Czy macie jakieś informacje na temat pracy w tej firmie? Jak wygląda atmosfera? Czy wynagrodzenie jest dobre? Czy są jakieś benefity? Jakie są warunki pracy? Z góry dzięki!
At Forlagshuset, our team creates e-commerce and marketing solutions for the whole publishing house. Our Ecomm platform is based on Sylius E-commerce, with Akeneo as PIM and Algolia/Elastic search for search and recommendation. Most services communicate via REST API and MySQL. Our services are automatically deployed on Kubernetes, using Docker, and hosted on Azure
We are looking for a senior or strong mid Backend Engineer to:
• Build and maintain our platform for websites for e-commerce and marketing
• Participate in architectural design meetings to shape and estimate solutions
Do you enjoy writing code on an everyday basis? Do you love sharing your knowledge with other engineers? Do you like to indulge in application architecture discussions and use standard open-source technologies?
At our publishing house, we are re-imagining the future of education in digital space. The way we teach our current generation will influence our future. Hence, our product owners are working hard to bring niche features to our Edtech products
Our Edtech platform is being developed based on microservices architecture, it is a mesh of microservices written in TypeScript (NestJS/Express) and we persist our data to MongoDB/Postgres/Redis. Most services communicate via REST/GraphQL and our search is powered by Elasticsearch. Each service is heavily tested in an automated via Unit or E2E tests using Jest runner before it gets automatically deployed on Kubernetes hosted on Azure
We are looking for a mid/senior backend engineer to:
• Build and maintain state of art learning management system (microservices)
• Participate in Architectural design meetings to shape and estimate development
Szukamy doświadczonego pracownika z ugruntowaną wiedzą z zakresu kadr i płac, który dołączy do naszego zespołu Administracji i HR w Sopocie. Od ponad 20 lat tworzymy stabilne miejsce pracy, w którym nadrzędną wartością jest szacunek i empatia do drugiego człowieka. Dołącz do nas jeśli poszukujesz zmiany i rozwoju w niekorporacyjnym środowisku. Jesteśmy firmą międzynarodową i istnieje możliwość wykorzystywania jęz. angielskiego oraz pracy w niepełnym wymiarze godzin
Kompleksowa obsługa kadrowa pracowników firmy zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami, instrukcjami wewnętrznymi i zasadami z obszaru HR
Czynności związane z przygotowywaniem danych płacowych
Współpraca z zewnętrznym dostawcą usług księgowych w zakresie kadr i płac
Odpowiadanie na pytania pracowników dot. płac
Przygotowywanie zestawień i raportów okresowych
Audyt listy płac
Przygotowywanie dokumentacji personalnej związanej ze wszystkimi etapami zatrudnienia pracowników oraz pozostałych dokumentów administracyjnych
Prowadzenie akt osobowych pracowników zgodnie z aktualnym stanem prawnym (tworzenie, aktualizacja, archiwizacja)
Aktualizacja i monitorowanie cyklu zatrudnienia pod kątem wymaganych przepisów
Współpraca i korespondencja z urzędami, ZUS, PIP, US
Koordynator Projeków – Jęz. Norweski (Prosjektkoordinator med norsk)
3 Maja 54, Sopot
Wygasła: 16.02.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Koordinere arbeidet mellom redaksjon og produksjonsmiljøet
Planlegging og gjennomføring av bokprosjekter
Bestille og kontakte alle parter involverte i produksjonsprosessen – eksterne og interne designere, ombrekkere, korrekturlesere og språkvaskere, trykkerier
Daglig samarbeid med norske redaktører og designere
Samarbeid på tvers av avdelinger i både Sopot, Bergen, Oslo og Trondheim
Aktivt arbeid med norske tekster
Samarbeid med digital avdeling i utvikling av forlagets digitale produkter
Creating graphic marketing materials in close cooperation with Norway-based marketing team
Creative input and active participation in developing the company's marketing and communication strategy
Designing printed marketing materials such as posters, leaflets, catalogues, magazine advertisements and many more
Creating digital designs for websites, social media, newsletters, digital advertising, etc
Making simple animations and motion graphics for online marketing campaigns
Working in line with the company’s design guidelines and standards as well as making sure of the quality and stylistic consistency of projects
Cooperation and communication with other departments, project coordinators, editors and printing houses
Additional responsibilities may include supporting other departments throughout the company with various design tasks such as designing book covers and layouts, typesetting, applying corrections onto existing files, preparing files for print, creating illustrations, icons, charts and other design elements
Koordynator Projeków – Jęz. Norweski (Prosjektkoordinator med norsk)
3 Maja 54, Sopot
Wygasła: 16.01.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Koordinere arbeidet mellom redaksjon og produksjonsmiljøet
Planlegging og gjennomføring av bokprosjekter
Bestille og kontakte alle parter involverte i produksjonsprosessen – eksterne og interne designere, ombrekkere, korrekturlesere og språkvaskere, trykkerier
Daglig samarbeid med norske redaktører og designere
Samarbeid på tvers av avdelinger i både Sopot, Bergen, Oslo og Trondheim
Aktivt arbeid med norske tekster
Samarbeid med digital avdeling i utvikling av forlagets digitale produkter
Creating graphic marketing materials in close cooperation with Norway-based marketing team
Creative input and active participation in developing the company's marketing and communication strategy
Designing printed marketing materials such as posters, leaflets, catalogues, magazine advertisements and many more
Creating digital designs for websites, social media, newsletters, digital advertising, etc
Making simple animations and motion graphics for online marketing campaigns
Working in line with the company’s design guidelines and standards as well as making sure of the quality and stylistic consistency of projects
Cooperation and communication with other departments, project coordinators, editors and printing houses
Additional responsibilities may include supporting other departments throughout the company with various design tasks such as designing book covers and layouts, typesetting, applying corrections onto existing files, preparing files for print, creating illustrations, icons, charts and other design elements