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Brak treści. Ta firma nie uzupełniła zakładki “O firmie”.
Wszystkie (3 )
Aktualne ( 0 )
Archiwalne ( 3 )
.NET / JS Full Stack Developer
Żurawia 6, Warszawa
Wygasła: 03.06.2023
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
praca stacjonarna
praca zdalna
praca hybrydowa
specjalista (Mid / Regular)
Work on different projects for different customers (check here
Implement new functions and sometimes support old ones
Communicate with different teams in different world locations
Collaborate closely with product owners to deeply understand our Customer's needs
Establish good engineering practices and mentoring other team members
Pokaż więcej >>
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Fullstack .NET+ Angular Developer
Żurawia 6, Warszawa
Wygasła: 04.06.2022
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
praca stacjonarna, praca zdalna, praca hybrydowa
specjalista (Mid / Regular), starszy specjalista (Senior)
Work on different projects for different customers (check here
Implement new functions and sometimes support old ones
Communicate with different teams in different world locations
Collaborate closely with product owners to deeply understand our Customer's needs
Establish good engineering practices and mentoring other team members
Pokaż więcej >>
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Fullstack Developer - PHP+Angular
Żurawia 6, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 04.06.2022
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
full office work, hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Work on different projects for different customers (check here
Implement new functions and sometimes support old ones
Communicate with different teams in different world locations
Collaborate closely with product owners to deeply understand our Customer's needs
Establish good engineering practices and mentoring other team members
Pokaż więcej >>
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne