Czy macie jakieś informacje na temat pracy w tej firmie? Jak wygląda atmosfera? Czy wynagrodzenie jest dobre? Czy są jakieś benefity? Jakie są warunki pracy? Z góry dzięki!
In line with Wabtec Commodities standards, to manage contracts for CapEx and Services ensuring the selection of the most competitive suppliers and the respect of the timing of the projects
Lead tactical buying for all Indirect commodities in Poland. The person will work closely with the European commodity leaders and various internal stakeholders in Poland to gain consensus by aligning the global strategies through local implementations. Create and implement strategic plans which deliver >5% annual improvement on assigned spend
Responsible for implementing the EU and global strategies for Indirect Sourcing commodities and ensuring a timely and accurate execution of tactical tasks (PO management, supplier management, reporting etc)
Executes local projects in close alignment with the EU commodity managers and collaborate with global organisations
Supports the commodity managers by investigating newest market trends and integrates feedback from internal stakeholders in strategies (voice of internal customer)
Ensure continuous improvement in total cost of ownership in accordance with business objectives
Lead optimization projects such as process improvements and supplier rationalization / optimization
Ensure that the business objectives of Wabtec Groups and Operating Units are met by taken the corporate policy (including ethical standards) into account
Has the authority to stop and release the execution of any process/product inside his/her site
Managing the safety area
Manage Incidents (0 Km, warranty) directly for operation scope and with support of PQE for Customer
In coordination with Product line, ensure Incidents are handled with the proper reactivity (QRQC Step 1)
48h for containment
10 days for analysis and action plan definition
30 days for closing, learning and sharing
Ensure QRQC Step 2 is implemented to collect learning from past experiences and its integration inside the applicable local Site standards
Manage Quality Indicators on his/her site
Develop, coordinate and communicate the site Quality Improvement plan following guidelines from Regions/Transit/Corporate
Promote Quality Culture change in his/her site
Manage Quality network in his or her site
Coordination of projects and audit the Quality Management System periodically (Internal, Customer Audits, ISO, IRIS)
Follow up the Quality of major product/process changes within the sites
Represent Customer on Quality matters (Communication / Escalation) > “voice of customer” inside the plant
Ensure the escalation of major quality issues to the upper level of the organization, if necessary (Regional Quality and/or Product Line Quality)
Manage the Quality in operations: inspection controls, Local SQA / SE Engineer, and Production Quality in order to secure the production lines
Ensure that control plans are applied and maintained by Operations and Incoming Inspection (focus on safety / critical characteristics)
Lead the Module QRQC, monitor the Line QRQC
Ensure all the requested documentation is provided to customers, according to customers’ project requirements (3.1 certificates, FCF/SCS, automatic e-mail ….)
Collaborate to the “first assembly/first revision “product/system phase and ensure that all topics are integrated inside the P-FMEA
Ensure that workplace audits are performed in order to prepare internal FAI or customer FAI
Facilitate the C-FAI organization and all customer visits at site
Ensure the reliability of the quality data, through the use of WIM (Wabtec Incidents Management) data base
Make sure that customers quality data are tracked and followed closely, and aligned with the customer’s appraisal of the site performance
Internal Relations
All internal Departments
External Relations
Sister Companies
External Certification Bodies
Hierarchical Relations
Reports to:
Site Director
Manages the:
Manufacturing Quality
Site Supplier Quality
Incoming Inspection
Quality system manager,
Project Quality Engineer (Functional)
Management of health, safety and environmental processes
The person will be responsible for managing Full Bid and Sales process for OEM and Aftermarket, connected with Power Collection customers. This person should be in direct contact with customer’s representatives which are responsible for sourcing the products and customer’s representatives who are supervising timely deliveries
1. Registration of customer enquiries
2. Preparation of calculations using the existing internal tools and according to current procedures
3. Comprehensive preparation of offers
4. Close cooperation with Sales Manager in checking and commenting on the commercial requirements of customers and verification of the content of contracts, in accordance with the instructions (Mandate-Letter., Legal team)
5. Verification of possible lead times in cooperation with the Production area
6. Timely delivery of offers to clients, including using their portals for tenders
7. Tracking of quotations and checking their statuses
8. Receiving orders including check for completeness and clearness
9. Verifying the correctness of orders and clarifying deviations and ambiguities with appropriate internal persons
10. Entering orders into the ERP system and then supervising their timely realisation through ongoing contact with the Production team and issuing Delivery Notes
11. Data maintenance in the ERP- system regarding quotations and orders (e.g. delivery times, quantities) and issuing internal Purchase Order
12. Compliance with and implementation of the processes described in the quality management manual
13. Using and maintaining the CRM-system (Salesforce)
14. Supervision over the open invoices list (payments) - including contact with the customer
15. Organization / support in case of urgent deliveries
Nadzór nad realizacją działań operacyjnych magazynu, zapewnienie efektywnego funkcjonowania magazynu poprzez optymalne wykorzystanie powierzonych zasobów i infrastruktury
Przeprowadzanie okresowych oraz rocznych inwentaryzacji (ABC), odpowiedzialność za zgodność stanów magazynowych oraz rejestrację wyników inwentaryzacji
Zapewnieni ciągłości pracy produkcji poprzez właściwy przepływ materiałów (organizacja Inbound/Outbound)
Zarządzanie zespołem magazynierów: kontrola efektywności pracy zespołu oraz motywowanie pracowników do osiągania celów
Opracowywanie i wdrażanie rozwiązań usprawniających i optymalizujących działanie magazynu
Planowanie i koordynowanie płynnego przepływu dokumentacji magazynowej, przestrzeganie zasad obiegu i przechowywania dokumentacji
Zarządzanie magazynami zewnętrznymi
Monitorowanie kluczowych wskaźników efektywności procesów magazynowych oraz administracji magazynowej
Ścisła współpraca z innymi działami w firmie w celu zapewnienia najwyższego poziomu obsługi klienta wewnętrznego i zewnętrznego
• Dbałość o przestrzeganie zasad BHP w codziennej pracy magazynierów
Reprezentacja firmy tematycznych konferencjach, wystawach i targach
Współpraca z działem serwisu
Opieka i wsparcie dla klientów poprzez kompleksowe, oparte na współpracy i zrównoważone zarządzanie relacjami – pełnienie funkcji osoby kontaktowej do spraw technicznych, handlowych i sprzedaży
Obserwacja rynku w celu zidentyfikowania obecnych i przyszłych możliwości biznesowych poprzez rozszerzenie portfolio produktów i usług
Dobrze uzasadniona ocena potrzeb i techniczne wyjaśnienie możliwości oraz rozwój indywidualnych rozwiązań dla klientów
Wsparcie techniczne podczas rozpatrywania reklamacji
Regularne raportowanie zakończonych i planowanych działań sprzedażowych oraz tworzenie prognoz