Czy macie jakieś informacje na temat pracy w tej firmie? Jak wygląda atmosfera? Czy wynagrodzenie jest dobre? Czy są jakieś benefity? Jakie są warunki pracy? Z góry dzięki!
Brak treści. Ta firma nie uzupełniła zakładki “O firmie”.
Rekrutacje prowadzone przez firmę:
Wszystkie (947)Aktualne ( 0 )Archiwalne ( 947 )
Wygasła: 06.09.2024
Umowa o pracę na czas określony
Wykonuje rutynową i nierutynową obsługę klienta oraz funkcje wsparcia transakcyjnego. Świadczy usługi analityczne i raportowe
pracując nad ulepszaniem i automatyzacją systemów przetwarzania transakcji. Doradza jednostkom/zespołom organizacyjnym w celu zapewnienia terminowej realizacji usługi lub rozwiązania problemu. Zapewnia wskazówki dla ról serwisowych niższego poziomu w skutecznym dostarczaniu wsparcia lub usług. Przetwarza transakcje związane z kontem zgodnie z zaplanowanymi zdarzeniami/kierunkami uwierzytelnionymi przez klienta.
Praca w godz.: 9:00-17:00.
Przewidywany okres zatrudnienia:
Umowa o pracę na okres próbny
Wygasła: 20.08.2024
Umowa o pracę na czas nieokreślony
Przygotowuje szczegółowe profile ryzyka dla klientów złożonych oraz przeprowadza okresowe przeglądy profili klientów w celu ich odnowienia. Może zapewniać wytyczne dla personelu pomocniczego ds. przeciwdziałania praniu pieniędzy/KYC/zapobiegania.Zbiera informacje z niezależnych badań
narzędzi internetowych lub bezpośrednio od menedżera ds. relacji lub klienta w celu uzupełnienia profili ryzyka dla nowych lub istniejących klientów. Dokłada należytej staranności w celu zapewnienia dokładności informacji. Przegląda profile pod kątem procesu odnawiania. Recenzuje prace innych.
Forma umowy: umowa o pracę na czas nieokreslony
Wygasła: 01.08.2024
Umowa o pracę na czas nieokreślony
Przygotowuje podstawowe i bardziej szczegółowe profile ryzyka dla średnio złożonych klientów oraz przeprowadza okresowe przeglądy profili klientów w celu ich odnowienia. Zbiera informacje z niezależnych badań
narzędzi internetowych lub bezpośrednio od menedżera ds. relacji w celu uzupełnienia profili ryzyka dla nowych lub istniejących klientów. Dokłada należytej staranności w celu zapewnienia dokładności informacji. Przegląda profile pod kątem procesu odnowienia. Wykorzystuje rozwinięte umiejętności komunikacyjne do angażowania się w rozmowy z interesariuszami wewnętrznymi i średnio złożonymi klientami w celu wsparcia dokładnego procesu gromadzenia danych i rozwiązywania wszelkich otwartych problemów.
Forma umowy: umowa o pracę na czas nieokreślony
Pomaga w prowadzeniu usług księgowych w imieniu przypisanych klientów i funduszy
w tym w opracowywaniu planów ulepszeń usług
ukierunkowywaniu wydajności
ulepszaniu procesów i specjalistycznych funkcji przeglądu
alokowaniu wydatków i przygotowywaniu raportów. Pod nadzorem wykonuje bardziej rutynowe obowiązki w zakresie księgowości funduszy/klientów w obszarach prowadzenia planów ulepszeń usług
ukierunkowania wydajności
ulepszania procesów i specjalistycznych funkcji przeglądu. Odpowiedzialny za uzgadnianie środków pieniężnych i aktywów związanych z przydzielonymi funduszami. Dokonuje uzgadniania wydatków na koncie i dba o ich odpowiednią alokację. Eskaluje złożone transakcje do starszych członków zespołu.
Praca w godz. 9:00-17:00
Umowa o pracę na czas nieokreślony.
Kontakt z pracodawcą:
Oferta pracy dostępna w sali E
Wykonuje rutynową i nierutynową obsługę klienta oraz funkcje wsparcia transakcyjnego. Świadczy usługi analityczne i raportowe
pracując nad ulepszaniem i automatyzacją systemów przetwarzania transakcji. Doradza jednostkom/zespołom organizacyjnym w celu zapewnienia terminowej realizacji usługi lub rozwiązania problemu. Zapewnia wskazówki dla ról serwisowych niższego poziomu w skutecznym dostarczaniu wsparcia lub usług. Przetwarza transakcje związane z kontem zgodnie z zaplanowanymi zdarzeniami/kierunkami uwierzytelnionymi przez klienta.
Godziny pracy 15:00 - 23:00
Praca na okres próbny: 3 miesiące
następnie czas nieokreślony.
Oferta dostęna w sali E
które stanowią kluczowy wkład w podejmowanie decyzji zarządczych i są regularnie raportowane kierownictwu wyższego szczebla i Radzie Dyrektorów. Rola będzie polegać na wdrażaniu standardów korporacyjnych w celu walidacji modelu. Osoba na tym stanowisku będzie odpowiedzialna za kierowanie pracami mającymi na celu identyfikację i ocenę ryzyka modeli
a także zaproponowanie mechanizmów kontroli służących do zarządzania tym ryzykiem. Będzie to wymagało zbadania słabych punktów ram oraz ustalenia zakresu i zaprojektowania testów dla działań w zakresie walidacji
odpowiednich dla tych ram.
Godziny pracy9:00 - 17:00
Umowa o pracę na czas nieokreślony.
Oferta pracy dostępna w sali E
które łączą naukę z rozwojem umiejętności poprzez praktyczną pracę i projekty.Ciągłe szkolenie się
robienie zadań edukacyjnych mających na celu pomoc w rozwijaniu umiejętności technicznych
interpersonalnych i przywódczych. Umiejętności techniczne IT.
Godziny pracy 9:00 - 17:00.
Umowa o pracę na czas nieokreślony.
Kontakt z pracodawcą:
Oferta pracy dostęna w sali E
Zapewnia działania wspierające księgowość dla funduszy o większej złożoności. Recenzuje pracę młodszych kolegów i zapewnia pomoc techniczną w złożonych sprawach.Wykonuje różnorodne funkcje księgowe i produkcji wartości aktywów netto (NAV) (w tym budowa i walidacja NAV
przegląd NAV
rozpowszechnianie i raportowanie) dla bardziej złożonych funduszy przydzielonych. Pomaga w przeglądaniu danych i rozwiązywaniu skomplikowanych problemów
które mogą pojawić się podczas normalnego dziennego
tygodniowego lub miesięcznego rozliczania i raportowania.
Forma umowy o pracę: umowa o pracę na czas nieokreślony
praca w godzinach od 9.00-17.00
Miejsce pracy: ul. POWSTAŃCÓW ŚLĄSKICH 13
Zapewnia wysokiej jakości obsługę klienta i codzienną obsługę klientów wewnętrznych
a czasami także klientów zewnętrznych
w tym interakcję telefoniczną
rozwiązywanie problemów i terminowe przetwarzanie transakcji na koncie. Pod bezpośrednim nadzorem wykonuje rutynowe zadania operacyjne w obszarze produktu lub funkcjonalności
przetwarzanie aktualizacji kont klientów lub rejestrów firmowych i zapewnianie
że dane trafiają do odpowiedniego systemu.
Praca na czas określony: 3 lata pod warunkiem satysfakcjonujacych wyników.
Godziny pracy 9:00 - 17:00
Oferta pracy dostępna w sali E
Wygasła: 03.06.2024
Umowa o pracę na czas nieokreślony
Nadzoruje/zarządza codziennymi operacjami małego i średniego zespołu wsparcia księgowości funduszy. Ustala priorytety pracy i przydziela zasoby zgodnie z potrzebami funkcjonalnymi klientów i księgowości funduszy. Zarządza codziennym przepływem pracy w zakresie księgowości i wartości aktywów netto (NAV) w celu obsługi wielu funduszy. Przegląda dane i pomaga w rozwiązywaniu eskalacji problemów
które mogą pojawić się podczas normalnej codziennej
tygodniowej lub miesięcznej księgowości i raportowania.
Forma umowy: umowa o pracę na czas nieokreślony
Pełni funkcję lidera zespołu wspierającego codzienne operacje
zapewniając kierunek pracy i pomoc techniczną w złożonych sprawach. Przetwarza płatności dystrybucyjne i ułatwia pomyślne zakończenie aktualizacji NAV i stawek w systemach prowadzenia ewidencji. Tworzy audyty danych historycznych funduszy w celu walidacji sprawozdawczości finansowej funduszu. Monitoruje i raportuje zyski i straty. Przegląda pracę młodszych kolegów i odpowiada na wszelkie pytania o większej złożoności
a czasami może współpracować z klientami.
Forma umowy: umowa o pracę na czas nieokreślony
Wykonuje rutynową i nierutynową obsługę klienta oraz funkcje wsparcia transakcyjnego. Świadczy usługi analityczne i raportowe
pracując nad ulepszaniem i automatyzacją systemów przetwarzania transakcji. Doradza jednostkom/zespołom organizacyjnym w celu zapewnienia terminowej realizacji usługi lub rozwiązania problemu. Zapewnia wskazówki dla ról serwisowych niższego poziomu w skutecznym dostarczaniu wsparcia lub usług. Przetwarza transakcje związane z kontem zgodnie z zaplanowanymi zdarzeniami/kierunkami uwierzytelnionymi przez klienta.
Praca w godz. 9:00-17:00.
Umowa o pracę na czas nieokreślony.
Oferta pracy dostępna w sali E
od 6 500 do 9 500 PLN
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Associate, Anti Money Laundering/Prevention/Know Your Client II
Wygasła: 16.04.2024
Umowa o pracę na czas nieokreślony
Przygotowuje dogłębne
szczegółowe profile ryzyka dla złożonych klientów i przeprowadza okresowe przeglądy profili klientów w celu odnowienia. Może pełnić rolę lidera zespołu dla personelu pomocniczego AML/KYC/prewencji. Kieruje codzienną pracą zespołu. Wypełnia profile ryzyka dla klientów mających globalne wymagania. Zbiera dodatkowe informacje z niezależnych badań
narzędzi internetowych lub bezpośrednio od menedżera ds. relacji lub klienta. Dokłada należytej staranności w celu zapewnienia dokładności informacji. Przegląda profile pod kątem procesu odnowienia i ocenia pracę innych.
Forma umowy: umowa o prace na czas nieokreslony
praca w godzinach od 9.00-17.00
Miejsce pracy: ul. Swobodna 3
The 2024 BNY Mellon Analyst Program - Operations seeks to recruit and develop highly talented university graduates, from any academic field, that are eager to begin their careers within BNY Mellon’s Operations
The Opportunity for You:
This two-year business immersion program embeds incoming analysts into our Operations teams, where they will learn first-hand about our core products, services, and workflows. The Program provides analysts with targeted on-the-job training, designed to build knowledge, expertise and soft skills to help grow a successful candidate into a potential future leader. Analysts will collaborate with experienced Operations professionals to learn about BNY Mellon and how they can help deliver transformational change that furthers the company’s strategic vision
• On-the-job training to support day to day responsibilities
• Process improvement and project management training
• Exposure to senior leadership & various networking opportunities
• Mentoring relationships to foster professional development and provide career advice
• Group volunteering efforts to develop our community partnerships
Additional Program elements:
• Supports clients in addressing operational and technical questions or issues and ensuring requests are executed
• Applies problem solving skills based on precedence and experience
• Uses communication skills to deliver high quality service to a specialized client base
• Provides analytical support and prepares drafts of standard and ad hoc reports for assigned area
Performs analysis of cash & asset reconciliations for the client’s collective investment portfolios ensuring timely and accurate delivery to agreed timetables and SLA standards
Deciphers exceptions of the data between internal and external systems, including but not limited to accounting and custody positional & transactional movements as well as performing root-cause analysis on why the differences exist
Assists in daily, weekly, and monthly reporting using an understanding of the stock record and knowledge of basic accounting
Completing data analysis of reconciliations. Identifies trends, provides root cause analysis, executes on recommendations
Performs analysis of cash & asset reconciliations for the client’s collective investment portfolios ensuring timely and accurate delivery to agreed timetables and SLA standards
Deciphers exceptions of the data between internal and external systems, including but not limited to accounting and custody positional & transactional movements as well as performing root-cause analysis on why the differences exist
Assists in daily, weekly, and monthly reporting using an understanding of the stock record and knowledge of basic accounting
Completing data analysis of reconciliations. Identifies trends, provides root cause analysis, executes on recommendations
Associate - Client Processing Representative with German
Wygasła: 19.04.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Receipt and Processing of fund orders including interaction and reporting to Management Companies, Trustees, External Clients within all service level agreements
Review trade requests for proper legal requirements prior to inputting the trades into the record keeping system
Process various financial and non-financial requests within required timeliness
Maintain up-to-date knowledge of financial services and specific knowledge of legislation and regulations
Ensure that all functions are monitored and regulatory requirements are adhered to
Escalation of any issues or queries to the Manager
May review and check work of other Client Processing Support staff and help resolve escalated issues
Support and embrace company values
Suggest improvements to controls, procedures and systems in the area on an ongoing basis
Any additional tasks or project work assigned to you by the Manager
2024 BNY Mellon Analyst Program Operations – Site Management Team / Culture Specialist
Sucha 2, Psie Pole, Wrocław
Wygasła: 13.04.2024
umowa o pracę
full office work
hybrid work
We’re seeking future team members for our Site Management Team with roles located in Wroclaw in Hybrid Flex positions
Program eligibility:
• Our dedication to diversity means creating an environment for different ideas, backgrounds, and experiences so that we can offer our clients new perspectives
Wspiera kadrę profesjonalną i menadżerską udostępniając duże ilości danych związanych z transakcjami finansowymi
informacjami o rachunkach oraz przetwarzaniem transakcji do wykorzystania na co dzień w odpowiedzi na bardziej skomplikowane zapytania klientów. Przetwarza średnio złożone aktualizacje kont akcjonariuszy. Pod ogólnym nadzorem pomaga profesjonalistom i kadrze zarządzającej
odpowiadając na telefony
e-maile i inne zapytania dotyczące informacji o funduszach
usług i procedur. Odpowiada na proste pytania dotyczące rachunków akcjonariuszy i zapewnia bardziej zaawansowaną pomoc techniczną.
Umowa o pracę na czas nieokreślony
Prioritize and present future topics for committee meetings
Schedule committee meetings, preparing meeting agendas and publishing meeting papers
Recording the meetings as outlined in the Company’s Global Committee Standards Policy
Draft meeting minutes and distribute to voting members within seven business days of the meeting
Distribute minutes from committee meetings immediately following full Committee approval as outlined in the Company’s Global Committee Standards Policy
Communicate and track for resolution all actions to be taken at the direction of the Committee
Track all exceptions to policy approved by committees
Provide guidance to the Business Areas on requirements/standards for presenting special topics to the Committee
Provide support to Chair, Committee, Compliance & Ethics personnel, as well as Business Areas
Maintain tracking for High-Risk Customers, Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs), and closed accounts and relationships
Prepare and evaluate reports, as requested
Strong critical thinking, written and verbal communication skills
2024 BNY Mellon Summer Internship Program - Operations
Sucha 2, Psie Pole, Wrocław
Wygasła: 28.03.2024
umowa o pracę
full office work
hybrid work
From day one, summer interns are immersed in BNY Mellon’s innovative and dynamic company culture as they will receive:
• Enterprise-led intern orientation program combined with ongoing executive speaker series and virtual training curriculum designed specifically for summer interns
• Meaningful and challenging work assignments that deliver learning and skill development through practical work, mentorship, and training
• Career development and networking support from a host of corporate leaders including internship managers, senior mentors, peer mentors, business stakeholders and a dedicated program manager
• Exposure to different areas of business
• Comprehensive professional etiquette and financial services fundamentals training, along with technical and business acumen development
• Understanding of BNY Mellon’s commitment to diversity and inclusion
• A collaborative and supportive community with full commitment of top-level management to deliver a premier internship/talent pipeline program within the financial services industry
Operations interns work on projects specifically chosen to both challenge and develop participants. Interns will gain valuable real-world experiences working in a select function which supports every stage of the client investment lifecycle, including account creation, trading, clearing, settling, holding, servicing, managing, distributing, and restructuring assets
Operations is the heart of BNY Mellon’s efforts to improve client service and operational efficiency. Select functions, interns can be placed in are:
Asset Servicing
• Provides global solutions tailored to meet our clients’ unique needs to help enhance the management, administration, and oversight of their entire investment process and deliver the tools they need to expand their ability to process, monitor, and measure investment data from around the world
• Responsible for the enterprise-wide services that support our clients' global markets, payments, issuer and loan services, and treasury service's needs
• Provides global financial solutions to advisors, asset managers, broker-dealers, family offices, fund managers, registered investment advisor firms and wealth managers. Pershing acts as clearing broker under a written agreement with your financial organization
• Enterprise-wide Operational Utilities carefully plans, builds and optimizes standard capabilities and platforms that are scalable, cost efficient, and reflect our firm’s commitment to the client experience. The functions span the client life cycle, from Know Your Customer (KYC) processes, Contracts to Client Activation, Account Opening & Maintenance, Tax, & Revenue and Billing Services. To deliver at scale, the Utilities functions harness innovative technologies and foster a data-centric operating model
The 2024 BNY Mellon Analyst Program - Operations seeks to recruit and develop highly talented university graduates, from any academic field, that are eager to begin their careers within BNY Mellon’s Operations
The Opportunity for You:
This two-year business immersion program embeds incoming analysts into our Operations teams, where they will learn first-hand about our core products, services, and workflows. The Program provides analysts with targeted on-the-job training, designed to build knowledge, expertise and soft skills to help grow a successful candidate into a potential future leader. Analysts will collaborate with experienced Operations professionals to learn about BNY Mellon and how they can help deliver transformational change that furthers the company’s strategic vision
• On-the-job training to support day to day responsibilities
• Process improvement and project management training
• Exposure to senior leadership & various networking opportunities
• Mentoring relationships to foster professional development and provide career advice
• Group volunteering efforts to develop our community partnerships
Additional Program elements:
• Supports clients in addressing operational and technical questions or issues and ensuring requests are executed
• Applies problem solving skills based on precedence and experience
• Uses communication skills to deliver high quality service to a specialized client base
• Provides analytical support and prepares drafts of standard and ad hoc reports for assigned area
Prowadzi usługi księgowe w imieniu przypisanych klientów i funduszy o średniej złożoności
w tym ustalanie wartości aktywów netto
obliczanie wyników funduszu
alokację wydatków i przygotowywanie raportów. Wykonuje złożone obowiązki w zakresie księgowości funduszy/klientów w obszarach realizacji planów ulepszeń usług
ukierunkowania wydajności
ulepszania procesów i funkcje przeglądu specjalistycznego. Wnosi wkład w metodologie i sprawdza pracę młodszych członków zespołu.
Godziny pracy 9:00 - 17:00
Praca na okres próbny: 3 miesiące
potem na czas nieokreślony.
Oferta dostępna w sali E
Świadczy usługi księgowe w imieniu przypisanych klientów i średnio złożonych funduszy
w tym ustalanie wartości aktywów netto
obliczanie wyników funduszu
alokację wydatków i przygotowywanie raportów. Wykonuje obowiązki w zakresie księgowości funduszy/klientów w obszarach prowadzenia planów ulepszeń usług
ukierunkowania na efektywność
usprawnianie procesów i funkcji przeglądu specjalistycznego.
Godziny pracy 9:00 - 17:00
Praca na okres próbny: 3 miesiące
po okresie próbnym na nieokreślony.
Oferta dostępna w sali E
Day to day oversight of the assigned portfolios to ensure high Client Experience Levels and support multiple, complex client accounts
Transaction Management: - Cash & Trade (Loans, Bonds etc) Management Oversight – ability to engage with Clients to ensure timely execution, Report Review and preparation on Portfolio’s Performance, Monitoring of Service Level
Collaboration: Continuous dialogue and open communication with Lead Manager and Group Manager on status of work being completed by supporting teams
Leads and participates in internal activities and initiatives designed to improve the client experience. Helps develop process improvements
Preparing and distributing notices to Client and each syndicate lender as required by the Credit Facility, including Reminders, Rollovers & Rate sets
Calculating interest rates for each accrual period and distributing rate set notices
Track and pay multiple lenders in a single interest period removing Lender of Record claims
Billing and collecting principal, interest, and fee payments from Client. Distributing all funds collected to the syndicate lenders
Collecting of financial statements and compliance requirements from Client as required by the Credit Facility, forwarding such information to each syndicate lender in accordance with the Credit Facility
Processing lender assignments and maintaining the official lender register
Full capability to support official Alternative Reference Rates in accordance with published conventions
Employee Development: Key role in training of support team on Client and deal specific requirements
Develop strong working relationships with Front Office Relationship Managers
Identify and resolve issues while serving as a high-level escalation point for complex situations and ensure that they are brought to a successful resolution
Resolves complex or non-routine client issues or inquires, as needed
Central point of contact for business development and assume client onboarding and/or risk management responsibilities
Overseeing service delivery (daily NAV’s & related deliverables) across c 90 clients, 3,000 Funds US$3Trn AUA
Responsibility for c 300 FTE located in Poland
Senior point of escalation in-region
Client and service management
Key member and decision maker on global management team
Working with Client Service & Relationship Management to ensure service delivery meets and exceeds expectations
Working with global management team to define optimum operating model and deploy globally
Working with Product & Technology partners to optimize service offering, create scale and consistency across-region and globally
Working with in-country EMEA Fund Accounting heads to ensure all regulatory requirements, internal and external policies are adhered to
Overseeing client change and internal projects in-region
Implementing best practise risk & controls
Creating a dynamic and diverse talent pool, building management bench-strength
Working with L&D to ensure onboarding, training & development, engagement initiatives for new and existing staff meet the needs of the employees and the business
Managing budget, productivity targets and financial plan
Assistant Manager - Private Equity & Credit Fund Accounting II
Swobodna 3, Krzyki, Wrocław
Wygasła: 28.02.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
senior specialist (Senior), expert
Conducts accounting services on behalf of assigned clients and moderately complex funds including determining net asset values, calculating fund performance, allocating expenses and preparing reports
Performs complex Fund/Client Accounting responsibilities in the areas of driving Service Improvement plans, targeting efficiencies, enhancing processes and specialist review functions
Provides input into methodologies and checks the work of more junior team members
Provides guidance and reviews work related to cash and asset reconciliations relating to complex accounts or transactions
Resolves reconciliation of accounts for more complex or atypical transactions and reviews work of junior team members
Drafts reports for clients regarding the performance of complex funds
Reviews draft reports completed by more junior staff
Regularly interacts with clients in answering questions and resolving issues regarding fund reports and accounting processes
Assists in evaluating GAAP and/or IFRS rules to determine impact of new regulations on BNY Mellon fund accounting practices
Provides guidance to less experienced team members and may have people management responsibilities in some geographies
Contributes to the achievement of related teams objectives
Leading and supervision on preparation of periodical accounting & NAV production for the Real Estate funds, that may include period closing activities, construction & validation, dissemination and reporting tasks for all underlying entities, consolidation
Supervise the reviews of general ledger transactions and annual/quarterly and monthly financial statements for multiple real estate properties
Performs complex Fund/Client Accounting responsibilities in the areas of driving Service Improvement plans, targeting efficiencies, enhancing processes and specialist review functions
Provides input into methodologies and checks the work of more junior team members
Provides guidance and reviews work related to cash and asset reconciliations relating to complex accounts or transactions
Resolves reconciliation of accounts for more complex or atypical transactions and reviews work of junior team members
Drafts reports for clients regarding the performance of complex funds
Reviews draft reports completed by more junior staff
Regularly interacts with clients in answering questions and resolving issues regarding fund reports and accounting processes
Assists in evaluating GAAP and/or IFRS rules to determine impact of new regulations on BNY Mellon fund accounting practices
Provides guidance to less experienced team members
May have people management responsibilities in some geographies
Contributes to the achievement of related teams objectives
Reviews general ledger transactions and annual/quarterly and monthly financial statements for multiple real estate properties
Conducts accounting services on behalf of assigned real estate clients and moderately complex funds including determining net asset values, calculating fund performance, allocating expenses and preparing reports
Performs Fund/Client Accounting responsibilities in the areas of driving Service Improvement plans, targeting efficiencies, enhancing processes and specialist review functions
Performs general and advanced accounting functions in order to meet funds’ calendar deadlines
Manages external as well as internal audits
Checks the work of more junior team members
Performs cash and asset reconciliations related to more intricate accounts or transactions within assigned funds
Verify, review and analyse various fund levels general ledgers on both cash and accrual basis
Escalates typical transactions to senior team members
Drafts reports for clients regarding the performance of funds
May reviews first draft reports completed by more junior staff. Interacts with clients in answering questions regarding fund reports and accounting processes
No direct reports but may provide guidance to less experienced team members
Przygotowuje szczegółowe profile ryzyka dla klientów złożonych oraz przeprowadza okresowe przeglądy profili klientów w celu ich odnowienia. Zapewnia wytyczne dla personelu pomocniczego ds. przeciwdziałania praniu pieniędzy/KYC/zapobiegania. Zbiera informacje z niezależnych badań
narzędzi internetowych lub bezpośrednio od menedżera ds. relacji lub klienta w celu uzupełnienia profili ryzyka dla nowych lub istniejących klientów. Dokłada należytej staranności w celu zapewnienia dokładności informacji. Przegląda profile pod kątem procesu odnawiania. Recenzuje prace innych.
Godziny pracy 9:00 - 17:00
Umowa na czas nieokreślony.
Oferta pracy dostępna w sali E
Demonstrate the company’s processes and best practices for the adoption and utilization of solutions (e.g., driving product demos for clients and prospects)
Support end-to-end derivatives and other complex instruments processing within company platform
Manage internal and client functional and performance testing (plan, triage, communicate with tech and non-tech teams, resolve test issues)
Gather client feedback and evaluate out-of-the-box solutions against client requirements
Collaborate with internal and external clients on complex instruments processing, with senior team members’ support
Perform research and analysis on industry environment as instructed by senior team members and/or project manager (e.g., to support solution development and/or enhancements)
Identify gaps in existing solutions independently
Maintain and create best practices and other documentation for audit and educational purposes
Vice President - Investor Services Operations Manager II
Swobodna 3, Krzyki, Wrocław
Wygasła: 23.02.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
Ongoing evaluation of team members, establishing annual Performance Management Programs (targets and deadlines); taking steps where necessary to address gaps in skills through training and mentoring to ensure peak performance for clients
Interviewing staff for new/replacement positions, recommending staff for internal promotion and assigning tasks for team members to enhance career opportunities
Acts as a subject matter resource on the Financial Control, Correspondence and Transaction processing policies and procedures
Responsible for ensuring the day-to-day operational requirements are being managed and controlled by staff to achieve all the service level agreements and key performance indicators
Serves as the escalation point for issues regarding more complex client profiles, keeping leadership apprised of potential areas of concern
Key focus is to ensure team are operating within the defined outsource operating model
Pro-actively formulates proposals to improve systems, procedures, reporting and contributes to updates to monitoring policies via providing feedback
Assists with the process of defining and documenting transaction monitoring deliveries, and ensures deliveries are in line with expectations
Collaborates with internal stakeholders from other functions to help coordinate procedures and policies in overall strategy. Assists and/or conducts trainings related to Financial Control, Correspondence and Transaction processing services
Is involved in preparing and reviewing Dashboards for Control/Reconciliation department
Associate - Client Processing Representative I - Late Shift
Swobodna 3, Krzyki, Wrocław
Wygasła: 23.02.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Handling the processing and documentation of Trade Finance transactions, including export collections, letters of credit and other related trade products in accordance with established bank policies and procedures
Providing efficient and timely customer service to the clients and correspondent banks by responding to inquiries, clarifying trade finance processes, and resolving customer issues and concerns related to trade finance transactions
Maintaining accurate and organized records of trade finance transactions
Collaborating with internal stakeholders, such as relationship managers, sales team, and operations teams, to unsure smooth execution of trade finance transactions and meet customer expectations
Conducts accounting services on behalf of assigned clients and moderately complex funds including determining net asset values, calculating fund performance, allocating expenses and preparing reports
Performs complex Fund/Client Accounting responsibilities in the areas of driving Service Improvement plans, targeting efficiencies, enhancing processes and specialist review functions
Provides input into methodologies and checks the work of more junior team members
Provides guidance and reviews work related to cash and asset reconciliations relating to complex accounts or transactions
Resolves reconciliation of accounts for more complex or atypical transactions and reviews work of junior team members
Drafts reports for clients regarding the performance of complex funds
Reviews draft reports completed by more junior staff
Regularly interacts with clients in answering questions and resolving issues regarding fund reports and accounting processes
Assists in evaluating GAAP and/or IFRS rules to determine impact of new regulations on BNY Mellon fund accounting practices
Provides guidance to less experienced team members
May have people management responsibilities in some geographies
Contributes to the achievement of related teams objectives
Reviews general ledger transactions and annual/quarterly and monthly financial statements for multiple real estate properties
Conducts accounting services on behalf of assigned real estate clients and moderately complex funds including determining net asset values, calculating fund performance, allocating expenses and preparing reports
Performs Fund/Client Accounting responsibilities in the areas of driving Service Improvement plans, targeting efficiencies, enhancing processes and specialist review functions
Performs general and advanced accounting functions in order to meet funds’ calendar deadlines
Manages external as well as internal audits
Checks the work of more junior team members
Performs cash and asset reconciliations related to more intricate accounts or transactions within assigned funds
Verify, review and analyse various fund levels general ledgers on both cash and accrual basis
Escalates typical transactions to senior team members
Drafts reports for clients regarding the performance of funds
May reviews first draft reports completed by more junior staff. Interacts with clients in answering questions regarding fund reports and accounting processes
No direct reports but may provide guidance to less experienced team members
Associate - Tax Reporting & Compliance Representative I
Swobodna 3, Krzyki, Wrocław
Wygasła: 22.02.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Working in a team to deliver best possible service related to analysing and solving Tax Inquiries
Managing clients’ inquiries/cases across the internal teams and communicate with client to solve the cases
Communicating to client’s documentation requirements and impacts, deadlines, inquiries resolutions, applicable Tax rates
Conducting issue’s investigations in internal tools and across the tax teams
Generating and providing information to questions from clients
Understanding of the various regulations applicable to the role and the associated control framework related to the maintained documentation
Take ownership of escalations accordingly in line with agreed policies and timeframe, capturing any specific, sensitive risky issue, or client dissatisfaction, communicate effectively with appropriate senior management and ensure timely completion of any ORE or follow up actions
Effectively coach colleagues. Be the first point of contact for junior team members for any knowledge, procedure, organization related queries, actively advise when needed
Prepare daily and weekly reports for the team and team leader
The 2024 BNY Mellon Analyst Program - Operations seeks to recruit and develop highly talented university graduates, from any academic field, that are eager to begin their careers within BNY Mellon’s Operations
The Opportunity for You:
This two-year business immersion program embeds incoming analysts into our Operations teams, where they will learn first-hand about our core products, services, and workflows. The Program provides analysts with targeted on-the-job training, designed to build knowledge, expertise and soft skills to help grow a successful candidate into a potential future leader. Analysts will collaborate with experienced Operations professionals to learn about BNY Mellon and how they can help deliver transformational change that furthers the company’s strategic vision
• On-the-job training to support day to day responsibilities
• Process improvement and project management training
• Exposure to senior leadership & various networking opportunities
• Mentoring relationships to foster professional development and provide career advice
• Group volunteering efforts to develop our community partnerships
Additional Program elements:
• Supports clients in addressing operational and technical questions or issues and ensuring requests are executed
• Applies problem solving skills based on precedence and experience
• Uses communication skills to deliver high quality service to a specialized client base
• Provides analytical support and prepares drafts of standard and ad hoc reports for assigned area
Independently completes a wide range of administrative activities in support of a one or more managers who is/are responsible for leading a group or department. May additionally or separately support a moderately sized team [typically 6-10 individuals]
Produce and/or analyze a variety of reports in Excel
Supports the manager(s) and/or team in completing daily activities and managerial/administrative tasks. Tasks are frequently advanced and complex in nature. Has some latitude for time management and selection of work methods/approach for completion of own work. Interacts daily with the assigned manager('s') direct reports and/or team
Schedules meetings, prepares and distributes meeting agendas and minutes. Makes travel arrangements and maintains calendar of appointments for assigned manager(s) and/or team. Activities may also encompass disciplines such as event planning, bookkeeping, as well as standard areas like word processing, data entry etc
Exercises autonomy in troubleshooting a diverse range of sometimes complex issues as they arise. Typically conducts a range of administrative assignments related to the assigned manager(s) and/or team's attendance or conduct seminars, workshops, and/or conferences, among others, including preparation of materials, scheduling and logistical arrangements
May undertake diversified or special projects requiring interaction with multiple teams. Could be expected to collaborate on projects related to administrative initiatives. Conducts research, compiles, analyses and summarizes information for reports and correspondence. Leverages own contacts and resources, and liaises with other managers on behalf of the assigned manager(s) and/or team to facilitate information gathering and confirmation of answers
May be expected to prepare draft correspondences, memoranda and reports on behalf of and for review by the assigned manager(s) and/or team. May establish filing/organizational procedures. Is an intermediate to advanced user of standard business software (word processing, e-mail, spreadsheets, etc.) May review and analyze complex data, assist with budgets and budget presentations for review and use by the assigned manager(s) and/or team
Monitor receipt and disbursement of funds through to settlement
Execute funds transfer from/to accounts
Regular communication with external parties, including but not limited to, the portfolio manager, loan agents, trading counterparties, auditors, rating agencies
Act as a support to the Client Service Manager who has overall responsibility for ensuring that the duties as contracted are being provided by BNY Mellon
Participate in various projects such as new deal closings and any other projects as assigned
To be successful in this role, we’re seeking the following:
Fluency in English
An interest in a career in financial services
Finance university background or similar field will be an advantage, however we equally welcome graduates of all degrees
Proactive, focused attitude towards work and an ability to consistently meet deadlines
PC literacy, including proficient knowledge of Microsoft Office (especially Excel)
Reviews general ledger transactions and annual/quarterly and monthly financial statements for multiple real estate properties
Conducts accounting services on behalf of assigned real estate clients and moderately complex funds including determining net asset values, calculating fund performance, allocating expenses and preparing reports
Performs Fund/Client Accounting responsibilities in the areas of driving Service Improvement plans, targeting efficiencies, enhancing processes and specialist review functions
Performs general and advanced accounting functions in order to meet funds’ calendar deadlines
Manages external as well as internal audits
Checks the work of more junior team members
Performs cash and asset reconciliations related to more intricate accounts or transactions within assigned funds
Verify, review and analyse various fund levels general ledgers on both cash and accrual basis
Escalates typical transactions to senior team members
Drafts reports for clients regarding the performance of funds
May reviews first draft reports completed by more junior staff. Interacts with clients in answering questions regarding fund reports and accounting processes
No direct reports but may provide guidance to less experienced team members
If you’re passionate about making your mark in the financial world, this program is designed to help you achieve your full potential. It gives you the training and exposure to learn, grow and succeed in an international environment as part of a company that’s a global leader
We welcome talented students and graduates to full-time opportunities in Investment Services and Operations
2024 BNY Mellon Summer Internship Program - Securities Services and Digital Poland
Sucha 2, Psie Pole, Wrocław
Wygasła: 08.02.2024
umowa o pracę
full office work
hybrid work
We welcome you to apply! When applying to this general 2024 Internship Programs posting, our expert BNY Mellon Talent Acquisition Team may also review your resume for consideration across other open early career roles within the company
We’re seeking a future team member for the 2024 BNY Mellon Summer Internship Program - Security Services and Digital. This role is located in London or Manchester
Summer Internship Program
BNY Mellon’s Summer Internship Program (SIP) provides high-potential students with a well-rounded, rewarding 10-week internship experience, as well as an inside look into what it is like to work for a global financial services organization that has been innovating and serving clients since 1784. With projects specifically chosen to both challenge and develop SIP participants, our summer interns will gain valuable real-world experiences working in Operations while learning to work together in collaborative teams and building a robust network within BNY Mellon
From day one, summer interns are immersed in BNY Mellon’s innovative and dynamic company culture as they will receive:
• Enterprise-led intern orientation program combined with ongoing executive speaker series and virtual training curriculum designed specifically for summer interns
• Meaningful and challenging work assignments that deliver learning and skill development through practical work, mentorship, and training
• Career development and networking support from a host of corporate leaders including internship managers, senior mentors, peer mentors, business stakeholders and a dedicated program manager
• Exposure to different areas of business
• Comprehensive professional etiquette and financial services fundamentals training, along with technical and business acumen development
• Understanding of BNY Mellon’s commitment to diversity and inclusion
• A collaborative and supportive community with full commitment of top-level management to deliver a premier internship/talent pipeline program within the financial services industry
Securities, Services and Digital
Securities Services and Digital (SSD) includes our Asset Servicing, Corporate Trust and Depositary Receipts businesses and Digital, an enterprise function
Asset Servicing provides global custody, fund services, integrated middle-office solutions, transfer agency, and data and analytics solutions to many of the world’s largest asset managers and asset owners. The services we deliver range from the foundational — we run clients’ operations — to consultative, where we orchestrate solutions that enable clients to make smarter investment decisions and serve investors better. Services we offer include:
• Custody or the settling and safekeeping of a variety of investment assets, from traditional to digital
• Fund accounting and administrative services, such as net-asset-value oversight and contingency, and fund start-up solutions
• Data and analytics solutions that help clients make smarter investment decisions
Corporate Trust is one of the world’s largest trustees for corporate, municipal, and structured credit securities, providing local and cross-border market expertise in the debt capital markets. Debt issuance enables public and private institutions to fund operations and make investments, create infrastructure, or deliver public services. As trustee or paying agent, Corporate Trust services all major debt classes, helping issuers achieve their financing goals
Depositary Receipts are securities issued for trading in any market that represent a foreign company’s shares. These can be used to list on stock exchanges around the world, raise capital, and/or meet the specific needs for issuers and investors. BNY Mellon is one of the top depositary banks that can keep assets or securities on behalf of a clients. The services we provide to our clients are inclusive of the following:
• Issuance and cancellation agent for receipt holders
BNY Mellon’s Summer Internship Program (SIP) provides high-potential students with a well-rounded, rewarding internship experience as well as an inside look into what it’s like to work for a global financial services organization that has been innovating and serving clients since 1784. With projects specifically chosen to both challenge and develop skills of SIP participants, our summer analysts will gain valuable real-world experiences working collaboratively on teams in Securities Services and Digital
From day one, summer analysts are immersed in BNY Mellon’s innovative and dynamic company culture as they will receive:
• Background and understanding of BNY Mellon
• Impactful and challenging internship assignments
• Networking opportunities with peers, senior leaders, and executives
• Exposure and interaction with different business functions
• Fundamental trainings for professionals in financial services
• Understanding of BNY Mellon’s commitment to diversity and inclusion
Program at a Glance:
• 10-week summer internship assignment within CAO combines learning with skill development through practical work and projects
• Five-day in-person orientation/onboarding and training curriculum
• Career development and networking support from a host of corporate leaders including rotation assignment managers, senior mentors, peer mentors, business stakeholders and dedicated program support
• Opportunities to enhance and develop technical and business acumen skills/expertise, enhance leadership abilities, and build networks across the organization
• Programs and shadowing opportunities to learn about different job functions
• Small, selective program size that allows for more personal attention and support
• Commitment from top-level management to make our program the premier internship/talent pipeline program within the financial services industry
Nadzoruje/zarządza codziennymi operacjami małego i średniego zespołu wsparcia księgowości funduszy. Ustala priorytety pracy i przydziela zasoby zgodnie z potrzebami funkcjonalnymi klientów i księgowości funduszy. Zarządza codziennym przepływem pracy w zakresie księgowości i wartości aktywów netto (NAV) w celu obsługi wielu funduszy. Przegląda dane i pomaga w rozwiązywaniu eskalacji problemów
które mogą pojawić się podczas normalnej codziennej
tygodniowej lub miesięcznej księgowości.
Godziny pracy 9:00 - 17:00
Praca na okres próbny 3 msc
potem umowa na czas nieokreślony.
Kontakt z pracodawcą:
Oferta pracy dostępna w sali E
Świadczy kompleksowe usługi analityczne i raportowe
pracując nad ulepszeniem i automatyzacją systemów Przetwarzania Klienta. Zajmuje się kompleksową obsługą klientów zewnętrznych (bieżąca obsługa klientów w ramach różnych programów
wsparcie posprzedażowe
rozwiązywanie problemów operacyjnych
wdrożenia produktów). Potrafi rozdzielać/koordynować pracę w ramach zespołu/projektu. Pomaga w komunikowaniu potrzeb i problemów klientom wewnętrznym i zewnętrznym.
Praca w godz. 9:00-17:00
Umowa na czas nieokreślony.
Kontakt z pracodawcą:
Oferta dostępna w sali E
Prowadzi obsługę księgową powierzonych klientów i średnio skomplikowanych funduszy
w tym określenie wartości aktywów netto
obliczanie wyników funduszu
alokację wydatków i przygotowanie raportów. Wykonuje obowiązki związane z księgowością funduszy/klientów w obszarach kierowania planami doskonalenia
ukierunkowania na efektywność
ulepszania procesów i specjalistycznych funkcji przeglądu. Sprawdza pracę młodszych kolegów.
Umowa o pracę na okres próbny
Zapewnia wsparcie księgowe dla funduszy o większej złożoności. Przegląda pracę młodszych kolegów i zapewnia pomoc techniczną w złożonych sprawach.Wykonuje różnorodne funkcje księgowe i związane z tworzeniem wartości aktywów netto (NAV) (w tym tworzenie i walidacja NAV
przegląd NAV
rozpowszechnianie i raportowanie) w przypadku bardziej złożonych przydzielonych funduszy. Pomaga w przeglądaniu danych i rozwiązywaniu skomplikowanych problemów
które mogą pojawić się podczas normalnego codziennego
tygodniowego lub miesięcznego rozliczania i raportowania.
Umowa o pracę na czas nieokreslony
The 2024 BNY Mellon Analyst Program - Operations seeks to recruit and develop highly talented university graduates, from any academic field, that are eager to begin their careers within BNY Mellon’s Operations
The Opportunity for You:
This two-year business immersion program embeds incoming analysts into our Operations teams, where they will learn first-hand about our core products, services, and workflows. The Program provides analysts with targeted on-the-job training, designed to build knowledge, expertise and soft skills to help grow a successful candidate into a potential future leader. Analysts will collaborate with experienced Operations professionals to learn about BNY Mellon and how they can help deliver transformational change that furthers the company’s strategic vision
• On-the-job training to support day to day responsibilities
• Process improvement and project management training
• Exposure to senior leadership & various networking opportunities
• Mentoring relationships to foster professional development and provide career advice
• Group volunteering efforts to develop our community partnerships
Additional Program elements:
• Supports clients in addressing operational and technical questions or issues and ensuring requests are executed
• Applies problem solving skills based on precedence and experience
• Uses communication skills to deliver high quality service to a specialized client base
• Provides analytical support and prepares drafts of standard and ad hoc reports for assigned area
2024 BNY Mellon Summer Internship Program - Operations
Sucha 2, Psie Pole, Wrocław
Wygasła: 22.01.2024
umowa o pracę
full office work
hybrid work
BNY Mellon’s Summer Internship Program (SIP) provides high-potential students with a well-rounded, rewarding 10-week internship experience, as well as an inside look into what it is like to work for a global financial services organization that has been innovating and serving clients since 1784. With projects specifically chosen to both challenge and develop SIP participants, our summer interns will gain valuable real-world experiences working in Operations while learning to work together in collaborative teams and building a robust network within BNY Mellon
From day one, summer interns are immersed in BNY Mellon’s innovative and dynamic company culture as they will receive:
• Enterprise-led intern orientation program combined with ongoing executive speaker series and virtual training curriculum designed specifically for summer interns
• Meaningful and challenging work assignments that deliver learning and skill development through practical work, mentorship, and training
• Career development and networking support from a host of corporate leaders including internship managers, senior mentors, peer mentors, business stakeholders and a dedicated program manager
• Exposure to different areas of business
• Comprehensive professional etiquette and financial services fundamentals training, along with technical and business acumen development
• Understanding of BNY Mellon’s commitment to diversity and inclusion
• A collaborative and supportive community with full commitment of top-level management to deliver a premier internship/talent pipeline program within the financial services industry
Operations interns work on projects specifically chosen to both challenge and develop participants. Interns will gain valuable real-world experiences working in a select function which supports every stage of the client investment lifecycle, including account creation, trading, clearing, settling, holding, servicing, managing, distributing, and restructuring assets
Operations is the heart of BNY Mellon’s efforts to improve client service and operational efficiency. Select functions, interns can be placed in are:
Asset Servicing
• Provides global solutions tailored to meet our clients’ unique needs to help enhance the management, administration, and oversight of their entire investment process and deliver the tools they need to expand their ability to process, monitor, and measure investment data from around the world
• Responsible for the enterprise-wide services that support our clients' global markets, payments, issuer and loan services, and treasury service's needs
• Provides global financial solutions to advisors, asset managers, broker-dealers, family offices, fund managers, registered investment advisor firms and wealth managers. Pershing acts as clearing broker under a written agreement with your financial organization
• Enterprise-wide Operational Utilities carefully plans, builds and optimizes standard capabilities and platforms that are scalable, cost efficient, and reflect our firm’s commitment to the client experience. The functions span the client life cycle, from Know Your Customer (KYC) processes, Contracts to Client Activation, Account Opening & Maintenance, Tax, & Revenue and Billing Services. To deliver at scale, the Utilities functions harness innovative technologies and foster a data-centric operating model
Wygasła: 29.12.2023
Umowa o pracę na czas nieokreślony
Nadzoruje/zarządza codziennymi operacjami małego i średniego zespołu wsparcia księgowości funduszy. Ustala priorytety pracy i przydziela zasoby zgodnie z potrzebami funkcjonalnymi klientów i księgowości funduszy. Zarządza codziennym przepływem pracy w zakresie księgowości i wartości aktywów netto (NAV) w celu obsługi wielu funduszy. Przegląda dane i pomaga w rozwiązywaniu eskalacji problemów
które mogą pojawić się podczas normalnej codziennej
tygodniowej lub miesięcznej księgowości i raportowania. Nadzoruje śledzenie danych funduszu i prowadzenie dokumentacji księgowej. Ustanawia procesy i procedury utrzymywania i podsumowywania danych w celu poprawy wydajności zespołu i najlepszego wsparcia zespołu księgowego. Ustala standardy dotyczące wyników raportów zespołu
które mają być udostępniane zespołom księgowym. Koordynuje przegląd raportów i udostępnianie raportów zespołom księgowym. Utrzymuje relacje z personelem klienta. Zapewnia klientom terminowe otrzymywanie potrzebnych informacji oraz spełnienie wszystkich potrzeb w zakresie wsparcia księgowego. Identyfikuje i wdraża ulepszenia procesów w celu ograniczenia ryzyka audytu i finansów oraz poprawy wydajności zespołu.
Praca w godz.: 9:00-17:00.
Przewidywany okres zatrudnienia: czas nieokreślony
Maintain up-to-date knowledge of financial services and specific knowledge of legislation and regulations
Assistance in answering job related questions and provides on the job training for entry level accountant’s; has the ability to provide job coverage for the duties of a Control Associate/Specialist
Approval of daily adjustments involving the use of the image workflow technology; and approval of wires, checks, and ACH payments based on the confirmation of appropriate funding
Assists other departments with the research and resolution of current and aged complex financial items with possible high profile visibility to the client
Reporting and monitoring of aged items, certificate variances, share out of balances, and the like which is presented to upper management and in some instances to the client
Identifies and recommends process improvements to the Control Unit Manager
Performs and/or Reviews daily mutual fund settlement to ensure it is completed in an accurate and timely manner with special attention paid to gain/loss, share variances, tape variances, and any other audit requirements
Reconciliation and review of financial items daily with a focus on aged items to limit financial exposure and ensure accurate trade processing to promote overall client/shareholder satisfaction
Ability to produce and interpret all control related reporting on Mobius
Assistance in answering job related questions and provides on the job training for entry level accountant’s; has the ability to provide job coverage for the duties of a Control Associate/Specialist
Approval of daily adjustments involving the use of the image workflow technology; and approval of wires, checks, and ACH payments based on the confirmation of appropriate funding
Assists other departments with the research and resolution of current and aged complex financial items with possible high profile visibility to the client
Reporting and monitoring of aged items, certificate variances, share out of balances, and the like which is presented to upper management and in some instances to the client
Identifies and recommends process improvements to the Control Unit Manager
Monitor receipt and disbursement of funds through to settlement
Execute funds transfer from/to accounts
Regular communication with external parties, including but not limited to, the portfolio manager, loan agents, trading counterparties, auditors, rating agencies
Act as a support to the Client Service Manager who has overall responsibility for ensuring that the duties as contracted are being provided by BNY Mellon
Participate in various projects such as new deal closings and any other projects as assigned
To be successful in this role, we’re seeking the following:
Fluency in English
An interest in a career in financial services
Finance university background or similar field will be an advantage, however we equally welcome graduates of all degrees
Proactive, focused attitude towards work and an ability to consistently meet deadlines
PC literacy, including proficient knowledge of Microsoft Office (especially Excel)
Respond to client queries via telephone, email, written enquiry or web chat in an efficient and professional manner
Dealing with escalations in the form of email queries which are received either from the client or internally to ensure they are acted upon in a timely manner
Supporting the less experienced members of the team with any queries which they may have
Prepare and check reporting to Clients and investors through the appropriate and dedicated TA platform
Act as an SME for any projects which involve the Poland client service centre
Conduct training with any new starts or any ongoing cross training which is required
Reviewing team procedures as and when they come up for review
Responsible for issuing the daily work plan to the team to ensure they know what tasks they are completing that day and what their priorities are
Take responsibility for specific supervisory review, training, and approval actions
Associate - Client Onboarding/Transitions/Conversions/KYC I
Swobodna 3, Krzyki, Wrocław
Wygasła: 28.12.2023
umowa o pracę
full office work
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
You will be member of Sub Accounts Administration team within Global Client Activation Team. You will be working on client’s requests directly with our sub-custody network to open client accounts in the market. You will work directly with sub-custodians, instructing and amending market account openings on behalf of BNY Mellon clients. The role will include assisting to day-to-day queries about account and market set-up and ensuring that we meet our service level descriptions in accordance with the regulations associated with our role
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Associate - Tax Reporting & Compliance Representative I
Swobodna 3, Krzyki, Wrocław
Wygasła: 28.12.2023
umowa o pracę
full office work
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
We have an exciting opportunity for a talented Tax Reporting and Compliance Representative to join our team in Wroclaw. You will be analysing and processing Clients’ Withholding Tax Inquiries ensuring that information are correct and match regulatory requirements in order to support the daily business responsibilities whilst minimising the potential risk and financial loss in the inherent process
As a successful candidate you will be given opportunity to acquire and develop knowledge from related fields:
• Working in a team to deliver best possible service related to analysing and solving Tax Inquiries
• Managing clients’ inquiries/cases across the internal teams and communicate with client to solve the cases
• Communicating to client’s documentation requirements and impacts, deadlines, inquiries resolutions, applicable Tax rates
• Conducting issue’s investigations in internal tools and across the tax teams
• Generating and providing information to questions from clients
• Understanding of the various regulations applicable to the role and the associated control framework related to the maintained documentation
• Take ownership of escalations accordingly in line with agreed policies and timeframe, capturing any specific, sensitive risky issue, or client dissatisfaction, communicate effectively with appropriate senior management and ensure timely completion of any ORE or follow up actions
• Effectively coach colleagues. Be the first point of contact for junior team members for any knowledge, procedure, organization related queries, actively advise when needed
• Prepare daily and weekly reports for the team and team leader
The role of an Analyst is to audit a range of investment portfolios, on both daily & monthly basis. This entails the validation of positions, prices, income and transactions between the records of BNY Mellon and Investment Managers of the Bank’s clients. The Analyst will play an active team playing role sharing the collective responsibility to ensure all team deadlines are completed accurately and within deadlines
In this role, you’ll make an impact in the following ways:
• Completes activities related to the accurate and timely delivery of services on behalf of assigned clients which includes but is not limited to determining NAV, calculating fund performance, allocating expenses, or preparing supportive reports
• Responsible for the completion of in-depth data analysis of reconciliations and leading engagements across business areas. Identifies trends, provides complex root cause analysis, and executes recommendations
• Regularly interacts with internal and external stakeholders in answering questions and resolving issues regarding fund reports and accounting processes
• Participates in technical testing and the implementation of accounting software
Demonstrate the company’s processes and best practices for the adoption and utilization of solutions (e.g., driving product demos for clients and prospects),
Support end-to-end derivatives and other complex instruments processing within company platform,
Manage internal and client functional and performance testing (plan, triage, communicate with tech and non-tech teams, resolve test issues)
Gather client feedback and evaluate out-of-the-box solutions against client requirements,
Collaborate with internal and external clients on complex instruments processing, with senior team members’ support,
Perform research and analysis on industry environment as instructed by senior team members and/or project manager (e.g., to support solution development and/or enhancements),
Identify gaps in existing solutions independently,
Maintain and create best practices and other documentation for audit and educational purposes
The candidate will be part of EB Finance Shared Service Center team that is responsible for:
• Preparing CiT documentation to the Tax Compliancy Provider for in scope European entities
• Preparing the CiT prepayments proposals
• Reporting and explaining CiT positions of the entities to Group Tax and the relevant senior Finance managers
As part of EB Finance Shared Service Center responsibilities, the candidate would also:
• Assist in the month-end close process, ensuring deadlines are achieved and the financial accounts are closed in a timely and accurate manner meeting BNY Mellon’s reporting requirements
• Assist in inter-company/transfer pricing related process and related regulator/tax reporting
• Support BNYM EB balance sheet reconciliations, ensure the remediation for reconciling items and escalate appropriately
Support EB Internal Control Managers in Controls, Legal Entity Governance, Oversight and Insight. In particular:
• Identify and analyse key risks, and provide timely escalation and insight to stakeholders
• Provide transparent, repeatable and robust internal control oversight, governance support and coordinate metric/KPI reporting (support EMEA RCSA process; UDT review process; manual process review; records management self assessment
• Provide independent testing of key controls and valuable assurance on the integrity of the control framework to stakeholders (Systems access reviews; Testing of high inherent risk controls; Business Continuity activities
• Act as coordination point for 2nd & 3rd lines (SOX Quarterly Continuous Program; SOX Database monitoring; Internal Audit; Compliance monitoring). Support external audit coordination
Vice President - Operational Risk Management (Technology Risk)
Sucha 2, Psie Pole, Wrocław
Wygasła: 27.12.2023
umowa o pracę
full office work
hybrid work
Driving the 2nd Line engagement in the Technology’s RCSA and HLA processes, to ensure risks are adequately identified and assessed, and managed within the risk appetite
Continuously improving risk assessment processes, including automating solutions, building efficiencies, and maintaining consistency across deliveries
Collaborating with the team on different types of risk management activities (e.g., risk assessments and metrics oversight)
Preparing executive level reports to influence the risk aware decision making and risk reduction
Reviews general ledger transactions and annual/quarterly and monthly financial statements for multiple real estate properties
Conducts accounting services on behalf of assigned real estate clients and moderately complex funds including determining net asset values, calculating fund performance, allocating expenses and preparing reports
Performs Fund/Client Accounting responsibilities in the areas of driving Service Improvement plans, targeting efficiencies, enhancing processes and specialist review functions
Performs general and advanced accounting functions in order to meet funds’ calendar deadlines
Manages external as well as internal audits
Checks the work of more junior team members
Performs cash and asset reconciliations related to more intricate accounts or transactions within assigned funds
Verify, review and analyse various fund levels general ledgers on both cash and accrual basis
Escalates typical transactions to senior team members
Drafts reports for clients regarding the performance of funds
May reviews first draft reports completed by more junior staff. Interacts with clients in answering questions regarding fund reports and accounting processes
No direct reports but may provide guidance to less experienced team members
2024 BNY Mellon Summer Internship Program - Risk and Compliance
Sucha 2, Psie Pole, Wrocław
Wygasła: 23.12.2023
umowa o pracę
full office work
hybrid work
BNY Mellon’s Summer Internship Program (SIP) provides high-potential students with a well-rounded, rewarding internship experience as well as an inside look into what it’s like to work for a global financial services organization that has been innovating and serving clients since 1784. With projects specifically chosen to both challenge and develop SIP participants, our summer analysts will gain valuable real-world experiences working in their respective line of business/function as well as learn to work together in collaborative teams
From day one, summer analysts are immersed in BNY Mellon’s innovative and dynamic company culture as they will receive:
Meaningful and challenging work assignments
Networking opportunities with peers, senior leaders, and executives
Exposure to different areas of business
Comprehensive professional etiquette and financial services fundamentals training
Understanding of BNY Mellon’s commitment to diversity and inclusion
Program at a Glance:
10-week summer internship assignment within an identified line of business or division of BNY Mellon that combines learning with skill development through practical work and projects
Two-day in-person orientation/onboarding and virtual training curriculum; plus
Career development and networking support from a host of corporate leaders including rotation assignment managers, senior mentors, peer mentors, business stakeholders and a dedicated program manager
Small, selective program size that allows for more personal attention and support
Participants can further develop their technical and business acumen skills/expertise, enhance leadership abilities, and build networks across the organization
Robust onboarding and training curriculum designed specifically for summer analysts
Full commitment from top-level management to make our program the premier internship/talent pipeline program within the financial services industry
Overall performance during the Summer Internship Program and business need will be determining factors in full-time placement
Risk and Compliance Details
Risk & Compliance, the organization led by the Chief Risk Officer (CRO), oversees and challenges BNY Mellon’s management of risk and compliance. The CRO has a direct reporting line to both the CEO and the Risk Committee of the Board of Directors
Risk & Compliance interns have the opportunity to experience and participate with global teams in real-world risk management and compliance functions. Examples of placements include Credit Risk, Enterprise-wide Risk, Model Risk, business-line risk, Compliance, Ethics Office, Technology Risk Management, Treasury Risk and others
The 2024 BNY Mellon Analyst Program - Operations seeks to recruit and develop highly talented university graduates, from any academic field, that are eager to begin their careers within BNY Mellon’s Operations
The Opportunity for You:
This two-year business immersion program embeds incoming analysts into our Operations teams, where they will learn first-hand about our core products, services, and workflows. The Program provides analysts with targeted on-the-job training, designed to build knowledge, expertise and soft skills to help grow a successful candidate into a potential future leader. Analysts will collaborate with experienced Operations professionals to learn about BNY Mellon and how they can help deliver transformational change that furthers the company’s strategic vision
• On-the-job training to support day to day responsibilities
• Process improvement and project management training
• Exposure to senior leadership & various networking opportunities
• Mentoring relationships to foster professional development and provide career advice
• Group volunteering efforts to develop our community partnerships
Additional Program elements:
• Supports clients in addressing operational and technical questions or issues and ensuring requests are executed
• Applies problem solving skills based on precedence and experience
• Uses communication skills to deliver high quality service to a specialized client base
• Provides analytical support and prepares drafts of standard and ad hoc reports for assigned area
2024 BNY Mellon Summer Internship Program - Operations
Sucha 2, Psie Pole, Wrocław
Wygasła: 23.12.2023
umowa o pracę
full office work
hybrid work
BNY Mellon’s Summer Internship Program (SIP) provides high-potential students with a well-rounded, rewarding 10-week internship experience, as well as an inside look into what it is like to work for a global financial services organization that has been innovating and serving clients since 1784. With projects specifically chosen to both challenge and develop SIP participants, our summer interns will gain valuable real-world experiences working in Operations while learning to work together in collaborative teams and building a robust network within BNY Mellon
From day one, summer interns are immersed in BNY Mellon’s innovative and dynamic company culture as they will receive:
• Enterprise-led intern orientation program combined with ongoing executive speaker series and virtual training curriculum designed specifically for summer interns
• Meaningful and challenging work assignments that deliver learning and skill development through practical work, mentorship, and training
• Career development and networking support from a host of corporate leaders including internship managers, senior mentors, peer mentors, business stakeholders and a dedicated program manager
• Exposure to different areas of business
• Comprehensive professional etiquette and financial services fundamentals training, along with technical and business acumen development
• Understanding of BNY Mellon’s commitment to diversity and inclusion
• A collaborative and supportive community with full commitment of top-level management to deliver a premier internship/talent pipeline program within the financial services industry
Operations interns work on projects specifically chosen to both challenge and develop participants. Interns will gain valuable real-world experiences working in a select function which supports every stage of the client investment lifecycle, including account creation, trading, clearing, settling, holding, servicing, managing, distributing, and restructuring assets
Operations is the heart of BNY Mellon’s efforts to improve client service and operational efficiency. Select functions, interns can be placed in are:
Asset Servicing
• Provides global solutions tailored to meet our clients’ unique needs to help enhance the management, administration, and oversight of their entire investment process and deliver the tools they need to expand their ability to process, monitor, and measure investment data from around the world
• Responsible for the enterprise-wide services that support our clients' global markets, payments, issuer and loan services, and treasury service's needs
• Provides global financial solutions to advisors, asset managers, broker-dealers, family offices, fund managers, registered investment advisor firms and wealth managers. Pershing acts as clearing broker under a written agreement with your financial organization
• Enterprise-wide Operational Utilities carefully plans, builds and optimizes standard capabilities and platforms that are scalable, cost efficient, and reflect our firm’s commitment to the client experience. The functions span the client life cycle, from Know Your Customer (KYC) processes, Contracts to Client Activation, Account Opening & Maintenance, Tax, & Revenue and Billing Services. To deliver at scale, the Utilities functions harness innovative technologies and foster a data-centric operating model
BNY Mellon, the corporate brand of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, is a global investments company dedicated to helping its clients manage and service their financial assets throughout the investment lifecycle
Our employees make a difference every day. By offering opportunities to collaborate with a variety of different teams across disciplines, you will discover new skills and hone your existing competencies
BNY Mellon Poland is providing support services to BNY Mellon entities. Our office in Wroclaw is a growing location of over 1,000 employees who are focused on providing service excellence across Operations, Investment Services and Technology
About Graduate Opportunities Program
If you’re passionate about making your mark in the financial world, this program is designed to help you achieve your full potential. It gives you the training and exposure to learn, grow and succeed in an international environment as part of a company that’s a global leader
We welcome talented students and graduates to full-time opportunities in Investment Services and Operations
What does Graduate Opportunities Program provide?
• Clear career path,
• Clearly defined assessment criteria and associated timeline,
• Regular manager’s feedback on work progress,
• Regular salary increases related with performance,
• Potential promotion to Senior Admin position after 18th month of employment,
• Training package on financial markets, internal systems, business English,
• Working in an international environment, both within the Poland team, as well as in other teams
BNY Mellon has had a presence in Wrocław, Poland since 2010. Supporting BNY Mellon’s ongoing strategy to optimise infrastructure and support global growth plans, the location has functioned as one of six Global Delivery Centres around the world, since early 2012. The Poland Global Delivery Centre (Poland GDC) is a growing location, predominately providing support services to BNY Mellon entities in the areas of fund accounting and investment operations. If you are looking for a unique opportunity to discover your potential with BNY Mellon, explore our open roles to find the best fit for you
Position in BNY Mellon, will provide you with:
- A clear career path, with defined assessment criteria and associated deadlines
- Regular manager’s feedback on work progress
- Regular salary reviews and increases, dependent on performance
- Exposure to and training on financial markets, internal systems and processes
- Opportunity to work within a global financial services organization
2024 BNY Mellon Summer Internship Program - Audit Poland
Wygasła: 22.12.2023
umowa o pracę
full office work
hybrid work
BNY Mellon’s Summer Internship Program (SIP) provides high-potential students with a well-rounded, rewarding 10-week internship experience, as well as an inside look into what it is like to work for a global financial services organization that has been innovating and serving clients since 1784. With projects specifically chosen to both challenge and develop SIP participants, our summer interns will gain valuable real-world experiences working in Audit, while learning to work together in collaborative teams and building a robust network within BNY Mellon
From day one, summer interns are immersed in BNY Mellon’s innovative and dynamic company culture as they will receive:
• Enterprise-led intern orientation program combined with ongoing executive speaker series and virtual training curriculum designed specifically for summer interns
• Meaningful and challenging work assignments that deliver learning and skill development through practical work, mentorship, and training
• Career development and networking support from a host of corporate leaders including internship managers, senior mentors, peer mentors, business stakeholders and a dedicated program manager
• Exposure to different areas of business
• Comprehensive professional etiquette and financial services fundamentals training, along with technical and business acumen development
• Understanding of BNY Mellon’s commitment to diversity and inclusion
• A collaborative and supportive community with full commitment of top-level management to deliver a premier internship/talent pipeline program within the financial services industry
Audit Details
Audit contributes to the effectiveness of the company’s internal controls by providing independent, risk-based assurance reviews designed to identify risks, risk mitigates, control gaps and opportunities to improve efficiency. In Audit, the team serves as an independent partner for our stakeholders (Audit Committee, Management, Regulators, etc.) in building and upholding an effective control environment and culture that is exemplified by strong corporate governance and values
Interns in Internal Audit will be provided targeted on-the-job training designed to build knowledge, expertise, and soft skills. This role will get to collaborate with experienced audit professionals from one of our highly skilled audit groups to learn how auditors can make an impact through risk mitigation techniques
2024 BNY Mellon Summer Internship Program - Growth Ventures Poland
Wygasła: 22.12.2023
umowa o pracę
full office work
hybrid work
BNY Mellon’s Summer Internship Program (SIP) provides high-potential students with a well-rounded, rewarding 10-week internship experience, as well as an inside look into what it is like to work for a global financial services organization that has been innovating and serving clients since 1784. With projects specifically chosen to both challenge and develop SIP participants, our summer interns will gain valuable real-world experiences working in Growth Ventures while learning to work together in collaborative teams and building a robust network within BNY Mellon
From day one, summer interns are immersed in BNY Mellon’s innovative and dynamic company culture as they will receive:
• Enterprise-led intern orientation program combined with ongoing executive speaker series and virtual training curriculum designed specifically for summer interns
• Meaningful and challenging work assignments that deliver learning and skill development through practical work, mentorship, and training
• Career development and networking support from a host of corporate leaders including internship managers, senior mentors, peer mentors, business stakeholders and a dedicated program manager
• Exposure to different areas of business
• Comprehensive professional etiquette and financial services fundamentals training, along with technical and business acumen development
• Understanding of BNY Mellon’s commitment to diversity and inclusion
• A collaborative and supportive community with full commitment of top-level management to deliver a premier internship/talent pipeline program within the financial services industry
Growth Ventures Details
Growth Ventures interns will have the opportunity to be part of an exciting new business unit, which includes a market-leading scaled software and data management business as well as a number of new products and services. These positions offer an exceptional opportunity to be part of a dynamic, entrepreneurial group of people. Growth Ventures Summer Interns will gain valuable, real-world experience working in a business with end to end ownership of sales, client management, product development and delivery. Our interns will work with the following products and services:
• Data Management
o Our Eagle Data Management product, which is focused on reference, middle and back-office data domains hosted or deployed on premises and our multi-tenant Data Vault, a cloud-native data and analytics platform supporting exploration, data management and a marketplace of data connectors across the entire investment lifecycle
• Analytics
o Our market-leading analytics capabilities, which enable institutional investors to evaluate the effectiveness of their investment program including analyzing investment decisions and managing and mitigating risk
• Services
o Software implementation services and custom data solutions with capabilities in software managed services and data operations
Pomaga w prowadzeniu usług księgowych w imieniu przypisanych klientów i funduszy
w tym w kierowaniu planami doskonalenia usług
ukierunkowaniu wydajności
ulepszaniu procesów i specjalistycznych funkcji przeglądu
alokacji wydatków i przygotowywaniu raportów. Pod nadzorem wykonuje bardziej rutynowe obowiązki związane z księgowością funduszy/klientów w obszarach kierowania planami doskonalenia usług
ukierunkowania na wydajność
procesów i specjalistycznych funkcji przeglądu.
Forma umowy: umowa o pracę na czas nieokreślony tj: 9.00-17.00
Sala E
Prowadzi obsługę księgową powierzonych klientów i średnio skomplikowanych funduszy
w tym określenie wartości aktywów netto
obliczanie wyników funduszu
alokację wydatków i przygotowanie raportów. Wykonuje obowiązki związane z księgowością funduszy/klientów w obszarach kierowania planami doskonalenia usług
ukierunkowania na efektywność
ulepszania procesów i specjalistycznych funkcji przeglądu. Sprawdza pracę młodszych członków zespołu.
Po umowie na czas określony
możliwość przedłużenia na czas nieokreślony.
Praca w godz.: 9:00-17:00
Pod umiarkowanym kierownictwem pracuje z wewnętrznymi i zewnętrznymi zbiorami danych oraz danymi referencyjnymi klientów i zapewnia analizy w zakresie opracowywania modeli statystycznych
finansowych i/lub ekonometrycznych w celu analizy wyników aktywów
danych o papierach wartościowych
cen instrumentów pochodnych
ekspozycji na ryzyko lub innych wyrafinowanych koncepcji. Zapewnia wsparcie analityczne oraz przygotowuje projekty raportów standardowych i ad hoc dla powierzonego obszaru.
The 2024 BNY Mellon Analyst Program - Operations seeks to recruit and develop highly talented university graduates, from any academic field, that are eager to begin their careers within BNY Mellon’s Operations
The Opportunity for You:
This two-year business immersion program embeds incoming analysts into our Operations teams, where they will learn first-hand about our core products, services, and workflows. The Program provides analysts with targeted on-the-job training, designed to build knowledge, expertise and soft skills to help grow a successful candidate into a potential future leader. Analysts will collaborate with experienced Operations professionals to learn about BNY Mellon and how they can help deliver transformational change that furthers the company’s strategic vision
• On-the-job training to support day to day responsibilities
• Process improvement and project management training
• Exposure to senior leadership & various networking opportunities
• Mentoring relationships to foster professional development and provide career advice
• Group volunteering efforts to develop our community partnerships
Additional Program elements:
• Supports clients in addressing operational and technical questions or issues and ensuring requests are executed
• Applies problem solving skills based on precedence and experience
• Uses communication skills to deliver high quality service to a specialized client base
• Provides analytical support and prepares drafts of standard and ad hoc reports for assigned area
2024 BNY Mellon Summer Internship Program - Risk and Compliance
Sucha 2, Psie Pole, Wrocław
Wygasła: 23.11.2023
umowa o pracę
full office work
hybrid work
BNY Mellon’s Summer Internship Program (SIP) provides high-potential students with a well-rounded, rewarding internship experience as well as an inside look into what it’s like to work for a global financial services organization that has been innovating and serving clients since 1784. With projects specifically chosen to both challenge and develop SIP participants, our summer analysts will gain valuable real-world experiences working in their respective line of business/function as well as learn to work together in collaborative teams
From day one, summer analysts are immersed in BNY Mellon’s innovative and dynamic company culture as they will receive:
Meaningful and challenging work assignments
Networking opportunities with peers, senior leaders, and executives
Exposure to different areas of business
Comprehensive professional etiquette and financial services fundamentals training
Understanding of BNY Mellon’s commitment to diversity and inclusion
Program at a Glance:
10-week summer internship assignment within an identified line of business or division of BNY Mellon that combines learning with skill development through practical work and projects
Two-day in-person orientation/onboarding and virtual training curriculum; plus
Career development and networking support from a host of corporate leaders including rotation assignment managers, senior mentors, peer mentors, business stakeholders and a dedicated program manager
Small, selective program size that allows for more personal attention and support
Participants can further develop their technical and business acumen skills/expertise, enhance leadership abilities, and build networks across the organization
Robust onboarding and training curriculum designed specifically for summer analysts
Full commitment from top-level management to make our program the premier internship/talent pipeline program within the financial services industry
Overall performance during the Summer Internship Program and business need will be determining factors in full-time placement
Risk and Compliance Details
Risk & Compliance, the organization led by the Chief Risk Officer (CRO), oversees and challenges BNY Mellon’s management of risk and compliance. The CRO has a direct reporting line to both the CEO and the Risk Committee of the Board of Directors
Risk & Compliance interns have the opportunity to experience and participate with global teams in real-world risk management and compliance functions. Examples of placements include Credit Risk, Enterprise-wide Risk, Model Risk, business-line risk, Compliance, Ethics Office, Technology Risk Management, Treasury Risk and others
2024 BNY Mellon Summer Internship Program - Operations
Sucha 2, Psie Pole, Wrocław
Wygasła: 23.11.2023
umowa o pracę
full office work
hybrid work
BNY Mellon’s Summer Internship Program (SIP) provides high-potential students with a well-rounded, rewarding 10-week internship experience, as well as an inside look into what it is like to work for a global financial services organization that has been innovating and serving clients since 1784. With projects specifically chosen to both challenge and develop SIP participants, our summer interns will gain valuable real-world experiences working in Operations while learning to work together in collaborative teams and building a robust network within BNY Mellon
From day one, summer interns are immersed in BNY Mellon’s innovative and dynamic company culture as they will receive:
• Enterprise-led intern orientation program combined with ongoing executive speaker series and virtual training curriculum designed specifically for summer interns
• Meaningful and challenging work assignments that deliver learning and skill development through practical work, mentorship, and training
• Career development and networking support from a host of corporate leaders including internship managers, senior mentors, peer mentors, business stakeholders and a dedicated program manager
• Exposure to different areas of business
• Comprehensive professional etiquette and financial services fundamentals training, along with technical and business acumen development
• Understanding of BNY Mellon’s commitment to diversity and inclusion
• A collaborative and supportive community with full commitment of top-level management to deliver a premier internship/talent pipeline program within the financial services industry
Operations interns work on projects specifically chosen to both challenge and develop participants. Interns will gain valuable real-world experiences working in a select function which supports every stage of the client investment lifecycle, including account creation, trading, clearing, settling, holding, servicing, managing, distributing, and restructuring assets
Operations is the heart of BNY Mellon’s efforts to improve client service and operational efficiency. Select functions, interns can be placed in are:
Asset Servicing
• Provides global solutions tailored to meet our clients’ unique needs to help enhance the management, administration, and oversight of their entire investment process and deliver the tools they need to expand their ability to process, monitor, and measure investment data from around the world
• Responsible for the enterprise-wide services that support our clients' global markets, payments, issuer and loan services, and treasury service's needs
• Provides global financial solutions to advisors, asset managers, broker-dealers, family offices, fund managers, registered investment advisor firms and wealth managers. Pershing acts as clearing broker under a written agreement with your financial organization
• Enterprise-wide Operational Utilities carefully plans, builds and optimizes standard capabilities and platforms that are scalable, cost efficient, and reflect our firm’s commitment to the client experience. The functions span the client life cycle, from Know Your Customer (KYC) processes, Contracts to Client Activation, Account Opening & Maintenance, Tax, & Revenue and Billing Services. To deliver at scale, the Utilities functions harness innovative technologies and foster a data-centric operating model