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Brak treści. Ta firma nie uzupełniła zakładki “O firmie”.
Rekrutacje prowadzone przez firmę:
Wszystkie (72)Aktualne ( 0 )Archiwalne ( 72 )
Marketing Manager
Serwituty 25, Włochy, Warszawa
Wygasła: 21.04.2024
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
praca hybrydowa
kierownik / koordynator, menedżer
Organizowanie pracy 8-osobowego zespołu Marketingu
Budowania strategii marketingowych w oparciu o wyniki
Koordynacja i łączenie w całość działań z obszarów: performance marketingu, SEO i content, zarządzania social mediami, influencer marketingu, kreacji i budowania brandu
Bezpośrednie działanie operacyjne w jednym z powyższych obszarów
Współpraca z innymi zespołami w firmie
Kontrola nad budżetem marketingowym
Koordynacja współpracy z partnerami zewnętrznymi
I wszystko to, co uznasz za słuszne, by nasi klienci - fani technologii i motoryzacji czuli, że jesteśmy najlepszym miejscem do realizowania ich pasji
Overseeing the progress of activities in the audio team; collecting work results and reports from audio team members
Being a part of the whole audio product life cycle: starting from R&D, liaising between departments, product launch and promotion until sharing your knowledge with customers and our technical support team
Expanding our range of audio system upgrades
Analyzing existing products to identify areas for improvement
Monitoring market trends and industry developments to ensure our products' competitive position
Responsibility for the communication and coordination of engineering changes with manufacturers
Cooperation with the marketing team and technical support
Sharing your audio passion with our customers via email and phone
Organizowanie pracy 8-osobowego zespołu Marketingu
Budowania strategii marketingowych w oparciu o wyniki
Koordynacja i łączenie w całość działań z obszarów: performance marketingu, SEO i content, zarządzania social mediami, influencer marketingu, kreacji i budowania brandu
Bezpośrednie działanie operacyjne w jednym z powyższych obszarów
Współpraca z innymi zespołami w firmie
Kontrola nad budżetem marketingowym
Koordynacja współpracy z partnerami zewnętrznymi
I wszystko to, co uznasz za słuszne, by nasi klienci - fani technologii i motoryzacji czuli, że jesteśmy najlepszym miejscem do realizowania ich pasji
If you have a passion for anything technical and enjoy helping people make the most of new technologies, you could be the perfect person to join our existing support team as a Technical Support Specialist
You will help ensure our customers and employees receive exceptional technical support and product training
Your task will be to thoroughly understand each and every piece of the technology behind our products and services. You will learn all product features, installation steps and use cases
We want you to become an expert possessing a very deep and broad knowledge of the technology we work with
Once you are ready, you will start assisting our international customers through email and phone as well as supporting your co-workers
If you have a passion for anything technical and enjoy helping people make the most of new technologies, you could be the perfect person to join our existing support team as a Technical Support Specialist
You will help ensure our customers and employees receive exceptional technical support and product training
Your task will be to thoroughly understand each and every piece of the technology behind our products and services. You will learn all product features, installation steps and use cases
We want you to become an expert possessing a very deep and broad knowledge of the technology we work with
Once you are ready, you will start assisting our international customers through email and phone as well as supporting your co-workers
If you have a passion for anything technical and enjoy helping people make the most of new technologies, you could be the perfect person to join our existing support team as a Technical Support Specialist
You will help ensure our customers and employees receive exceptional technical support and product training
Your task will be to thoroughly understand each and every piece of the technology behind our products and services. You will learn all product features, installation steps and use cases
We want you to become an expert possessing a very deep and broad knowledge of the technology we work with
Once you are ready, you will start assisting our international customers through email and phone as well as supporting your co-workers
If you have a passion for anything technical and enjoy helping people make the most of new technologies, you could be the perfect person to join our existing support team as a Technical Support Specialist
You will help ensure our customers and employees receive exceptional technical support and product training
Your task will be to thoroughly understand each and every piece of the technology behind our products and services. You will learn all product features, installation steps and use cases
We want you to become an expert possessing a very deep and broad knowledge of the technology we work with
Once you are ready, you will start assisting our international customers through email and phone as well as supporting your co-workers
If you have a passion for anything technical and enjoy helping people make the most of new technologies, you could be the perfect person to join our existing support team as a Technical Support Specialist
You will help ensure our customers and employees receive exceptional technical support and product training
Your task will be to thoroughly understand each and every piece of the technology behind our products and services. You will learn all product features, installation steps and use cases
We want you to become an expert possessing a very deep and broad knowledge of the technology we work with
Once you are ready, you will start assisting our international customers through email and phone as well as supporting your co-workers
We're looking for an audio enthusiast that can wear many hats. Based on your skills and preference you can take charge of the chosen part or the whole audio product life cycle: starting from R&D, liaising between departments, product launch and promotion until sharing your knowledge with customers and our technical support team
Expanding our range of audio system upgrades
Analyzing existing products to identify areas for improvement
Monitoring market trends and industry developments to ensure our products' competitive position
Responsibility for the communication and coordination of engineering changes with manufacturers
Cooperation with the marketing team and technical support
Sharing your audio passion with our customers via email and phone
All or some of the above points sound good? We can define together the scope of duties that are tailored to you
Senior Creative / Art Director (zespół marketingu)
Serwituty 25, Włochy, Warszawa
Wygasła: 16.12.2022
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
praca hybrydowa
kierownik / koordynator, menedżer
Jesteśmy firmą e-commerce z branży technologii motoryzacyjnej. Szukamy osoby, która skoordynuje pracę naszego zespołu kreacji, a przede wszystkim rozpocznie z nami nowe kreatywne projekty, wyznaczy kolejne ścieżki i pokaże, co jeszcze możemy robić lepiej, inaczej, ciekawiej - szczególnie w obszarze wizerunku naszej marki. Jednym zdaniem - wniesie kreatywny rozmach i wizję. Jesteśmy gotowi i ambitni :)
Współtworzenie koncepcji wizerunku brandu i dopasowanej do niej spójnej strategii komunikacji
Proponowanie kreatywnych rozwiązań promocyjnych i reklamowych
Planowanie i koordynowanie prac związanych z procesem kreacji
Zarządzanie 4-5 osobowym zespołem (graficy, video production)
Dbanie o estetyczno-wizualną warstwą brandu (www, social media, newslettery, opakowania produktów itd.)
Współpraca z partnerami zewnętrznymi
I wszystko to, co uznasz za słuszne, by nasi klienci - fani technologii i motoryzacji czuli i widzieli, że jesteśmy najlepszym miejscem do realizowania ich pasji
We're looking for an audio enthusiast that can wear many hats. Based on your skills and preference you can take charge of the chosen part or the whole audio product life cycle: starting from R&D, liaising between departments, product launch and promotion until sharing your knowledge with customers and our technical support team
Expanding our range of audio system upgrades
Analyzing existing products to identify areas for improvement
Monitoring market trends and industry developments to ensure our products' competitive position
Responsibility for the communication and coordination of engineering changes with manufacturers
Cooperation with the marketing team and technical support
Sharing your audio passion with our customers via email and phone
All or some of the above points sound good? We can define together the scope of duties that are tailored to you
If you have a passion for anything technical and enjoy helping people make the most of new technologies, you could be the perfect person to join our existing support team as a Technical Support Specialist
You will help ensure our customers and employees receive exceptional technical support and product training
Your task will be to thoroughly understand each and every piece of the technology behind our products and services. You will learn all product features, installation steps and use cases
We want you to become an expert possessing a very deep and broad knowledge of the technology we work with
Once you are ready, you will start assisting our international customers through email and phone as well as supporting your co-workers
Szukamy osoby, która wie, że bycie w pierwszych fazach rozwoju firmy daje największe możliwości na wykreowanie swojej roli i przyszłej pozycji w biznesie. Dobrze się u nas odnajdzie proaktywna, przedsiębiorcza osoba, której zależy jednak na poczuciu bezpieczeństwa zatrudnienia oraz dużej możliwości rozwoju bez ponoszenia ryzyka biznesowego
Prowadzenie spotkań i prezentacji biznesowych
Pozyskiwanie nowych klientów, negocjacja warunków oraz zawieranie umów
Rozwijanie długofalowych relacji i doradztwo klientom
Bieżąca posprzedażowa obsługa kontraktu
Współpraca z zespołem programistów i koordynatorem zagranicznym
Współkreowanie kierunków rozwoju firmy / usług
W dalszej perspektywie budowanie zespołu, potencjalnie objęcie roli Country Managera itp
Szukamy osoby, która wie, że bycie w pierwszych fazach rozwoju firmy daje największe możliwości na wykreowanie swojej roli i przyszłej pozycji w biznesie. Dobrze się u nas odnajdzie proaktywna, przedsiębiorcza osoba, której zależy jednak na poczuciu bezpieczeństwa zatrudnienia oraz dużej możliwości rozwoju bez ponoszenia ryzyka biznesowego
Prowadzenie spotkań i prezentacji biznesowych
Pozyskiwanie nowych klientów, negocjacja warunków oraz zawieranie umów
Rozwijanie długofalowych relacji i doradztwo klientom
Bieżąca posprzedażowa obsługa kontraktu
Współpraca z zespołem programistów i koordynatorem zagranicznym
Współkreowanie kierunków rozwoju firmy / usług
W dalszej perspektywie budowanie zespołu, potencjalnie objęcie roli Country Managera itp
A motivated team-player with a great computer knowledge who can help us provide a remote support service to our customers all around the world. If you know Windows and MacOS systems like your own pocket and are fluent in navigating around your computer settings, don’t hesitate to apply!
You will join a vibrant team spread across three continents, where you will have the freedom to put both your IT as well as customer service skill sets to good use
performing remote vehicle coding sessions via chat (we’ll teach you how to ;))
providing friendly, courteous and high quality customer service
You will join a vibrant marketing department where you will have the freedom to put your skill set to good use. Our team is flexible enough to let you focus on the areas you excel in and can best complement your coworkers
Publication of guest articles: cooperation with external blogs and industry websites
Influencer Marketing: cooperation and coordination of influencers activities
Media: contact and cooperation with the online media
Outreach: creating a database of influencers, journalists, editors
Events: participation and organization of events
Marketing materials: ordering materials and coordinating our cooperation with printers
If you have a passion for anything technical and enjoy helping people make the most of new technologies, you could be the perfect person to join our existing support team as a Technical Support Specialist
You will help ensure our customers and employees receive exceptional technical support and product training
Your task will be to thoroughly understand each and every piece of the technology behind our products and services. You will learn all product features, installation steps and use cases
We want you to become an expert possessing a very deep and broad knowledge of the technology we work with
Once you are ready, you will start assisting our international customers through email and phone as well as supporting your co-workers
A motivated team-player with a great computer knowledge who can help us provide a remote support service to our customers all around the world. If you know Windows and MacOS systems like your own pocket and are fluent in navigating around your computer settings, don’t hesitate to apply!
You will join a vibrant team spread across three continents, where you will have the freedom to put both your IT as well as customer service skill sets to good use
performing remote vehicle coding sessions via chat (we’ll teach you how to ;))
providing friendly, courteous and high quality customer service
Overseeing post-sales communication, including transactional emails and usage and installation instructions
Monitoring the user journey and proposing changes to improve the experience
Liaising between departments to bring your ideas to life
You will be involved in the whole customer lifecycle, from their first land on our website to post-sales communication, online and off
You will be expected to work closely with our marketing and technical support teams to ensure our webshop and other communication channels are clear and intuitive, and leave our customers delighted with their shopping experience
Producing short- and longer-form technical copy in English, including product descriptions and blog content
Running e-mail marketing campaigns and measuring their effectiveness
Managing our company's social media profiles on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, preparing content and engaging with our audience
Bringing your creativity to the table and finding new ways we can improve our marketing
You will join a vibrant marketing department where you will have the freedom to put your skill set to good use. Our team is flexible enough to let you focus on the areas you excel in and can best complement your coworkers
You will join a vibrant marketing department where you will have the freedom to put your skill set to good use. Our team is flexible enough to let you focus on the areas you excel in and can best complement your coworkers
Publication of guest articles: cooperation with external blogs and industry websites
Influencer Marketing: cooperation and coordination of influencers activities
Media: contact and cooperation with the online media
Outreach: creating a database of influencers, journalists, editors
Events: participation and organization of events
Marketing materials: ordering materials and coordinating our cooperation with printers