have knowledge of MS Excel, PowerPoint and Word software; Previous experience with CRM / Case ticket logging tools and Automated Call • Distribution monitoring and reporting tools desired; must be effective at use of the Internet
  • Individual Growth Potential: Ability and desire to grow within the organization to positions of greater responsibility; willingness to seek additional training as required for future opportunities
  • Leadership Responsibilities: This job has daily, hands-on responsibility to provide leadership, training and coaching to team members
  • Recommends performance and/or disciplinary actions and provides written and verbal feedback to the team members as required
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Customer Service Representative

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 07.01.2024
umowa o pracę
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Position overview :
  • Customer Service Specialist works with clients and their applicants to facilitate accuracy and timely resolution to their requests. Individuals in this role respond to inquiries via phone, e-mail or instant chat. Our customers are global leaders in their fields, whether it be social media, financial services, pharmaceuticals, health providers, recruitment, entertainment, digital, IT, transport and many more
  • Working hours: Monday to Friday 2pm -10pm
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Verifications Specialist with Greek and English

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 13.10.2023
umowa o pracę
home office work
junior specialist (Junior)
  • You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English and Greek on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Language Researcher with Hungarian

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 30.09.2023
umowa o pracę
home office work
junior specialist (Junior)
  • Position overview:
  • This role is Ideal for a fresh graduate, new to job market, philologist, part time or anyone in the process of career change. We will show you how to operate in a corporate world with friendly and supporting atmosphere, which will help you better understand and adapt to changes and learn team work
  • Responsibilities:
  • You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English and Hungarian on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Billing Auditor

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 30.09.2023
umowa o pracę
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Audit the account setup of all major customer accounts in Optool
  • Review pricing and products listed in the customer contract to ensure the implementation of the proper setup
  • Detect possible billing errors - working closely with Implementation/Sales Team on account set up
  • Evaluate and re-evaluate regularly the client base to identify high risk customers and prioritize them for audit to reduce risk of incorrect billing
  • Provide Management with accurate and timely status reports on previous and ongoing Audits
  • Assist with financial audit – pull copies of invoices and contracts, provide Auditors with requested information on priority
  • Track and report all new issues found while working on resolution
  • Process analysis/review of major accounts that have been flagged as billing errors to determine appropriate credit/rebill amounts
  • SME on delivery platforms to assist setup / Implementation teams to ensure proper setup of new / existing customers
  • Assisting internal and external parties with questions regarding Billing system setup/results
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Specjalista / Specjalistka ds. weryfikacji z językiem niemieckim i angielskim - Verifications Specialist with German and English

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 31.08.2023
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca zdalna
młodszy specjalista (Junior)
  • Ta rola jest idealna dla świeżo upieczonego absolwenta, nowego na rynku pracy, filologa lub każdego w trakcie zmiany kariery. Pokażemy Ci, jak działać w korporacyjnym świecie z przyjazną i wspierającą atmosferą, która pomoże Ci lepiej zrozumieć i dostosować się do zmian oraz nauczyć się pracy zespołowej. Będziesz odpowiedzialny za weryfikację wykształcenia, zatrudnienia, historii kredytowej i kryminalnej kandydatów w dedykowanych krajach dla naszych klientów. Na co dzień będziesz posługiwać się językiem niemieckim i angielskim. Będziesz wykonywać telefony, pisać e-maile, korzystać z naszych systemów, a także sprawdzać bazy danych w celu weryfikacji szczegółów i sporządzania raportów
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Specjalista ds. weryfikacji z językiem niemieckim i angielskim - Language Researcher with German and English

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 21.06.2023
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca zdalna
praca hybrydowa
młodszy specjalista (Junior)
  • Ta rola jest idealna dla świeżo upieczonego absolwenta, nowego na rynku pracy, filologa lub każdego w trakcie zmiany kariery. Pokażemy Ci, jak działać w korporacyjnym świecie z przyjazną i wspierającą atmosferą, która pomoże Ci lepiej zrozumieć i dostosować się do zmian oraz nauczyć się pracy zespołowej. Będziesz odpowiedzialny za weryfikację wykształcenia, zatrudnienia, historii kredytowej i kryminalnej kandydatów w dedykowanych krajach dla naszych klientów. Na co dzień będziesz posługiwać się językiem niemieckim i angielskim. Będziesz wykonywać telefony, pisać e-maile, korzystać z naszych systemów, a także sprawdzać bazy danych w celu weryfikacji szczegółów i sporządzania raportów
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior Accountant

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 27.05.2023
umowa o pracę
home office work
hybrid work
senior specialist (Senior)
  • Participate in Month End Close process and Balance Sheet reconciliations (including AP and AR accounts reconciliations, Intercompany account balancing)
  • Accurately and timely perform / control accounting entries (AP, Bank reconciliations, Fixed Assets, GL entries, Intercompany transactions)
  • Embrace accruals and prepayments accounting, bad debt checks and journal postings, AP aging reviews, intercompany and cross charge allocation accounting
  • Maintain records (Audit Files) and provide appropriate evidence in support of accounting entries according to US GAAP, as well as Polish GAAP
  • Provide information to internal and external auditors if and as requested
  • Assisting in preparation of statutory financial statements and consolidated financial statements
  • Share best practices with other team members
  • Assists management with small projects or trainings if and as needed
  • May assist in ad hoc projects/reports as required
  • Perform and/or verify bank transfers
  • Support in preparation of tax and statistical reports (for Poland: GUS, PFRON, VAT, etc.)
  • Verify work of Junior Accountants
  • Assists with on boarding and training of new starters
  • Assists with training, and coaching other team members
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Language Researcher with Greek

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 24.05.2023
umowa o pracę
home office work
hybrid work
junior specialist (Junior)
  • Position overview:
  • This role is Ideal for a fresh graduate, new to job market, philologist, part time or anyone in the process of career change. We will show you how to operate in a corporate world with friendly and supporting atmosphere, which will help you better understand and adapt to changes and learn team work
  • Responsibilities:
  • You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English and Greek on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Specjalista ds. należności odbiorców

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 20.05.2023
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca zdalna
specjalista (Mid / Regular)
  • skuteczne działania windykacyjne w różnych podmiotach HireRight
  • zarządzanie portfelem klientów, monitoruje i zapewnianie terminowej windykacji należności (AR) zgodnie z naszą polityką
  • budowanie relacji z interesariuszami wewnętrznymi i zewnętrznymi
  • stała aktualizacja statusu kont klientów
  • odpowiadanie na zapytania klientów
  • prowadzenie sald i uzgodnień AR z Klientami zgodnie z odpowiednimi zasadami kredytowymi
  • współpraca a innymi zespołami Hireright
  • szkolenia/mentoring innych członków zespołu w razie potrzeby
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Financial Planning and Analysis Manager - FP&A Manager

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 11.05.2023
umowa o pracę
home office work
hybrid work
manager / supervisor
  • Commercial Finance/Pricing:
  • • Lead EMEA Deal Desk, supporting client renewals and new business opportunities, provide input to Global Opportunities
  • • Develop and support commercial strategies to improve product pricing and profitability
  • Financial Planning and Analysis:
  • • Oversee the preparation of forecasts and financial plans for the EMEA region
  • • Oversee monthly financial analyses to identify performance trends and drivers, revenue and order analytics, and expense variances across the regions
  • Management Reporting:
  • • Improve understanding of key business trends and drivers through use of Business Intelligence tools
  • • Improve daily and monthly reporting through automation of metrics, scorecards and dashboards
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Payroll Specialist

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 07.05.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Audit timekeeping records for compliance with established standards
  • Enter payroll/benefit data into payroll systems, including computing wage and overtime payments, calculating and recording payroll deductions
  • Maintain time and attendance records impacting payroll
  • Enter new hires, terminations, leaves and other status’ that impact payroll into payroll systems
  • Posting changes in pay and tax status, and miscellaneous changes
  • Provide clerical/administrative support to Payroll
  • Prepare payroll related journal entries for monthly accounting close
  • Run monthly payroll reports, ledgers and other financial reports
  • Closely cooperate with payroll external service providers
  • Maintain payroll operations by following procedures, understanding proper taxation, garnishments and required reporting
  • Maintain employee confidence and protect operations by adhering to confidentiality requirements
  • Distribute paper paychecks if and as needed
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Language Researcher with Romanian

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 27.04.2023
umowa o pracę
home office work
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Position overview:
  • This role is Ideal for a fresh graduate, new to job market, philologist, part time or anyone in the process of career change. We will show you how to operate in a corporate world with friendly and supporting atmosphere, which will help you better understand and adapt to changes and learn team work
  • Responsibilities:
  • You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English and Romanian on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior Accountant

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 27.04.2023
umowa o pracę
home office work
hybrid work
senior specialist (Senior)
  • Participate in Month End Close process and Balance Sheet reconciliations (including AP and AR accounts reconciliations, Intercompany account balancing)
  • Accurately and timely perform / control accounting entries (AP, Bank reconciliations, Fixed Assets, GL entries, Intercompany transactions)
  • Embrace accruals and prepayments accounting, bad debt checks and journal postings, AP aging reviews, intercompany and cross charge allocation accounting
  • Maintain records (Audit Files) and provide appropriate evidence in support of accounting entries according to US GAAP, as well as Polish GAAP
  • Provide information to internal and external auditors if and as requested
  • Assisting in preparation of statutory financial statements and consolidated financial statements
  • Share best practices with other team members
  • Assists management with small projects or trainings if and as needed
  • May assist in ad hoc projects/reports as required
  • Perform and/or verify bank transfers
  • Support in preparation of tax and statistical reports (for Poland: GUS, PFRON, VAT, etc.)
  • Verify work of Junior Accountants
  • Assists with on boarding and training of new starters
  • Assists with training, and coaching other team members
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Młodszy Specjalista ds. weryfikacji danych z językiem niemieckim i angielskim

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 01.03.2023
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca zdalna
praca hybrydowa
młodszy specjalista (Junior)
  • Ta rola jest idealna dla studenta, świeżo upieczonego absolwenta, nowego na rynku pracy, filologa lub każdego w trakcie zmiany kariery. Pokażemy Ci, jak działać w korporacyjnym świecie z przyjazną i wspierającą atmosferą, która pomoże Ci lepiej zrozumieć i dostosować się do zmian oraz nauczyć się pracy zespołowej. Będziesz odpowiedzialny za weryfikację wykształcenia, zatrudnienia, historii kredytowej i kryminalnej kandydatów w dedykowanych krajach dla naszych klientów. Na co dzień będziesz posługiwać się językiem niemieckim i angielskim. Będziesz wykonywać telefony, pisać e-maile, korzystać z naszych systemów, a także sprawdzać bazy danych w celu weryfikacji szczegółów i sporządzania raportów
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Language Researcher with Portuguese

Wygasła: 18.11.2022
umowa o pracę
home office work
junior specialist (Junior)
  • This role is Ideal for a student, fresh graduate, new to job market, philologist or anyone in the process of career change. We will show you how to operate in a corporate world with friendly and supporting atmosphere, which will help you better understand and adapt to changes and learn team work
  • You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English and Portuguese on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Language Researcher with Romanian

Wygasła: 18.11.2022
umowa o pracę
home office work
junior specialist (Junior)
  • To make the most of this fascinating opportunity, you do not necessarily need any previous experience, the role is ideal for:
  • • Students!
  • • Fresh graduates!
  • • New to the job market!
  • • Anyone in the process of career change!
  • We will provide you with comprehensive training and ongoing support
  • As you will be investigating educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated country for our clients, what you need is:
  • • Excellent written and oral communication in Romanian and English
  • • Computer skills
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Language Researcher with Swedish

Wygasła: 06.11.2022
umowa o pracę
home office work
junior specialist (Junior)
  • Position overview:
  • This role is Ideal for a student, fresh graduate, new to job market, philologist or anyone in the process of career change. We will show you how to operate in a corporate world with friendly and supporting atmosphere, which will help you better understand and adapt to changes and learn team work
  • Your role:
  • You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English and Swedish on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Language Researcher with Swedish

Wygasła: 06.11.2022
umowa o pracę
home office work
junior specialist (Junior)
  • Position overview:
  • This role is Ideal for a student, fresh graduate, new to job market, philologist or anyone in the process of career change. We will show you how to operate in a corporate world with friendly and supporting atmosphere, which will help you better understand and adapt to changes and learn team work
  • Your role:
  • You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English and Swedish on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Language Researcher with Greek

Wygasła: 13.10.2022
umowa o pracę
home office work
junior specialist (Junior)
  • Position overview:
  • This role is Ideal for a student, fresh graduate, new to job market, philologist or anyone in the process of career change. We will show you how to operate in a corporate world with friendly and supporting atmosphere, which will help you better understand and adapt to changes and learn team work
  • Your role:
  • You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English and Greek on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Language Researcher with Czech

Wygasła: 13.10.2022
umowa o pracę
home office work
junior specialist (Junior)
  • Position overview:
  • This role is Ideal for a student, fresh graduate, new to job market, philologist or anyone in the process of career change. We will show you how to operate in a corporate world with friendly and supporting atmosphere, which will help you better understand and adapt to changes and learn team work
  • Your role:
  • You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English and Czech on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Specjalista ds. weryfikacji z językiem niemieckim

Wygasła: 13.10.2022
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca zdalna
młodszy specjalista (Junior)
  • Ta rola jest idealna dla studenta, świeżo upieczonego absolwenta, nowego na rynku pracy, filologa lub każdego w trakcie zmiany kariery. Pokażemy Ci, jak działać w korporacyjnym świecie z przyjazną i wspierającą atmosferą, która pomoże Ci lepiej zrozumieć i dostosować się do zmian oraz nauczyć się pracy zespołowej. Będziesz odpowiedzialny za weryfikację wykształcenia, zatrudnienia, historii kredytowej i kryminalnej kandydatów w dedykowanych krajach dla naszych klientów. Na co dzień będziesz posługiwać się językiem angielskim i niemieckim. Będziesz wykonywać telefony, pisać e-maile, korzystać z naszych systemów, a także sprawdzać bazy danych w celu weryfikacji szczegółów i sporządzania raportów
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Financial Analyst

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 05.10.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Work with Planning and Analysis teams to develop and deliver advanced reporting packages, specifically focusing on external metrics and operational and financial performance
  • Work closely with the accounting team to ensure the financial reports are well designed, master data coding is being done properly and results can be explained and analysed in detail to the leaders of the company
  • Cooperate with Pricing, GTM and Operational units to facilitate Gross Margin analysis with product and customer level detail
  • Support continuous improvement of reporting capabilities, including automation of metrics, scorecards and dashboards
  • Prepare and communicate department level financial plans and results and facilitate variance discussion with the industry leaders on a regular basis
  • Report and communicate to the management any unusual activity in topline (revenue and operational trends, industry benchmarks, competitors benchmark) that is discovered through research and reviews
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Specjalista ds. Implementacji

Lower Silesia
Wygasła: 11.09.2022
umowa o pracę
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Perform set up and maintain customer accounts
  • Partner with Internal departments and customers as needed regarding account setup requirements and to seek assistance or support as necessary
  • Accountable for the account setup processes and regularly contribute to program improvements
  • Troubleshoot setup errors and implement a solution
  • Meet expected SLAs as determined by management and manage all assigned cases to timely completion
  • Identify potential pitfalls and develop a solution to avoid impact to customers and proactively address/correct these issues
  • Provide superior customer service to both internal and external customers
  • Lead or participate in small special projects and provide input, analyze data, and perform needed tasks
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Billing Auditor

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 09.09.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Responsible for reviewing and monitoring the billing setup and accuracy of Top Clients handled by the Billing Department to deliver accurate revenue reporting
  • Audit the account setup of all major customer accounts in Optool
  • Review pricing and products listed in the customer contract to ensure the implementation of the proper setup
  • Detect possible billing errors - working closely with Implementation/Sales Team on account set up
  • Evaluate and re-evaluate regularly the client base to identify high risk customers and prioritize them for audit to reduce risk of incorrect billing
  • Provide Management with accurate and timely status reports on previous and ongoing Audits
  • Assist with financial audit – pull copies of invoices and contracts, provide Auditors with requested information on priority
  • Track and report all new issues found while working on resolution
  • Process analysis/review of major accounts that have been flagged as billing errors to determine appropriate credit/rebill amounts
  • SME on delivery platforms to assist setup / Implementation teams to ensure proper setup of new / existing customers
  • Assisting internal and external parties with questions regarding Billing system setup/results
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Junior Customer Service Specialist

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 09.09.2022
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
junior specialist (Junior)
  • Customer Service Specialist works with clients and their applicants to facilitate accuracy and timely resolution to their requests. Individuals in this role respond to inquiries via phone, e-mail or instant chat. Our customers are global leaders in their fields, whether it be social media, financial services, pharmaceuticals, health providers, recruitment, entertainment, digital, IT, transport and many more
  • Working hours: 8-16, 9-17, 12-20
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Language Researcher with English and German or Romanian

Wygasła: 02.09.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • This role is Ideal for a student, fresh graduate, new to job market, philologist or anyone in the process of career change
  • We will show you how to operate in a corporate world with friendly and supporting atmosphere, which will help you better understand and adapt to changes and learn team work. You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English and Dutch or Spanish on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Accounting Manager

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 14.08.2022
umowa o pracę
manager / supervisor
  • Oversees the daily accounting activities in EMEA entities (UK, Poland, Estonia and UAE) required to maintain the company’s accounts payables and general ledger. Supervises, directs, and reviews the work of the accounting staff (including, but not limited to, accounts payable transactions, cash reconciliations, fixed asset activity, payroll, recording of revenue and expenses, etc.)
  • Maintains organized set of detailed records and files to document financial transactions
  • Reviews general ledger on a monthly basis to ensure accuracy of posting
  • Coordinates monthly, quarterly, and annual closing activities and prepares ad hoc financial reports
  • Makes and implements recommendations to improve accounting processes and procedures in our GP/D365 enterprise accounting environment
  • Set up SMART (specific, measurable, ambitious, realistic, time bound) goals aligned
  • Conducts periodic performance and career path discussions in accordance with HireRight guidelines to coach team members to maximize performance and achieve career goals; escalate performance issues to Management and Human Resources as appropriate with company strategic priorities for each team member
  • Identifies & highlights inefficiencies & productivity gains within their teams. Analyses, plans, and executes action plans
  • Makes decisions, guided by policies, procedures and business plan, that impact the efficiency and effectiveness of own area
  • Cascades appropriate communications (verbal/non-verbal) to their team in a timely
  • Maintains the balance between managing teams expectations and responding to business requirements; takes responsibility for business decisions and adjusts communication style when interacting with the team professional and appropriate manner
  • Motivates and inspires team members to build engagement and increases the retention of employees as well as overachievement of set targets
  • Assesses situations, draws conclusions, and recommends or implements courses of action to staff
  • Identifies and resolves day-to-day technical and operational problems
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Team Lead, Implementation

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 13.08.2022
umowa o pracę
team manager
  • Team Lead, Implementation, working hours: 14-22
  • Responsibilities:
  • • Analyze changes in volume levels to coordinate work assignments
  • • Ensure turn-around-times are met for both account setup
  • • Proactively address concerns of the department
  • • Communicate and disseminate information, including but not limited to, emails, conducting department meetings, monthly metrics, etc…
  • • Make recommendations to management concerning staff and improvement of procedures to contribute to the overall success of HireRight
  • • To ensure documentation of all procedures of account setup and credentialing are housed on iKnow
  • • Interface with Compliance and Legal teams, Project Management, Sales, Account Management, and Customer Service as necessary for daily workflow and process improvement ideas
  • • Communicate with other departments and management to resolve problems and expedite work
  • Resource Planning
  • • To anticipate workloads and discuss resource requirements with direct manager
  • Leadership and Development
  • • To have regular 1:1 meetings with all team members
  • • To communicate regularly with all team members at Team meetings and provide regular business updates
  • • To conduct annual appraisal in line with the company defined timetable
  • • To develop and mentor direct reports, identifying areas for development and offering coaching and mentoring in areas required
  • • To set employees stimulating and stretching aims and objectives with clear goals and measurements
  • • To explain how these contribute to the overall aims and strategic objectives of the team and the company
  • • To motivate, help and encourage team members to hit their targets
  • • Appropriately address corrective or disciplinary needs
  • • Promote a healthy and positive working environment
  • • Assist in the selection process of hiring Implementation Specialists
  • • Organizing training for new team members
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Team Leader Customer Service

Wygasła: 03.08.2022
umowa o pracę
home office work, hybrid work
manager / supervisor
  • Overview
  • As a Customer Service Team Leader, you will be responsible for overseeing the running of our Customer Service Department. Our current team is doing a brilliant job, but as demand for our services increases, your role will be to assist and manage these channels. On the position you are about to apply you will be accountable for your team’s performance, including but not limited to: call and email answer times, complaints, forecasting and planning, recruitment and coaching. You will be using business communication skills to clearly communicate escalated customer issues to management. Whilst we always strive to provide a glitch-free service, certainly some challenges will occur and you will need to resolve these quickly, effectively, and with a positive attitude
  • Responsibilities
  • Role Purpose:
  • The Supervisor of Operations is responsible for the daily production of a team of employees whose primary responsibilities include entering and reviewing reports for accuracy to ensure that the company’s quality assurance standards and client guidelines are continuously met
  • Responsibilities:
  • Responsible for team’s adherence to time service, quality and production goal requirements; provide leadership to team members in meeting these SLAs
  • • Collect and compile data using daily/monthly operational reports and spreadsheets
  • • Review and approve client specific guidelines to ensure compliance with department’s procedures • Follows policies and procedures and works with management to implement enhancements; completes tasks correctly and on time; supports organization's goals and values. Understands business implications of decisions; displays orientation to profitability. Leads team to compliance with policy and procedure
  • • Manages and resolves difficult customer situations and escalates to management, Account Managers and Sales as appropriate; responds promptly to customer needs; solicits customer feedback to improve service; works with integrity and in an ethical manner; maintains confidentiality of colleague and customer information and coaches team to do the same
  • • Conduct periodic performance and career path discussions in accordance with HireRight guidelines to coach team members to maximize performance and achieve career goals; escalates performance issues to management and Human Resources as appropriate
  • • Successfully work cross-functionally to achieve goals
  • • Communicates changes and progress; completes projects on time and within budget. Able to establish effective relationships and communications, both internally and externally, with persons of all backgrounds and organizational levels
  • • Focuses on solving conflict. Accepts responsibility for his/her own performance and demonstrates the capability to assist other team members in reaching success within the organization and contributes to building a positive team environment
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Financial Analyst

Wygasła: 03.08.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Work with Planning and Analysis teams to develop and deliver advanced reporting packages, specifically focusing on external metrics and operational and financial performance
  • Work closely with the accounting team to ensure the financial reports are well designed, master data coding is being done properly and results can be explained and analysed in detail to the leaders of the company
  • Cooperate with Pricing, GTM and Operational units to facilitate Gross Margin analysis with product and customer level detail
  • Support continuous improvement of reporting capabilities, including automation of metrics, scorecards and dashboards
  • Prepare and communicate department level financial plans and results and facilitate variance discussion with the industry leaders on a regular basis
  • Report and communicate to the management any unusual activity in topline (revenue and operational trends, industry benchmarks, competitors benchmark) that is discovered through research and reviews
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Language Researcher with English and Dutch or Spanish

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 28.07.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • This role is Ideal for a student, fresh graduate, new to job market, philologist or anyone in the process of career change
  • We will show you how to operate in a corporate world with friendly and supporting atmosphere, which will help you better understand and adapt to changes and learn team work. You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English and Dutch or Spanish on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Specjalista ds. Implementacji

Lower Silesia
Wygasła: 22.07.2022
umowa o pracę
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Perform set up and maintain customer accounts
  • Partner with Internal departments and customers as needed regarding account setup requirements and to seek assistance or support as necessary
  • Accountable for the account setup processes and regularly contribute to program improvements
  • Troubleshoot setup errors and implement a solution
  • Meet expected SLAs as determined by management and manage all assigned cases to timely completion
  • Identify potential pitfalls and develop a solution to avoid impact to customers and proactively address/correct these issues
  • Provide superior customer service to both internal and external customers
  • Lead or participate in small special projects and provide input, analyze data, and perform needed tasks
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Background Screening Quality Specialist

Wygasła: 23.07.2022
umowa o pracę
home office work
junior specialist (Junior)
  • As a Background Screening Quality Specialist you will be conducting quality check, reporting and support the Team and Leader in order to provide the first class service to the Clients. The main purpose of the role is continuous service delivery quality improvement in order to provide the Clients with the first class screening services
  • Responsibilities:
  • • Perform quality control process to make sure the background screening process was conducted in line with the Client’s requirements and HireRight’s high quality standards as well as SOPs;
  • • Compare findings with company standards and Clients` SLAs/guidelines to make sure the Clients receive the reports tailored to their needs;
  • • Run a daily monitoring of outliers and QC errors to identify trends and find the areas for improvement that need to be discussed with Seniors and/or TLs;
  • • Special care about TAT for sub-requests; as many as possible sub-request must be delivered within the agreed TAT;
  • • Minimize the number of QC errors and follow "0 errors" approach by fixing simple mistakes/proposing process changes/highlighting issues with the processes;
  • • Highlight to Senior QC Officer/TL all inconsistencies in SOPs, procedures etc. once noticed;
  • • Collaboration with all HireRight Departments with special focus on Operations;
  • • Participation in Quality programmes, e.g.: QC Academy, QC dedicated officer, shadowing sessions etc.;
  • • Participation in projects;
  • • Respect the company’s Core 4 Values
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Junior Customer Service Specialist US hours

Wygasła: 23.07.2022
umowa o pracę
home office work
junior specialist (Junior)
  • You’ll spend your time working on emails and take calls and chats to both our clients and their applicants. Enthusiasm is vital, because we expect your last customer of the day to receive exactly the same great experience as your first. You’ll need resilience and empathy too – you will be speaking to applicants who are seeking either their first working role or a new role in a new company and they may need help with understanding what is required for their background screening
  • You’ll be trained, supported and empowered to resolve every transaction in the best way possible
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Language Researcher with Greek

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 08.07.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • To make the most of this fascinating opportunity, you do not necessarily need any previous experience, the role is ideal for:
  • • Students!
  • • Fresh graduates!
  • • New to the job market!
  • • Anyone in the process of career change!
  • We will provide you with comprehensive training and ongoing support
  • As you will be investigating educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated country for our clients, what you need is:
  • • Excellent written and oral communication in Greek and English
  • • Computer skills
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Language Researcher with Swedish

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 08.07.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • To make the most of this fascinating opportunity, you do not necessarily need any previous experience, the role is ideal for:
  • • Students!
  • • Fresh graduates!
  • • New to the job market!
  • • Anyone in the process of career change!
  • We will provide you with comprehensive training and ongoing support
  • As you will be investigating educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated country for our clients, what you need is:
  • • Excellent written and oral communication in Swedish and English
  • • Computer skills
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Młodszy Specjalista ds. Implementacji

Wygasła: 08.07.2022
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca zdalna
młodszy specjalista (Junior)
  • Przetwarzanie i wdrażanie wniosków nowych klientów
  • Bieżąca obsługa i aktualizacja kont obecnych klientów
  • Postępowanie zgodnie z procedurami i wewnętrznymi procesami
  • Współpraca z departamentami wewnętrznymi i klientami
  • Zakładanie kont klientów
  • Ulepszanie procesów
  • Dbanie o terminowe realizowanie zadań
  • Identyfikowanie potencjalnych problemów
  • Zapewnianie doskonałej obsługi klienta
  • Uczestnictwo w projektach specjalnych
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Language Researcher with Czech

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 08.07.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • This role is Ideal for a student, fresh graduate, new to job market, philologist or anyone in the process of career change. We will show you how to operate in a corporate world with friendly and supporting atmosphere, which will help you better understand and adapt to changes and learn team work
  • You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English and Czech on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Language Researcher with Romanian

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 08.07.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • To make the most of this fascinating opportunity, you do not necessarily need any previous experience, the role is ideal for:
  • • Students!
  • • Fresh graduates!
  • • New to the job market!
  • • Anyone in the process of career change!
  • We will provide you with comprehensive training and ongoing support
  • As you will be investigating educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated country for our clients, what you need is:
  • • Excellent written and oral communication in Romanian and English
  • • Computer skills
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Language Researcher with French

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 08.07.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • To make the most of this fascinating opportunity, you do not necessarily need any previous experience, the role is ideal for:
  • - Students!
  • - Fresh graduates!
  • - New to the job market!
  • - Anyone in the process of career change!
  • We will provide you with comprehensive training and ongoing support
  • As you will be investigating educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated country for our clients, what you need is:
  • - Excellent written and oral communication in French and English
  • - Computer skills
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Accounting Manager

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 02.07.2022
umowa o pracę
team manager
  • Oversees the daily accounting activities in EMEA entities (UK, Poland, Estonia and UAE) required to maintain the company’s accounts payables and general ledger. Supervises, directs, and reviews the work of the accounting staff (including, but not limited to, accounts payable transactions, cash reconciliations, fixed asset activity, payroll, recording of revenue and expenses, etc.)
  • Maintains organized set of detailed records and files to document financial transactions
  • Reviews general ledger on a monthly basis to ensure accuracy of posting
  • Coordinates monthly, quarterly, and annual closing activities and prepares ad hoc financial reports
  • Makes and implements recommendations to improve accounting processes and procedures in our GP/D365 enterprise accounting environment
  • Set up SMART (specific, measurable, ambitious, realistic, time bound) goals aligned
  • Conducts periodic performance and career path discussions in accordance with HireRight guidelines to coach team members to maximize performance and achieve career goals; escalate performance issues to Management and Human Resources as appropriate with company strategic priorities for each team member
  • Identifies & highlights inefficiencies & productivity gains within their teams. Analyses, plans, and executes action plans
  • Makes decisions, guided by policies, procedures and business plan, that impact the efficiency and effectiveness of own area
  • Cascades appropriate communications (verbal/non-verbal) to their team in a timely
  • Maintains the balance between managing teams expectations and responding to business requirements; takes responsibility for business decisions and adjusts communication style when interacting with the team professional and appropriate manner
  • Motivates and inspires team members to build engagement and increases the retention of employees as well as overachievement of set targets
  • Assesses situations, draws conclusions, and recommends or implements courses of action to staff
  • Identifies and resolves day-to-day technical and operational problems
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Team Leader Customer Service

Wygasła: 26.06.2022
umowa o pracę
home office work
manager / supervisor
  • Overview
  • As a Customer Service Team Leader, you will be responsible for overseeing the running of our Customer Service Department. Our current team is doing a brilliant job, but as demand for our services increases, your role will be to assist and manage these channels. On the position you are about to apply you will be accountable for your team’s performance, including but not limited to: call and email answer times, complaints, forecasting and planning, recruitment and coaching. You will be using business communication skills to clearly communicate escalated customer issues to management. Whilst we always strive to provide a glitch-free service, certainly some challenges will occur and you will need to resolve these quickly, effectively, and with a positive attitude
  • Responsibilities
  • Role Purpose:
  • The Supervisor of Operations is responsible for the daily production of a team of employees whose primary responsibilities include entering and reviewing reports for accuracy to ensure that the company’s quality assurance standards and client guidelines are continuously met
  • Responsibilities:
  • Responsible for team’s adherence to time service, quality and production goal requirements; provide leadership to team members in meeting these SLAs
  • • Collect and compile data using daily/monthly operational reports and spreadsheets
  • • Review and approve client specific guidelines to ensure compliance with department’s procedures • Follows policies and procedures and works with management to implement enhancements; completes tasks correctly and on time; supports organization's goals and values. Understands business implications of decisions; displays orientation to profitability. Leads team to compliance with policy and procedure
  • • Manages and resolves difficult customer situations and escalates to management, Account Managers and Sales as appropriate; responds promptly to customer needs; solicits customer feedback to improve service; works with integrity and in an ethical manner; maintains confidentiality of colleague and customer information and coaches team to do the same
  • • Conduct periodic performance and career path discussions in accordance with HireRight guidelines to coach team members to maximize performance and achieve career goals; escalates performance issues to management and Human Resources as appropriate
  • • Successfully work cross-functionally to achieve goals
  • • Communicates changes and progress; completes projects on time and within budget. Able to establish effective relationships and communications, both internally and externally, with persons of all backgrounds and organizational levels
  • • Focuses on solving conflict. Accepts responsibility for his/her own performance and demonstrates the capability to assist other team members in reaching success within the organization and contributes to building a positive team environment
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Specjalista ds. Implementacji

Lower Silesia
Wygasła: 22.06.2022
umowa o pracę
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Perform set up and maintain customer accounts
  • Partner with Internal departments and customers as needed regarding account setup requirements and to seek assistance or support as necessary
  • Accountable for the account setup processes and regularly contribute to program improvements
  • Troubleshoot setup errors and implement a solution
  • Meet expected SLAs as determined by management and manage all assigned cases to timely completion
  • Identify potential pitfalls and develop a solution to avoid impact to customers and proactively address/correct these issues
  • Provide superior customer service to both internal and external customers
  • Lead or participate in small special projects and provide input, analyze data, and perform needed tasks
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

FP&A Manager

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 15.06.2022
umowa o pracę
team manager
  • Financial Planning and Analysis Manager is a key role in supporting Business Partners with financial plans and analyses, pricing and deal modelling and management reporting. The person will lead commercial pricing for the region, oversee pricing desk for new business and renewal proposals within the EMEA region, as well as Global opportunities within the Company. This position also manages the team responsible for providing business analytics to key stakeholders around revenue drivers, as well as product profitability and business growth
  • The individual will maintain a regular interaction with internal customers and various levels of management within EMEA region and in the US
  • The role is located in Katowice and reports to EMEA Finance Director
  • Responsibilities:
  • Commercial Finance/Pricing:
  • • Lead EMEA Deal Desk, supporting client renewals and new business opportunities, provide input to Global Opportunities
  • • Develop and support commercial strategies to improve product pricing and profitability
  • Financial Planning and Analysis:
  • • Oversee the preparation of forecasts and financial plans for the EMEA region
  • • Oversee monthly financial analyses to identify performance trends and drivers, revenue and order analytics, and expense variances across the regions
  • Management Reporting:
  • • Improve understanding of key business trends and drivers through use of Business Intelligence tools
  • • Improve daily and monthly reporting through automation of metrics, scorecards and dashboards
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Młodszy Specjalista ds. Obsługi Klienta

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 15.06.2022
umowa o pracę
home office work
junior specialist (Junior)
  • You’ll spend your time working on emails and take calls and chats to both our clients and their applicants. Enthusiasm is vital, because we expect your last customer of the day to receive exactly the same great experience as your first. You’ll need resilience and empathy too – you will be speaking to applicants who are seeking either their first working role or a new role in a new company and they may need help with understanding what is required for their background screening
  • You’ll be trained, supported and empowered to resolve every transaction in the best way possible
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Payroll Specialist

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 10.06.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • The Payroll Specialist completes monthly global payroll processing and auditing on a monthly basis, in line with company processes and policies. The position performs a variety of routine and complex clerical and accounting tasks connected with processing payroll and maintaining payroll records. They will support monthly payroll queries as they arise from colleagues globally
  • Responsibilities:
  • • Audit timekeeping records for compliance with established standards
  • • Enter payroll/benefit data into payroll systems, including computing wage and overtime payments, calculating and recording payroll deductions
  • • Maintain time and attendance records impacting payroll
  • • Enter new hires, terminations, leaves and other status’ that impact payroll into payroll systems
  • • Posting changes in pay and tax status, and miscellaneous changes
  • • Provide clerical/administrative support to Payroll
  • • Prepare payroll related journal entries for monthly accounting close
  • • Run monthly payroll reports, ledgers and other financial reports
  • • Closely cooperate with payroll external service providers
  • • Maintain payroll operations by following procedures, understanding proper taxation, garnishments and required reporting
  • • Maintain employee confidence and protect operations by adhering to confidentiality requirements
  • • Distribute paper paychecks if and as needed
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Junior Background Screening Specialist with English

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 09.06.2022
umowa o pracę
junior specialist (Junior)
  • This role is Ideal for a student (you can study full time and work in the same time), fresh graduate, new to job market, philologist or anyone in the process of career change. We will show you how to operate in a corporate world with friendly and supporting atmosphere, which will help you better understand and adapt to changes and learn team work
  • You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, talking with candidates, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Background Screening Quality Specialist

Wygasła: 09.06.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • As a Background Screening Quality Specialist you will be conducting quality check, reporting and support the Team and Leader in order to provide the first class service to the Clients. The main purpose of the role is continuous service delivery quality improvement in order to provide the Clients with the first class screening services
  • Responsibilities:
  • • Perform quality control process to make sure the background screening process was conducted in line with the Client’s requirements and HireRight’s high quality standards as well as SOPs;
  • • Compare findings with company standards and Clients` SLAs/guidelines to make sure the Clients receive the reports tailored to their needs;
  • • Run a daily monitoring of outliers and QC errors to identify trends and find the areas for improvement that need to be discussed with Seniors and/or TLs;
  • • Special care about TAT for sub-requests; as many as possible sub-request must be delivered within the agreed TAT;
  • • Minimize the number of QC errors and follow "0 errors" approach by fixing simple mistakes/proposing process changes/highlighting issues with the processes;
  • • Highlight to Senior QC Officer/TL all inconsistencies in SOPs, procedures etc. once noticed;
  • • Collaboration with all HireRight Departments with special focus on Operations;
  • • Participation in Quality programmes, e.g.: QC Academy, QC dedicated officer, shadowing sessions etc.;
  • • Participation in projects;
  • • Respect the company’s Core 4 Values
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Junior Language Researcher with German

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 09.06.2022
umowa o pracę
junior specialist (Junior)
  • This role is Ideal for a student, fresh graduate, new to job market, philologist or anyone in the process of career change. We will show you how to operate in a corporate world with friendly and supporting atmosphere, which will help you better understand and adapt to changes and learn team work
  • You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English and German on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Młodszy Specjalista ds. Operacji Finansowych

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 09.06.2022
umowa o pracę
junior specialist (Junior)
  • Role Purpose:
  • To assure the accurate cash allocation through posting entries to the accounting system and dealing with payment queries
  • Responsibilities:
  • • Identify cash receipts and internal check lists
  • • Enter multicurrency cash receipts for all Bank Accounts in a timely and daily manner
  • • Daily Allocate all cash receipts to the correct company and currency in line with remittance details
  • • Follow up and identify for posting of unknown cash receipts via bank, internally or through customer
  • • Reconcile daily receipts posting journal against the bank statement to ensure both are in agreement
  • • Communicate and resolve internal queries regarding payment details in the cash control spreadsheet
  • • Flag large unknown payment amounts internally
  • • File all documentation and adhere to current cash policy
  • • Archive all historical information in an easily identifiable manner
  • • Compile data for, and assist in preparation of any needed financial reports
  • • Maintain security of cash, checks, and credit card details at all times
  • • Assist clients; answer informational inquiries regarding selected aspects of cash management across the ledger
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Billing Auditor

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 09.06.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Responsible for reviewing and monitoring the billing setup and accuracy of Top Clients handled by the Billing Department to deliver accurate revenue reporting
  • Audit the account setup of all major customer accounts in Optool
  • Review pricing and products listed in the customer contract to ensure the implementation of the proper setup
  • Detect possible billing errors - working closely with Implementation/Sales Team on account set up
  • Evaluate and re-evaluate regularly the client base to identify high risk customers and prioritize them for audit to reduce risk of incorrect billing
  • Provide Management with accurate and timely status reports on previous and ongoing Audits
  • Assist with financial audit – pull copies of invoices and contracts, provide Auditors with requested information on priority
  • Track and report all new issues found while working on resolution
  • Process analysis/review of major accounts that have been flagged as billing errors to determine appropriate credit/rebill amounts
  • SME on delivery platforms to assist setup / Implementation teams to ensure proper setup of new / existing customers
  • Assisting internal and external parties with questions regarding Billing system setup/results
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Specjalista ds. Operacji Finansowych

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 09.06.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Performs effective debt collection activities across various HireRight and GIS entities on customers according to company standards
  • Manages of a portfolio of clients, monitor, and ensure the timely recovery of the accounts receivable (AR)
  • Apply business logic to properly categorize a collection issue and resolve them in cooperation with appropriate internal departments
  • Reports any significant past due in the AR and/or any situation that could have an impact on collections
  • Resolve Salesforce queue and general inbox customer inquiries
  • Prioritize daily tasks and collection actions to ensure the decrease of the past due balances on assigned customers’ accounts
  • Explain standard accounts receivable related policies and procedures to internal and external stakeholders
  • Cooperates with other Hireright teams to assist set up and/or migration issues and invoice disputes
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne


Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 08.06.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Accurately and timely perform accounting entries (AP, Bank reconciliations, Fixed Assets, GL entries, Intercompany transactions)
  • Participate in Month End Close process and Balance Sheet reconciliations (including AP and AR accounts reconciliations, Intercompany account balancing)
  • Embrace accruals and prepayments accounting, bad debt checks and journal postings, AP aging reviews, intercompany and cross charge allocation accounting
  • Perform and/or verify bank transfers
  • Maintain records (Audit Files) and provide appropriate evidence in support of accounting entries
  • Provide information to internal and external auditors if and as requested
  • Assisting in preparation of statutory financial statements and consolidated financial statements
  • Support in preparation of tax reports under various tax jurisdictions
  • Verify work of Junior Accountants
  • Assists with on boarding and training of new starters
  • Share best practices with other team members
  • Assists with training, and coaching other team members
  • Assists management with small projects or trainings if and as needed
  • May assist in ad hoc projects/reports as required
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Language Researcher with French

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 05.06.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • This role is Ideal for a student, fresh graduate, new to job market, philologist or anyone in the process of career change. We will show you how to operate in a corporate world with friendly and supporting atmosphere, which will help you better understand and adapt to changes and learn team work
  • You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English and French on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Specjalista ds. fakturowania

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 29.05.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Upon request from management and/or customers, internal and external, review disputes that will likely lead to credit issuance
  • Lead in the Coordination/collaboration with both internal & external customers to research & resolve billing/invoicing issues
  • Generate reporting along with the creation of ad-hoc analysis to ensure accuracy of credits being requested/issued
  • Communicate effectively with all parties, as needed, to ensure proper resolution may be achieved for instances that led to the need of issuing credits
  • Upon completion of analysis/review of all credit requests, ensure all supporting documentation is properly saved and stored per company guidelines as well as entered into accounting system completely and accurately
  • Assist with month-end closing and all billing audits, as needed
  • Assist with Inbound/Outbound phone queues for billing department, as needed
  • Provide support to other projects as necessary
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Language Researcher with Romanian

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 25.05.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • This role is Ideal for a student, fresh graduate, new to job market, philologist or anyone in the process of career change. We will show you how to operate in a corporate world with friendly and supporting atmosphere, which will help you better understand and adapt to changes and learn team work
  • You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Implementation Specialist

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 15.05.2022
umowa o pracę
home office work, hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Perform set up and maintain customer accounts
  • Partner with Internal departments and customers as needed regarding account setup requirements and to seek assistance or support as necessary
  • Accountable for the account setup processes and regularly contribute to program improvements
  • Troubleshoot setup errors and implement a solution
  • Meet expected SLAs as determined by management and manage all assigned cases to timely completion
  • Identify potential pitfalls and develop a solution to avoid impact to customers and proactively address/correct these issues
  • Provide superior customer service to both internal and external customers
  • Lead or participate in small special projects and provide input, analyze data, and perform needed tasks
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Language Researcher with Hebrew

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 13.05.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • This role is Ideal for a student, fresh graduate, new to job market, philologist or anyone in the process of career change. We will show you how to operate in a corporate world with friendly and supporting atmosphere, which will help you better understand and adapt to changes and learn team work
  • You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English and Hebrew on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Junior Customer Service Specialist

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 13.05.2022
umowa o pracę
home office work
junior specialist (Junior)
  • You’ll spend your time working on emails and take calls and chats to both our clients and their applicants. Enthusiasm is vital, because we expect your last customer of the day to receive exactly the same great experience as your first. You’ll need resilience and empathy too – you will be speaking to applicants who are seeking either their first working role or a new role in a new company and they may need help with understanding what is required for their background screening
  • You’ll be trained, supported and empowered to resolve every transaction in the best way possible
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Payroll Specialist

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 08.05.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • The Payroll Specialist completes monthly global payroll processing and auditing on a monthly basis, in line with company processes and policies. The position performs a variety of routine and complex clerical and accounting tasks connected with processing payroll and maintaining payroll records. They will support monthly payroll queries as they arise from colleagues globally
  • Responsibilities:
  • • Audit timekeeping records for compliance with established standards
  • • Enter payroll/benefit data into payroll systems, including computing wage and overtime payments, calculating and recording payroll deductions
  • • Maintain time and attendance records impacting payroll
  • • Enter new hires, terminations, leaves and other status’ that impact payroll into payroll systems
  • • Posting changes in pay and tax status, and miscellaneous changes
  • • Provide clerical/administrative support to Payroll
  • • Prepare payroll related journal entries for monthly accounting close
  • • Run monthly payroll reports, ledgers and other financial reports
  • • Closely cooperate with payroll external service providers
  • • Maintain payroll operations by following procedures, understanding proper taxation, garnishments and required reporting
  • • Maintain employee confidence and protect operations by adhering to confidentiality requirements
  • • Distribute paper paychecks if and as needed
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Junior Background Screening Specialist with English

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 07.05.2022
umowa o pracę
junior specialist (Junior)
  • This role is Ideal for a student (you can study full time and work in the same time), fresh graduate, new to job market, philologist or anyone in the process of career change. We will show you how to operate in a corporate world with friendly and supporting atmosphere, which will help you better understand and adapt to changes and learn team work
  • You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, talking with candidates, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Junior Language Researcher with German

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 07.05.2022
umowa o pracę
junior specialist (Junior)
  • This role is Ideal for a student, fresh graduate, new to job market, philologist or anyone in the process of career change. We will show you how to operate in a corporate world with friendly and supporting atmosphere, which will help you better understand and adapt to changes and learn team work
  • You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English and German on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Cash Allocation Clerk

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 06.05.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Role Purpose:
  • To assure the accurate cash allocation through posting entries to the accounting system and dealing with payment queries
  • Responsibilities:
  • • Identify cash receipts and internal check lists
  • • Enter multicurrency cash receipts for all Bank Accounts in a timely and daily manner
  • • Daily Allocate all cash receipts to the correct company and currency in line with remittance details
  • • Follow up and identify for posting of unknown cash receipts via bank, internally or through customer
  • • Reconcile daily receipts posting journal against the bank statement to ensure both are in agreement
  • • Communicate and resolve internal queries regarding payment details in the cash control spreadsheet
  • • Flag large unknown payment amounts internally
  • • File all documentation and adhere to current cash policy
  • • Archive all historical information in an easily identifiable manner
  • • Compile data for, and assist in preparation of any needed financial reports
  • • Maintain security of cash, checks, and credit card details at all times
  • • Assist clients; answer informational inquiries regarding selected aspects of cash management across the ledger
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Credit Analyst

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 05.05.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Performs effective debt collection activities across various HireRight and GIS entities on medium and large size customers according to company revenue segmentation via calls, emails
  • Manages of a portfolio of clients, monitor and ensure the timely recovery of the accounts receivable (AR) according our policies
  • Analyze, review and determine the root cause of a collection issue and build relationship with internal and external stakeholders
  • Apply business logic to properly categorize a collection issue and resolve them in cooperation with appropriate internal departments
  • Reports any significant past due in the AR and/or any situation that could have an impact on collections
  • Provide constant update of account status
  • Resolve SalesForce queue and general inbox customer inquiries
  • Notate all actions in the accounting system
  • Prioritize daily tasks and collection actions to ensure the decrease of the past due balances on assigned customers’ accounts
  • Conducts balances and AR reconciliations with Customers in accordance with the corresponding credit policies
  • Explain standard accounts receivable related policies and procedures to internal and external stakeholders
  • Prepares various reports and communications for Account Managers, Account Directors and Finance Management team
  • Participates in internal and external meetings with various stakeholders
  • Cooperates with other Hireright teams to assist set up and/or migration issues and invoice disputes
  • Perform other duties as assigned or required in a positive manner
  • May assist with mentoring, training, and coaching of new team members within immediate team if required
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Billing Auditor

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 05.05.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Responsible for reviewing and monitoring the billing setup and accuracy of Top Clients handled by the Billing Department to deliver accurate revenue reporting
  • Audit the account setup of all major customer accounts in Optool
  • Review pricing and products listed in the customer contract to ensure the implementation of the proper setup
  • Detect possible billing errors - working closely with Implementation/Sales Team on account set up
  • Evaluate and re-evaluate regularly the client base to identify high risk customers and prioritize them for audit to reduce risk of incorrect billing
  • Provide Management with accurate and timely status reports on previous and ongoing Audits
  • Assist with financial audit – pull copies of invoices and contracts, provide Auditors with requested information on priority
  • Track and report all new issues found while working on resolution
  • Process analysis/review of major accounts that have been flagged as billing errors to determine appropriate credit/rebill amounts
  • SME on delivery platforms to assist setup / Implementation teams to ensure proper setup of new / existing customers
  • Assisting internal and external parties with questions regarding Billing system setup/results
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Billing Specialist

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 06.05.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working as part of the Global Finance team you will be responsible for assuring accurate billing process for HireRight group of companies through:
  • Creation of invoices and monthly statements on the sales ledger,
  • Research and resolution of billing and invoicing issues as well as credit memo inquires,
  • Coordination of high volume of customer invoice activity with various departments including account managers and sales,
  • Cooperation with internal and external customers
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

FP&A Manager

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 28.04.2022
umowa o pracę
team manager
  • Financial Planning and Analysis Manager is a key role in supporting Business Partners with financial plans and analyses, pricing and deal modelling and management reporting. The person will lead commercial pricing for the region, oversee pricing desk for new business and renewal proposals within the EMEA region, as well as Global opportunities within the Company. This position also manages the team responsible for providing business analytics to key stakeholders around revenue drivers, as well as product profitability and business growth
  • The individual will maintain a regular interaction with internal customers and various levels of management within EMEA region and in the US
  • The role is located in Katowice and reports to EMEA Finance Director
  • Responsibilities:
  • Commercial Finance/Pricing:
  • • Lead EMEA Deal Desk, supporting client renewals and new business opportunities, provide input to Global Opportunities
  • • Develop and support commercial strategies to improve product pricing and profitability
  • Financial Planning and Analysis:
  • • Oversee the preparation of forecasts and financial plans for the EMEA region
  • • Oversee monthly financial analyses to identify performance trends and drivers, revenue and order analytics, and expense variances across the regions
  • Management Reporting:
  • • Improve understanding of key business trends and drivers through use of Business Intelligence tools
  • • Improve daily and monthly reporting through automation of metrics, scorecards and dashboards
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Accounting Manager

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 16.04.2022
umowa o pracę
team manager
  • Oversees the daily accounting activities in EMEA entities (UK, Poland, Estonia and UAE) required to maintain the company’s accounts payables and general ledger. Supervises, directs, and reviews the work of the accounting staff (including, but not limited to, accounts payable transactions, cash reconciliations, fixed asset activity, payroll, recording of revenue and expenses, etc.)
  • Maintains organized set of detailed records and files to document financial transactions
  • Reviews general ledger on a monthly basis to ensure accuracy of posting
  • Coordinates monthly, quarterly, and annual closing activities and prepares ad hoc financial reports
  • Makes and implements recommendations to improve accounting processes and procedures in our GP/D365 enterprise accounting environment
  • Set up SMART (specific, measurable, ambitious, realistic, time bound) goals aligned
  • Conducts periodic performance and career path discussions in accordance with HireRight guidelines to coach team members to maximize performance and achieve career goals; escalate performance issues to Management and Human Resources as appropriate with company strategic priorities for each team member
  • Identifies & highlights inefficiencies & productivity gains within their teams. Analyses, plans, and executes action plans
  • Makes decisions, guided by policies, procedures and business plan, that impact the efficiency and effectiveness of own area
  • Cascades appropriate communications (verbal/non-verbal) to their team in a timely
  • Maintains the balance between managing teams expectations and responding to business requirements; takes responsibility for business decisions and adjusts communication style when interacting with the team professional and appropriate manner
  • Motivates and inspires team members to build engagement and increases the retention of employees as well as overachievement of set targets
  • Assesses situations, draws conclusions, and recommends or implements courses of action to staff
  • Identifies and resolves day-to-day technical and operational problems
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Internal Training Specialist

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 13.04.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Providing training for new and existing employees
  • Ability to work effectively with subject matter experts, product, and professional services to design, deliver and evaluate effective training materials and content
  • Construct and conduct needs and task analysis
  • Analyze, design, deliver, implement and evaluate training programs
  • Drive innovation by incorporating new learning media/approaches into the company’s solutions
  • Collaborate and communicate with both external and internal customers to ensure learning needs are being met
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Culture and Engagement Specialist

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 13.04.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • The Culture and Engagement Specialist will implement strategic engagement initiatives to connect Team Members with each other, champion our CORE4 Values, and support HR, communications, and DE&I projects
  • Strategically plan and develop content for employee engagement programs that foster community, inclusion, and a sense of belonging at all levels and nurture a high-performance culture
  • Coordinate with stakeholders across the HR team, Marketing team, and the business at-large to collect photos, videos, and stories for broad and targeted initiatives, usually internally, though sometimes externally
  • Support HR projects from a culture perspective, including planning and tactical support for key HR initiatives, local and global change management, talent development, DE&I, employer branding, reward and recognition, benefits, and organizational changes
  • Build trust and credibility as a culture and engagement partner, measuring the effectiveness of strategies and adapting accordingly to feedback
  • Maintain a global culture strategy, leading the overall organization of HireRight Global Culture Clubs, which are based in each office, by holding monthly global meetings, designing quarterly themes, collecting feedback, and promoting content from office events
  • Create graphics to engage Team Members and enhance culture communications; edit video content
  • Be an engaged, energetic, and collaborative member of the team, challenging others wherever appropriate and striving for ever-higher standards
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Junior Customer Service Specialist

Lower Silesia
Wygasła: 12.04.2022
umowa o pracę
home office work
junior specialist (Junior)
  • You’ll spend your time working on emails and take calls and chats to both our clients and their applicants. Enthusiasm is vital, because we expect your last customer of the day to receive exactly the same great experience as your first. You’ll need resilience and empathy too – you will be speaking to applicants who are seeking either their first working role or a new role in a new company and they may need help with understanding what is required for their background screening
  • You’ll be trained, supported and empowered to resolve every transaction in the best way possible
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Language Researcher with Hebrew

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 09.04.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • This role is Ideal for a student, fresh graduate, new to job market, philologist or anyone in the process of career change. We will show you how to operate in a corporate world with friendly and supporting atmosphere, which will help you better understand and adapt to changes and learn team work
  • You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English and Hebrew on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Purchasing Manager Poland

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 08.04.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Strategic sourcing of vendors in the indirect spend category
  • Work with stakeholders from various business units within the organization to understand outsourcing needs or purchasing requirements
  • Facilitates RFI’s and RFP’s and monitors the required purchasing processes
  • Value and financial analysis to identify areas with cost saving potential with alternative products and suppliers
  • Works with the respective departments to determine appropriate SLA’s
  • Negotiates pricing, SLA’s and terms with the vendors to maximize cost savings, quality and delivery
  • Monitors SLA’s and vendor compliance with company policies
  • Contract inventory and management
  • Supports the execution and oversight of risk management programs and activities
  • Provides company representation with suppliers, market consultants and industry resources
  • Provides assistance in developing quality policy and plans for supply chain
  • Manages the vendor relationships as the primary point of contact
  • Develops effective relationships with vendors and manage overall performance and adherence to HireRight’s processes and all compliance requirements
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Billing Specialist

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 06.04.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working as part of the Global Finance team you will be responsible for assuring accurate billing process for HireRight group of companies through:
  • Creation of invoices and monthly statements on the sales ledger,
  • Research and resolution of billing and invoicing issues as well as credit memo inquires,
  • Coordination of high volume of customer invoice activity with various departments including account managers and sales,
  • Cooperation with internal and external customers
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Junior Background Screening Specialist with English

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 03.04.2022
umowa o pracę
junior specialist (Junior)
  • This role is Ideal for a student (you can study full time and work in the same time), fresh graduate, new to job market, philologist or anyone in the process of career change. We will show you how to operate in a corporate world with friendly and supporting atmosphere, which will help you better understand and adapt to changes and learn team work
  • You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, talking with candidates, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Team Leader Customer Service

Wygasła: 03.04.2022
full-time, part time
umowa o pracę
home office work
team manager
  • Overview
  • As a Customer Service Team Leader, you will be responsible for overseeing the running of our Customer Service Department. Our current team is doing a brilliant job, but as demand for our services increases, your role will be to assist and manage these channels. On the position you are about to apply you will be accountable for your team’s performance, including but not limited to: call and email answer times, complaints, forecasting and planning, recruitment and coaching. You will be using business communication skills to clearly communicate escalated customer issues to management. Whilst we always strive to provide a glitch-free service, certainly some challenges will occur and you will need to resolve these quickly, effectively, and with a positive attitude
  • Responsibilities
  • Role Purpose:
  • The Supervisor of Operations is responsible for the daily production of a team of employees whose primary responsibilities include entering and reviewing reports for accuracy to ensure that the company’s quality assurance standards and client guidelines are continuously met
  • Responsibilities:
  • Responsible for team’s adherence to time service, quality and production goal requirements; provide leadership to team members in meeting these SLAs
  • • Collect and compile data using daily/monthly operational reports and spreadsheets
  • • Review and approve client specific guidelines to ensure compliance with department’s procedures • Follows policies and procedures and works with management to implement enhancements; completes tasks correctly and on time; supports organization's goals and values. Understands business implications of decisions; displays orientation to profitability. Leads team to compliance with policy and procedure
  • • Manages and resolves difficult customer situations and escalates to management, Account Managers and Sales as appropriate; responds promptly to customer needs; solicits customer feedback to improve service; works with integrity and in an ethical manner; maintains confidentiality of colleague and customer information and coaches team to do the same
  • • Conduct periodic performance and career path discussions in accordance with HireRight guidelines to coach team members to maximize performance and achieve career goals; escalates performance issues to management and Human Resources as appropriate
  • • Successfully work cross-functionally to achieve goals
  • • Communicates changes and progress; completes projects on time and within budget. Able to establish effective relationships and communications, both internally and externally, with persons of all backgrounds and organizational levels
  • • Focuses on solving conflict. Accepts responsibility for his/her own performance and demonstrates the capability to assist other team members in reaching success within the organization and contributes to building a positive team environment
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Operations Specialist with French

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 03.04.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • This role is Ideal for a student, fresh graduate, new to job market, philologist or anyone in the process of career change. We will show you how to operate in a corporate world with friendly and supporting atmosphere, which will help you better understand and adapt to changes and learn team work
  • You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English and French on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Operations Specialist with German

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 03.04.2022
full-time, part time
umowa o pracę
home office work
junior specialist (Junior)
  • This role is Ideal for a student, fresh graduate, new to job market, philologist or anyone in the process of career change. We will show you how to operate in a corporate world with friendly and supporting atmosphere, which will help you better understand and adapt to changes and learn team work
  • You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English and German on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Proposal Writer

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 03.04.2022
umowa o pracę
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • The Proposal Writer will develop answers to prospect requests for proposals, work closely with sales and marketing teams to develop sales strategy and proposal content, and distribute proposal submissions. You will need to rely on strong editing skills to ensure the highest quality proposals to help HireRight win new business. This team member reports to the Sr. Manager of Proposals
  • To be successful in this role you must be a self-starter and willing to take personal responsibility to learn our business. You must also be highly results oriented and have solid organizational and communication skills. You must be willing and able to work across all divisions of the company to get answers, commitments and generally ensure comprehensive proposals
  • Working from home
  • Working hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - 2pm - 10pm; Thursday and Friday - 9am - 5pm
  • Responsibilities:
  • • Manage all aspects of proposal development from receipt of RFP through delivery, including preparing HireRight’s response in compliance with all requirements, coordinating internal flow and review of all proposal inputs, and reviewing final copies
  • • Develop responses to target customer requests for proposals
  • • Perform necessary research and analysis as needed to answer prospect/client questions
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Junior Customer Support Specialist with English

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 20.03.2022
umowa o pracę
junior specialist (Junior)
  • Role Purpose:
  • To assure the accurate cash allocation through posting entries to the accounting system and dealing with payment queries
  • Responsibilities:
  • • Identify cash receipts and internal check lists
  • • Enter multicurrency cash receipts for all Bank Accounts in a timely and daily manner
  • • Daily Allocate all cash receipts to the correct company and currency in line with remittance details
  • • Follow up and identify for posting of unknown cash receipts via bank, internally or through customer
  • • Reconcile daily receipts posting journal against the bank statement to ensure both are in agreement
  • • Prepare daily cash control spreadsheet plotting receipts against targets
  • • Communicate and resolve internal queries regarding payment details in the cash control spreadsheet
  • • Flag large unknown payment amounts internally
  • • Resolve reconciliation issues through posting adjustments and corrective journals
  • • File all documentation and adhere to current cash policy
  • • Archive all historical information in an easily identifiable manner
  • • Compile data for, and assist in preparation of any needed financial reports
  • • Maintain security of cash, checks, and credit card details at all times
  • • Assist clients; answer informational inquiries regarding selected aspects of cash management across the ledger
  • • Liaise with Clients to investigate unrecognized payments
  • • Perform other ad hoc tasks to assist other service areas of finance team
  • • Establish and maintain the trust and support of colleagues, other staff and managers
  • • Ensure Accounts Receivable Supervisor and Finance Team is kept updated on any issues or problems and is consulted prior to taking any action outside of immediate remit
  • • Maintain confidentiality when appropriate
  • Working hours: 3 weeks: 9-17, 1 week per month: 12-20
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Customer Service Specialist

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 12.03.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • You’ll spend your time working on emails and take calls and chats to both our clients and their applicants. Enthusiasm is vital, because we expect your last customer of the day to receive exactly the same great experience as your first. You’ll need resilience and empathy too – you will be speaking to applicants who are seeking either their first working role or a new role in a new company and they may need help with understanding what is required for their background screening
  • You’ll be trained, supported and empowered to resolve every transaction in the best way possible
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Junior Accountant

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 12.03.2022
umowa o pracę
junior specialist (Junior)
  • Posting the Purchas Order invoices in financial tool
  • Posting the Non-Purchas Order invoices in financial tool
  • Preparation of batches with invoices for payments
  • Performing the weekly and/ or monthly bank reconciliations
  • Performing the weekly cash reconciliations
  • Daily contact in written and verbal form with vendors, corporate bank and other department within the HireRight Group
  • Performing the verification of randomly selected checks for review
  • Preparation of batches with invoices for payments
  • Working hours - 9am-5pm - work on second shift (1pm-9pm): 5-7 times per month - working from home
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Customer Service Specialist

Lower Silesia
Wygasła: 12.03.2022
umowa o pracę
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • You’ll spend your time working on emails and take calls and chats to both our clients and their applicants. Enthusiasm is vital, because we expect your last customer of the day to receive exactly the same great experience as your first. You’ll need resilience and empathy too – you will be speaking to applicants who are seeking either their first working role or a new role in a new company and they may need help with understanding what is required for their background screening
  • You’ll be trained, supported and empowered to resolve every transaction in the best way possible
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Language Researcher with French

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 23.02.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • This role is Ideal for a student, fresh graduate, new to job market, philologist or anyone in the process of career change. We will show you how to operate in a corporate world with friendly and supporting atmosphere, which will help you better understand and adapt to changes and learn team work
  • You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English and French on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Operations Specialist with German

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 20.02.2022
full-time, part time
umowa o pracę
home office work
junior specialist (Junior)
  • This role is Ideal for a student, fresh graduate, new to job market, philologist or anyone in the process of career change. We will show you how to operate in a corporate world with friendly and supporting atmosphere, which will help you better understand and adapt to changes and learn team work
  • You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English and German on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Junior Accountant

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 09.02.2022
umowa o pracę
junior specialist (Junior)
  • Posting the Purchas Order invoices in financial tool
  • Posting the Non-Purchas Order invoices in financial tool
  • Preparation of batches with invoices for payments
  • Performing the weekly and/ or monthly bank reconciliations
  • Performing the weekly cash reconciliations
  • Daily contact in written and verbal form with vendors, corporate bank and other department within the HireRight Group
  • Performing the verification of randomly selected checks for review
  • Preparation of batches with invoices for payments
  • Working hours - 9am-5pm - work on second shift (1pm-9pm): 5-7 times per month - working from home
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Language Researcher with French

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 22.01.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • This role is Ideal for a student, fresh graduate, new to job market, philologist or anyone in the process of career change. We will show you how to operate in a corporate world with friendly and supporting atmosphere, which will help you better understand and adapt to changes and learn team work
  • You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English and French on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Junior Backround Screening Specialist

Lesser Poland
Wygasła: 19.01.2022
umowa o pracę
junior specialist (Junior)
  • To make the most of this fascinating opportunity, you do not necessarily need any previous experience, the role is ideal for:
  • • Students!
  • • Fresh graduates!
  • • New to the job market!
  • • Anyone in the process of career change!
  • We will provide you with comprehensive training and ongoing support
  • As you will be investigating educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated country for our clients, what you need is:
  • • Excellent written and oral communication in English
  • • Computer skills
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Junior Talent Acquisition Specialist

Wygasła: 12.01.2022
umowa o pracę
home office work
junior specialist (Junior)
  • Source, attract, screen, recruit, select, negotiate with and close quality candidates for high volume recruitment position
  • Participate in intake sessions with hiring managers without direct supervision
  • Source candidates via cold calling, networking, and Internet, searches as well as other creative methods for attracting high performers
  • Ensure a consistent, high quality approach to our staffing process
  • Ensure job offers are consistent and based on internal equity and company salary structure
  • Preparing reports about candidates
  • Creating offers & contracts for chosen candidate
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Implementation Specialist

Uniwersytecka 18, Katowice
Wygasła: 30.12.2021
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Perform set up and maintain customer accounts
  • Partner with Internal departments and customers as needed regarding account setup requirements and to seek assistance or support as necessary
  • Accountable for the account setup processes and regularly contribute to program improvements
  • Troubleshoot setup errors and implement a solution
  • Meet expected SLAs as determined by management and manage all assigned cases to timely completion
  • Identify potential pitfalls and develop a solution to avoid impact to customers and proactively address/correct these issues
  • Provide superior customer service to both internal and external customers
  • Lead or participate in small special projects and provide input, analyze data, and perform needed tasks
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Culture and Engagement Specialist

Wygasła: 17.12.2021
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • The Culture and Engagement Specialist will implement strategic engagement initiatives to connect Team Members with each other, champion our CORE4 Values, and support HR, communications, and DE&I projects
  • Strategically plan and develop content for employee engagement programs that foster community, inclusion, and a sense of belonging at all levels and nurture a high-performance culture
  • Coordinate with stakeholders across the HR team, Marketing team, and the business at-large to collect photos, videos, and stories for broad and targeted initiatives, usually internally, though sometimes externally
  • Support HR projects from a culture perspective, including planning and tactical support for key HR initiatives, local and global change management, talent development, DE&I, employer branding, reward and recognition, benefits, and organizational changes
  • Build trust and credibility as a culture and engagement partner, measuring the effectiveness of strategies and adapting accordingly to feedback
  • Maintain a global culture strategy, leading the overall organization of HireRight Global Culture Clubs, which are based in each office, by holding monthly global meetings, designing quarterly themes, collecting feedback, and promoting content from office events
  • Create graphics to engage Team Members and enhance culture communications; edit video content
  • Be an engaged, energetic, and collaborative member of the team, challenging others wherever appropriate and striving for ever-higher standards
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Junior Backround Screening Specialist

Wygasła: 10.12.2021
umowa o pracę
junior specialist (Junior)
  • To make the most of this fascinating opportunity, you do not necessarily need any previous experience, the role is ideal for:
  • • Students!
  • • Fresh graduates!
  • • New to the job market!
  • • Anyone in the process of career change!
  • We will provide you with comprehensive training and ongoing support
  • As you will be investigating educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated country for our clients, what you need is:
  • • Excellent written and oral communication in English
  • • Computer skills
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Junior Backround Screening Specialist

Lesser Poland
Wygasła: 10.12.2021
umowa o pracę
junior specialist (Junior)
  • To make the most of this fascinating opportunity, you do not necessarily need any previous experience, the role is ideal for:
  • • Students!
  • • Fresh graduates!
  • • New to the job market!
  • • Anyone in the process of career change!
  • We will provide you with comprehensive training and ongoing support
  • As you will be investigating educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated country for our clients, what you need is:
  • • Excellent written and oral communication in English
  • • Computer skills
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Junior Verification Specialist with German

Lesser Poland
Wygasła: 20.11.2021
umowa o pracę
home office work
junior specialist (Junior)
  • This role is Ideal for a student, fresh graduate, new to job market, philologist or anyone in the process of career change. We will show you how to operate in a corporate world with friendly and supporting atmosphere, which will help you better understand and adapt to changes and learn team work
  • You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English and German on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Junior Verification Specialist with German

Wygasła: 20.11.2021
umowa o pracę
home office work
junior specialist (Junior)
  • This role is Ideal for a student, fresh graduate, new to job market, philologist or anyone in the process of career change. We will show you how to operate in a corporate world with friendly and supporting atmosphere, which will help you better understand and adapt to changes and learn team work
  • You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English and German on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Junior Verification Specialist with German

Wygasła: 20.11.2021
umowa o pracę
home office work
junior specialist (Junior)
  • This role is Ideal for a student, fresh graduate, new to job market, philologist or anyone in the process of career change. We will show you how to operate in a corporate world with friendly and supporting atmosphere, which will help you better understand and adapt to changes and learn team work
  • You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English and German on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Junior Verification Specialist with German

Wygasła: 20.11.2021
umowa o pracę
home office work
junior specialist (Junior)
  • This role is Ideal for a student, fresh graduate, new to job market, philologist or anyone in the process of career change. We will show you how to operate in a corporate world with friendly and supporting atmosphere, which will help you better understand and adapt to changes and learn team work
  • You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English and German on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Junior Verification Specialist with German

Wygasła: 20.11.2021
umowa o pracę
home office work
junior specialist (Junior)
  • This role is Ideal for a student, fresh graduate, new to job market, philologist or anyone in the process of career change. We will show you how to operate in a corporate world with friendly and supporting atmosphere, which will help you better understand and adapt to changes and learn team work
  • You will be responsible for verifying educational, employment, credit and criminal background of candidates in a dedicated countries for our clients. You will use English and German on a daily basis
  • You will be making telephone calls, writing emails, using our systems as well as conducting database checks in order to verify details and prepare reports
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
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