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  2. Nowy Tomyśl
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Rekrutacje prowadzone przez firmę:

Wszystkie (192) Aktualne ( 0 ) Archiwalne ( 192 )

Młodszy Księgowy / Młodsza Księgowa ds. zarządzania kredytem

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 08.05.2024
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca hybrydowa
młodszy specjalista (Junior)
  • przeprowadzanie codziennych analiz kredytowych i zwalnianie zamówień,
  • regularne i doraźne przeglądy sytuacji kredytowej odbiorców,
  • kontrola zaległości i reagowanie w odniesieniu do kont klientów z potencjalnymi opóźnieniami płatniczymi,
  • budowanie i utrzymywanie dobrych relacji z zespołami w całej organizacji,
  • aktywne uczestnictwo w rozwoju zespołu, branie udziału w warsztatach i procesach migracji,
  • rozwój zawodowy poprzez szkolenia i ciągłe uczenie się
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Księgowy / Księgowa ds. Zobowiązań z językami obcymi

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 18.04.2024
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca hybrydowa
specjalista (Mid / Regular)
  • księgowanie faktur zakupu w systemie SAP,
  • potwierdzanie i uzgadnianie sald z dostawcami,
  • analiza sald i zobowiązań,
  • stały kontakt mailowy i telefoniczny w języku angielskim oraz potencjalnie w dodatkowym języku obcym
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Księgowy / Księgowa ds. Zobowiązań z językami obcymi

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 18.04.2024
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca hybrydowa
specjalista (Mid / Regular)
  • księgowanie faktur zakupu w systemie SAP,
  • potwierdzanie i uzgadnianie sald z dostawcami,
  • analiza sald i zobowiązań,
  • stały kontakt mailowy i telefoniczny w języku angielskim oraz potencjalnie w dodatkowym języku obcym
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior Consultant SAP Controlling Processes

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 08.03.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
senior specialist (Senior)
  • Coordinate and develop the Polish team
  • Participate in international Controlling projects (e.g. roll-out projects, one major focus will be the introduction of SAP S/4HANA)
  • Harmonize and enhance Controlling processes, close alignment with IT as well as with other business functions is required
  • Further develop Controlling system landscape, e.g. define structures in SAP and interfaces to/from SAP
  • Technically perform all Controlling-related period-end closing tasks in SAP (incl. Inventory Valuation), prepare P&L for data delivery to group
  • Constantly assure data quality within the area of Controlling and Inventory Valuation
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior Consultant SAP Controlling Processes

plac Władysława Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 08.03.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
senior specialist (Senior)
  • Coordinate and develop the Polish team
  • Participate in international Controlling projects (e.g. roll-out projects, one major focus will be the introduction of SAP S/4HANA)
  • Harmonize and enhance Controlling processes, close alignment with IT as well as with other business functions is required
  • Further develop Controlling system landscape, e.g. define structures in SAP and interfaces to/from SAP
  • Technically perform all Controlling-related period-end closing tasks in SAP (incl. Inventory Valuation), prepare P&L for data delivery to group
  • Constantly assure data quality within the area of Controlling and Inventory Valuation
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Fixed Asset Accountant with German

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 23.02.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Perform and support monthly and annual closing activities for companies in service for fixed asset accounting
  • Support and maintenance of country specific asset master data
  • Constant assurance of data quality within the area of asset management
  • Support and participate in global Shared Service rollout projects
  • Participation in the improvements of asset accounting processes
  • Support for global projects related to asset accounting
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Fixed Asset Accountant with German

plac Władysława Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 23.02.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Perform and support monthly and annual closing activities for companies in service for fixed asset accounting
  • Support and maintenance of country specific asset master data
  • Constant assurance of data quality within the area of asset management
  • Support and participate in global Shared Service rollout projects
  • Participation in the improvements of asset accounting processes
  • Support for global projects related to asset accounting
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

SCM Support Specialist

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 07.02.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Execute daily administrative supply chain tasks as a service for the European subsidiaries e.g
  • Master data creation and maintenance
  • Maintaining of supply shortage information such as adjusted delivery dates in internal planning systems
  • Creation of standard reports
  • End-user trainings
  • EDI and IDOC management as well as error handling in automated supply chain processes
  • Support the local end-users on system usage and defined processes by phone, e-mail or web
  • conference
  • Analysis of system malfunctions and steering of problem resolution with internal stakeholders
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior Consultant SAP Controlling Processes

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 07.02.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
senior specialist (Senior)
  • Coordinate and develop the Polish team
  • Participate in international Controlling projects (e.g. roll-out projects, one major focus will be the introduction of SAP S/4HANA)
  • Harmonize and enhance Controlling processes, close alignment with IT as well as with other business functions is required
  • Further develop Controlling system landscape, e.g. define structures in SAP and interfaces to/from SAP
  • Technically perform all Controlling-related period-end closing tasks in SAP (incl. Inventory Valuation), prepare P&L for data delivery to group
  • Constantly assure data quality within the area of Controlling and Inventory Valuation
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

SCM Support Specialist

plac Władysława Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 07.02.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Execute daily administrative supply chain tasks as a service for the European subsidiaries e.g
  • Master data creation and maintenance
  • Maintaining of supply shortage information such as adjusted delivery dates in internal planning systems
  • Creation of standard reports
  • End-user trainings
  • EDI and IDOC management as well as error handling in automated supply chain processes
  • Support the local end-users on system usage and defined processes by phone, e-mail or web
  • conference
  • Analysis of system malfunctions and steering of problem resolution with internal stakeholders
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior Consultant SAP Controlling Processes

plac Władysława Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 07.02.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
senior specialist (Senior)
  • Coordinate and develop the Polish team
  • Participate in international Controlling projects (e.g. roll-out projects, one major focus will be the introduction of SAP S/4HANA)
  • Harmonize and enhance Controlling processes, close alignment with IT as well as with other business functions is required
  • Further develop Controlling system landscape, e.g. define structures in SAP and interfaces to/from SAP
  • Technically perform all Controlling-related period-end closing tasks in SAP (incl. Inventory Valuation), prepare P&L for data delivery to group
  • Constantly assure data quality within the area of Controlling and Inventory Valuation
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Fixed Asset Accountant with German

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 21.01.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Perform and support monthly and annual closing activities for companies in service for fixed asset accounting
  • Support and maintenance of country specific asset master data
  • Constant assurance of data quality within the area of asset management
  • Support and participate in global Shared Service rollout projects
  • Participation in the improvements of asset accounting processes
  • Support for global projects related to asset accounting
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Specjalista ds. procesowania dokumentów – OCR

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 12.01.2024
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca hybrydowa
specjalista (Mid / Regular)
  • przetwarzanie i sprawdzanie dokumentów nieczytelnych dla systemu OCR
  • optymalizacja procesów OCR
  • uzupełnianie niezgodnych danych
  • selekcjonowanie dokumentów, które mogą być przetwarzane w systemie OCR
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Service Desk Analyst – French Speaker

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 23.12.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Respond to incoming calls and web submissions for assistance from and users experiencing technical issues
  • Troubleshoot, analyze, resolve, track, escalate and accurately document various technical problems and resolutions (i.e. software, hardware and client specific applications)
  • Fulfill Service Requests from end users according to defined procedures
  • Document client issues in our call tracking system
  • Provide friendly, courteous, and quality communication to all end users throughout the support process
  • Grow professionally through on-going training activities and continued learning
  • Collaborate with organization counterparts and department team members to share knowledge and expertise
  • Identify optimization potential to continuously increase customer satisfaction and Service Desk quality
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Service Desk Analyst – French Speaker

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 23.12.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Respond to incoming calls and web submissions for assistance from and users experiencing technical issues
  • Troubleshoot, analyze, resolve, track, escalate and accurately document various technical problems and resolutions (i.e. software, hardware and client specific applications)
  • Fulfill Service Requests from end users according to defined procedures
  • Document client issues in our call tracking system
  • Provide friendly, courteous, and quality communication to all end users throughout the support process
  • Grow professionally through on-going training activities and continued learning
  • Collaborate with organization counterparts and department team members to share knowledge and expertise
  • Identify optimization potential to continuously increase customer satisfaction and Service Desk quality
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

ABAP Developer

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 23.12.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Analyzing and evaluation of user requirements
  • Implementation of development activities in the SAP environment
  • Providing technical support globally for incoming inquiries for all SAP modules
  • Independent administration of tickets in accordance with service level agreements
  • Ensuring service-oriented analysis, pre-qualification and fulfillment of incoming service requests,
  • incidents, or fast-track demands
  • Ability to work independently in cooperation with functional IT-Consultants to implement requirements
  • and solve problems and incidents
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

ABAP Developer

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 23.12.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Analyzing and evaluation of user requirements
  • Implementation of development activities in the SAP environment
  • Providing technical support globally for incoming inquiries for all SAP modules
  • Independent administration of tickets in accordance with service level agreements
  • Ensuring service-oriented analysis, pre-qualification and fulfillment of incoming service requests,
  • incidents, or fast-track demands
  • Ability to work independently in cooperation with functional IT-Consultants to implement requirements
  • and solve problems and incidents
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Identity and Access Management Developer

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 23.12.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Planning and execution of daily administrative tasks including performance monitoring, tuning, troubleshooting, root cause analysis, provisioning of recommended solutions, proactive error prevention, installing upgrades, active participation in projects
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Identity and Access Management Developer

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 23.12.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Planning and execution of daily administrative tasks including performance monitoring, tuning, troubleshooting, root cause analysis, provisioning of recommended solutions, proactive error prevention, installing upgrades, active participation in projects
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Cloud Engineer

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 05.11.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • You will be a key member of the B. Braun Cloud Platform team and work on existing and new platform services that provide the infrastructure foundation for a range of existing and new digital products
  • You work in a dynamic and Agile team collaborating with a varied set of global stakeholders and peers like cloud engineers and software developers as well as with software architects, system engineers, quality engineers and product owners
  • You gather business / user requirements and transfer into technical solutions based on Microsoft’s cloud portfolio
  • You support the planning, design, and architecture of solutions and tools utilized in migrating legacy services to Microsoft Azure
  • You execute implementation and migration tasks, including installation, configuration, maintenance, and troubleshooting
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Cloud Engineer

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 05.11.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • You will be a key member of the B. Braun Cloud Platform team and work on existing and new platform services that provide the infrastructure foundation for a range of existing and new digital products
  • You work in a dynamic and Agile team collaborating with a varied set of global stakeholders and peers like cloud engineers and software developers as well as with software architects, system engineers, quality engineers and product owners
  • You gather business / user requirements and transfer into technical solutions based on Microsoft’s cloud portfolio
  • You support the planning, design, and architecture of solutions and tools utilized in migrating legacy services to Microsoft Azure
  • You execute implementation and migration tasks, including installation, configuration, maintenance, and troubleshooting
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Email – Collaboration 2nd Level Support Agent

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 05.11.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Serve as Exchange Online/Outlook 2nd level supporter, 40.000+ user environment
  • Planning and execution of daily administrative tasks including security impacts, performance monitoring, tuning, troubleshooting, root cause analysis, provisioning of recommended solutions, proactive error prevention, identifying voice and video requirements, installing upgrades
  • Contribute to Technology like Teams, OneDrive, OneNote, Forms, Planner, Stream and Bookings (Help Desk and Security Help Desk)
  • Participate in compliance and security reviews as needed. Work closely with other internal teams to build security, reliability, and scalability into the Exchange Online architecture
  • Ensuring stability and optimal performance on all systems including Incident handling
  • Engage with vendors where needed on complex incidents within the domain
  • Execution of maintenance and lifecycle activities
  • Coordination and control of external support/service providers
  • Creation and maintenance of documentation
  • Support problem management process
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Email – Collaboration 2nd Level Support Agent

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 05.11.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Serve as Exchange Online/Outlook 2nd level supporter, 40.000+ user environment
  • Planning and execution of daily administrative tasks including security impacts, performance monitoring, tuning, troubleshooting, root cause analysis, provisioning of recommended solutions, proactive error prevention, identifying voice and video requirements, installing upgrades
  • Contribute to Technology like Teams, OneDrive, OneNote, Forms, Planner, Stream and Bookings (Help Desk and Security Help Desk)
  • Participate in compliance and security reviews as needed. Work closely with other internal teams to build security, reliability, and scalability into the Exchange Online architecture
  • Ensuring stability and optimal performance on all systems including Incident handling
  • Engage with vendors where needed on complex incidents within the domain
  • Execution of maintenance and lifecycle activities
  • Coordination and control of external support/service providers
  • Creation and maintenance of documentation
  • Support problem management process
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Fixed Asset Accountant with German

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 02.11.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Perform and support monthly and annual closing activities for companies in service for fixed asset accounting
  • Support and maintenance of country specific asset master data
  • Constant assurance of data quality within the area of asset management
  • Support and participate in global Shared Service rollout projects
  • Participation in the improvements of asset accounting processes
  • Support for global projects related to asset accounting
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Fixed Asset Accountant with German

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 02.11.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Perform and support monthly and annual closing activities for companies in service for fixed asset accounting
  • Support and maintenance of country specific asset master data
  • Constant assurance of data quality within the area of asset management
  • Support and participate in global Shared Service rollout projects
  • Participation in the improvements of asset accounting processes
  • Support for global projects related to asset accounting
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Specjalista ds. procesowania dokumentów – OCR

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 05.10.2023
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca hybrydowa
specjalista (Mid / Regular), młodszy specjalista (Junior)
  • przetwarzanie i sprawdzanie dokumentów nieczytelnych dla systemu OCR
  • optymalizacja procesów OCR
  • uzupełnianie niezgodnych danych
  • selekcjonowanie dokumentów, które mogą być przetwarzane w systemie OCR
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

SAP BASIS Specialist

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 24.09.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Conception, design, planning and implementation of global SAP system landscapes under consideration of cloud technologies, security requirements, high availability and 24/7 hours operation
  • Creation, implementation and continuously improvement of concepts for the provision, monitoring, security, effective administration and operation of complex SAP landscapes
  • Ensuring stable, secure, trouble-free and high-performance availability of SAP systems
  • Planning, control and implementation of global IT projects in the SAP technology environment
  • Control of external service providers
  • Creation of solution documentation and procedural instructions
  • Planning, coordination and implementation of lifecycle activities
  • Planning and implementation of PoCs for testing of future concepts, SAP technologies, cloud and on-premise architectures
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

SAP BASIS Specialist

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 24.09.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Conception, design, planning and implementation of global SAP system landscapes under consideration of cloud technologies, security requirements, high availability and 24/7 hours operation
  • Creation, implementation and continuously improvement of concepts for the provision, monitoring, security, effective administration and operation of complex SAP landscapes
  • Ensuring stable, secure, trouble-free and high-performance availability of SAP systems
  • Planning, control and implementation of global IT projects in the SAP technology environment
  • Control of external service providers
  • Creation of solution documentation and procedural instructions
  • Planning, coordination and implementation of lifecycle activities
  • Planning and implementation of PoCs for testing of future concepts, SAP technologies, cloud and on-premise architectures
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Junior Accountant AR Collection Management z językiem niemieckim

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 15.09.2023
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca hybrydowa
młodszy specjalista (Junior)
  • Monitorowanie i analiza należności klientów
  • Kontakt z klientami w sprawie zaległych faktur w języku obcym - telefon 20%, email 80%
  • Księgowanie płatności przychodzących
  • Budowanie i utrzymywanie dobrych relacji z różnymi zespołami w całej organizacji (m.in. obsługa klienta)
  • Aktywne uczestniczenie w rozwoju zespołu oraz wdrażaniu nowych projektów
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Junior Accountant AR Collection Management z językiem niemieckim

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 15.09.2023
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca hybrydowa
młodszy specjalista (Junior)
  • Monitorowanie i analiza należności klientów
  • Kontakt z klientami w sprawie zaległych faktur w języku obcym - telefon 20%, email 80%
  • Księgowanie płatności przychodzących
  • Budowanie i utrzymywanie dobrych relacji z różnymi zespołami w całej organizacji (m.in. obsługa klienta)
  • Aktywne uczestniczenie w rozwoju zespołu oraz wdrażaniu nowych projektów
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Fixed Asset Accountant with German

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 06.09.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Perform and support monthly and annual closing activities for companies in service for fixed asset accounting
  • Support and maintenance of country specific asset master data
  • Constant assurance of data quality within the area of asset management
  • Support and participate in global Shared Service rollout projects
  • Participation in the improvements of asset accounting processes
  • Support for global projects related to asset accounting
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Fixed Asset Accountant with German

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 06.09.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Perform and support monthly and annual closing activities for companies in service for fixed asset accounting
  • Support and maintenance of country specific asset master data
  • Constant assurance of data quality within the area of asset management
  • Support and participate in global Shared Service rollout projects
  • Participation in the improvements of asset accounting processes
  • Support for global projects related to asset accounting
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Junior Accountant Accounts Receivable (with English or German)

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 26.05.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
junior specialist (Junior)
  • Process AR transactions such as incoming payments, account reconciliation - identify disputes, overpayments etc
  • Maintain an effective overdue control and follow-up for all customer accounts that are late, overdue, potentially overdue
  • Build and maintain good working relationships with relevant teams across the organisation
  • Actively participate in the team development, take part in workshops and migration processes
  • Support development and implementation of improvements projects
  • Grow professionally through on-going training activities and continued learning
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Project Office Coordinator

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 26.05.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
manager / supervisor
  • Support of a complex, interdisciplinary project in a matrix organization
  • Intensive cooperation with the program manager in charge, for instance in the planning, organization and controlling of project goals, acceptance criteria, milestones and derived measures
  • Insure the proper use of the company wide project management standards
  • Active work in all project management areas such as risk management, project related reporting, project stakeholder management, internal communication
  • Responsible for the creation and continuous monitoring/updating of the key project management documents such as risk register
  • Consolidate and update status reports for different target audiences (project steering, project team)
  • Creation of project documents like Blueprint concept
  • Stakeholder coordination, meeting support for several committees including preparation, execution and follow-up
  • Insure the timely and just in time project cost allocation
  • Active participation to the administration of collaboration spaces and other communication tools within the project such as intranet pages, project SharePoint with colleagues from the Change-Management area
  • Insure internal Project communication in cooperation with the program manager
  • Interaction with other global B.Braun departments like IT and other divisions, as well as with external providers
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Młodsza księgowa / Młodszy księgowy ds. należności (z j. angielskim lub niemieckim)

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 26.05.2023
pełny etat
umowa na zastępstwo
praca hybrydowa
młodszy specjalista (Junior)
  • Księgowanie płatności przychodzących i uzgadnianie kont - identyfikacja rozbieżności, nadpłat itp
  • Kontrola zaległości i śledzenie pozycji na kontach klientów, które są opóźnione, zaległe, potencjalnie zaległe
  • Budowanie i utrzymywanie dobrych relacji z różnymi zespołami w całej organizacji
  • Aktywne uczestniczenie w rozwoju zespołu oraz wdrażaniu nowych projektów
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Project Office Coordinator

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 26.05.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
manager / supervisor
  • Support of a complex, interdisciplinary project in a matrix organization
  • Intensive cooperation with the program manager in charge, for instance in the planning, organization and controlling of project goals, acceptance criteria, milestones and derived measures
  • Insure the proper use of the company wide project management standards
  • Active work in all project management areas such as risk management, project related reporting, project stakeholder management, internal communication
  • Responsible for the creation and continuous monitoring/updating of the key project management documents such as risk register
  • Consolidate and update status reports for different target audiences (project steering, project team)
  • Creation of project documents like Blueprint concept
  • Stakeholder coordination, meeting support for several committees including preparation, execution and follow-up
  • Insure the timely and just in time project cost allocation
  • Active participation to the administration of collaboration spaces and other communication tools within the project such as intranet pages, project SharePoint with colleagues from the Change-Management area
  • Insure internal Project communication in cooperation with the program manager
  • Interaction with other global B.Braun departments like IT and other divisions, as well as with external providers
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Email – Collaboration 2nd Level Support agent

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 28.05.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Serve as Exchange Online/Outlook 2nd level supporter, 40.000+ user environment
  • Planning and execution of daily administrative tasks including security impacts, performance monitoring, tuning, troubleshooting, root cause analysis, provisioning of recommended solutions, proactive error prevention, identifying voice and video requirements, installing upgrades
  • Contribute to Technology like Teams, OneDrive, OneNote, Forms, Planner, Stream and Bookings (Help Desk and Security Help Desk)
  • Participate in compliance and security reviews as needed. Work closely with other internal teams to build security, reliability, and scalability into the Exchange Online architecture
  • Ensuring stability and optimal performance on all systems including Incident handling
  • Engage with vendors where needed on complex incidents within the domain
  • Execution of maintenance and lifecycle activities
  • Coordination and control of external support/service providers
  • Creation and maintenance of documentation
  • Support problem management process
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Email – Collaboration 2nd Level Support agent

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 28.05.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Serve as Exchange Online/Outlook 2nd level supporter, 40.000+ user environment
  • Planning and execution of daily administrative tasks including security impacts, performance monitoring, tuning, troubleshooting, root cause analysis, provisioning of recommended solutions, proactive error prevention, identifying voice and video requirements, installing upgrades
  • Contribute to Technology like Teams, OneDrive, OneNote, Forms, Planner, Stream and Bookings (Help Desk and Security Help Desk)
  • Participate in compliance and security reviews as needed. Work closely with other internal teams to build security, reliability, and scalability into the Exchange Online architecture
  • Ensuring stability and optimal performance on all systems including Incident handling
  • Engage with vendors where needed on complex incidents within the domain
  • Execution of maintenance and lifecycle activities
  • Coordination and control of external support/service providers
  • Creation and maintenance of documentation
  • Support problem management process
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Accountant – General Accounting

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 26.05.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Perform and support monthly and annual closing activities for companies in service within general
  • ledger and asset management environment (e.g. journal entries, accruals, foreign currency valuation,
  • income tax,
  • Support and maintenance of country specific general ledger master data,
  • Processing and improving of electronic bank statements for general ledger postings,
  • Constant assurance of data quality within the area of general ledger and asset management,
  • Support and participate in global Shared Service rollout projects,
  • Participation in the improvements of general accounting processes,
  • Leading projects
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Middle Frontend Developer

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 13.05.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
junior specialist (Junior)
  • Work in an Agile environment where teamwork is at its best, no exceptions
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams
  • Develop and unit test solutions of any size or complexity
  • Produce clean and high-quality code
  • Diagnose defects and provide effective solutions
  • Be part of technical discussions and planning sessions
  • Support, advise and share knowledge with other team members and stakeholders
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Middle Frontend Developer

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 13.05.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
junior specialist (Junior)
  • Work in an Agile environment where teamwork is at its best, no exceptions
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams
  • Develop and unit test solutions of any size or complexity
  • Produce clean and high-quality code
  • Diagnose defects and provide effective solutions
  • Be part of technical discussions and planning sessions
  • Support, advise and share knowledge with other team members and stakeholders
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior Frontend Developer

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 13.05.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
senior specialist (Senior)
  • Work in an Agile environment where teamwork is at its best, no exceptions
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams
  • Design, develop and unit test solutions of any size or complexity
  • Produce clean and high-quality code
  • Diagnose defects and provide effective solutions
  • Be part and take lead of technical discussions and planning sessions
  • Take part and guide architectural decision sessions
  • Support, advise and share knowledge with other team members and stakeholders
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Senior Frontend Developer

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 13.05.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
senior specialist (Senior)
  • Work in an Agile environment where teamwork is at its best, no exceptions
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams
  • Design, develop and unit test solutions of any size or complexity
  • Produce clean and high-quality code
  • Diagnose defects and provide effective solutions
  • Be part and take lead of technical discussions and planning sessions
  • Take part and guide architectural decision sessions
  • Support, advise and share knowledge with other team members and stakeholders
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Enterprise Voice Administrator for 2nd Level Support

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 13.05.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Serve as MS Teams Voice administrator and 2nd level supporter in a growing environment
  • Serve as Cisco Voice administrator (CUCM, CUC) (optional requirement)
  • Serve as Alcatel Voice administrator (Alcatel OXE) (optional requirement)
  • Serve as AudioCodes administrator (SBC on-premises and on Azure)
  • Planning and execution of daily administrative tasks including performance monitoring, tuning,
  • troubleshooting, root cause analysis, provisioning of recommended solutions, proactive error prevention,
  • identifying voice and video requirements, installing upgrades
  • Contribute to Technology Operations Team (Infrastructure, Security and Help Desk)
  • Ensuring stability and optimal performance on all systems including Incident handling
  • Engage with vendors and support partners where needed for more complex incidents
  • Perform Infrastructure and aligned Service Optimization for Enterprise Voice
  • Planning and execution of maintenance and lifecycle activities
  • Coordination and control of external support/service providers
  • Creation and maintenance of documentation
  • Support problem management process
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Enterprise Voice Administrator for 2nd Level Support

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 13.05.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Serve as MS Teams Voice administrator and 2nd level supporter in a growing environment
  • Serve as Cisco Voice administrator (CUCM, CUC) (optional requirement)
  • Serve as Alcatel Voice administrator (Alcatel OXE) (optional requirement)
  • Serve as AudioCodes administrator (SBC on-premises and on Azure)
  • Planning and execution of daily administrative tasks including performance monitoring, tuning,
  • troubleshooting, root cause analysis, provisioning of recommended solutions, proactive error prevention,
  • identifying voice and video requirements, installing upgrades
  • Contribute to Technology Operations Team (Infrastructure, Security and Help Desk)
  • Ensuring stability and optimal performance on all systems including Incident handling
  • Engage with vendors and support partners where needed for more complex incidents
  • Perform Infrastructure and aligned Service Optimization for Enterprise Voice
  • Planning and execution of maintenance and lifecycle activities
  • Coordination and control of external support/service providers
  • Creation and maintenance of documentation
  • Support problem management process
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Salesforce Developer / Administrator

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 13.05.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Work in an Agile environment where teamwork is at its best, no exceptions
  • Be part of an international Salesforce Implementation (Sales, Service and Health Cloud)
  • Be part in shaping and growing the Salesforce System within the company
  • Hands on Development (Apex Code) and Customization
  • Collaborate with other development teams to integrate other systems
  • Produce clean and high-quality code
  • Take part in technical and architectural discussion sessions
  • Support, mentor and share knowledge with other team members
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Salesforce Developer / Administrator

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 13.05.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Work in an Agile environment where teamwork is at its best, no exceptions
  • Be part of an international Salesforce Implementation (Sales, Service and Health Cloud)
  • Be part in shaping and growing the Salesforce System within the company
  • Hands on Development (Apex Code) and Customization
  • Collaborate with other development teams to integrate other systems
  • Produce clean and high-quality code
  • Take part in technical and architectural discussion sessions
  • Support, mentor and share knowledge with other team members
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Information Security Specialist - SAP Security

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 30.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Define, implement, maintain, and control security measures and processes for the SAP landscape (technologies and applications)
  • Analyze authorization requirements and close cooperation with key users
  • Define, implement, and document processes for the assignment and administration of roles and authorizations
  • Investigate and follow up on information security incidents and coordinate security incident response
  • Support and monitor patch and vulnerability management, and perform vulnerability scans
  • Create and maintain information security policies, standards, and procedures, especially for the area of SAP
  • Represent information security in IT projects, and manage information security projects
  • Manage/support risk assessments and security audits
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Information Security Specialist - SAP Security

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 30.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Define, implement, maintain, and control security measures and processes for the SAP landscape (technologies and applications)
  • Analyze authorization requirements and close cooperation with key users
  • Define, implement, and document processes for the assignment and administration of roles and authorizations
  • Investigate and follow up on information security incidents and coordinate security incident response
  • Support and monitor patch and vulnerability management, and perform vulnerability scans
  • Create and maintain information security policies, standards, and procedures, especially for the area of SAP
  • Represent information security in IT projects, and manage information security projects
  • Manage/support risk assessments and security audits
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Information Security Specialist - Security Architecture

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 30.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Define and monitor the overall information security architecture and ensure business alignment and alignment with the IT strategy,
  • Contribute to the information security strategy and maintain the IT security technology roadmap,
  • Coordinate implementation of security controls and monitor their efficiency,
  • Support emergency, continuity, and disaster recovery planning,
  • Investigate and follow up on information security incidents and coordinate security incident response,
  • Contribute to the information security awareness and training program,
  • Create and maintain information security policies, standards, and procedures,
  • Represent information security in IT projects and manage information security projects,
  • Manage/support risk assessments and security audits
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Information Security Specialist - Security Architecture

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 30.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Define and monitor the overall information security architecture and ensure business alignment and alignment with the IT strategy,
  • Contribute to the information security strategy and maintain the IT security technology roadmap,
  • Coordinate implementation of security controls and monitor their efficiency,
  • Support emergency, continuity, and disaster recovery planning,
  • Investigate and follow up on information security incidents and coordinate security incident response,
  • Contribute to the information security awareness and training program,
  • Create and maintain information security policies, standards, and procedures,
  • Represent information security in IT projects and manage information security projects,
  • Manage/support risk assessments and security audits
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Information Security Specialist - Endpoint Security

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 30.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Security engineering in the area of endpoint security / client security (Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS, Android, MFD/printers, etc.),
  • Implementation, operation, and control of security measures,
  • Investigate and follow up on information security incidents and coordinate security incident response,
  • Contribution to the definition of secure IT architectures and IT solutions,
  • Support and monitor patch and vulnerability management and perform vulnerability scans,
  • Creation and maintenance of information security policies, standards, and procedures,
  • Representation of information security in IT projects and management of information security projects,
  • Manage/support risk assessments and security audits
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Information Security Specialist - Endpoint Security

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 30.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Security engineering in the area of endpoint security / client security (Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS, Android, MFD/printers, etc.),
  • Implementation, operation, and control of security measures,
  • Investigate and follow up on information security incidents and coordinate security incident response,
  • Contribution to the definition of secure IT architectures and IT solutions,
  • Support and monitor patch and vulnerability management and perform vulnerability scans,
  • Creation and maintenance of information security policies, standards, and procedures,
  • Representation of information security in IT projects and management of information security projects,
  • Manage/support risk assessments and security audits
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Information Security Specialist - OS, Virt & Auth Security

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 30.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Security engineering with a focus on the areas Windows (clients and servers), virtualization, and authentication methods
  • Contribution to the definition of secure IT architectures and IT solutions
  • Implementation, operation, and control of security measures
  • Investigate and follow up on information security incidents and coordinate security incident response
  • Support and monitor patch and vulnerability management and perform vulnerability scans
  • Creation and maintenance of information security policies, standards, and procedures
  • Representation of information security in IT projects and management of information security projects
  • Manage/support risk assessments and security audits
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Information Security Specialist - OS, Virt & Auth Security

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 30.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Security engineering with a focus on the areas Windows (clients and servers), virtualization, and authentication methods
  • Contribution to the definition of secure IT architectures and IT solutions
  • Implementation, operation, and control of security measures
  • Investigate and follow up on information security incidents and coordinate security incident response
  • Support and monitor patch and vulnerability management and perform vulnerability scans
  • Creation and maintenance of information security policies, standards, and procedures
  • Representation of information security in IT projects and management of information security projects
  • Manage/support risk assessments and security audits
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Information Security Specialist - Cloud Security

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 30.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Security engineering with a focus on the areas cloud and network security
  • Contribution to the definition of secure IT architectures and IT solutions
  • Implementation, operation, and control of security measures
  • Investigate and follow up on information security incidents and coordinate security incident response
  • Support and monitor patch and vulnerability management and perform vulnerability scans
  • Creation and maintenance of information security policies, standards, and procedures
  • Representation of information security in IT projects and management of information security projects
  • Manage/support risk assessments and security audits
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Information Security Specialist - Cloud Security

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 30.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Security engineering with a focus on the areas cloud and network security
  • Contribution to the definition of secure IT architectures and IT solutions
  • Implementation, operation, and control of security measures
  • Investigate and follow up on information security incidents and coordinate security incident response
  • Support and monitor patch and vulnerability management and perform vulnerability scans
  • Creation and maintenance of information security policies, standards, and procedures
  • Representation of information security in IT projects and management of information security projects
  • Manage/support risk assessments and security audits
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Information Security Specialist - Network Security

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 30.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Network security engineering and contribution to the definition of secure IT architectures and IT solutions,
  • Implementation, operation, and control of security measures,
  • Optimize existing solutions to prevent and detect attacks and evaluate new solutions,
  • Investigate and follow up on information security incidents and coordinate security incident response,
  • Support and monitor patch and vulnerability management and perform vulnerability scans,
  • Creation and maintenance of information security policies, standards, and procedures,
  • Representation of information security in IT projects and management of information security projects,
  • Manage/support risk assessments, and security audits
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Information Security Specialist - Network Security

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 30.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Network security engineering and contribution to the definition of secure IT architectures and IT solutions,
  • Implementation, operation, and control of security measures,
  • Optimize existing solutions to prevent and detect attacks and evaluate new solutions,
  • Investigate and follow up on information security incidents and coordinate security incident response,
  • Support and monitor patch and vulnerability management and perform vulnerability scans,
  • Creation and maintenance of information security policies, standards, and procedures,
  • Representation of information security in IT projects and management of information security projects,
  • Manage/support risk assessments, and security audits
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Identity and Access Management Developer

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 30.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Planning and execution of daily administrative tasks including performance monitoring, tuning, troubleshooting, root cause analysis, provisioning of recommended solutions, proactive error prevention, installing upgrades, active participation in projects
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Identity and Access Management Developer

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 30.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Planning and execution of daily administrative tasks including performance monitoring, tuning, troubleshooting, root cause analysis, provisioning of recommended solutions, proactive error prevention, installing upgrades, active participation in projects
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Service Desk Analyst – German Speaker

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 30.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Respond to incoming calls and web submissions for assistance from and users experiencing technical issues
  • Troubleshoot, analyze, resolve, track, escalate and accurately document various technical problems and resolutions (i.e. software, hardware and client specific applications)
  • Fulfill Service Requests from end users according to defined procedures
  • Document client issues in our call tracking system
  • Provide friendly, courteous, and quality communication to all end users throughout the support process
  • Grow professionally through on-going training activities and continued learning
  • Collaborate with organization counterparts and department team members to share knowledge and expertise
  • Identify optimization potential to continuously increase customer satisfaction and Service Desk quality
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Service Desk Analyst – German Speaker

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 30.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Respond to incoming calls and web submissions for assistance from and users experiencing technical issues
  • Troubleshoot, analyze, resolve, track, escalate and accurately document various technical problems and resolutions (i.e. software, hardware and client specific applications)
  • Fulfill Service Requests from end users according to defined procedures
  • Document client issues in our call tracking system
  • Provide friendly, courteous, and quality communication to all end users throughout the support process
  • Grow professionally through on-going training activities and continued learning
  • Collaborate with organization counterparts and department team members to share knowledge and expertise
  • Identify optimization potential to continuously increase customer satisfaction and Service Desk quality
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Service Desk Analyst – Hungarian/Romanian Speaker

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 30.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Respond to incoming calls and web submissions for assistance from and users experiencing technical issues
  • Troubleshoot, analyze, resolve, track, escalate and accurately document various technical problems and resolutions (i.e. software, hardware and client specific applications)
  • Fulfill Service Requests from end users according to defined procedures
  • Document client issues in our call tracking system
  • Provide friendly, courteous, and quality communication to all end users throughout the support process
  • Grow professionally through on-going training activities and continued learning
  • Collaborate with organization counterparts and department team members to share knowledge and expertise
  • Identify optimization potential to continuously increase customer satisfaction and Service Desk quality
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Service Desk Analyst – Hungarian/Romanian Speaker

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 30.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Respond to incoming calls and web submissions for assistance from and users experiencing technical issues
  • Troubleshoot, analyze, resolve, track, escalate and accurately document various technical problems and resolutions (i.e. software, hardware and client specific applications)
  • Fulfill Service Requests from end users according to defined procedures
  • Document client issues in our call tracking system
  • Provide friendly, courteous, and quality communication to all end users throughout the support process
  • Grow professionally through on-going training activities and continued learning
  • Collaborate with organization counterparts and department team members to share knowledge and expertise
  • Identify optimization potential to continuously increase customer satisfaction and Service Desk quality
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Asystent / Asystentka Zarządu

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 14.04.2023
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca hybrydowa
  • Organizacja i obsługa spotkań biznesowych Zarządu,
  • Zarządzanie kalendarzem spotkań Zarządu,
  • Komunikacja w ramach koncernu,
  • Protokołowanie zebrań i tworzenie dokumentacji,
  • Tłumaczenie dokumentów biznesowych,
  • Przygotowywanie dokumentów w formie elektronicznej i konwencjonalnej,
  • Współudział w opracowywaniu różnego rodzaju analiz, raportów i prezentacji,
  • Współpraca z innymi spółkami koncernu oraz wewnętrznymi działami spółki,
  • Organizowanie i koordynacja kursów językowych
  • Organizowanie i koordynacja podróży służbowych
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

IT Service Desk Manager

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 24.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Help to set up and manage a team of Service Desk Agents including but not limited to disciplinary management, training, mentoring and leadership of said personnel
  • Provide a competent, service-oriented Service Desk to end users as a primary point of contact for all information technology issues and problems
  • Monitor the effectiveness of the team against SLA/KPI’s, driving through change as needed to deliver continual service improvement
  • Ensure operational procedures and practices are well defined, documented and consistently applied within the team
  • Represent the first stage of escalation for incidents should these not be resolvable within the agreed Service Levels
  • Install a high performance culture in the team with a focus on team work, service excellence and ownership for resolving customer issues
  • Ensure new employees are on-boarded with seamless handover / transition into service
  • Ensure the team is skilled and trained to enable them to deliver high quality service and support
  • Demand consistent customer feedback and respond appropriate to feedback on areas for improvement
  • Identify optimization potential to continuously increase customer satisfaction and Service Desk quality
  • Grow professionally through on-going training activities and continued learning
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

M365 Global Admin

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 24.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working with M365 on Admin Level in global environments
  • Engineering and Troubleshooting
  • Architect to develop the M365 platform
  • Supporting problem management process
  • Working with office productivity tools; delivery assurance and/or industry standards on deliverables
  • Supporting problem management process
  • Planning and execution of daily administrative tasks including performance monitoring, tuning, troubleshooting, root cause analysis, provisioning of recommended solutions, proactive error prevention, identifying voice and video requirements, installing upgrades, etc
  • Planning and execution platform changes
  • Planning and execution of maintenance and lifecycle activities
  • Coordination and control of external support/service providers
  • Creation and maintenance of documentation and processes
  • Creation and maintenance of documentation
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Content Server Specialist

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 24.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Build, test, run & support Applications based on Opentext Content Server
  • Support internally the platforms on 2nd level and interact with external experts on 3rd level support
  • Consult global business
  • Roll-out of existing Applications on a global level
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Inhouse Consultant - Celonis Database Specialist

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 07.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Act as administrator and backend specialist in the process mining tool Celonis
  • Act as partner between IT and Business in connecting Celonis with data and application interfaces
  • Act as SQL specialist in building data models, to set-up database connections and to optimize data model loads
  • Act as advanced Python user to efficiently perform admin operations
  • Support in defining technical standards and governance procedures around the tool and its interfaces
  • Keep track of innovations in functionalities of the tool
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Inhouse Consultant - Celonis Database Specialist

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 07.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Act as administrator and backend specialist in the process mining tool Celonis
  • Act as partner between IT and Business in connecting Celonis with data and application interfaces
  • Act as SQL specialist in building data models, to set-up database connections and to optimize data model loads
  • Act as advanced Python user to efficiently perform admin operations
  • Support in defining technical standards and governance procedures around the tool and its interfaces
  • Keep track of innovations in functionalities of the tool
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Accountant – General Accounting

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 24.03.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Perform and support monthly and annual closing activities for companies in service within general
  • ledger and asset management environment (e.g. journal entries, accruals, foreign currency valuation, income tax,
  • Support and maintenance of country specific general ledger master data,
  • Processing and improving of electronic bank statements for general ledger postings,
  • Constant assurance of data quality within the area of general ledger and asset management,
  • Support and participate in global Shared Service rollout projects,
  • Participation in the improvements of general accounting processes,
  • Leading projects
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Accountant – General Accounting

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 24.03.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Perform and support monthly and annual closing activities for companies in service within general
  • ledger and asset management environment (e.g. journal entries, accruals, foreign currency valuation, income tax,
  • Support and maintenance of country specific general ledger master data,
  • Processing and improving of electronic bank statements for general ledger postings,
  • Constant assurance of data quality within the area of general ledger and asset management,
  • Support and participate in global Shared Service rollout projects,
  • Participation in the improvements of general accounting processes,
  • Leading projects
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Head of Regional Process Coordination Controlling

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 06.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
manager / supervisor
  • Coordinate and develop the Polish team
  • Participate in international Controlling projects (e.g. roll-out projects, one major focus will be the introduction of SAP S/4HANA)
  • Harmonize and enhance Controlling processes, close alignment with IT as well as with other business functions is required
  • Further develop Controlling system landscape, e.g. define structures in SAP and interfaces to/from SAP
  • Technically perform all Controlling-related period-end closing tasks in SAP (incl. Inventory Valuation), prepare P&L for data delivery to group
  • Constantly assure data quality within the area of Controlling and Inventory Valuation
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Head of Regional Process Coordination Controlling

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 06.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
manager / supervisor
  • Coordinate and develop the Polish team
  • Participate in international Controlling projects (e.g. roll-out projects, one major focus will be the introduction of SAP S/4HANA)
  • Harmonize and enhance Controlling processes, close alignment with IT as well as with other business functions is required
  • Further develop Controlling system landscape, e.g. define structures in SAP and interfaces to/from SAP
  • Technically perform all Controlling-related period-end closing tasks in SAP (incl. Inventory Valuation), prepare P&L for data delivery to group
  • Constantly assure data quality within the area of Controlling and Inventory Valuation
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Endpoint Security Specialist

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 03.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Ensure proper operation and support of the global endpoint security infrastructure
  • Responsible for endpoint security solutions on premises or in the cloud
  • Act as a leading role in the future endpoint security solutions
  • Provide support for internal and external audits
  • Responsible for the security of end devices
  • Responsible for project concept, architecture, implementation, changes and lifecycle
  • Development of operational, monitoring and test concepts for endpoint security
  • Conduct monitoring, investigation, coordination, and reaction to endpoint security incidents
  • Conduct management reporting relates to security incidents
  • Conduct further development of endpoint security standards, rules, processes, and implementation
  • Participate in execution of regular security and penetration tests
  • Participate in rotating on-call 24x7 support
  • For more senior positions, plan and schedule tasks to ensure the timely completion of several independent tasks and projects, with limited discretion. General outcome is shared upon completion
  • The job function listed is not exhaustive and shall include any responsibilities as assigned by the Supervisor from time to time
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Windows Client Staff Engineer

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 03.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working with Windows OS (Windows 10+) and the client environment including applications
  • Assure client Security - Assure Patch compliance - Engineering and Troubleshooting
  • Working with office productivity tools; delivery assurance and/or industry standards on deliverables
  • Supporting problem management process - Planning and execution of daily administrative tasks including performance monitoring, tuning, troubleshooting, root cause analysis, provisioning of recommended solutions, proactive error prevention, identifying voice and video requirements, installing upgrades, etc
  • Planning and execution platform changes
  • Planning and execution of maintenance and lifecycle activities
  • Coordination and control of external support/service providers - Creation and maintenance of documentation
  • The job function listed is not exhaustive and shall also include any responsibilities as assigned by the Supervisor from time to time
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

IT Consultant SAP SuccessFactors

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 03.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Analyzing and evaluation of user requirements
  • Providing technical support globally for incoming inquiries for the SAP SuccessFactors modules
  • Independent administration of tickets in accordance with service level agreements
  • Ensuring service-oriented analysis, pre-qualification and fulfillment of incoming service requests, incidents, or fast-track demands
  • Planning and execution of maintenance and lifecycle activities
  • Work in a global team for continuous further development of solutions and improvements
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

MDG Junior Process Coordinator

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 03.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
manager / supervisor
  • Help to define the future master data processes in the area of BP, bank master records and other Finance related master records
  • Help to develop strategies for master data integration as part of digital transformation processes
  • Support to establish master data standards and increase the quality level of master data in all connected systems (e.g. CRM,EWM, Ariba…)
  • Support in resolving data quality problems with subject matter experts
  • Implement analytical tools to perform data integrity and process perfoms checks
  • Help to define the interface handling to all connected systems
  • Be a reliable business partner to all departments using the data
  • Understand master data as crucial part of end-to-end business processes
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

MDG Senior Process Coordinator

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 03.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Help to define the future master data processes in the area of BP, bank master records and other Finance related master records
  • Help to develop strategies for master data integration as part of digital transformation processes
  • Provide support to establish master data standards and increase the quality level of master data in all connected systems (e.g. CRM,EWM, Ariba…)
  • Provide support in resolving data quality problems with subject matter experts
  • Implement analytical tools to perform data integrity and process perfoms checks
  • Help to define the interface handling to all connected systems
  • Be a reliable business partner to all departments using the data
  • Understand master data as crucial part of end-to-end business processes
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

MDG Junior Process Coordinator

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 03.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
manager / supervisor
  • Help to define the future master data processes in the area of BP, bank master records and other Finance related master records
  • Help to develop strategies for master data integration as part of digital transformation processes
  • Support to establish master data standards and increase the quality level of master data in all connected systems (e.g. CRM,EWM, Ariba…)
  • Support in resolving data quality problems with subject matter experts
  • Implement analytical tools to perform data integrity and process perfoms checks
  • Help to define the interface handling to all connected systems
  • Be a reliable business partner to all departments using the data
  • Understand master data as crucial part of end-to-end business processes
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

MDG Senior Process Coordinator

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 03.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Help to define the future master data processes in the area of BP, bank master records and other Finance related master records
  • Help to develop strategies for master data integration as part of digital transformation processes
  • Provide support to establish master data standards and increase the quality level of master data in all connected systems (e.g. CRM,EWM, Ariba…)
  • Provide support in resolving data quality problems with subject matter experts
  • Implement analytical tools to perform data integrity and process perfoms checks
  • Help to define the interface handling to all connected systems
  • Be a reliable business partner to all departments using the data
  • Understand master data as crucial part of end-to-end business processes
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

IT Consultant SAP SuccessFactors

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 03.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Analyzing and evaluation of user requirements
  • Providing technical support globally for incoming inquiries for the SAP SuccessFactors modules
  • Independent administration of tickets in accordance with service level agreements
  • Ensuring service-oriented analysis, pre-qualification and fulfillment of incoming service requests, incidents, or fast-track demands
  • Planning and execution of maintenance and lifecycle activities
  • Work in a global team for continuous further development of solutions and improvements
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Endpoint Security Specialist

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 03.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Ensure proper operation and support of the global endpoint security infrastructure
  • Responsible for endpoint security solutions on premises or in the cloud
  • Act as a leading role in the future endpoint security solutions
  • Provide support for internal and external audits
  • Responsible for the security of end devices
  • Responsible for project concept, architecture, implementation, changes and lifecycle
  • Development of operational, monitoring and test concepts for endpoint security
  • Conduct monitoring, investigation, coordination, and reaction to endpoint security incidents
  • Conduct management reporting relates to security incidents
  • Conduct further development of endpoint security standards, rules, processes, and implementation
  • Participate in execution of regular security and penetration tests
  • Participate in rotating on-call 24x7 support
  • For more senior positions, plan and schedule tasks to ensure the timely completion of several independent tasks and projects, with limited discretion. General outcome is shared upon completion
  • The job function listed is not exhaustive and shall include any responsibilities as assigned by the Supervisor from time to time
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Windows Client Staff Engineer

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 03.04.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Working with Windows OS (Windows 10+) and the client environment including applications
  • Assure client Security - Assure Patch compliance - Engineering and Troubleshooting
  • Working with office productivity tools; delivery assurance and/or industry standards on deliverables
  • Supporting problem management process - Planning and execution of daily administrative tasks including performance monitoring, tuning, troubleshooting, root cause analysis, provisioning of recommended solutions, proactive error prevention, identifying voice and video requirements, installing upgrades, etc
  • Planning and execution platform changes
  • Planning and execution of maintenance and lifecycle activities
  • Coordination and control of external support/service providers - Creation and maintenance of documentation
  • The job function listed is not exhaustive and shall also include any responsibilities as assigned by the Supervisor from time to time
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Service Desk Analyst – French Speaker

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 26.03.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Respond to incoming calls and web submissions for assistance from and users experiencing technical issues
  • Troubleshoot, analyze, resolve, track, escalate and accurately document various technical problems and resolutions (i.e. software, hardware and client specific applications)
  • Fulfill Service Requests from end users according to defined procedures
  • Document client issues in our call tracking system
  • Provide friendly, courteous, and quality communication to all end users throughout the support process
  • Grow professionally through on-going training activities and continued learning
  • Collaborate with organization counterparts and department team members to share knowledge and expertise
  • Identify optimization potential to continuously increase customer satisfaction and Service Desk quality
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Service Desk Analyst – French Speaker

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 26.03.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Respond to incoming calls and web submissions for assistance from and users experiencing technical issues
  • Troubleshoot, analyze, resolve, track, escalate and accurately document various technical problems and resolutions (i.e. software, hardware and client specific applications)
  • Fulfill Service Requests from end users according to defined procedures
  • Document client issues in our call tracking system
  • Provide friendly, courteous, and quality communication to all end users throughout the support process
  • Grow professionally through on-going training activities and continued learning
  • Collaborate with organization counterparts and department team members to share knowledge and expertise
  • Identify optimization potential to continuously increase customer satisfaction and Service Desk quality
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Information Security Specialist - OS, Virt & Auth Security

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 11.03.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Security engineering with a focus on the areas Windows (clients and servers), virtualization, and authentication methods
  • Contribution to the definition of secure IT architectures and IT solutions
  • Implementation, operation, and control of security measures
  • Investigate and follow up on information security incidents and coordinate security incident response
  • Support and monitor patch and vulnerability management and perform vulnerability scans
  • Creation and maintenance of information security policies, standards, and procedures
  • Representation of information security in IT projects and management of information security projects
  • Manage/support risk assessments and security audits
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Information Security Specialist - OS, Virt & Auth Security

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 11.03.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Security engineering with a focus on the areas Windows (clients and servers), virtualization, and authentication methods
  • Contribution to the definition of secure IT architectures and IT solutions
  • Implementation, operation, and control of security measures
  • Investigate and follow up on information security incidents and coordinate security incident response
  • Support and monitor patch and vulnerability management and perform vulnerability scans
  • Creation and maintenance of information security policies, standards, and procedures
  • Representation of information security in IT projects and management of information security projects
  • Manage/support risk assessments and security audits
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Information Security Specialist - Cloud Security

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 11.03.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Security engineering with a focus on the areas cloud and network security
  • Contribution to the definition of secure IT architectures and IT solutions
  • Implementation, operation, and control of security measures
  • Investigate and follow up on information security incidents and coordinate security incident response
  • Support and monitor patch and vulnerability management and perform vulnerability scans
  • Creation and maintenance of information security policies, standards, and procedures
  • Representation of information security in IT projects and management of information security projects
  • Manage/support risk assessments and security audits
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Information Security Specialist - Cloud Security

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 11.03.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Security engineering with a focus on the areas cloud and network security
  • Contribution to the definition of secure IT architectures and IT solutions
  • Implementation, operation, and control of security measures
  • Investigate and follow up on information security incidents and coordinate security incident response
  • Support and monitor patch and vulnerability management and perform vulnerability scans
  • Creation and maintenance of information security policies, standards, and procedures
  • Representation of information security in IT projects and management of information security projects
  • Manage/support risk assessments and security audits
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Information Security Specialist - Endpoint Security

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 11.03.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Security engineering in the area of endpoint security / client security (Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS, Android, MFD/printers, etc.),
  • Implementation, operation, and control of security measures,
  • Investigate and follow up on information security incidents and coordinate security incident response,
  • Contribution to the definition of secure IT architectures and IT solutions,
  • Support and monitor patch and vulnerability management and perform vulnerability scans,
  • Creation and maintenance of information security policies, standards, and procedures,
  • Representation of information security in IT projects and management of information security projects,
  • Manage/support risk assessments and security audits
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Information Security Specialist - Endpoint Security

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 11.03.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Security engineering in the area of endpoint security / client security (Windows, Linux, MacOS, iOS, Android, MFD/printers, etc.),
  • Implementation, operation, and control of security measures,
  • Investigate and follow up on information security incidents and coordinate security incident response,
  • Contribution to the definition of secure IT architectures and IT solutions,
  • Support and monitor patch and vulnerability management and perform vulnerability scans,
  • Creation and maintenance of information security policies, standards, and procedures,
  • Representation of information security in IT projects and management of information security projects,
  • Manage/support risk assessments and security audits
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Information Security Specialist - Network Security

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 11.03.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Network security engineering and contribution to the definition of secure IT architectures and IT solutions,
  • Implementation, operation, and control of security measures,
  • Optimize existing solutions to prevent and detect attacks and evaluate new solutions,
  • Investigate and follow up on information security incidents and coordinate security incident response,
  • Support and monitor patch and vulnerability management and perform vulnerability scans,
  • Creation and maintenance of information security policies, standards, and procedures,
  • Representation of information security in IT projects and management of information security projects,
  • Manage/support risk assessments, and security audits
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Identity and Access Management Administrator

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 11.03.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Planning and execution of daily administrative tasks including performance monitoring, tuning, troubleshooting, root cause analysis, provisioning of recommended solutions, proactive error prevention, installing upgrades, active participation in projects
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Identity and Access Management Administrator

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 11.03.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Planning and execution of daily administrative tasks including performance monitoring, tuning, troubleshooting, root cause analysis, provisioning of recommended solutions, proactive error prevention, installing upgrades, active participation in projects
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Information Security Specialist - Security Architecture

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 11.03.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Define and monitor the overall information security architecture and ensure business alignment and alignment with the IT strategy,
  • Contribute to the information security strategy and maintain the IT security technology roadmap,
  • Coordinate implementation of security controls and monitor their efficiency,
  • Support emergency, continuity, and disaster recovery planning,
  • Investigate and follow up on information security incidents and coordinate security incident response,
  • Contribute to the information security awareness and training program,
  • Create and maintain information security policies, standards, and procedures,
  • Represent information security in IT projects and manage information security projects,
  • Manage/support risk assessments and security audits
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Information Security Specialist - Security Architecture

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 11.03.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
  • Define and monitor the overall information security architecture and ensure business alignment and alignment with the IT strategy,
  • Contribute to the information security strategy and maintain the IT security technology roadmap,
  • Coordinate implementation of security controls and monitor their efficiency,
  • Support emergency, continuity, and disaster recovery planning,
  • Investigate and follow up on information security incidents and coordinate security incident response,
  • Contribute to the information security awareness and training program,
  • Create and maintain information security policies, standards, and procedures,
  • Represent information security in IT projects and manage information security projects,
  • Manage/support risk assessments and security audits
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Information Security Specialist – Information Security Training and Awareness Lead

Tysiąclecia 14, Nowy Tomyśl
Wygasła: 11.03.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
manager / supervisor
  • Group-wide initiation and control of information security awareness measures
  • Lead, build and maintain a Security Training and Awareness program based on the evolving threat landscape and to align with guidance from Information Security Office
  • Define program objectives, strategy and execution
  • Remain informed on emerging threats, security risks and trends
  • Publish company-wide and targeted communications on security-related topics, standards, processes and best practices
  • Organize and facilitate ongoing security training, events and workshops to foster a stronger security-minded culture
  • Partner with corporate communications to ensure style consistency and efficiency
  • Measure and report on training participation and program effectiveness
  • Supporting the CISO in setting up, operating and optimizing the B. Braun Group’s Information Security Management System according to ISO/IEC 27001
  • Creation and maintenance of documents (policies, standards, etc.) for information security
  • Support of business impact, threat and risk analyses
  • Definition of security requirements for the procurement, development and maintenance of IT systems as well as the commissioning of external service providers
  • Contributing to information security projects
  • Planning and execution or control of internal security audits and service provider audits
  • Consultation of departments, employees and projects regarding information security
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne

Information Security Specialist – Information Security Training and Awareness Lead

plac Andersa 3, Stare Miasto, Poznań
Wygasła: 11.03.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
manager / supervisor
  • Group-wide initiation and control of information security awareness measures
  • Lead, build and maintain a Security Training and Awareness program based on the evolving threat landscape and to align with guidance from Information Security Office
  • Define program objectives, strategy and execution
  • Remain informed on emerging threats, security risks and trends
  • Publish company-wide and targeted communications on security-related topics, standards, processes and best practices
  • Organize and facilitate ongoing security training, events and workshops to foster a stronger security-minded culture
  • Partner with corporate communications to ensure style consistency and efficiency
  • Measure and report on training participation and program effectiveness
  • Supporting the CISO in setting up, operating and optimizing the B. Braun Group’s Information Security Management System according to ISO/IEC 27001
  • Creation and maintenance of documents (policies, standards, etc.) for information security
  • Support of business impact, threat and risk analyses
  • Definition of security requirements for the procurement, development and maintenance of IT systems as well as the commissioning of external service providers
  • Contributing to information security projects
  • Planning and execution or control of internal security audits and service provider audits
  • Consultation of departments, employees and projects regarding information security
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Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
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