Czy macie jakieś informacje na temat pracy w tej firmie? Jak wygląda atmosfera? Czy wynagrodzenie jest dobre? Czy są jakieś benefity? Jakie są warunki pracy? Z góry dzięki!
Szukamy pracowników na stanowisko Ratowniczki Medycznej / Ratownika Medycznego, do świadczenia pomocy medycznej w sytuacji zagrożenia życia lub zdrowia dla uchodźców i migrantów w miejscach obecnego pobytu, którzy z różnych przyczyn nie mogą skorzystać z publicznej opieki zdrowotnej. Pomoc udzielana ma być zgodnie z zasadami humanitarnymi, standardami obowiązującymi w sektorze zdrowia oraz wartościami INTERSOS
zastosowanie wiedzy i umiejętności medycznych do diagnozowania i udzielania pomocy medycznej w otwartym terenie, wobec osób znajdujących się w podróży, z zachowaniem odpowiednich procedur,
udzielanie niezbędnych informacji pacjentowi i/lub członkom jego rodziny odnośnie jego stanu zdrowia oraz udzielanie odpowiednich wyjaśnień dotyczących kontynuacji leczenia (ze szczególną uwagą na zrozumiałość przekazanego komunikatu, zwłaszcza jeśli pacjenci posługują się innymi językami),
nadzór i kontrola racjonalnej dystrybucji leków i użycia sprzętu medycznego pozostającego pod odpowiedzialnością osoby zatrudnionej oraz dbałość o jakość, dezynfekcję i sterylizację materiałów medycznych, a także zapewnienie zgodności działań z obowiązującymi standardami medycznymi. Odpowiedzialność za tygodniowe / miesięczne analizy zużycia materiałów i realizację kolejnych zamówień medycznych
udział w zbieraniu, przekazywaniu i analizie danych epidemiologicznych, sprawdzanie ich jakości i informowanie Koordynatora Działań Medycznych o wszelkich problemach lub powikłaniach chorobowych pacjentów, a także o możliwości ewentualnych błędów medycznych,
dbałość o przestrzeganie tajemnicy zawodowej wśród wszystkich członków zespołu
współpraca z działem programowym, logistycznym i kadrowym organizacji INTERSOS oraz jej partnerami
Under the overall guidance of the Head of Mission and direct supervision of the Project Manager, the M&E Officer will be responsible for the design, coordination and implementation of the monitoring and evaluation, research, and learning framework of the Project
Duty Station: Wrocław or Przemyśl
Reporting to:
Hierarchical and technical supervisor: Project Manager
Human Resources and Administration Manager ensures that INTERSOS is a responsible employer, supports management of HR and all administrative and legal issues in the mission. In consultation with the HR Coordinator, s/he supports administrative management of international staff in Poland and in the region
Duty Station:
Preferably Wrocław or Przemyśl, possibility of partial remote work
Hierarchical supervision: Head of Mission
Functional supervision: HR Coordinator
Coordinates with: Country Finance Coordinator
• Application of labour legislation in force in Poland to INTERSOS operations; following legal amendments, regularly meeting with lawyer and other relevant authorities;
• Staff training and application of INTERSOS internal HR policies, procedures, tools, standards and principles of all staff (national, international, regional, etc.) regarding working conditions, benefits and remuneration, job profiles and function grids, health coverage, etc.,
• Adaptation of general INTERSOS procedures to the mission’s context, ensuring equitable, efficient, transparent, fair and accountable implementation by all relevant staff throughout the mission;
• In close collaboration with HR Coordinator, ensures regular administrative meetings with all staff throughout the mission take place in order to ensure they are aware and respect their rights and duties and to inform them of any change in Labour legislation and general employment framework which may affect them (e.g. legal amendments, changes in local practices, new HR Admin policies or procedures, amendments to Internal Regulations, etc.);
• Ensures that all functions and job profiles at mission level are aligned with the general INTERSOS and mission’s approved function grid and standard job profiles
• Ensures that national staff’s remuneration (salary, post adjustments, compensations, final settlements, etc.) and benefits (holidays, leaves, social coverage, health coverage, etc.) respect the mission’s salary grid, internal regulations and HR policies; executes payroll calculations and update personal files in order to ensure accuracy, compliance and timely payments
• In close coordination with the Country Financial Coordinator, ensures respect of national legislation regarding employees’ taxes and social security at mission level;
• Prepares employment and other contracts, in consultation with the legal advisor;
• Informs HR Coordinator of any legal risk is detected within their area of responsibilities and suggest actions to take in order to prevent it;
• Ensures application of safety and risk prevention measures as required by local legislation and INTERSOS standard procedures;
• Coordinates with the logistics department international and internal movements of staff in the mission, ensuring arrangement of the administrative issues (visas, tickets, dates of arrival/departure, etc.) and accommodation
• Designs, implements and updates the National Staff Internal Regulations in line with INTERSOS standards and with the local Labour Law, in consultation with the legal advisor
• Develops a standardized induction programme for National Staffs
• Designs, implements and updates the salary grid, in consultation with the HR Coordinator;
• In coordination with the mission sectorial coordinators (e.g. Head of Mission, Country Finance Officer, Logistics Coordinator, Project Manager) updates the mission’s organizational charts and the national staff’s Job Descriptions
• Follows up on local training opportunities and staff capacity building plan for the national staffs in coordination with the Head of Mission
Implementation and Monitoring
• Coordinates local recruitments, ensures an efficient filing system of all administrative files at mission level, granting strict confidentiality of employees’ personal files,
• Supports team management, including staff’s appraisal process and application of disciplinary measures
Protection Officer is responsible for the technical supervision and coordination of all protection-related activities under the supervision of the Project Manager/Programme Manager/Head of Base. S/he will ensure that training and capacity building needs of field protection staff are timely addressed and that the protection services and activities meet quality standards in the sector
Duty Station:
Wrocław and Przemyśl (2 positions)
Reporting to:
Hierarchical: Project Manager
Technical: Regional Protection Advisor
• Provide technical guidance and support to protection staff, ensuring quality in the implementation of activities and services as well as adherence to protection standards;
• Regularly verify the status of the case management database, conduct case reviews and provide feedback to Social/Case Workers;
• Organize regular and ad hoc case management meetings with Social/Case Workers, to discuss complex cases and general challenges in their tasks;
• Conduct regular case audits, to ensure that cases meet and maintain compliance with established SoPs and minimum standards in case management;
• Organize regular meetings with Protection Monitoring colleagues, to discuss general challenges in their tasks and identification of protection cases;
• Review data and information collected during protection monitoring and compile regular protection reports highlighting gaps, concerns and trends to inform future programming;
• Coordinate and supervise psychosocial support activities that are conducted in the community centers and/or communities;
• Provide guidance to Social Workers in the planning and implementation of participatory community activities, awareness sessions and campaigns and in the general communication with communities;
• Identify capacity building needs of protection staff assessing their knowledge and skills and accordingly provide learning opportunities through trainings, workshops and/or simulation exercises;
• Support the Regional Protection Advisor in developing and/or updating protection tools and training material in order to meet projects requirement;
• Support the Project Manager in developing required donor reports, providing relevant insights on protection related issues;
• Establish and maintain collaborative relations with relevant partners and other project stakeholders working in the project areas;
• Proactively participate in relevant coordination meetings, as requested by the supervisor
Finance Officer plans and executes accounting, financial and administrative functions in the project or capital according to INTERSOS protocols and standards, ensuring optimal management of financial resources
Duty Station: Preferably Wrocław or Przemyśl, possibility of partial remote work
Reporting to: Country Finance Coordinator
Finance Control
- Implements and supervises transactional procedures and systems in order to ensure transparent accounting practices and full traceability (invoices, receipts, bank statements, etc.), according to INTERSOS guidelines and using respective software
- Manages bank accounts, prepares monthly bank statements and cash-bank reconciliations respecting the deadlines
- Implements circuits and workflows (management of cash boxes, transfers, advances, purchase procedures, payment validations, follow up of regular payments, bank reconciliations) in order to anticipate expenses
- Updates the financial status of the projects ensuring timely execution and control of monthly and yearly accountancy closure with due quality, and report expenses, appropriations, available cash and liquidity (Prima Nota)
- Provides on weekly basis updated financial data (PN) to Project Managers and Head of Mission
- Encodes all the financial data in NPW (if the DB is in place in the mission) and ensures data quality and reliability
- In close collaboration with the Country Finance Coordinator follows up all service contracts in project site (premise and vehicle rental contracts, deposits, rent payments, etc.), ensuring that staff with financial responsibilities are aware of and comply with local finance procedures, including those related to security
Budget preparation and control
- In collaboration with the Country Finance Coordinator provides support to the CMT in drafting new projects budgets
- In collaboration with the Project Manager and the Country Finance Coordinator regularly checks the economic-financial status of the projects (final balance, forecast and expenditure projections and excess), analysing and following-up the project budgets, in order to ensure that funds are used according to funding contracts, budgets and INTERSOS and donors’ rules and regulations, and proposing corrective action, if needed
- Supports annual auditing procedures
- Monitors financial sustainability of the Country Office and verifies allocation of the general coordination costs to the projects. Monitors the coordination and projects’ non-deductible costs
Financial reporting and audit
- Prepares interim and final financial reports of the projects and submits them to the Project Managers and Head of Mission for approval and to the Country Finance Coordinator for verification, respecting agreed deadlines
- In coordination with other relevant departments prepares and carries out audits conducted in the mission and transmits to HQ all project documents to be audited
- Ensures proper execution of goods, works and services procurement processes and guarantee the respect of INTERSOS and donors’ procedures
- Ensures the correct filing of all documentation
Local staff management
- Trains and supervises administrative staff in order to ensure the amount of knowledge required to correctly perform all financial activities
- Manages the local personnel register, subdivided by projects
- Supervises and monitors staff contracts preparation
- In collaboration with HR department prepares monthly salaries and payslips, ensuring compliance with national labour laws, including deduction and payment of salary tax
Asset management and logistics
- Updates inventory records pertaining to INTERSOS assets and verifies accuracy of the supporting documentation
- Updates the database of local suppliers
- Verifies the correct application of the organization’s or donor's procedures in relation to purchases and goods management
Base Logistics Officer carries out or supervises all logistics, supply and ITC activities in the base and for the operations in the area according to INTERSOS standards and protocols, ensuring optimal management of the materials, equipment and infrastructure
Reporting to: Country Logistics Coordinator
Logistics Information Management
- Inputs logistics data in INTERSOS Logistics software (INTERSOS Management Platform – IMP) in an accurately and timely manner. Provides training to base staff if required and supports implementation of INTERSOS logistics software in the mission
- Supply Chain Management and Procurement
- Plans, coordinates and supervises the supply activities of the base, according to the level of priority and using adequate tools and procedures
- Carries out local purchases (RFQ and Direct Purchase) for goods and services in respect of INTERSOS and donor requirements, informing the line manager of any problems linked to the quality or availability of the items to be purchased
- Follows up payments of all suppliers and collects necessary supporting documents, i.e. receipts and delivery notes. Ensures all documents are received before the payments are made
- Supports the Country Logistics Coordinator in ensuring that all procurements are completed on IMP and all necessary documents are uploaded and properly archived in the finance department
- In collaboration with the Country Logistics Coordinator and the Project Managers is responsible for the effective usage of the IMS and accounting of inventories
- Follows the Procurement Plans, coordinating local purchases with programme staff
- Submits purchase requests to the Country Logistics Coordinator for ITB and tenders and / or any other purchase that cannot be made locally
- Facilitates negotiation and maintains good relationships with suppliers
- Runs market assessments and updates the list of pre-qualified suppliers
- Keeps the suppliers’ files updated on the IMP
- Contributes to preparation of monthly logistics reports
Facilities and Communications Management
- Ensures maintenance of functional office spaces and guesthouse facilities in an adequate living condition and in accordance with INTERSOS minimum standards and brand identity manual. Ensures application of defined safety and security measures and makes inspection visits to assess the rehabilitation needs
- Ensures appropriate IT and Communications infrastructure and equipment to sustain INTERSOS software platforms, allowing permanent communication between capital, projects, bases and HQ. Guarantees that all staff in the mission receive training on how to use available communication equipment (e.g. satellite phones, HF/VHF radios, GPS trackers, etc.)
Assets Management
- Supports purchase, use and maintenance of IT assets, office and project equipment and communication tools, ensuring their registration in IMP, issuing their unique asset numbers and tagging according to the INTERSOS procedures
- Supports the Country Logistics Coordinator in reporting assets list at the end of the project and oversees asset rollover to defined destinations
- Performs fixed assets check on a quarterly basis
Transportation Management
- Ensures application of the INTERSOS Fleet Management procedures, including movement security protocols and Brand Identity Manual; is responsible for regular vehicle maintenance, payment of related insurance costs and taxes, and arrangement of appropriate vehicle documentation
- Monitors fuel consumption, oil and maintenance logbooks
Plans and tracks vehicle movements
Human Resources Management
- Monitors activities and performance of the contractors and team under their responsibility
Applied Security
- Responsibility for technical aspects of the Mission’s risk mitigation plans; supports preparation and implementation of the safety and security policy, evacuation and contingency plans
- Creates appropriate environment for security information exchange