Czy macie jakieś informacje na temat pracy w tej firmie? Jak wygląda atmosfera? Czy wynagrodzenie jest dobre? Czy są jakieś benefity? Jakie są warunki pracy? Z góry dzięki!
Analiza planów sprzedaży, ich weryfikacja w celu ustalenia wielkości i terminów zamówień (demand planning); rekomendowane narzędzia: Excel, SAP/IBP
Przygotowywanie planów zakupowych wyrobów gotowych (leki, wyroby medyczne, suplementy diety, kosmetyki) na bazie prognoz sprzedaży; rekomendowane narzędzia: Excel, SAP/IBP
Przełożenie wymogów biznesowych na techniczne i projektowe rozwiązania dotyczące poprawy dokładności prognoz;
Współpraca z interesariuszami i interdyscyplinarnymi zespołami w celu zdefiniowania i wprowadzenia planów poprawy alokacji kapitału obrotowego poprzez odpowiednie planowanie zapasów;
Identyfikacja i rozwiązywanie problemów związanych z produktami wolnorotującymi i zagrożonymi przeterminowaniem zapasami;
Optymalizacja poziomu zapasów;
Reprezentowanie Działu Panowania w Łańcuchu Dostaw podczas wielofunkcyjnych projektów;
Biegła znajomość używanych narzędzi i metodologii oraz ciągłe ich doskonalenie;
Koordynator ds. Farmacji - Osoba odpowiedzialna za nadzór nad substancjami kontrolowanymi
Wygasła: 26.04.2024
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca hybrydowa
kierownik / koordynator
Opracowanie, negocjowanie i aktualizacja umów jakościowych z podmiotami zewnętrznymi
Ścisła współpraca z klientami, wytwórcami zewnętrznymi (praca w międzynarodowym środowisku)
Udział w rozwiązywaniu problemów dotyczących jakości produktów leczniczych, prowadzenie i koordynowanie działań wyjaśniających
Współpraca ze specjalistami z innych obszarów
Tworzenie, opiniowanie oraz zatwierdzanie dokumentacji jakościowej
Nadzór nad zapewnieniem zgodności rejestracyjnej produktów wytwarzanych dla klientów B2B
Reprezentowanie organizacji w kontaktach z klientami oraz dostawcami/wytwórcami z ramienia obszaru Zapewnienia Jakości
Udział w audytach klientów/inspekcjach organów nadzoru
Przygotowywanie i realizacja audytów kontrahentów w Obszarze Operacyjnym,
Prowadzenie audytów jakościowych u kontrahentów, w celu zapewnienia najwyższej jakości dostarczanych materiałów wyjściowych, produktów leczniczych i usług,
Wsparcie jakościowe mające na celu zabezpieczenie dostępności produktów
Provide technical support for the Concur Request and Expense modules
Work with the Concur support team to resolve technical problems
Monitor the Concur system to ensure it is functioning properly
Work with other IT teams to integrate the Concur system with the other systems
Managing interfaces documentation
Troubleshooting bug issues and reporting issues to management and directly to Concur support
Provides feedback to Business Owner and team on when changes or maintenance releases are necessary or recommended for implementation
Taking information from business and or project specifications and turning those into completed design definitions and leading the implementation of those changes for the project
Works with other team members to provide guidance on what is possible from a functionality perspective, what timeline would be required for projects, provide guidance on resources required, and work with vendor when necessary to determine timeline, cost and options
Willingness to perform a "hands on" role
Provide guidance and training to users on the Concur system
Conduct reviews weekly/monthly/quarterly with stakeholders (Business, IT Applications)
Manage escalations with stakeholders
Ensuring that Concur system, procedures, and methodologies are in place to support Operation
Provide technical support for the Concur Request and Expense modules
Work with the Concur support team to resolve technical problems
Monitor the Concur system to ensure it is functioning properly
Work with other IT teams to integrate the Concur system with the other systems
Managing interfaces documentation
Troubleshooting bug issues and reporting issues to management and directly to Concur support
Provides feedback to Business Owner and team on when changes or maintenance releases are necessary or recommended for implementation
Taking information from business and or project specifications and turning those into completed design definitions and leading the implementation of those changes for the project
Works with other team members to provide guidance on what is possible from a functionality perspective, what timeline would be required for projects, provide guidance on resources required, and work with vendor when necessary to determine timeline, cost and options
Willingness to perform a "hands on" role
Provide guidance and training to users on the Concur system
Conduct reviews weekly/monthly/quarterly with stakeholders (Business, IT Applications)
Manage escalations with stakeholders
Ensuring that Concur system, procedures, and methodologies are in place to support Operation
Provide technical support for the Concur Request and Expense modules
Work with the Concur support team to resolve technical problems
Monitor the Concur system to ensure it is functioning properly
Work with other IT teams to integrate the Concur system with the other systems
Managing interfaces documentation
Troubleshooting bug issues and reporting issues to management and directly to Concur support
Provides feedback to Business Owner and team on when changes or maintenance releases are necessary or recommended for implementation
Taking information from business and or project specifications and turning those into completed design definitions and leading the implementation of those changes for the project
Works with other team members to provide guidance on what is possible from a functionality perspective, what timeline would be required for projects, provide guidance on resources required, and work with vendor when necessary to determine timeline, cost and options
Willingness to perform a "hands on" role
Provide guidance and training to users on the Concur system
Conduct reviews weekly/monthly/quarterly with stakeholders (Business, IT Applications)
Manage escalations with stakeholders
Ensuring that Concur system, procedures, and methodologies are in place to support Operation
Owning the overall design for our global multi-cloud deployments
Upgrading the global design to a more optimal topology that dovetails to our existing SDWAN deployments and rollouts
Lead, define and architect global network architecture across AWS and Azure
Lead engineering and technical decisions, providing technical direction, coordination, service integration and management for business units and/or internal departmental projects
Lead and guide other network engineers and operation support individuals from various organizations and disciplines to determine the best comprehensive design, while supporting current and long-term needs of the infrastructure, business partners and related stakeholders
Produce professional diagrams and documentation for networks and operational standard methodologies, standards, policies and procedures
Work with vendors and service providers for continuous improvement of networks
Works in creating the roadmaps for products and deployments
Drive network and process innovation through research and evaluation of both cutting edge and well-established technologies
Participates in requirements/architecture discussions, design reviews, UAT, and deployment/training processes of various projects and products
Defines network requirements and aligns technology roadmaps
Architect solutions utilizing industry best practices
All hands on configuration of AWS and Azure as it relates to network configuration across public clouds
Owning the overall design for our global multi-cloud deployments
Upgrading the global design to a more optimal topology that dovetails to our existing SDWAN deployments and rollouts
Lead, define and architect global network architecture across AWS and Azure
Lead engineering and technical decisions, providing technical direction, coordination, service integration and management for business units and/or internal departmental projects
Lead and guide other network engineers and operation support individuals from various organizations and disciplines to determine the best comprehensive design, while supporting current and long-term needs of the infrastructure, business partners and related stakeholders
Produce professional diagrams and documentation for networks and operational standard methodologies, standards, policies and procedures
Work with vendors and service providers for continuous improvement of networks
Works in creating the roadmaps for products and deployments
Drive network and process innovation through research and evaluation of both cutting edge and well-established technologies
Participates in requirements/architecture discussions, design reviews, UAT, and deployment/training processes of various projects and products
Defines network requirements and aligns technology roadmaps
Architect solutions utilizing industry best practices
All hands on configuration of AWS and Azure as it relates to network configuration across public clouds
Owning the overall design for our global multi-cloud deployments
Upgrading the global design to a more optimal topology that dovetails to our existing SDWAN deployments and rollouts
Lead, define and architect global network architecture across AWS and Azure
Lead engineering and technical decisions, providing technical direction, coordination, service integration and management for business units and/or internal departmental projects
Lead and guide other network engineers and operation support individuals from various organizations and disciplines to determine the best comprehensive design, while supporting current and long-term needs of the infrastructure, business partners and related stakeholders
Produce professional diagrams and documentation for networks and operational standard methodologies, standards, policies and procedures
Work with vendors and service providers for continuous improvement of networks
Works in creating the roadmaps for products and deployments
Drive network and process innovation through research and evaluation of both cutting edge and well-established technologies
Participates in requirements/architecture discussions, design reviews, UAT, and deployment/training processes of various projects and products
Defines network requirements and aligns technology roadmaps
Architect solutions utilizing industry best practices
All hands on configuration of AWS and Azure as it relates to network configuration across public clouds
Senior Manager, Medical Advisory - leading the team in Poland
Wygasła: 20.03.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
manager / supervisor
Review the training materials and provide therapeutic and scientific training support to internal team
Review and approval of promotional materials
Provide medical support to affiliate brand teams
Function as an expert liaison, provide medical expertise to customers, and customer insights to internal brand teams
Other operational activities according to specific activities of the Medical Manager
KOL management in the respective area
Plan & conduct the Medical & Scientific Advisory boards/Consult meetings
Continuous medical review of scientific publications and assessment of their relevance for local strategy
Development of medical scientific presentations for internal and external education and information
Conducting of external medical scientific talks/presentations
Respond to unsolicited questions about BauschHealths product or the therapeutic area from physicians in accordance to local laws, regulations and codes and; facilitate their needs of up to date scientific data, including but not limited to scientific publications, guidelines, by ensuring they have the best quality available information
Support regional sales reps “medical information on the road” only on unsolicited request
KOL mapping & engagement
Budget management
Direct reports
Manage affiliate medical research activities incl. applications to support investigator initiated trials
Koordynator ds. Farmacji - Osoba odpowiedzialna za nadzór nad substancjami kontrolowanymi
Wygasła: 25.02.2024
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca stacjonarna
kierownik / koordynator
Opracowanie, negocjowanie i aktualizacja umów jakościowych z podmiotami zewnętrznymi
Ścisła współpraca z klientami, wytwórcami zewnętrznymi (praca w międzynarodowym środowisku)
Udział w rozwiązywaniu problemów dotyczących jakości produktów leczniczych, prowadzenie i koordynowanie działań wyjaśniających
Współpraca ze specjalistami z innych obszarów
Tworzenie, opiniowanie oraz zatwierdzanie dokumentacji jakościowej
Nadzór nad zapewnieniem zgodności rejestracyjnej produktów wytwarzanych dla klientów B2B
Reprezentowanie organizacji w kontaktach z klientami oraz dostawcami/wytwórcami z ramienia obszaru Zapewnienia Jakości
Udział w audytach klientów/inspekcjach organów nadzoru
Przygotowywanie i realizacja audytów kontrahentów w Obszarze Operacyjnym,
Prowadzenie audytów jakościowych u kontrahentów, w celu zapewnienia najwyższej jakości dostarczanych materiałów wyjściowych, produktów leczniczych i usług,
Wsparcie jakościowe mające na celu zabezpieczenie dostępności produktów
Analiza planów sprzedaży, ich weryfikacja w celu ustalenia wielkości i terminów zamówień (demand planning); rekomendowane narzędzia: Excel, SAP/IBP
Przygotowywanie planów zakupowych wyrobów gotowych (leki, wyroby medyczne, suplementy diety, kosmetyki) na bazie prognoz sprzedaży; rekomendowane narzędzia: Excel, SAP/IBP
Przełożenie wymogów biznesowych na techniczne i projektowe rozwiązania dotyczące poprawy dokładności prognoz;
Współpraca z interesariuszami i interdyscyplinarnymi zespołami w celu zdefiniowania i wprowadzenia planów poprawy alokacji kapitału obrotowego poprzez odpowiednie planowanie zapasów;
Identyfikacja i rozwiązywanie problemów związanych z produktami wolnorotującymi i zagrożonymi przeterminowaniem zapasami;
Optymalizacja poziomu zapasów;
Reprezentowanie Działu Panowania w Łańcuchu Dostaw podczas wielofunkcyjnych projektów;
Biegła znajomość używanych narzędzi i metodologii oraz ciągłe ich doskonalenie;
Participate (support) in the preparation of CCSI/CCDS for newly approved products, products in late-stage development, and established company products (both generic and proprietary)
Conduct signal detection and analysis activities, ensuring that safety signals are appropriately managed and tracked. Identify potential signals, validate and prepare signal assessment reports. Contribute to analyses in external databases (e.g. EVDAS) using data mining methods for detection and evaluation of safety signals
Prepare responses to ad hoc requests from regulatory agencies
Maintain pharmacovigilance expertise, understanding of international safety regulations and guidelines
Develops, communicates, and implements best practices, SOPs, templates, work instructions, etc. as called for or specified in assigned tasks and projects
Liaison with internal stakeholders, including members of Clinical, Medical Affairs, Data Management, and Regulatory Affairs, in a matrix environment as needed for specific project needs/plans
Participate (support) in the preparation of CCSI/CCDS for newly approved products, products in late-stage development, and established company products (both generic and proprietary)
Conduct signal detection and analysis activities, ensuring that safety signals are appropriately managed and tracked. Identify potential signals, validate and prepare signal assessment reports. Contribute to analyses in external databases (e.g. EVDAS) using data mining methods for detection and evaluation of safety signals
Prepare responses to ad hoc requests from regulatory agencies
Maintain pharmacovigilance expertise, understanding of international safety regulations and guidelines
Develops, communicates, and implements best practices, SOPs, templates, work instructions, etc. as called for or specified in assigned tasks and projects
Liaison with internal stakeholders, including members of Clinical, Medical Affairs, Data Management, and Regulatory Affairs, in a matrix environment as needed for specific project needs/plans
Participate (support) in the preparation of CCSI/CCDS for newly approved products, products in late-stage development, and established company products (both generic and proprietary)
Conduct signal detection and analysis activities, ensuring that safety signals are appropriately managed and tracked. Identify potential signals, validate and prepare signal assessment reports. Contribute to analyses in external databases (e.g. EVDAS) using data mining methods for detection and evaluation of safety signals
Prepare responses to ad hoc requests from regulatory agencies
Maintain pharmacovigilance expertise, understanding of international safety regulations and guidelines
Develops, communicates, and implements best practices, SOPs, templates, work instructions, etc. as called for or specified in assigned tasks and projects
Liaison with internal stakeholders, including members of Clinical, Medical Affairs, Data Management, and Regulatory Affairs, in a matrix environment as needed for specific project needs/plans
Participate (support) in the preparation of CCSI/CCDS for newly approved products, products in late-stage development, and established company products (both generic and proprietary)
Conduct signal detection and analysis activities, ensuring that safety signals are appropriately managed and tracked. Identify potential signals, validate and prepare signal assessment reports. Contribute to analyses in external databases (e.g. EVDAS) using data mining methods for detection and evaluation of safety signals
Prepare responses to ad hoc requests from regulatory agencies
Maintain pharmacovigilance expertise, understanding of international safety regulations and guidelines
Develops, communicates, and implements best practices, SOPs, templates, work instructions, etc. as called for or specified in assigned tasks and projects
Liaison with internal stakeholders, including members of Clinical, Medical Affairs, Data Management, and Regulatory Affairs, in a matrix environment as needed for specific project needs/plans
Participate (support) in the preparation of CCSI/CCDS for newly approved products, products in late-stage development, and established company products (both generic and proprietary)
Conduct signal detection and analysis activities, ensuring that safety signals are appropriately managed and tracked. Identify potential signals, validate and prepare signal assessment reports. Contribute to analyses in external databases (e.g. EVDAS) using data mining methods for detection and evaluation of safety signals
Prepare responses to ad hoc requests from regulatory agencies
Maintain pharmacovigilance expertise, understanding of international safety regulations and guidelines
Develops, communicates, and implements best practices, SOPs, templates, work instructions, etc. as called for or specified in assigned tasks and projects
Liaison with internal stakeholders, including members of Clinical, Medical Affairs, Data Management, and Regulatory Affairs, in a matrix environment as needed for specific project needs/plans
Participate (support) in the preparation of CCSI/CCDS for newly approved products, products in late-stage development, and established company products (both generic and proprietary)
Conduct signal detection and analysis activities, ensuring that safety signals are appropriately managed and tracked. Identify potential signals, validate and prepare signal assessment reports. Contribute to analyses in external databases (e.g. EVDAS) using data mining methods for detection and evaluation of safety signals
Prepare responses to ad hoc requests from regulatory agencies
Maintain pharmacovigilance expertise, understanding of international safety regulations and guidelines
Develops, communicates, and implements best practices, SOPs, templates, work instructions, etc. as called for or specified in assigned tasks and projects
Liaison with internal stakeholders, including members of Clinical, Medical Affairs, Data Management, and Regulatory Affairs, in a matrix environment as needed for specific project needs/plans
Participate (support) in the preparation of CCSI/CCDS for newly approved products, products in late-stage development, and established company products (both generic and proprietary)
Conduct signal detection and analysis activities, ensuring that safety signals are appropriately managed and tracked. Identify potential signals, validate and prepare signal assessment reports. Contribute to analyses in external databases (e.g. EVDAS) using data mining methods for detection and evaluation of safety signals
Prepare responses to ad hoc requests from regulatory agencies
Maintain pharmacovigilance expertise, understanding of international safety regulations and guidelines
Develops, communicates, and implements best practices, SOPs, templates, work instructions, etc. as called for or specified in assigned tasks and projects
Liaison with internal stakeholders, including members of Clinical, Medical Affairs, Data Management, and Regulatory Affairs, in a matrix environment as needed for specific project needs/plans
Participate (support) in the preparation of CCSI/CCDS for newly approved products, products in late-stage development, and established company products (both generic and proprietary)
Conduct signal detection and analysis activities, ensuring that safety signals are appropriately managed and tracked. Identify potential signals, validate and prepare signal assessment reports. Contribute to analyses in external databases (e.g. EVDAS) using data mining methods for detection and evaluation of safety signals
Prepare responses to ad hoc requests from regulatory agencies
Maintain pharmacovigilance expertise, understanding of international safety regulations and guidelines
Develops, communicates, and implements best practices, SOPs, templates, work instructions, etc. as called for or specified in assigned tasks and projects
Liaison with internal stakeholders, including members of Clinical, Medical Affairs, Data Management, and Regulatory Affairs, in a matrix environment as needed for specific project needs/plans
Participate (support) in the preparation of CCSI/CCDS for newly approved products, products in late-stage development, and established company products (both generic and proprietary)
Conduct signal detection and analysis activities, ensuring that safety signals are appropriately managed and tracked. Identify potential signals, validate and prepare signal assessment reports. Contribute to analyses in external databases (e.g. EVDAS) using data mining methods for detection and evaluation of safety signals
Prepare responses to ad hoc requests from regulatory agencies
Maintain pharmacovigilance expertise, understanding of international safety regulations and guidelines
Develops, communicates, and implements best practices, SOPs, templates, work instructions, etc. as called for or specified in assigned tasks and projects
Liaison with internal stakeholders, including members of Clinical, Medical Affairs, Data Management, and Regulatory Affairs, in a matrix environment as needed for specific project needs/plans
Participate (support) in the preparation of CCSI/CCDS for newly approved products, products in late-stage development, and established company products (both generic and proprietary)
Conduct signal detection and analysis activities, ensuring that safety signals are appropriately managed and tracked. Identify potential signals, validate and prepare signal assessment reports. Contribute to analyses in external databases (e.g. EVDAS) using data mining methods for detection and evaluation of safety signals
Prepare responses to ad hoc requests from regulatory agencies
Maintain pharmacovigilance expertise, understanding of international safety regulations and guidelines
Develops, communicates, and implements best practices, SOPs, templates, work instructions, etc. as called for or specified in assigned tasks and projects
Liaison with internal stakeholders, including members of Clinical, Medical Affairs, Data Management, and Regulatory Affairs, in a matrix environment as needed for specific project needs/plans
Participate (support) in the preparation of CCSI/CCDS for newly approved products, products in late-stage development, and established company products (both generic and proprietary)
Conduct signal detection and analysis activities, ensuring that safety signals are appropriately managed and tracked. Identify potential signals, validate and prepare signal assessment reports. Contribute to analyses in external databases (e.g. EVDAS) using data mining methods for detection and evaluation of safety signals
Prepare responses to ad hoc requests from regulatory agencies
Maintain pharmacovigilance expertise, understanding of international safety regulations and guidelines
Develops, communicates, and implements best practices, SOPs, templates, work instructions, etc. as called for or specified in assigned tasks and projects
Liaison with internal stakeholders, including members of Clinical, Medical Affairs, Data Management, and Regulatory Affairs, in a matrix environment as needed for specific project needs/plans
Participate (support) in the preparation of CCSI/CCDS for newly approved products, products in late-stage development, and established company products (both generic and proprietary)
Conduct signal detection and analysis activities, ensuring that safety signals are appropriately managed and tracked. Identify potential signals, validate and prepare signal assessment reports. Contribute to analyses in external databases (e.g. EVDAS) using data mining methods for detection and evaluation of safety signals
Prepare responses to ad hoc requests from regulatory agencies
Maintain pharmacovigilance expertise, understanding of international safety regulations and guidelines
Develops, communicates, and implements best practices, SOPs, templates, work instructions, etc. as called for or specified in assigned tasks and projects
Liaison with internal stakeholders, including members of Clinical, Medical Affairs, Data Management, and Regulatory Affairs, in a matrix environment as needed for specific project needs/plans
Participate (support) in the preparation of CCSI/CCDS for newly approved products, products in late-stage development, and established company products (both generic and proprietary)
Conduct signal detection and analysis activities, ensuring that safety signals are appropriately managed and tracked. Identify potential signals, validate and prepare signal assessment reports. Contribute to analyses in external databases (e.g. EVDAS) using data mining methods for detection and evaluation of safety signals
Prepare responses to ad hoc requests from regulatory agencies
Maintain pharmacovigilance expertise, understanding of international safety regulations and guidelines
Develops, communicates, and implements best practices, SOPs, templates, work instructions, etc. as called for or specified in assigned tasks and projects
Liaison with internal stakeholders, including members of Clinical, Medical Affairs, Data Management, and Regulatory Affairs, in a matrix environment as needed for specific project needs/plans
Participate (support) in the preparation of CCSI/CCDS for newly approved products, products in late-stage development, and established company products (both generic and proprietary)
Conduct signal detection and analysis activities, ensuring that safety signals are appropriately managed and tracked. Identify potential signals, validate and prepare signal assessment reports. Contribute to analyses in external databases (e.g. EVDAS) using data mining methods for detection and evaluation of safety signals
Prepare responses to ad hoc requests from regulatory agencies
Maintain pharmacovigilance expertise, understanding of international safety regulations and guidelines
Develops, communicates, and implements best practices, SOPs, templates, work instructions, etc. as called for or specified in assigned tasks and projects
Liaison with internal stakeholders, including members of Clinical, Medical Affairs, Data Management, and Regulatory Affairs, in a matrix environment as needed for specific project needs/plans
Participate (support) in the preparation of CCSI/CCDS for newly approved products, products in late-stage development, and established company products (both generic and proprietary)
Conduct signal detection and analysis activities, ensuring that safety signals are appropriately managed and tracked. Identify potential signals, validate and prepare signal assessment reports. Contribute to analyses in external databases (e.g. EVDAS) using data mining methods for detection and evaluation of safety signals
Prepare responses to ad hoc requests from regulatory agencies
Maintain pharmacovigilance expertise, understanding of international safety regulations and guidelines
Develops, communicates, and implements best practices, SOPs, templates, work instructions, etc. as called for or specified in assigned tasks and projects
Liaison with internal stakeholders, including members of Clinical, Medical Affairs, Data Management, and Regulatory Affairs, in a matrix environment as needed for specific project needs/plans
Participate (support) in the preparation of CCSI/CCDS for newly approved products, products in late-stage development, and established company products (both generic and proprietary)
Conduct signal detection and analysis activities, ensuring that safety signals are appropriately managed and tracked. Identify potential signals, validate and prepare signal assessment reports. Contribute to analyses in external databases (e.g. EVDAS) using data mining methods for detection and evaluation of safety signals
Prepare responses to ad hoc requests from regulatory agencies
Maintain pharmacovigilance expertise, understanding of international safety regulations and guidelines
Develops, communicates, and implements best practices, SOPs, templates, work instructions, etc. as called for or specified in assigned tasks and projects
Liaison with internal stakeholders, including members of Clinical, Medical Affairs, Data Management, and Regulatory Affairs, in a matrix environment as needed for specific project needs/plans
This is a hybrid role with three days in office in any of the following locations - Bridgewater, New Jersey | Laval or Steinbach, Canada | Rzeszów, Poland
Your Role and Responsibilities
• Disaster Recovery principles, strategies, and best practices
• Writing detailed technical DR test plans and scheduling and leading technical interviews with various IT groups and subject matter experts
• Documentation of all elements of technical disaster recovery plans
• Coordinating and facilitating technical DR plan walk-throughs, tests/exercises meeting scope, objectives, business requirements including Recovery Time Objectives RTO’s and Recovery Point Objectives (RPO’s)
• Performing technical analysis of all infrastructure stacks (applications, networks, servers, storage) for production and DR data centers (or cloud environments)
• Coordinate after action report and resolution of issues surfaced during Disaster Recovery exercises
• Capture and report risks and single points of failover determined through testing and analysis, and recommend corrective actions
• Manage the development of post exercise executive summary report
• Lead the management and maintenance of Disaster Recovery Plans and recovery systems that support critical applications
• Manage and maintain Disaster Recovery exercise schedule
This is a hybrid role with three days in office in any of the following locations - Bridgewater, New Jersey | Laval or Steinbach, Canada | Rzeszów, Poland
Your Role and Responsibilities
• Disaster Recovery principles, strategies, and best practices
• Writing detailed technical DR test plans and scheduling and leading technical interviews with various IT groups and subject matter experts
• Documentation of all elements of technical disaster recovery plans
• Coordinating and facilitating technical DR plan walk-throughs, tests/exercises meeting scope, objectives, business requirements including Recovery Time Objectives RTO’s and Recovery Point Objectives (RPO’s)
• Performing technical analysis of all infrastructure stacks (applications, networks, servers, storage) for production and DR data centers (or cloud environments)
• Coordinate after action report and resolution of issues surfaced during Disaster Recovery exercises
• Capture and report risks and single points of failover determined through testing and analysis, and recommend corrective actions
• Manage the development of post exercise executive summary report
• Lead the management and maintenance of Disaster Recovery Plans and recovery systems that support critical applications
• Manage and maintain Disaster Recovery exercise schedule
This is a hybrid role with three days in office in any of the following locations - Bridgewater, New Jersey | Laval or Steinbach, Canada | Rzeszów, Poland
Your Role and Responsibilities
• Disaster Recovery principles, strategies, and best practices
• Writing detailed technical DR test plans and scheduling and leading technical interviews with various IT groups and subject matter experts
• Documentation of all elements of technical disaster recovery plans
• Coordinating and facilitating technical DR plan walk-throughs, tests/exercises meeting scope, objectives, business requirements including Recovery Time Objectives RTO’s and Recovery Point Objectives (RPO’s)
• Performing technical analysis of all infrastructure stacks (applications, networks, servers, storage) for production and DR data centers (or cloud environments)
• Coordinate after action report and resolution of issues surfaced during Disaster Recovery exercises
• Capture and report risks and single points of failover determined through testing and analysis, and recommend corrective actions
• Manage the development of post exercise executive summary report
• Lead the management and maintenance of Disaster Recovery Plans and recovery systems that support critical applications
• Manage and maintain Disaster Recovery exercise schedule
This is a hybrid role with three days in office in any of the following locations in Poland - Warszawa, Jelenia Góra, Rzeszów
Your Role and Responsibilities
• Responsible for BHC International EDI middleware platforms and processes integration with Bausch Health IT environment. This role has overall responsibility for maintenance and enhancements of the interfaces to ERP Systems, Informatica PowerCenter and SQL databases
• The position requires business and system knowledge with an understanding of global regulations for big data systems and best-practices in that area
• Manage support for Electronic Data Interchange and database integration
• Manage and develop the new EDI interfaces to data warehouses, ERP Systems and Informatica Power Center according to the current business needs
• Maintaining and supporting business users in analyzing and solving current problems with EDI solutions and interfaces
• Managing security and authorizations
• Ensuring compliance of software, databases and backup data in the production process
• Manage Interface between ERP, manufacturing and BI systems
• Develop Power BI reports for the EDI data
• Participation in testing phase of the new interfaces, EDI solutions and functionalities
• Managing interface documentation
• Troubleshooting bug issues and reporting issues to management and directly to Vendors
• Working directly with Key Users to manage business requirements
• Provides feedback to Business Owner and the team on when changes or maintenance releases are necessary or recommended for implementation
• Works with other team members to provide guidance on what is possible from a functionality perspective
• Define timeline required for projects
• Provide guidance on resources required, and work with vendor when necessary to determine timeline, cost and scope
This is a hybrid role with three days in office in any of the following locations in Poland - Warszawa, Jelenia Góra, Rzeszów
Your Role and Responsibilities
• Responsible for BHC International EDI middleware platforms and processes integration with Bausch Health IT environment. This role has overall responsibility for maintenance and enhancements of the interfaces to ERP Systems, Informatica PowerCenter and SQL databases
• The position requires business and system knowledge with an understanding of global regulations for big data systems and best-practices in that area
• Manage support for Electronic Data Interchange and database integration
• Manage and develop the new EDI interfaces to data warehouses, ERP Systems and Informatica Power Center according to the current business needs
• Maintaining and supporting business users in analyzing and solving current problems with EDI solutions and interfaces
• Managing security and authorizations
• Ensuring compliance of software, databases and backup data in the production process
• Manage Interface between ERP, manufacturing and BI systems
• Develop Power BI reports for the EDI data
• Participation in testing phase of the new interfaces, EDI solutions and functionalities
• Managing interface documentation
• Troubleshooting bug issues and reporting issues to management and directly to Vendors
• Working directly with Key Users to manage business requirements
• Provides feedback to Business Owner and the team on when changes or maintenance releases are necessary or recommended for implementation
• Works with other team members to provide guidance on what is possible from a functionality perspective
• Define timeline required for projects
• Provide guidance on resources required, and work with vendor when necessary to determine timeline, cost and scope
This is a hybrid role with three days in office in any of the following locations in Poland - Warszawa, Jelenia Góra, Rzeszów
Your Role and Responsibilities
• Responsible for BHC International EDI middleware platforms and processes integration with Bausch Health IT environment. This role has overall responsibility for maintenance and enhancements of the interfaces to ERP Systems, Informatica PowerCenter and SQL databases
• The position requires business and system knowledge with an understanding of global regulations for big data systems and best-practices in that area
• Manage support for Electronic Data Interchange and database integration
• Manage and develop the new EDI interfaces to data warehouses, ERP Systems and Informatica Power Center according to the current business needs
• Maintaining and supporting business users in analyzing and solving current problems with EDI solutions and interfaces
• Managing security and authorizations
• Ensuring compliance of software, databases and backup data in the production process
• Manage Interface between ERP, manufacturing and BI systems
• Develop Power BI reports for the EDI data
• Participation in testing phase of the new interfaces, EDI solutions and functionalities
• Managing interface documentation
• Troubleshooting bug issues and reporting issues to management and directly to Vendors
• Working directly with Key Users to manage business requirements
• Provides feedback to Business Owner and the team on when changes or maintenance releases are necessary or recommended for implementation
• Works with other team members to provide guidance on what is possible from a functionality perspective
• Define timeline required for projects
• Provide guidance on resources required, and work with vendor when necessary to determine timeline, cost and scope