Czy macie jakieś informacje na temat pracy w tej firmie? Jak wygląda atmosfera? Czy wynagrodzenie jest dobre? Czy są jakieś benefity? Jakie są warunki pracy? Z góry dzięki!
29 kwietnia 2024r. wszedł w życie nowy model raportowania o kontrahentach i zawartych z nimi transakcjach wynikający ze zmiany rozporządzenia EMIR (EMIR Refit). Po implementacji zmian do systemu raportowania do KDPW TR zwiększy się istotnie zakres obsługi bieżącej związanej z raportowaniem. Zakres ten będzie szczególnie nasilony po dniu wejścia w życie regulacji i przez kolejne miesiące. W tym okresie będzie wymagane wzmożone monitorowanie błędów wymagających raportowania do KNF, usuwanie błędów systemowych, obsługę dziennego raportowania do KNF i przyjmowania komunikacji zwrotnej od klientów. Proces nie jest szczególnie nasilony tylko w przypadku naszego Banku, podobna sytuacja wymagająca wzmożonej obsługi operacyjnej będzie dotyczyć każdego podmiotu raportującego, w tym wykonującego raportowanie o transakcjach na rzecz (za) klientów
- Identyfikacja i wyjaśnianie przyczyn zdarzeń (przy współpracy z innymi jednostkami) wymagających raportowania do Nadzorców – głownie KNF
- Notyfikacja ww. zdarzeń do Nadzorców – głownie KNF
- Obsługa obiegu informacji/komunikacji z Nadzorcami – głownie KNF
- Udział w spotkaniach statusowych Bank dot. EMIR Refit
You will have segment country purchasing responsibility focusing on areas such as optimizing the supplier base, securing competitive and quality asserted agreements, and developing best practice purchasing processes
The role may include regional responsibility within selected segments as well
You will also drive continuous improvement within your procurement portfolio and by that, you will influence your segment performance
Manage SolDoc library - Complete assignment of executables. Avoid duplicates, ensure consistent use of process step originals and references
Manage folder and process elements (L1 to L5) - Avoid empty processes, better alignment between Adonis and SolMan. Ensure consistent adoption of standards. Reduced effort for CSV checks
Maintain metadata of process elements - Consistent and completeness. Reduced effort for CSV checks
Create initial documents for new process elements (URS, FS, DS, CG) - Consistent adoption of templates, naming conventions, and guidelines. Reduced effort for CSV checks
Data cleansing/quality - Improved data quality for product development, deployment, and operations
Participating in the development of business solutions and collaborating closely with IT teams to deliver solutions meeting requirements;
Requirements management throughout their lifecycle, ensuring requirements are tracked and traced, the ability to manage changes;
Translating requirements into specifications and creating high-quality documentation;
Clear formulation of ideas, providing the right level of details to the specific stakeholders, ensuring clear communication of objectives and requirements;
Knowledge of UX aspects and how to collaborate with UX specialist, knowledge of User-Centered;
Defining and setting the scope of the project/release/sprint;
Working in this position you will be responsible for mainly Plastic segments (Vacuum forming, DCPD, Fiberglass, SMC, Polyurethane, Injection molding etc) for Europe
As Sourcing buyer you have the responsibility to establish sourcing strategies for your commodities in cooperation with other buyers, purchasing project managers, supplier quality department, product development and our manufacturing plants
You will also be responsible for supplier selection, contract negotiation and implementation, appropriate supplier relationship management, supplier development, supplier partnerships while ensuring a strong key stakeholder process on a regional level
Wsparcie w zakresie analizy rynku, procesu sprzedaży i obsługi klientów
Przygotowywanie materiałów analitycznych, prezentacji, ofert handlowych, raportów, sprawozdań
Tworzenie i aktualizacja bazy klientów
Udział w spotkaniach handlowych, targach, szkoleniach, imprezach branżowych
⏳ W perspektywie czasu przedstawione zadania mogą zostać poszerzone o samodzielne pozyskiwanie nowych Klientów na rynkach Europy Zachodniej oraz o opiekę nad aktywnymi Klientami
Proactively and independently collaborate with members of various teams comprising informatics experts, software engineers and life science experts to produce audience and reader-relevant content in agile scrum sprints
Develop and maintain content in asciidoc format in line with a “documentation-as-code” framework
Write and continuously update system, application and other technical content according to project requirements and timelines
Ensure high-quality content or documentation contributions to one or several document repositories
Ensure documentation compliance to established processes, standards and styles
Create, update and edit user training content, stakeholder communication
Possible support in creating other content for protocols, reports, presentations, user training
Determine validation approach, identifies deliverables needed or impacted by a project / enhancement / or change for GXP computerized systems;
Be responsible for the review of software documentation according to CSV corporate SOP's, and regulatory guidance;
Authorize validation plans/reports, reviews test plans/reports (and other deliverables) to assess and notify that the system is ready to go life;
Verify testing plans, activities, deliverables and records, provide consultancy on test related deviations and corrective actions according to approved procedures;
Support system audit/inspection preparation and execution as CSV subject matter expert
Support system maintenance with validated state and permanent audit readiness;
Implements relevant framework and processes, propose and uses tools
Ścisła współpraca Product Ownerem i Biznesem: zbieranie wymagań, wsparcie w tworzeniu historyjek użytkownika oraz ich doprecyzowanie, wsparcie w tworzeniu makiet ekranów
Udział w spotkaniach z partnerami biznesowymi
Modelowanie procesów biznesowych
Tworzenie i utrzymywanie informacyjnego modelu danych
Koordynacja i zlecanie zmian na środowiskach testowych w ramach testbugów i paczek;
Wyjaśnianie problematycznych test bugów;
Informowanie o niedostępności środowisk testowych;
Informowanie o zainstalowanych zmianach z wylistowaniem jakie paczki zostały wgrane w danym oknie;
Zlecanie i koordynacja instalacji zmian na zintegrowanych środowiskach nieprodukcyjnych (instalacja pojedynczych zmian, poprawek do błędów, całych releasów, wyrównywanie wersji środowisk);
Zarządzanie okienkami (otwieranie i zamykanie, grupowanie zmian, zlecanie prac do realizacji, komunikacja);
Komunikacja niedostępności oraz prac planowych do zespołów korzystających ze środowisk testowych;
Planowanie prac oraz instalacja zgodnie z roadmapą releasów;
Weryfikacja dostępności systemów z poziomu monitoringu oraz zgłaszanie zauważonych błędów
współpraca z klientem w obszarze identyfikacji wymagań biznesowych,
aktywny udział w zapewnieniu odpowiedniej jakości wyrobów, analizy i doradztwo w obszarze optymalizacji procesów biznesowych i ich odzwierciedlenia w narzędziu
Carry out month-end and year-end book closure activities and review transactions, balances and reports under both IFRS and HGB for various banking products
Undertake aspects of the monthly P&L / Balance Sheet Review activities in accordance with policy guidelines
Support preparation of financial statements under HGB
Support statutory year end audit, internal audit and regulatory requirements
Managing monthly book closing process, such as accrual and prepayment, salary booking and other accounting entries
Preparation of monthly reconciliation of nostros, sundries and suspense, accruals & prepayments, payroll accounting, nostros etc
Support the tax team with financial data input and monthly reconciliation of tax and VAT accounting
Managing vendor invoice payment process and accounting
Review of accounting entries passed by other finance and non-finance teams
Interpretation and application of policies, especially in the Operational Risk area, taking ownership and responsibility for recurring tasks and reporting
Use advanced excel skills to implement efficient finance processes in collaboration with offshore and onshore teams
Opportunities to automate processes and improve efficiency by implementing End User Computing processes and controls – can involve use of Excel, SQL and / or Python
Identify new functionalities and solutions to enhance the Talent business processes
Identify solution options and translate them into technical design
Work closely with other HR consultants to identify a solution that complements the IT strategy
Having the ownership of the application support requests coming from Global Service Desk, provide application support for both Production and Development with focus on critical / complex incidents and significant change / service requests
Manage significant changes in the HR Technology Portfolio following HR best practices
Oversee delivery of projects including regular status reporting
Select and manage vendors for service delivery
Maintain up-to-date appropriate documentation in the area of responsibility
Leads the maturation of quality management systems and their successful recertifications
Ability to independently develop solutions to a variety of complex problems by using established policies and procedures
Creates and provides education/coaching on quality services (e.g., audits, problem investigations, continuous -improvement, corrective action, and preventive action) and quality management principles
Develops metrics in partnership with business stakeholders which provide quantitative measures regarding process health to enable data-based decision making
Performs audits (i.e., product, system, and process) to determine conformance with standards (e.g., ISO 9001, DO-200, AS9100) as well as regulatory and customer requirements
Works with higher level management to implement process improvements impacting multiple organizations and locations. Conducts root cause investigations and ensures completion of corrective and preventive actions; coordinates reporting and provides trend analysis for non-conformance incidences
Continuously seeks to expand and improve personal knowledge in quality management best practices
Współpraca z biznesem oraz menedżerami ds. zatrudniania w celu wdrożenia odpowiednich rozwiązań TA, które spełniają potrzeby związane z dywersyfikacją geograficzną i gwałtownym wzrostem zatrudnienia
Budowanie strategii pozyskiwania talentów
Prowadzenie rozmów rekrutacyjnych
Dostarczanie innowacyjnych rozwiązań w zakresie pozyskiwania pracowników
Współpraca z biznesem oraz menedżerami ds. zatrudniania w celu wdrożenia odpowiednich rozwiązań TA, które spełniają potrzeby związane z dywersyfikacją geograficzną i gwałtownym wzrostem zatrudnienia
Budowanie strategii pozyskiwania talentów
Prowadzenie rozmów rekrutacyjnych
Dostarczanie innowacyjnych rozwiązań w zakresie pozyskiwania pracowników
Handling technical and functional incidents related to supported service/application in accordance to Incident Management Guideline throughout all stages of their lifecycle (i.e. proper incident logging, categorization, investigation & diagnosis, resolution & recovery, closure)
Providing expertise to incident, problem management, change, release and configuration management according to ITSM
Maintaining GxP systems in validated state, according to Computer Systems Validation (CSV) policy and procedures
Collaborating with delivery partners and facilitate cross-functional experts to deliver a particular service where required
Proactive identification and communication of technical issues requiring further investigation / analysis by the respective support teams
Following best practices regarding maintenance of incidents in SNOW as per Incident Management Guidelines
Logging, review and processing all received service requests from appointed clients teams, managers or customers
Maintaining good working knowledge of products, both commercial off-the-shelf and proprietary solutions used in the respective domains (i.e. data historian, Manufacturing Execution System (MES) and system and equipment interfaces)
handling documentation (we will not have so many documents as MES CORE PS, but we are also talking about >100 documents for a first golive in Q2/2023.)
handling workflow
work on formal aspects of a document
but also keeping an eye status of documents and reporting status and progress
there might also be documents to be created and managed in his/her responsibility, e.g. Document Management procedure for the project
Delivering a platform that integrates data visualization and analysis, assay and compound request and tracking, with a decision support tool that allows the user to trigger decisions
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Fullstack Senior
Wygasła: 14.12.2022
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
home office work
senior specialist (Senior)
Developing features in various software languages
Contribute to the design and architecture of our platform, and help scale the platform to build new features
A desire to collaborate with and innovate with our teams (both technical and non-technical members)
Work with Product Owners to analyze requests and create requirements
Working closely with other software developers, system architects, designers, and stakeholders
Work in a global informatics organization and be a member of technical team specializing in custom applications development and cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, GCP)
Be part of the internal IT team responsible for creating decentralized analytics and federated learning, data solutions that revolutionize personalized healthcare by using privacy preserving algorithms
Be responsible for designing and implementing cloud-based applications that support various business cases, mainly related to data analytics and data warehousing
Advising on the optimal application architectures taking into account technical soundness and cost efficiency
zarządzanie budżetem, harmonogramem, zapewnienie zasobów IT niezbędnych do realizacji projektu, ścisła współpraca z Departamentem Rozwoju Biznesu
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
IT Project Manager
Milan, Italy
Wygasła: 03.12.2022
umowa o pracę
home office work
team manager
Manage corporate initiative’s whole lifecycle to achieve the expected results
Capture, define and communicate business requirements
Identify and onboard stakeholders towards the goal of each initiative to ensure engagement
Work with senior leaders across the organisation to identify business improvement opportunities and drive the execution of solutions
Building and maintaining close working relationships with business partners and ensuring alignment to group standards and policies
Planning change management activities that meet the different needs and values of the individual teams across the IT function maximising impact and minimising employee resistance
Ensuring specific metrics and measures are incorporated into solutions enabling continuous improvement
Software Development: This is a software development position to write high quality software that will perform at scale, be supportable, and be extensible
Process & Operations: Ensure the software stack integrates with our existing CI pipeline and contribute to continuous improvement; independently design, plan and deliver high quality software
Leadership: Ensure a culture that values technical excellence together with support and compassion for individuals
Evangelism: A a key evangelist, you will work to evangelize a healthy DevOps software development practice within the Roche Engineering Community
Designing and developing the automation test framework and test suite for our web-based software applications, mobile applications, APIs and communications paths at the component level as well as at the system level along with other QA team members
Actively participate in software engineering Sprints providing feedback for quality improvement at each step and ensure teams meeting acceptance criteria
Work with Engineers and Product Owners to identify steps to reproduce and update test suite when issues are reported in production
Improve release management infrastructure and processes working side by side with engineers and product owners
Provide E2E testing suite and ensure being able to catch bugs at an early stage in the development cycle
identifying sensor based data capture technologies for digital biomarker development;
designing workflows for end-to-end data capture and processing;
architecting, designing and developing integrated technical ecosystems comprising mobile applications, cloud based data repositories, data processing pipelines, feature data repositories, APIs/interfaces for data sharing and transfer and operational dashboards for clinical sites
The team works in scrum and it is responsible for support a new / existing solutions and help solving different issues from customer's side. The team uses apex-based programming solutions and declarative development
Participating in the development of business solutions and collaborating closely with IT teams to deliver solutions meeting requirements;
Requirements management throughout their lifecycle, ensuring requirements are tracked and traced, the ability to manage changes;
Translating requirements into specifications and creating high-quality documentation;
Clear formulation of ideas, providing the right level of details to the specific stakeholders, ensuring clear communication of objectives and requirements;
Knowledge of UX aspects and how to collaborate with UX specialist, knowledge of User-Centered;
Defining and setting the scope of the project/release/sprint;
Ensure the teams’ efficiency and high quality work: enforce tech excellence, tech debt management and regular adjustment of processes and timelines in line with continuous improvement philosophy
Has clear understanding of the business and the reference domain, and fosters the knowledge’s growth among the team members, peers and stakeholders
Manage the budget and external vendors
Prioritize the issues and support the tech organisation in tackling them
Foster alignment among people in the teams, with stakeholders or between teams and locations
Communicate regularly about the plans, policies and procedures
Promote the healthy growth of a common code base and common infrastructure
Drive design and interactions at software architecture level
Collect requirements with impacts on software architecture and infrastructure
Set, follow up and measure teams’ and individual performance. Advise on growth and training needs and monitor progress
Build an inclusive and judgment-free workplace with respect, teamwork, trust as core values
Create and maintain optimal data pipeline architecture
Identify, design, and implement internal process improvements: automating manual processes, optimizing data delivery, re-designing infrastructure for greater scalability, etc
Build analytics tools that utilize the data pipeline to provide actionable insights into customer acquisition, operational efficiency and other key business performance metrics
Support app release cycles by data quality checks of new app versions prior to deployment
Opracowywanie umów technologicznych z jednostkami z Grupy klienta i dostawcami zewnętrznymi oraz ich późniejsze uaktualnianie
Wsparcie Właściciela Umowy w zadaniach związanych z zarządzaniem relacją dla wybranych umów (np. wykonywanie okresowych przeglądów wymaganych ze względu na ryzyko relacji outsourcingowej, zbieranie dokumentacji wymagającej regularnej aktualizacji)
Przygotowywanie wniosków do Organów Statutowych klienta oraz prezentacji na potrzeby tych wniosków
Współpraca z project i proces managerami w zakresie identyfikacji usług objętych umowami
Współpraca z jednostkami wewnętrznymi klienta w procesach przygotowywania umów, w zakresie metodologii i zasad zawierania umów i zarządzania dostawcami
Opracowywanie i pozyskiwanie dokumentacji dla organów zewnętrznych niezbędnych do finalizacji umów
Wsparcie jednostek klienta w zakresie procesów audytowych związanych z umowami technologicznymi
Utrzymywanie relacji z jednostkami odpowiedzialnych za procesy związane z umowami wewnątrz grupy
Kontrola wskaźników jakości otrzymywanych usług
Weryfikacja otrzymywanych od Dostawców kosztów za usługi technologiczne i wyjaśnianie niezgodności