Czy macie jakieś informacje na temat pracy w tej firmie? Jak wygląda atmosfera? Czy wynagrodzenie jest dobre? Czy są jakieś benefity? Jakie są warunki pracy? Z góry dzięki!
Building innovative fintech solutions by using cutting-edge technologies
Building a team of skilled engineers to efficiently deliver business value through technical work
Leading the team in an agile environment
Facilitating close cooperation with other teams
Actively shaping the product and its development roadmap by being a partner to a Product Manager
Developing team’s members by taking into account individual preferences and needs to achieve mastery and autonomy while fulfilling the purpose of employee and the organisation
creating and managing ideas in the team technology excellence area
Na co dzień będziesz zajmować się obsługą administracyjną benefitów pracowniczych, uzgadnianiem listy płac z dokumentacją księgową, obsługą ubezpieczenia na życie, opieki medycznej, kart sportowych
Będziesz współpracować z dostawcami zewnętrznymi benefitów i przekazywać informacje dotyczące benefitów i ZFŚS zainteresowanym pracownikom
Monitorować trendy rynkowe, proponować i wdrażać nowe benefity
Na bieżąco będziesz obsługiwać systemy HR oraz platformy benefitowe
Zajmiesz się tworzeniem preliminarza i administrowaniem ZFŚS
Będziesz rozwijać programy benefitowe i pomagać w organizacji akcji specjalnych dla pracowników
Będziesz odpowiadać za weryfikację i procesowanie dokumentów księgowych
you will work with product managers, development teams, UX designers and UX researchers in the product development of one of Europe's largest e-commerce,
you will take an active role in generating hypotheses, deriving insights from data, generating recommendations based on data and creating product development strategies,
you will support the design and conduct of A/B tests with your statistical knowledge, often providing input in the form of variants of changes,
you will have a real impact on the shape of Allegro - the team's analyses are used as a key element in making product and business decisions
Taking business responsibility for the optimization of selected mechanisms and algorithms on allegro aimed at reducing delivery costs on Allegro
In cooperation with Technology teams you will design and build a set of mechanisms and algorithms on customer and merchant paths to improve customer and merchant experience and as a result optimize delivery costs
Providing critical insights and input for developing algorithms related to carrier pricing logic, derived from contract terms such as weights, routes, volume declarations, and geographical zones
Validating hypotheses and conducting analysis to explore the potential and directions for further development of tools, focusing on their ability to improve KPIs, such as reducing net unit delivery cost
Together with technology teams, you will lead, initiate and set business and operational priorities to algorithm logic and co-create volume management tools and after implementation day-to-day management to achieve KPI goals
Building models forecasting delivery costs on Allegro
Realization of strategic projects as a leader or team member responsible for selected building blocks/areas (especially on customer shopping path)
Preparation of metrics and dashboard of reports in cooperation with the Analytics team
Within our Mobile App Team, we specialize in developing exclusive features tailored specifically for our flagship application. Our focus lies in crafting innovative functionalities that enrich user interaction and elevate overall app experience. We continuously strive to push the boundaries of mobile software engineering to ensure our app remains at the forefront of industry standards
You will also be part of Allegro’s mobile community, made up of more than 100 mobile developers. In our community, we actively share knowledge as part of our daily code review work and at dedicated company events. There is a time dedicated to knowledge sharing as much as an opportunity for team-building and listening to inspiring guests from outside the company
od 9500 do 13400 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Junior Mobile Software Engineer (iOS) - Consumer
Wygasła: 26.04.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
junior specialist (Junior)
Within our Mobile App Team, we specialize in developing exclusive features tailored specifically for our flagship application. Our focus lies in crafting innovative functionalities that enrich user interaction and elevate overall app experience. We continuously strive to push the boundaries of mobile software engineering to ensure our app remains at the forefront of industry standards
You will also be part of Allegro’s mobile community, made up of more than 100 mobile developers. In our community, we actively share knowledge as part of our daily code review work and at dedicated company events. There is a time dedicated to knowledge sharing as much as an opportunity for team-building and listening to inspiring guests from outside the company
od 9500 do 13400 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
HR and Payroll Specialist / Specjalista ds. Kadr i Płac
Wierzbięcice 1B, Wilda, Poznań
Wygasła: 26.04.2024
pełny etat
umowa na zastępstwo
praca hybrydowa
specjalista (Mid / Regular)
Weźmiesz udział w przygotowywaniu i prowadzeniu dokumentacji pracowniczej związanej ze stosunkiem pracy oraz innymi formami zatrudnienia
Będziesz wspierać pracowników oddelegowanych w kwestiach związanych z relokacją
Sporządzisz listy płac i przelewy
Zweryfikujesz rozliczanie czasu pracy pracowników oraz harmonogramy pracy
Będziesz odpowiadać za sporządzanie deklaracji do ZUS, GUS, US
Przygotujesz bieżące raporty kadrowo-płacowe
Będziesz monitorować i analizować zmiany w przepisach prawa pracy oraz regulacjach ubezpieczeń społecznych
Będziesz uczestniczyć w projektach związanych z usprawnianiem procesów i narzędzi w obszarze kadr i płac
Na co dzień będziesz przekazywać informacje kadrowe zainteresowanym pracownikom oraz ich przełożonym
Systems Administrator (Technical Platform & Operation)
Wierzbięcice 1B, Wilda, Poznań
Wygasła: 26.04.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Maintaining Contact Center services/systems (customer service systems, surveys, community, chatbots, mailbots)
Ensuring the performance and security of applications
Ensuring system availability through preventive actions to prevent failures
Optimizing and improving existing processes
Application configuration
User support ticket handling
Incident handling and resolution
Problem analysis and solution recommendation
Implementation of deployment tasks involving installation and configuration of hardware and software within existing and new systems
Collaboration with external vendors
Preparing and maintaining documentation
Participation in numerous projects to tailor solutions to the needs and requirements of our clients
You will be responsible for the development of the Contact Center system by co-creating strategies and implementing new solutions to facilitate the work of teams ensuring the best possible Allegro customer service
You will ensure the performance and security of applications
You will ensure system availability through preventive actions to prevent failures. You will handle user support tickets, including incident handling and resolution
You will carry out deployment tasks involving the installation and configuration of hardware and software within existing and new systems
You will analyze processes and market trends to recommend changes and improvements
You will support process automation - implementation and maintenance of related tools
You will work with internal clients to develop business requirements and conduct RFI, RFP processes with software vendors
You will take on the role of task and project coordinator aimed at adapting solutions to the needs and requirements of our internal clients
You will be responsible for cooperation with external vendors
You will ensure good communication with stakeholders within the company and ensure they always receive the support they need
You will consistently ensure the highest quality of services provided. Preparation and maintenance of documentation
Weźmiesz odpowiedzialność za pozyskiwanie, wprowadzenie na platformę oraz długofalowe budowanie relacji z kluczowymi sprzedawcami i markami zarówno na rynku polskim, jak i zagranicznym
Zrealizujesz plan handlowy kategorii w zakresie pozyskiwania asortymentu od kluczowych sprzedawców
Będziesz reprezentować firmę w kontakcie ze sprzedawcami i określisz wytyczne dla komunikacji
Będziesz współtworzyć oraz egzekwować plany rozwoju merchantów w kategorii, promocje, akcje komercyjne
Z pomocą analityków kategorii będziesz monitorować wzrost kluczowych sprzedawców i zidentyfikujesz inicjatywy wspierające ich rozwój
Dostarczysz informacji na temat istotnych zmian u kluczowych partnerów dzięki współpracy z zespołem szkoleń w zakresie edukacji i wsparcia biznesowego partnerów w kategorii
Czeka Cię współpraca z zespołami technologii, obsługi klienta (CEX), Legal, Commerce, w celu optymalizacji rozwiązań oraz budowania wszechstronnej wiedzy o dostępnych narzędziach i możliwościach ich wykorzystania
Work based on technologies: Java and/or Kotlin/Scala
od 16100 do 23200 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Senior Software Engineer (Java/Kotlin)
Żelazna 51/53, Wola, Warszawa
Wygasła: 19.04.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
senior specialist (Senior)
Work based on technologies: Java and/or Kotlin/Scala
od 16100 do 23200 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Software Engineer (Java/Kotlin)
Wierzbięcice 1b, Wilda, Poznań
Wygasła: 19.04.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Work based on technologies: Java and/or Kotlin/Scala
od 12300 do 17600 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Software Engineer (Java/Kotlin)
Żelazna 51/53, Wola, Warszawa
Wygasła: 19.04.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Work based on technologies: Java and/or Kotlin/Scala
od 12300 do 17600 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Data Product Manager - Allegro Pay
Żelazna 51/53, Wola, Warszawa
Wygasła: 18.04.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
As a Data Product Manager you will be responsible for producing analytical data models and managing analytical events in the data mesh; co-creating the data warehouse supporting the development of Allegro Pay. In your daily work, you will also be responsible for supervising and developing processes that feed our data warehouse and transform data for our business needs. You will work closely with Software and Data Engineers. You will deal with:
designing, producing and maintaining advanced data models from different business domains
comprehensive management of the domain in Data Mesh - starting from co-creating KPI definitions calculated in a given domain, ending on analytical entities in the data warehouse
the process of data collection, taking into account the needs of product managers, analysts and data scientists
designing analytical entities taking into account the most common uses and the costs of supply and reading
designing analytical coverage for customer processes created within the Allegro Pay area for existing and upcoming product offerings
visualizing and extracting meaningful insights from data for product managers
You will work on transitioning the database services from traditional infrastructure to those managed in the public cloud and/or those based on Kubernetes,
This is a process that won't happen right away, so you will also have to take care of the existing database infrastructure so that it runs smoothly and is always available,
At the same time, you will create and maintain tools to improve, optimize and automate tasks in our infrastructure
You will work on transitioning the database services from traditional infrastructure to those managed in the public cloud and/or those based on Kubernetes,
This is a process that won't happen right away, so you will also have to take care of the existing database infrastructure so that it runs smoothly and is always available,
At the same time, you will create and maintain tools to improve, optimize and automate tasks in our infrastructure
An integrated platform of tools created for internal BigData developers to automate away tedious tasks associated with developing, deploying and maintaining data analysis solutions based on Google Cloud solutions
Solutions for Generative AI enablement in organizations based on Google Cloud and Microsoft Azure tooling
Governance of internal data platform costs
Keeping an eye on all the news from cloud providers, testing and deploying new features
You will be actively responsible for building data processing tools for modeling, analysis and ML – in close cooperation with Data Science team
You will be supporting Data Science team in the development of data sources for ad-hoc analyses and Machine Learning projects
You will process terabytes of data using Google Cloud Platform BigQuery, Composer, Dataflow and PySpark as well as optimize processes in terms of their performance and GCP cloud processing costs
You will collect process requirements from project groups and automate tasks related to preprocessing and data quality monitoring, prediction serving, as well as Machine Learning model monitoring, alerting and retraining
You will be responsible for the engineering quality of each project and you will cooperate with your colleagues on the engineering excellence
You will be actively responsible for building data processing tools for modeling, analysis and ML – in close cooperation with Data Science team
You will be supporting Data Science team in the development of data sources for ad-hoc analyses and Machine Learning projects
You will process terabytes of data using Google Cloud Platform BigQuery, Composer, Dataflow and PySpark as well as optimize processes in terms of their performance and GCP cloud processing costs
You will collect process requirements from project groups and automate tasks related to preprocessing and data quality monitoring, prediction serving, as well as Machine Learning model monitoring, alerting and retraining
You will be responsible for the engineering quality of each project and you will cooperate with your colleagues on the engineering excellence
Participation in the full software life cycle (requirements definition, architecture, development, bug fixing, unit and integration testing, maintenance, documentation)
Creation and development of software for microcontrollers in ARM architecture
Experience or willingness to learn writing integration tests for software
Integration of software on platforms, participation in integration and testing of devices
Participation in project meetings and reviews
Creation of project documentation for the solutions developed
Improvement of currently internally used solutions in the area of HR
Implementation of new solutions in the organization (identification of requirements, analysis of possibilities of implementation, coordination of cooperation, delivery of the solution)
Communication with internal clients, identification of solutions supporting their goals
You will design, develop, test, document and implement high quality business solutions on the Salesforce platform based on best practices and in alignment with business needs
You will support the Product Management team in translating business needs into effective CRM solutions, delivered through agile software development methods
You will monitor the current state of our solutions, including technical debt and technology risks
You will participate in the development of a strategically aligned architectural vision for IT Business Services solutions (business applications area of HR, CRM)
You will design, develop, test, document and implement high quality business solutions on the Salesforce platform based on best practices and in alignment with business needs
You will support the Product Management team in translating business needs into effective CRM solutions, delivered through agile software development methods
You will monitor the current state of our solutions, including technical debt and technology risks
You will participate in the development of a strategically aligned architectural vision for IT Business Services solutions (business applications area of HR, CRM)
Weźmiesz odpowiedzialność za planowanie harmonogramu załadunków w magazynach Allegro
Będziesz odpowiedzialny za raportowanie, prezentowanie i analizowanie KPI w obszarze transportu
Będziesz odpowiedzialny za organizację transportów oraz zarządzanie ruchem przewoźników, firm kurierskich i ekspedycję przesyłek
Będziesz sprawował nadzór na obiegiem nośników transportowych
Twoim zadaniem będzie rozwiązywanie bieżących sytuacji związanych z transportem i wspieranie innych zespołów w kwestiach transportowych
Będziesz utrzymywać bieżący kontakt z przewoźnikami, dzięki czemu będziesz budować profesjonalne relacje z największymi przewoźnikami w Polsce i Europie
Wspólnie z zespołem będziesz aktywnie tworzyć dokumenty współpracy z dostawcami i opisy nowych procesów
Weźmiesz udział w tworzeniu niestandardowych rozwiązań transportowych o wysokiej jakości dla niepowtarzalnych, ale i wymagających Klientów
Liczymy, że na co dzień będziesz obserwować proces i będziesz zgłaszać wiele cennych pomysłów, które go usprawnią
Product Analyst / Senior Data Analyst - Merchant Experience
Wierzbięcice 1B, Wilda, Poznań
Wygasła: 23.03.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
You will cooperate with Product Managers, development teams, UX Designers and UX Researchers in the development of our products and the Allegro platform
You will create and recommend measures that will describe Allegro using numbers, and you will also set KPIs that will be our measure of success
You will participate in creating strategy and setting the direction of activities in various places of the organization
You will have an impact on the designed and implemented solutions through constant cooperation with development teams
You will analyze large data sets in search of patterns and dependencies that affect key areas for the company
You will show how the behavior and attitudes of users are shaped and changed
Thanks to the results of your analysis, people in the organization will receive tips on how to make the shopping experience of Allegro customers unique
You will verify new hypotheses by designing and conducting A/B tests
Product Analyst / Senior Data Analyst - Merchant Experience
Żelazna 51/53, Wola, Warszawa
Wygasła: 23.03.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
You will cooperate with Product Managers, development teams, UX Designers and UX Researchers in the development of our products and the Allegro platform
You will create and recommend measures that will describe Allegro using numbers, and you will also set KPIs that will be our measure of success
You will participate in creating strategy and setting the direction of activities in various places of the organization
You will have an impact on the designed and implemented solutions through constant cooperation with development teams
You will analyze large data sets in search of patterns and dependencies that affect key areas for the company
You will show how the behavior and attitudes of users are shaped and changed
Thanks to the results of your analysis, people in the organization will receive tips on how to make the shopping experience of Allegro customers unique
You will verify new hypotheses by designing and conducting A/B tests
We are looking for a Data Engineer to Trust Assurance team who thrives on complex data challenges. If you are passionate about uncovering insights from vast data sets and eager to drive improvements - join us. Contribute to building Customers’ trust by ensuring a safe purchase environment and platform’s content compliance with regulations (EU law, Allegro Terms & Conditions). Experience true growth and innovation with us
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Data Engineer (Trust Assurance)
Żelazna 51/53, Wola, Warszawa
Wygasła: 23.03.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
We are looking for a Data Engineer to Trust Assurance team who thrives on complex data challenges. If you are passionate about uncovering insights from vast data sets and eager to drive improvements - join us. Contribute to building Customers’ trust by ensuring a safe purchase environment and platform’s content compliance with regulations (EU law, Allegro Terms & Conditions). Experience true growth and innovation with us
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Product Analyst (Customer Analytics)
Wierzbięcice 1B, Wilda, Poznań
Wygasła: 21.03.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
you will work with product managers, development teams, UX designers and UX researchers in the product development of one of Europe's largest e-commerce,
you will take an active role in generating hypotheses, deriving insights from data, generating recommendations based on data and creating product development strategies,
you will support the design and conduct of A/B tests with your statistical knowledge, often providing input in the form of variants of changes,
you will have a real impact on the shape of Allegro - the team's analyses are used as a key element in making product and business decisions
you will work with product managers, development teams, UX designers and UX researchers in the product development of one of Europe's largest e-commerce,
you will take an active role in generating hypotheses, deriving insights from data, generating recommendations based on data and creating product development strategies,
you will support the design and conduct of A/B tests with your statistical knowledge, often providing input in the form of variants of changes,
you will have a real impact on the shape of Allegro - the team's analyses are used as a key element in making product and business decisions
Preparing analysis for the Headcount Approval Committee process,
Participating in the process of headcount planning, monitoring and reviewing with providing gap analysis - budgeting and forecasting Headcount and Staff costs in the Group,
Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of HR programs and initiatives (with relation to metrics such as engagement, turn-over, sick leaves),
Providing recommendations for optimizing resource allocation based on cost-benefit analysis,
Participating in the budgeting process for all Group entities,
Conducting regular forecasting to ensure budget alignment with organizational goals,
Preparing comprehensive reports and presentations for HR leadership and other stakeholders,
Communicating key findings and insights to support strategic decision-making,
Preparing intercompany settlements in the staff cost area,
At Allegro, you will be responsible for processing petabytes of data and billions of events daily
You will become a participant in one of the largest projects of building a data platform in GCP
Your development will align with the latest technological trends based on open source principles (data mesh, data streaming)
You will have a real impact on the direction of product development and technology choices. We utilize the latest and best available technologies, as we select them according to our own needs
You will have the opportunity to work within a team of experienced engineers and big data specialists who are eager to share their knowledge, including publicly through
Once a year, you can take advantage of the opportunity to work in a different team or more often if there’s an internal business need (known as team tourism)
At Allegro, you will be responsible for processing petabytes of data and billions of events daily
You will become a participant in one of the largest projects of building a data platform in GCP
Your development will align with the latest technological trends based on open source principles (data mesh, data streaming)
You will have a real impact on the direction of product development and technology choices. We utilize the latest and best available technologies, as we select them according to our own needs
You will have the opportunity to work within a team of experienced engineers and big data specialists who are eager to share their knowledge, including publicly through
Once a year, you can take advantage of the opportunity to work in a different team or more often if there’s an internal business need (known as team tourism)
You will be working on a finance related project where the scale, the level of algorithm sophistication, business impact and technical requirements will present some substantial challenges
od 12300 do 23200 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
2nd Line IT Support Specialist
Wierzbięcice 1B, Wilda, Poznań
Wygasła: 16.03.2024
umowa o pracę
full office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Ensuring the continuity of operational work by resolving incident reports
Monitoring the correct operation of systems
Creating and modifying alerts
Tracking several communication channels
Reading and creating technical documentation
Participation in the process of diagnosing and developing optimal Solutions
Together with the team, you will influence the development of new system functionalities
On a daily basis, we are dealing with various issues and problems from different Allegro areas and departments, such as IT, Retail, Customer Service, Finance, Purchasing, Logistics, and HR
You will learn the processes of modern e-commerce business from the inside out
Every day we solve various tasks related to the data exchange and communication between IT systems utilized by Allegro
We touch various technologies, create on-premise services and microservices in the cloud
You will be responsible for the design, development, and maintenance of EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) class integration solutions based on the TIBCO BusinessWorks and TIBCO BusinessWorks Container Edition integration platform
You will be involved in the development work of various integration processes carried out by our team
You will learn the tools necessary for everyday work, such as Jira, Docker, Consul, GitHub, or GitHub Actions, but also those that we have created for our own needs
You will learn more about microservices architecture, EAI, SOA, JMS-based messaging, webservices (SOAP / REST)
You will co-create solutions, test your code, document it, and gather information from our knowledge base on Wiki
Together with the team, you will influence the development of new system functionalities
On a daily basis, we are dealing with various issues and problems from different Allegro areas and departments, such as IT, Retail, Customer Service, Finance, Purchasing, Logistics, and HR
You will learn the processes of modern e-commerce business from the inside out
Every day we solve various tasks related to the data exchange and communication between IT systems utilized by Allegro
We touch various technologies, create on-premise services and microservices in the cloud
You will be responsible for the design, development, and maintenance of EAI (Enterprise Application Integration) class integration solutions based on the TIBCO BusinessWorks and TIBCO BusinessWorks Container Edition integration platform
You will be involved in the development work of various integration processes carried out by our team
You will learn the tools necessary for everyday work, such as Jira, Docker, Consul, GitHub, or GitHub Actions, but also those that we have created for our own needs
You will learn more about microservices architecture, EAI, SOA, JMS-based messaging, webservices (SOAP / REST)
You will co-create solutions, test your code, document it, and gather information from our knowledge base on Wiki
Designing and building data processing pipelines enabling efficient and scalable management of ML (machine learning) datasets, as well as automatic execution of repetitive tasks
Extracting, transforming and propagating data from multiple sources (e.g GCP BigQuery, various APIs) into various target applications e.g. in-house and external annotation platforms, data catalogs, analytics tools, etc
Designing and implementing solutions for change management, monitoring and quality control of ML datasets content and structure e.g. automatic test suites for quality control, KPI dashboards, custom metrics and analytics reports
Working closely with the Machine Learning Research and Product Management teams on R&D initiatives related to ML data sets quality
Creating and maintaining documentation of all processes related to ML datasets and Quality Evaluation processes management
Educating non-technical users on the usage of self-service data management tools, e.g. Jupyter notebooks, Airflow jobs
Designing and building data processing pipelines enabling efficient and scalable management of ML (machine learning) datasets, as well as automatic execution of repetitive tasks
Extracting, transforming and propagating data from multiple sources (e.g GCP BigQuery, various APIs) into various target applications e.g. in-house and external annotation platforms, data catalogs, analytics tools, etc
Designing and implementing solutions for change management, monitoring and quality control of ML datasets content and structure e.g. automatic test suites for quality control, KPI dashboards, custom metrics and analytics reports
Working closely with the Machine Learning Research and Product Management teams on R&D initiatives related to ML data sets quality
Creating and maintaining documentation of all processes related to ML datasets and Quality Evaluation processes management
Educating non-technical users on the usage of self-service data management tools, e.g. Jupyter notebooks, Airflow jobs
You will cooperate with key Financial Managers and Business Unit Managers, acting as a Business Partner for them and supporting them with your financial knowledge and analytical skills when making key decisions
Your work will include, among others: calculating and monitoring the main indicators (KPI's) of a given business area at Allegro, analyzing deviations and their causes, as well as giving recommendations regarding previously analyzed data to improve results
You will prepare ad-hoc analyses aimed at verifying deviations of financial and operational KPI data from budget assumptions, as well as reports with a summary on such analyses
You will participate in the creation of strategic plans and budgets for business areas, as well as conducting post-implementation assessments
You will be involved in the preparation of profitability analyses for investment projects and activities, as well as performing debrief analysis
You will participate in the preparation of monthly management reports for the company's management, as well as in financial planning and forecasting trends and financial results for the following months/quarters/years
You will work on preparing and controlling the implementation and analyzing deviations of the annual budget, forecast, and multi-year plan
You will support managers with the knowledge to help them understand financial reports and translate the impact of business decisions into figures
You will take an active part in processes related to month/year closing, in cooperation with the accounting department and financial departments of the Group (creating accruals, verifying the correctness of results, and more)
Your tasks will include supporting the Controlling team in automating reports, analyses, presentations, and dashboards
You will cooperate with key Financial Managers and Business Unit Managers, acting as a Business Partner for them and supporting them with your financial knowledge and analytical skills when making key decisions
Your work will include, among others: calculating and monitoring the main indicators (KPI's) of a given business area at Allegro, analyzing deviations and their causes, as well as giving recommendations regarding previously analyzed data to improve results
You will prepare ad-hoc analyses aimed at verifying deviations of financial and operational KPI data from budget assumptions, as well as reports with a summary on such analyses
You will participate in the creation of strategic plans and budgets for business areas, as well as conducting post-implementation assessments
You will be involved in the preparation of profitability analyses for investment projects and activities, as well as performing debrief analysis
You will participate in the preparation of monthly management reports for the company's management, as well as in financial planning and forecasting trends and financial results for the following months/quarters/years
You will work on preparing and controlling the implementation and analyzing deviations of the annual budget, forecast, and multi-year plan
You will support managers with the knowledge to help them understand financial reports and translate the impact of business decisions into figures
You will take an active part in processes related to month/year closing, in cooperation with the accounting department and financial departments of the Group (creating accruals, verifying the correctness of results, and more)
Your tasks will include supporting the Controlling team in automating reports, analyses, presentations, and dashboards
Defining pricing changes/tests improving current business results and supporting long term transition/development of advertising products
Securing proper execution of defined initiatives and progress monitoring
Providing inputs and insights to owners of initiatives that affect advertising products to control and leverage their impact on revenue
Cooperating closely with Analytics Teams in order to build and utilize data to drive impact along with Technology Teams in order to develop pricing tools for advertising products as well as new features for merchants (e.g. ROAS reporting)
Enhancing intelligence on pricing (voice of merchants, competitive benchmarking)
Preparing documents, periodical reviews and presentations for key stakeholders
You will be actively responsible for building data processing tools for modeling, analysis and ML – in close cooperation with Data Science team
You will be supporting Data Science team in the development of data sources for ad-hoc analyses and Machine Learning projects
You will process terabytes of data using Google Cloud Platform BigQuery, Composer, Dataflow and PySpark as well as optimize processes in terms of their performance and GCP cloud processing costs
You will collect process requirements from project groups and automate tasks related to preprocessing and data quality monitoring, prediction serving, as well as Machine Learning model monitoring, alerting and retraining
You will be responsible for the engineering quality of each project and you will cooperate with your colleagues on the engineering excellence
You will be actively responsible for building data processing tools for modeling, analysis and ML – in close cooperation with Data Science team
You will be supporting Data Science team in the development of data sources for ad-hoc analyses and Machine Learning projects
You will process terabytes of data using Google Cloud Platform BigQuery, Composer, Dataflow and PySpark as well as optimize processes in terms of their performance and GCP cloud processing costs
You will collect process requirements from project groups and automate tasks related to preprocessing and data quality monitoring, prediction serving, as well as Machine Learning model monitoring, alerting and retraining
You will be responsible for the engineering quality of each project and you will cooperate with your colleagues on the engineering excellence
Identifying and leading projects and initiatives within the Delivery (Carrier Management) area aiming at improving customer satisfaction and merchants experience
Responsibility for managing delivery options mix and developing with Technology department solutions supporting these goals
Realization of strategic projects as a leader or team member responsible for selected building blocks/areas (especially on customer shopping paths)
Business Owner role in selected process within the Delivery area (especially concerned with customer purchase path)
Planning and executing initiatives and projects in close cooperation with the Technology, Marketing, Commercialization and Carrier Management Team
Preparation of metrics and dashboard of reports in cooperation with the analytics team
Zarządzanie i rozwój zespołu wsparcia IT pierwszej linii, który obsługuje dział Customer Experience, kurierów, zespół serwisowy automatów paczkowych jak również naszych partnerów biznesowych (firmy kurierskie)
Monitorowanie, raportowanie, analizowanie i zapewnianie, że wskaźniki KPI zespołów są spełnione (np. SLA)
Współpraca z Menedżerami zespołów wsparcia drugiej i trzeciej linii w celu wspierania projektów IT i realizacji długoterminowych celów firmy
Zwiększanie wydajności zespołu i efektywności kosztowej poprzez rozwijanie istniejących i wprowadzanie nowych rozwiązań automatyzacji (np. chatbot)
Dostarczanie cennych informacji zwrotnych i wdrażanie zmian w procesach ogólnofirmowych wspieranych przez zespół wsparcia pierwszej linii w celu zwiększenia wydajności i zadowolenia klientów
Ponadto aktywne uczestniczenie w analizie i tworzeniu nowych rozwiązań dostarczanych naszym klientom
Improvement of currently internally used solutions in the area of HR
Implementation of new solutions in the organization (identification of requirements, analysis of possibilities of implementation, coordination of cooperation, delivery of the solution)
Communication with internal clients, identification of solutions supporting their goals
You will collaborate with stakeholders to understand and reconcile their needs and translate them into new functionalities
You will manage and prioritize the product backlog in collaboration with a team of engineers to ensure work is aligned with strategic goals
You will develop product roadmaps and timelines, and manage the delivery of features and enhancements
You will coordinate key development initiatives at every stage: from needs analysis, creation of Value Proposition and business requirements, through business case to go-to-market strategy, as well as for maintenance and further product development
You will facilitate communication across different teams and stakeholders to align objectives and ensure everyone is on the same page
You will deliver new functionalities working directly with stakeholders, Commerce, Legal, Allegro Finance, development teams, data analysts, UX designers, researchers and other product managers
You will proactively run continuous product discovery to identify opportunities to improve user experience and product KPIs
You will collaborate with stakeholders to understand and reconcile their needs and translate them into new functionalities
You will manage and prioritize the product backlog in collaboration with a team of engineers to ensure work is aligned with strategic goals
You will develop product roadmaps and timelines, and manage the delivery of features and enhancements
You will coordinate key development initiatives at every stage: from needs analysis, creation of Value Proposition and business requirements, through business case to go-to-market strategy, as well as for maintenance and further product development
You will facilitate communication across different teams and stakeholders to align objectives and ensure everyone is on the same page
You will deliver new functionalities working directly with stakeholders, Commerce, Legal, Allegro Finance, development teams, data analysts, UX designers, researchers and other product managers
You will proactively run continuous product discovery to identify opportunities to improve user experience and product KPIs
You will lead the work of one of the UX Research Teams in the Consumer Area
Based on the plans in the area you will set operational tasks and priorities for your team. You will supervise the team’s work in order to fulfill the research roadmap
You will be responsible for planning research studies in the product development process - from strategy to monitoring and optimization
You ensure that recommendations from research studies are be targeted to key stakeholders and have impact on products/services
You will be responsible for observing and reporting UX metric changes for your area
You will be responsible for maintaining and improving processes in the UX Research Team
You will set and monitor the individual development of your subordinates
You will have impact on UX research development in Allegro (e.g. you will be part of the Hiring Squad in the recruitment process, improve the research method portfolio, create UX metrics, etc.)
You will lead the work of one of the UX Research Teams in the Consumer Area
Based on the plans in the area you will set operational tasks and priorities for your team. You will supervise the team’s work in order to fulfill the research roadmap
You will be responsible for planning research studies in the product development process - from strategy to monitoring and optimization
You ensure that recommendations from research studies are be targeted to key stakeholders and have impact on products/services
You will be responsible for observing and reporting UX metric changes for your area
You will be responsible for maintaining and improving processes in the UX Research Team
You will set and monitor the individual development of your subordinates
You will have impact on UX research development in Allegro (e.g. you will be part of the Hiring Squad in the recruitment process, improve the research method portfolio, create UX metrics, etc.)
Work based on technologies: Java and/or Kotlin/Scala
od 12300 do 17600 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Software Engineer (Java/Kotlin)
Żelazna 51/53, Wola, Warszawa
Wygasła: 29.02.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Work based on technologies: Java and/or Kotlin/Scala
od 12300 do 17600 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Senior Software Engineer (Java/Kotlin)
Wierzbięcice 1b, Wilda, Poznań
Wygasła: 29.02.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
senior specialist (Senior)
Work based on technologies: Java and/or Kotlin/Scala
od 16100 do 23200 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Senior Software Engineer (Java/Kotlin)
Żelazna 51/53, Wola, Warszawa
Wygasła: 29.02.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
senior specialist (Senior)
Work based on technologies: Java and/or Kotlin/Scala
od 16100 do 23200 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Data Scientist (Decision Intelligence)
Wierzbięcice 1B, Wilda, Poznań
Wygasła: 28.02.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
You'll work closely with our Product Analysts, ensuring our product development is data-informed and user-centered
Contribute in agile teams with our vibrant Data Engineers, solving complex problems and enhancing data-infrastructure
Engage with Data Analysts to translate numbers into action, creating a positive merchant experience
Play pivotal role within the product development cycle, collaborating with Product Managers, development teams and UX Designers and Researchers to ensure our product’s usability and success
You will build models that solve business problems - predictive, segmentation, prognostic, recommendation, as well as use optimization methods
Your task will be to provide data-based product recommendations, as well as searching for new solutions and indicating new directions for Allegro's development, in cooperation with the product team
Using a wide range of model types, including boosting models, Bayesian methods, causal inference, optimization methods, deep learning
Processing big data in GCP
Working not only with tabular data, but also with spatial data, natural language texts, images and time series
Taking part in implementations of off-line and on-line models