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Projektant Instalacji Elektrycznych dla Morskich Turbin Wiatrowych
Wygasła: 24.12.2022
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca hybrydowa
specjalista (Mid / Regular)
Wood Thilsted to międzynarodowa firma inżynierska świadcząca usługi projektowe i doradcze dla sektora energetyki odnawialnej w zakresie realizacji projektów i rozwoju morskich farm wiatrowych począwszy od wstępnych badań i rozwiązań technicznym aż do końcowych etapów wykonawczych i eksploatacyjnych
Naszym klientom oferujemy inżynierskie usługi projektowe i analityczne konstrukcji morskich turbin wiatrowych, a także usługi geotechniczno-inżynierskie oraz doradztwo w zakresie zarządzania inwestycjami farm wiatrowych. Dążymy do innowacyjności, doskonałości technicznej i zapewnienia jak najlepszej ogólnej wartości projektom rozwijanym przez naszych klientów. Pragniemy pielęgnować właściwą kulturę pracy opartą na wzajemnym szacunku i zaufaniu, dzieleniu się wiedzą oraz dobrej atmosferze towarzyskiej
Jesteśmy zaangażowani globalnie w wielodyscyplinarne projekty zlokalizowane w Europie Północnej, Azji, Australii i Ameryce Północnej. Nasza firma zatrudnia obecnie ponad 170 pełnych pasji światowych ekspertów pracujących głównie w naszych biurach w Wielkiej Brytanii i Danii. Rozwijamy się też dynamicznie w nowych strategicznych obszarach takich jak Polska i dlatego do naszego nowo otwartego biura w Warszawie poszukujemy Projektanta Instalacji Elektrycznych, który podziela naszą pasję i zaangażowanie w transformację energetyczną i chciałby z nami rozwijać zieloną gospodarkę w Polsce i na Świecie
Zakres obowiązków:
Głównym zadaniem Projektanta Instalacji Elektrycznych (Electrical Engineer) będzie udział w procesie projektowym i pracach zespołu w opracowywaniu i dostarczaniu dokumentacji technicznej dla systemów niskiego napięcia (LV) instalacji elektrycznych morskich turbin wiatrowych, koncentrując się, ale nie wyłącznie, na projektach offshore na Morzu Bałtyckim. Typowy zakres obowiązków:
Wykonywanie projektów instalacji elektrycznych w ścisłej współpracy z zespołem projektowym i głównymi inżynierami. Może to się wiązać z wykonaniem pracy samodzielnie lub przy współpracy z podwykonawcami i sprawdzaniem ich wyników
Wspieranie zespołu projektowego swoją wiedzą w zakresie inżynierii elektrycznej
Zapewnienie wykonania przydzielonych zadań zgodnie z wymogami jakościowymi, harmonogramem i budżetem
Koordyncja z innymi branżami projektowymi i klientem w celu określenia wymaganych parametrów i specyfikacji
Sprawdzanie i weryfikacja wykonanej pracy wraz z zespołem w zakresie spełnienia norm i wymagań projektowych
Jako Wiodący Projektant konstrukcji stalowych (Lead Structural Engineer), Twoim głównym zadaniem będzie budowanie i kierowanie zespołem inżynierów w realizacji wysokiej jakości projektów konstrukcji wsporczych (fundamentów) dla morskich farm wiatrowych (MFW) w Polsce, ale także dla wielu europejskich i międzynarodowych farm wiatrowych
Realizacja projektów w zakresie posadowienia turbin wiatrowych na dnie morskim ( konstrukcje jednopalowe i wielopodporowe wieże typu ‘jacket’)
Techniczny nadzór i koordynacja prac zespołu nad projektowaniem konstrukcji nośnej fundamentów przy pełnym zrozumieniu zasad fizyki dotyczących obciążeń dynamicznych, w tym sprawdzanie wykonanych obliczeń konstrukcyjnych oraz modeli i analiz inżynierskich
Tworzenie dokumentacji projektowej, w tym szczegółowych raportów inżynierskich, w zakresie wymaganym przez prawo budowlane i przepisy wykonawcze oraz ich weryfikacja pod względem zgodności z warunkami technicznymi
Zapewnienie odpowiedniej certyfikacji dokumentacji i materiałów projektowych
Przygotowywanie zakresu prac do ofert i przetargów na czynności inżynierskie związane z konstrukcją fundamentów na poziomie projektowym i wykonawczym
Ścisła współpraca z kierownikiem projektu i wkład w zarządzanie harmonogramem prac, budżetem i rejestrem ryzyka
Wspieranie firmy w rozwoju i pozyskiwaniu nowych projektów inżynierskich i budowlanych w polskiej branży morskiej energetyki wiatrowej
Udział w wewnętrznym rozwoju firmowych programów inżynierskich i obliczeniowych stosowanych do projektowania konstrukcji
Areas of responsibility: As our new Lead Primary Steel Engineer, your main objective will be to build and lead a team of engineers in delivering high-quality foundation designs to our clients in the offshore wind industry. Your work will include Polish wind farm developments, but also a range of European and international wind farms
Typical areas of work are likely to include:
Provide technical leadership for foundation design projects, focusing on the primary structure, working closely with a small team, using a strong understanding of structural engineering principles applied to dynamic loading conditions
Deliver the primary steel design for offshore wind turbine foundations and ensure third-party certification and regulatory approval
Prepare scope of work, tenders and contracts for engineering activities related to design and construction of primary structures for offshore wind turbine foundations
Use your knowledge to prepare detailed engineering reports and memos documenting engineering analyses and working closely with the PM team for development of the overall project programme, budget and risk register
Liaise with clients and other consultants and maintain our strong network within the industry and help Wood Thilsted build a pipeline of design projects within the Polish offshore wind industry
Take part in, or lead, the development of in-house engineering software applied for primary steel design
You will have a combination of high-quality project-running and technical design skills and we endeavour to offer a mix of technical and management work that fits your career aspirations. Whilst your focus will be on the primary structure, we believe that you’ll work best, and will stay engaged if you get involved in multiple areas of our projects. We value the ability to innovate, creating solutions where none previously existed, so if that sounds like you, please get in contact
The opening applies for our office in Warsaw Poland, based on local terms and conditions. There may be some travelling in Northern Europe, North America or Asia in relation to your work
The job opening is for a Structural Engineer within the Secondary Structures department. You will work on challenging and large-scale offshore wind projects where you will provide high-quality deliverables to our clients for the design of wind turbine foundations. In your role you will:
Support the offshore wind project with high-end structural design for the Secondary Structures, working closely in a small team, using 3D modelling and an understanding of offshore design to deliver world-class solutions;
Liaise with your colleagues and the senior staff to ensure high quality of your work;
Work closely with drafters to produce design drawings for reflecting your design;
Deliver the Secondary Structures design documentation and be responsible for your deliverables through our quality assurance processes;
Use your knowledge to prepare detailed engineering reports documenting engineering analyses and adhering to the applicable regulations;
Take part in the development of in-house engineering software applied for secondary structures design
Whilst your focus will be on the Secondary Structures, we believe that you’ll work best, and will stay engaged if you get involved in multiple areas of our projects. We really value the ability to innovate, creating solutions where none previously existed, so if that sounds like you, Wood Thilsted would like to get in contact with you. Opportunities also exist for long- or short-term postings abroad
As a Lead Project Manager, your main assignment will be to successfully deliver and coordinate major design projects, in collaboration with in-house technical teams. In your role you will:
Be primary client contact and project management lead for detailed design projects delivering offshore wind farm foundation designs for high-profile sites. You will work alongside supporting project managers and support staff in order to achieve this
Manage client requirements, change, risk and budget across work packages, supporting the technical teams to deliver their best work
Work closely with the project design team, engaging in technical topics and key design decision making. You will have the pleasure of working with some of the brightest minds in the industry
Supervise and prepare detailed documentation regarding the development of the project requirements, programme, resource/budget, risk register and general project management reporting
Ensure that WT deliverables meet the required quality and scope requirements
Regularly engage clients and form a key contact between the WT team and external parties, actively working to deliver a successful project for all. You will play a part in developing our strong network in the industry
Contribute towards tendering and the development of unique tools for offshore wind project management
The primary work location will be in Warsaw,Poland with the opportunity to spend a portion of you week working from home. You may expect some travelling in relation to your work and there are potential opportunities, if desired, for placements abroad
As a Senior / Lead Corrosion Engineer, your main objective will be to provide corrosion protection design support to our clients in the offshore wind industry
Corrosion protection design for offshore foundations including monopiles, jackets and other structures
Responsible for conducting corrosion simulations (cathodic protection) in proprietary software for WT projects
Undertake reliable and robust assessment of structures and designs using accepted methods and technologies, as well as seeking out innovative approaches and products for corrosion protection that will be beneficial to our clients
Contribute to report and specification writing for corrosion protection
Contribute to proposals and tenders
Supporting the development of the team
The opening applies for our office in Warsaw. There may be some travelling in Northern Europe, North America or Asia in relation to your work
As a Lead Project Manager, your main assignment will be to successfully deliver and coordinate major design projects, in collaboration with in-house technical teams. In your role you will:
Be primary client contact and project management lead for detailed design projects delivering offshore wind farm foundation designs for high-profile sites. You will work alongside supporting project managers and support staff in order to achieve this
Manage client requirements, change, risk and budget across work packages, supporting the technical teams to deliver their best work
Work closely with the project design team, engaging in technical topics and key design decision making. You will have the pleasure of working with some of the brightest minds in the industry
Supervise and prepare detailed documentation regarding the development of the project requirements, programme, resource/budget, risk register and general project management reporting
Ensure that WT deliverables meet the required quality and scope requirements
Regularly engage clients and form a key contact between the WT team and external parties, actively working to deliver a successful project for all. You will play a part in developing our strong network in the industry
Contribute towards tendering and the development of unique tools for offshore wind project management
The primary work location will be in Warsaw,Poland with the opportunity to spend a portion of you week working from home. You may expect some travelling in relation to your work and there are potential opportunities, if desired, for placements abroad
The job opening is for a Structural Engineer within the Secondary Structures department. You will work on challenging and large-scale offshore wind projects where you will provide high-quality deliverables to our clients for the design of wind turbine foundations. In your role you will:
Support the offshore wind project with high-end structural design for the Secondary Structures, working closely in a small team, using 3D modelling and an understanding of offshore design to deliver world-class solutions;
Liaise with your colleagues and the senior staff to ensure high quality of your work;
Work closely with drafters to produce design drawings for reflecting your design;
Deliver the Secondary Structures design documentation and be responsible for your deliverables through our quality assurance processes;
Use your knowledge to prepare detailed engineering reports documenting engineering analyses and adhering to the applicable regulations;
Take part in the development of in-house engineering software applied for secondary structures design
Whilst your focus will be on the Secondary Structures, we believe that you’ll work best, and will stay engaged if you get involved in multiple areas of our projects. We really value the ability to innovate, creating solutions where none previously existed, so if that sounds like you, Wood Thilsted would like to get in contact with you. Opportunities also exist for long- or short-term postings abroad
As a Metocean Analyst, your main assignment will be to review or deliver Marine site conditions assessments, including Metocean data validation and analysis, for offshore wind projects. Furthermore, your role may also include (but not be limited to):
Delivery of Marine site conditions assessment, including Metocean data analysis and validation. This may either include delivering the work yourself for, e.g. early stage projects, managing subcontractors, or, as the company grows, manage other employees delivering the work
Delivery of complete site conditions assessment, including wind and other factors, for offshore wind sites. (Training for wind site conditions will be provided)
Proposal writing and budgeting of the work required
Project management of own work and/or that of junior colleagues
Undertake R&D as required, namely potentially develop or assist in the development of in house tools to facilitate and/or automate the assessments and reporting
Quality check and/or approve the work delivered by others
Attend client meetings and conferences, and present work or R&D as needed