Czy macie jakieś informacje na temat pracy w tej firmie? Jak wygląda atmosfera? Czy wynagrodzenie jest dobre? Czy są jakieś benefity? Jakie są warunki pracy? Z góry dzięki!
Terminowe i zgodne ze standardami jakościowymi wykonywanie operacji polegających na pobieraniu i zdawaniu do magazynu materiałów potrzebnych do produkcji. Skanowanie i zwożenie wyrobów gotowych i półproduktów do linii odbiorczej magazynu
od 29,1 PLN/godz
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Operator maszyn i urządzeń R150/2122-1133/24
Wygasła: 30.09.2024
Umowa o pracę na okres próbny
Terminowe i zgodne ze standardami jakościowymi wykonywanie prac na liniach produkcyjnych polegających na pakowaniu i konfekcjonowaniu pojemników
Terminowe i zgodne ze standardami jakościowymi wykonywanie operacji polegających na pobieraniu i zdawaniu do magazynu materiałów potrzebnych do produkcji. Skanowanie i zwożenie wyrobów gotowych i półproduktów do linii odbiorczej magazynu
od 29,1 PLN/godz
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Operator maszyn i urządzeń R124/1548-784/24
Wygasła: 31.07.2024
Umowa o pracę na okres próbny
Terminowe i zgodne ze standardami jakościowymi wykonywanie prac na liniach produkcyjnych polegających na pakowaniu i konfekcjonowaniu pojemników
od 28,1 PLN/godz
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Młodszy Specjalista ds. Zgodności Produktów
Kaliska 140, Kaliska (pow. włocławski)
Wygasła: 10.02.2024
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca stacjonarna
młodszy specjalista (Junior)
Wsparcie techniczne i administracyjne laboratorium akredytowanego
Zarzadzanie i administrowanie próbkami oraz materiałami do badań w laboratorium
Przygotowywanie raportów z badań oraz kalkulacji
Przygotowywanie deklaracji zgodności produktów
Współpraca z dostawcami i podwykonawcami w zakresie pozyskiwania i nadzoru nad dokumentacją techniczną surowców oraz zamówionym badaniami
Wsparcie w kontaktach z nowymi dostawcami surowców
Zarządzanie kontaktami z laboratoriami podwykonawczymi i nadzór nad pracami zleconymi
Wykonywanie oznaczeń związków chemicznych metodami klasycznymi, np. metody wagowe, miareczkowe lub chromatograficznymi z wykorzystaniem HPLC, LCMS/MS, GCMS oraz GC FID
Udział w utrzymaniu systemu zarządzania zgodnie z normą PN-EN ISO 17025:2018, w tym potwierdzenie ważności wyników z badań, sprawdzanie, walidacja i weryfikacja metod, nadzór nad wyposażeniem
Utrzymywanie czystości na stanowisku pracy oraz w laboratorium
Realizacja zadań i projektów związanych z podnoszeniem bezpieczeństwa w obszarze, optymalizacją pracy przy wykonywaniu oznaczeń oraz rozwojem nowych metod
Participate in daily operation and problem solving for the technologies managed within the systems team while being the technical lead on Citrix related topics
Design and implement advanced functions of Citrix, associated ecosystems and related applications directly or in corporation with third parties and vendors
Work with the security team in defining, maintaining, and monitoring compliance to Citrix related security policies for the business
Take part in cross-functional team projects and operations as may be requested
Travel internationally to sites to perform onsite activities as part of projects
Participate in daily operation and problem solving for the technologies managed within the systems team while being the technical lead on Citrix related topics
Design and implement advanced functions of Citrix, associated ecosystems and related applications directly or in corporation with third parties and vendors
Work with the security team in defining, maintaining, and monitoring compliance to Citrix related security policies for the business
Take part in cross-functional team projects and operations as may be requested
Travel internationally to sites to perform onsite activities as part of projects
Participate in daily operation and problem solving for the technologies managed within the systems team while being the technical lead on Citrix related topics
Design and implement advanced functions of Citrix, associated ecosystems and related applications directly or in corporation with third parties and vendors
Work with the security team in defining, maintaining, and monitoring compliance to Citrix related security policies for the business
Take part in cross-functional team projects and operations as may be requested
Travel internationally to sites to perform onsite activities as part of projects
Participate in daily operation and problem solving for the technologies managed within the systems team while being the technical lead on Citrix related topics
Design and implement advanced functions of Citrix, associated ecosystems and related applications directly or in corporation with third parties and vendors
Work with the security team in defining, maintaining, and monitoring compliance to Citrix related security policies for the business
Take part in cross-functional team projects and operations as may be requested
Travel internationally to sites to perform onsite activities as part of projects
Participate in daily operation and problem solving for the technologies managed within the systems team while being the technical lead on Citrix related topics
Design and implement advanced functions of Citrix, associated ecosystems and related applications directly or in corporation with third parties and vendors
Work with the security team in defining, maintaining, and monitoring compliance to Citrix related security policies for the business
Take part in cross-functional team projects and operations as may be requested
Travel internationally to sites to perform onsite activities as part of projects
Participate in daily operation and problem solving for the technologies managed within the systems team while being the technical lead on Citrix related topics
Design and implement advanced functions of Citrix, associated ecosystems and related applications directly or in corporation with third parties and vendors
Work with the security team in defining, maintaining, and monitoring compliance to Citrix related security policies for the business
Take part in cross-functional team projects and operations as may be requested
Travel internationally to sites to perform onsite activities as part of projects
Participate in daily operation and problem solving for the technologies managed within the systems team while being the technical lead on Citrix related topics
Design and implement advanced functions of Citrix, associated ecosystems and related applications directly or in corporation with third parties and vendors
Work with the security team in defining, maintaining, and monitoring compliance to Citrix related security policies for the business
Take part in cross-functional team projects and operations as may be requested
Travel internationally to sites to perform onsite activities as part of projects
Participate in daily operation and problem solving for the technologies managed within the systems team while being the technical lead on Citrix related topics
Design and implement advanced functions of Citrix, associated ecosystems and related applications directly or in corporation with third parties and vendors
Work with the security team in defining, maintaining, and monitoring compliance to Citrix related security policies for the business
Take part in cross-functional team projects and operations as may be requested
Travel internationally to sites to perform onsite activities as part of projects
Participate in daily operation and problem solving for the technologies managed within the systems team while being the technical lead on Citrix related topics
Design and implement advanced functions of Citrix, associated ecosystems and related applications directly or in corporation with third parties and vendors
Work with the security team in defining, maintaining, and monitoring compliance to Citrix related security policies for the business
Take part in cross-functional team projects and operations as may be requested
Travel internationally to sites to perform onsite activities as part of projects
Participate in daily operation and problem solving for the technologies managed within the systems team while being the technical lead on Citrix related topics
Design and implement advanced functions of Citrix, associated ecosystems and related applications directly or in corporation with third parties and vendors
Work with the security team in defining, maintaining, and monitoring compliance to Citrix related security policies for the business
Take part in cross-functional team projects and operations as may be requested
Travel internationally to sites to perform onsite activities as part of projects
Participate in daily operation and problem solving for the technologies managed within the systems team while being the technical lead on Citrix related topics
Design and implement advanced functions of Citrix, associated ecosystems and related applications directly or in corporation with third parties and vendors
Work with the security team in defining, maintaining, and monitoring compliance to Citrix related security policies for the business
Take part in cross-functional team projects and operations as may be requested
Travel internationally to sites to perform onsite activities as part of projects
Participate in daily operation and problem solving for the technologies managed within the systems team while being the technical lead on Citrix related topics
Design and implement advanced functions of Citrix, associated ecosystems and related applications directly or in corporation with third parties and vendors
Work with the security team in defining, maintaining, and monitoring compliance to Citrix related security policies for the business
Take part in cross-functional team projects and operations as may be requested
Travel internationally to sites to perform onsite activities as part of projects
Participate in daily operation and problem solving for the technologies managed within the systems team while being the technical lead on Citrix related topics
Design and implement advanced functions of Citrix, associated ecosystems and related applications directly or in corporation with third parties and vendors
Work with the security team in defining, maintaining, and monitoring compliance to Citrix related security policies for the business
Take part in cross-functional team projects and operations as may be requested
Travel internationally to sites to perform onsite activities as part of projects
Participate in daily operation and problem solving for the technologies managed within the systems team while being the technical lead on Citrix related topics
Design and implement advanced functions of Citrix, associated ecosystems and related applications directly or in corporation with third parties and vendors
Work with the security team in defining, maintaining, and monitoring compliance to Citrix related security policies for the business
Take part in cross-functional team projects and operations as may be requested
Travel internationally to sites to perform onsite activities as part of projects
Participate in daily operation and problem solving for the technologies managed within the systems team while being the technical lead on Citrix related topics
Design and implement advanced functions of Citrix, associated ecosystems and related applications directly or in corporation with third parties and vendors
Work with the security team in defining, maintaining, and monitoring compliance to Citrix related security policies for the business
Take part in cross-functional team projects and operations as may be requested
Travel internationally to sites to perform onsite activities as part of projects
Participate in daily operation and problem solving for the technologies managed within the systems team while being the technical lead on Citrix related topics
Design and implement highly available and advanced functions of Citrix, associated ecosystems and related applications directly or in corporation with third parties and vendors
Perform life cycle and capacity management for the Citrix environment and related dependent technologies
Work with the security team in defining, maintaining, and monitoring compliance to Citrix related security policies for the business
Create and maintain Citrix as well as other systems related documentation
Work with the systems team to create disaster recovery solutions for technologies managed within the team, by developing and maintaining a library of disaster recovery procedures
Take part in cross-functional team projects and operations as may be requested
Travel internationally to sites to perform onsite activities as part of projects