Czy macie jakieś informacje na temat pracy w tej firmie? Jak wygląda atmosfera? Czy wynagrodzenie jest dobre? Czy są jakieś benefity? Jakie są warunki pracy? Z góry dzięki!
Udział w procesie przygotowywania i ustalania budżetu prezentowanego przez Zarząd Rady Nadzorczej
Kontrola i nadzór wykonania budżetu w tym:
Opieka nad procesem akceptacji kosztów: akceptacje merytoryczne i budżetowe faktur kosztowych, weryfikacja umów pod kątem budżetu, weryfikacja wszystkich pozycji kosztowych i ich zgodność z budżetem
Raportowanie wykonania budżetu: analiza realizacji budżetu i wyjaśnianie odchyleń, w tym comiesięczne raporty kosztowe dla zarządu, analizy marżowości
Odpowiedzialność za ustalanie i egzekwowanie polityk i procedur kontroli kosztów
Odpowiedzialność za proces i system obiegu dokumentów finansowych
Kontrola finansów, kosztów i budżetów Spółek zależnych
Bieżąca aktualizacja prognoz cash flow i wyników Spółek z Grupy, udział w modelowaniu finansowym
Współpraca z biurami rachunkowymi; wsparcie w optymalizacji procesów księgowych, udział w audycie, nadzór nad uzgodnieniem wyniku księgowego i zarządczego
Nadzór nad poprawnością importu danych do wewnętrznych systemów raportowych, udział w budowie systemu controllingowego dla Grupy
Przygotowywanie raportowania do inwestorów
Weryfikacja wyciągów bankowych oraz wydatków kartami firmowymi
Udział w projektach rozwojowych Spółki
Prowadzenie i nadzór nad rozliczeniami intercompany
Prowadzenie dokumentacji na potrzeby cen transferowych
Udział w procesie przygotowywania i ustalania budżetu prezentowanego przez Zarząd Rady Nadzorczej
Kontrola i nadzór wykonania budżetu w tym:
Opieka nad procesem akceptacji kosztów: akceptacje merytoryczne i budżetowe faktur kosztowych, weryfikacja umów pod kątem budżetu, weryfikacja wszystkich pozycji kosztowych i ich zgodność z budżetem
Raportowanie wykonania budżetu: analiza realizacji budżetu i wyjaśnianie odchyleń, w tym comiesięczne raporty kosztowe dla zarządu, analizy marżowości
Odpowiedzialność za ustalanie i egzekwowanie polityk i procedur kontroli kosztów
Odpowiedzialność za proces i system obiegu dokumentów finansowych
Kontrola finansów, kosztów i budżetów Spółek zależnych
Bieżąca aktualizacja prognoz cash flow i wyników Spółek z Grupy, udział w modelowaniu finansowym
Współpraca z biurami rachunkowymi; wsparcie w optymalizacji procesów księgowych, udział w audycie, nadzór nad uzgodnieniem wyniku księgowego i zarządczego
Nadzór nad poprawnością importu danych do wewnętrznych systemów raportowych, udział w budowie systemu controllingowego dla Grupy
Przygotowywanie raportowania do inwestorów
Weryfikacja wyciągów bankowych oraz wydatków kartami firmowymi
Udział w projektach rozwojowych Spółki
Prowadzenie i nadzór nad rozliczeniami intercompany
Prowadzenie dokumentacji na potrzeby cen transferowych
Udział w procesie przygotowywania i ustalania budżetu prezentowanego przez Zarząd Rady Nadzorczej
Kontorla i nadzór wykonania budżetu w tym:
Opieka nad procesem akceptacji kosztów: akceptacje merytoryczne i budżetowe faktur kosztowych, weryfikacja umów pod kątem budżetu, weryfikacja wszystkich pozycji kosztowych i ich zgodność z budżetem
Raportowanie wykonania budżetu: analiza realizacji budżetu i wyjaśnianie odchyleń, w tym comiesięczne raporty kosztowe dla zarządu, analizy marżowości
Odpowiedzialność za ustalanie i egzekwowanie polityk i procedur kontroli kosztów,
Odpowiedzialność za proces i system obiegu dokumentów finansowych,
Kontrola finansów, kosztów i budżetów Spółek zależnych
Bieżąca aktualizacja prognoz cash flow i wyników Spółek z Grupy, udział w modelowaniu finansowym,
Współpraca z biurami rachunkowymi; wsparcie w optymalizacji procesów księgowych, udział w audycie, nadzór nad uzgodnieniem wyniku księgowego i zarządczego,
Nadzór nad poprawnością importu danych do wewnętrznych systemów raportowych, udział w budowie systemu controllingowego dla Grupy,
Przygotowywanie raportowania do inwestorów,
Weryfikacja wyciągów bankowych oraz wydatków kartami firmowymi,
Providing leadership, expertise and direction on one or more large-scale complex SentiOne Automate implementation projects for enterprise clients (especially in the banking, financial, energy sector)
Having contact with clients and partners during implementations
Leading decision-making, issue resolution, managing risks, legal/compliance implications and building consensus among the team members and dependent teams
Collaborating with the product team and partners to craft innovative solutions
Supporting roadmap management: capture work from a wide range of inputs, understand and prioritize to make sure your team is always working on the most impactful projects
Communicating with teams members and ensuring on-time completion of the projects
Organizing and leading project reviews
Leading and co-creating Technical Projects with PMs and Sales Engineer
Providing leadership, expertise and direction on one or more large-scale complex SentiOne Automate implementation projects for enterprise clients (especially in the banking, financial, energy sector)
Having contact with clients and partners during implementations
Leading decision-making, issue resolution, managing risks, legal/compliance implications and building consensus among the team members and dependent teams
Collaborating with the product team and partners to craft innovative solutions
Supporting roadmap management: capture work from a wide range of inputs, understand and prioritize to make sure your team is always working on the most impactful projects
Communicating with teams members and ensuring on-time completion of the projects
Organizing and leading project reviews
Leading and co-creating Technical Projects with PMs and Sales Engineer
Rozwój i utrzymanie voicebotowych modułów platformy SentiOne Automate
Rozwój platformy SentiOne Automate w zakresie komunikacji z systemami klientów (PBX, SBC, Call Center) oraz silnikami rozpoznawania głosu i syntezy mowy
Providing leadership, expertise and direction on one or more large-scale complex SentiOne Automate implementation projects for enterprise clients (especially in the banking, financial, energy sector)
Having contact with clients and partners during implementations
Leading decision-making, issue resolution, managing risks, legal/compliance implications and building consensus among the team members and dependent teams
Collaborating with the product team and partners to craft innovative solutions
Supporting roadmap management: capture work from a wide range of inputs, understand and prioritize to make sure your team is always working on the most impactful projects
Communicating with teams members and ensuring on-time completion of the projects
Organizing and leading project reviews
Leading and co-creating Technical Projects with PMs and Sales Engineer
Providing leadership, expertise and direction on one or more large-scale complex SentiOne Automate implementation projects for enterprise clients (especially in the banking, financial, energy sector)
Having contact with clients and partners during implementations
Leading decision-making, issue resolution, managing risks, legal/compliance implications and building consensus among the team members and dependent teams
Collaborating with the product team and partners to craft innovative solutions
Supporting roadmap management: capture work from a wide range of inputs, understand and prioritize to make sure your team is always working on the most impactful projects
Communicating with teams members and ensuring on-time completion of the projects
Organizing and leading project reviews
Leading and co-creating Technical Projects with PMs and Sales Engineer
Rozwój i utrzymanie voicebotowych modułów platformy SentiOne Automate
Rozwój platformy SentiOne Automate w zakresie komunikacji z systemami klientów (PBX, SBC, Call Center) oraz silnikami rozpoznawania głosu i syntezy mowy
Chcemy Ci powierzyć zadania w 2 obszarach, w których realizujemy misję naszego zespołu Talent & Culture:
Administracja i biuro - chcemy, żeby każdy czuł się dobrze w naszym biurze i miał do pracy wszystko, czego potrzebuje, więc do Twoich obowiązków będzie należało:
● czuwanie nad zaopatrzeniem biura w artykuły spożywcze i materiały biurowe
● kontakty z dostawcami, kontrahentami i administracją biura
● przyjmowanie i nadawanie korespondencji oraz przesyłek kurierskich
● zamawianie sprzętu dla pracowników
● zarządzanie przepływem dokumentów
● dbanie o ogólny porządek (w tym kontakt z firmą sprzątającą)
● wprowadzanie faktur do systemu księgowego
HR i ludzie - potrzebujemy wsparcia w naszych codziennych inicjatywach i projektach nastawionych na budowanie kultury organizacyjnej i dobrego miejsca pracy, w tym:
● employer branding - wsparcie w naszych projektach skierowanych na integrację i budowanie kultury organizacyjnej, w tym organizacja eventów, celebracji, śniadań itp
● onboarding - wsparcie w planowaniu i prowadzeniu procesu wdrożenia nowych osób do SentiOne
● rekrutacja - o ile tylko wyrazisz chęć rozwoju w tym kierunku :)
End-to-end work on design problems: translating research insights into new products and features, designing workflows and detailed interactions to realize them
Develop high level and/or detailed storyboards, mockups, and prototypes to effectively communicate interaction and design ideas
Support product development lifecycle, acting as a catalyst for change and improvement in the application
Conduct exploratory user research and usability tests
Iterate based on feedback from the whole team, work closely with engineers
Facilitate workshops for engineers and stakeholders to gather potential solutions or get deeper insights into main technical or business challenges
Work closely with the product team to align planning and execution of work with the overall design vision
Customer Success Specialist (z j. polskim, węgierskim i angielskim)
Wygasła: 25.03.2022
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca hybrydowa
specjalista (Mid / Regular)
Wsparcie klientów SentiOne Listen & React w j. polskim, angielskim i węgierskim z wykorzystaniem różnych kanałów do komunikacji: mail, telefon, Intercom
Budowanie pozytywnych i długofalowych relacji z klientami
Szkolenie klientów z obsługi platformy SentiOne Listen & React
Rozwiązywanie problemów zgłaszanych przez klientów
Wsparcie klienta w kwestiach faktur i płatności za platformę
Provide leadership, expertise and direction on one or more large-scale complex SentiOne Automate implementation projects for enterprise clients (especially in the banking, financial, energy sector)
Offer advanced-level project management oversight and directly influence activities on business-critical projects from the conceptual phase through solution implementation and project closure
Use industry-standard best practices in order to assure delivery of project goals and objectives, and milestones and deliverables
Lead decision-making, issue resolution, managing risks, legal/compliance implications and building consensus among the team members and dependent teams
Collaborate with the product team and partners to craft innovative solutions
Supporting roadmap management: capture work from a wide range of inputs, understand and prioritise to make sure your team is always working on the most impactful projects
Provide leadership, expertise and direction on one or more large-scale complex SentiOne Automate implementation projects for enterprise clients (especially in the banking, financial, energy sector)
Offer advanced-level project management oversight and directly influence activities on business-critical projects from the conceptual phase through solution implementation and project closure
Use industry-standard best practices in order to assure delivery of project goals and objectives, and milestones and deliverables
Lead decision-making, issue resolution, managing risks, legal/compliance implications and building consensus among the team members and dependent teams
Collaborate with the product team and partners to craft innovative solutions
Supporting roadmap management: capture work from a wide range of inputs, understand and prioritise to make sure your team is always working on the most impactful projects
Provide leadership, expertise and direction on one or more large-scale complex SentiOne Automate implementation projects for enterprise clients (especially in the banking, financial, energy sector)
Offer advanced-level project management oversight and directly influence activities on business-critical projects from the conceptual phase through solution implementation and project closure
Use industry-standard best practices in order to assure delivery of project goals and objectives, and milestones and deliverables
Lead decision-making, issue resolution, managing risks, legal/compliance implications and building consensus among the team members and dependent teams
Collaborate with the product team and partners to craft innovative solutions
Supporting roadmap management: capture work from a wide range of inputs, understand and prioritise to make sure your team is always working on the most impactful projects
Provide leadership, expertise and direction on one or more large-scale complex SentiOne Automate implementation projects for enterprise clients (especially in the banking, financial, energy sector)
Offer advanced-level project management oversight and directly influence activities on business-critical projects from the conceptual phase through solution implementation and project closure
Use industry-standard best practices in order to assure delivery of project goals and objectives, and milestones and deliverables
Lead decision-making, issue resolution, managing risks, legal/compliance implications and building consensus among the team members and dependent teams
Collaborate with the product team and partners to craft innovative solutions
Supporting roadmap management: capture work from a wide range of inputs, understand and prioritise to make sure your team is always working on the most impactful projects
Provide leadership, expertise and direction on one or more large-scale complex SentiOne Automate implementation projects for enterprise clients (especially in the banking, financial, energy sector)
Offer advanced-level project management oversight and directly influence activities on business-critical projects from the conceptual phase through solution implementation and project closure
Use industry-standard best practices in order to assure delivery of project goals and objectives, and milestones and deliverables
Lead decision-making, issue resolution, managing risks, legal/compliance implications and building consensus among the team members and dependent teams
Collaborate with the product team and partners to craft innovative solutions
Supporting roadmap management: capture work from a wide range of inputs, understand and prioritise to make sure your team is always working on the most impactful projects
Provide leadership, expertise and direction on one or more large-scale complex SentiOne Automate implementation projects for enterprise clients (especially in the banking, financial, energy sector)
Offer advanced-level project management oversight and directly influence activities on business-critical projects from the conceptual phase through solution implementation and project closure
Use industry-standard best practices in order to assure delivery of project goals and objectives, and milestones and deliverables
Lead decision-making, issue resolution, managing risks, legal/compliance implications and building consensus among the team members and dependent teams
Collaborate with the product team and partners to craft innovative solutions
Supporting roadmap management: capture work from a wide range of inputs, understand and prioritise to make sure your team is always working on the most impactful projects
Provide leadership, expertise and direction on one or more large-scale complex SentiOne Automate implementation projects for enterprise clients (especially in the banking, financial, energy sector)
Offer advanced-level project management oversight and directly influence activities on business-critical projects from the conceptual phase through solution implementation and project closure
Use industry-standard best practices in order to assure delivery of project goals and objectives, and milestones and deliverables
Lead decision-making, issue resolution, managing risks, legal/compliance implications and building consensus among the team members and dependent teams
Collaborate with the product team and partners to craft innovative solutions
Supporting roadmap management: capture work from a wide range of inputs, understand and prioritise to make sure your team is always working on the most impactful projects
Provide leadership, expertise and direction on one or more large-scale complex SentiOne Automate implementation projects for enterprise clients (especially in the banking, financial, energy sector)
Offer advanced-level project management oversight and directly influence activities on business-critical projects from the conceptual phase through solution implementation and project closure
Use industry-standard best practices in order to assure delivery of project goals and objectives, and milestones and deliverables
Lead decision-making, issue resolution, managing risks, legal/compliance implications and building consensus among the team members and dependent teams
Collaborate with the product team and partners to craft innovative solutions
Supporting roadmap management: capture work from a wide range of inputs, understand and prioritise to make sure your team is always working on the most impactful projects
Provide leadership, expertise and direction on one or more large-scale complex SentiOne Automate implementation projects for enterprise clients (especially in the banking, financial, energy sector)
Offer advanced-level project management oversight and directly influence activities on business-critical projects from the conceptual phase through solution implementation and project closure
Use industry-standard best practices in order to assure delivery of project goals and objectives, and milestones and deliverables
Lead decision-making, issue resolution, managing risks, legal/compliance implications and building consensus among the team members and dependent teams
Collaborate with the product team and partners to craft innovative solutions
Supporting roadmap management: capture work from a wide range of inputs, understand and prioritise to make sure your team is always working on the most impactful projects
Provide leadership, expertise and direction on one or more large-scale complex SentiOne Automate implementation projects for enterprise clients (especially in the banking, financial, energy sector)
Offer advanced-level project management oversight and directly influence activities on business-critical projects from the conceptual phase through solution implementation and project closure
Use industry-standard best practices in order to assure delivery of project goals and objectives, and milestones and deliverables
Lead decision-making, issue resolution, managing risks, legal/compliance implications and building consensus among the team members and dependent teams
Collaborate with the product team and partners to craft innovative solutions
Supporting roadmap management: capture work from a wide range of inputs, understand and prioritise to make sure your team is always working on the most impactful projects
Provide leadership, expertise and direction on one or more large-scale complex SentiOne Automate implementation projects for enterprise clients (especially in the banking, financial, energy sector)
Offer advanced-level project management oversight and directly influence activities on business-critical projects from the conceptual phase through solution implementation and project closure
Use industry-standard best practices in order to assure delivery of project goals and objectives, and milestones and deliverables
Lead decision-making, issue resolution, managing risks, legal/compliance implications and building consensus among the team members and dependent teams
Collaborate with the product team and partners to craft innovative solutions
Supporting roadmap management: capture work from a wide range of inputs, understand and prioritise to make sure your team is always working on the most impactful projects
Provide leadership, expertise and direction on one or more large-scale complex SentiOne Automate implementation projects for enterprise clients (especially in the banking, financial, energy sector)
Offer advanced-level project management oversight and directly influence activities on business-critical projects from the conceptual phase through solution implementation and project closure
Use industry-standard best practices in order to assure delivery of project goals and objectives, and milestones and deliverables
Lead decision-making, issue resolution, managing risks, legal/compliance implications and building consensus among the team members and dependent teams
Collaborate with the product team and partners to craft innovative solutions
Supporting roadmap management: capture work from a wide range of inputs, understand and prioritise to make sure your team is always working on the most impactful projects
Provide leadership, expertise and direction on one or more large-scale complex SentiOne Automate implementation projects for enterprise clients (especially in the banking, financial, energy sector)
Offer advanced-level project management oversight and directly influence activities on business-critical projects from the conceptual phase through solution implementation and project closure
Use industry-standard best practices in order to assure delivery of project goals and objectives, and milestones and deliverables
Lead decision-making, issue resolution, managing risks, legal/compliance implications and building consensus among the team members and dependent teams
Collaborate with the product team and partners to craft innovative solutions
Supporting roadmap management: capture work from a wide range of inputs, understand and prioritise to make sure your team is always working on the most impactful projects
Provide leadership, expertise and direction on one or more large-scale complex SentiOne Automate implementation projects for enterprise clients (especially in the banking, financial, energy sector)
Offer advanced-level project management oversight and directly influence activities on business-critical projects from the conceptual phase through solution implementation and project closure
Use industry-standard best practices in order to assure delivery of project goals and objectives, and milestones and deliverables
Lead decision-making, issue resolution, managing risks, legal/compliance implications and building consensus among the team members and dependent teams
Collaborate with the product team and partners to craft innovative solutions
Supporting roadmap management: capture work from a wide range of inputs, understand and prioritise to make sure your team is always working on the most impactful projects
Provide leadership, expertise and direction on one or more large-scale complex SentiOne Automate implementation projects for enterprise clients (especially in the banking, financial, energy sector)
Offer advanced-level project management oversight and directly influence activities on business-critical projects from the conceptual phase through solution implementation and project closure
Use industry-standard best practices in order to assure delivery of project goals and objectives, and milestones and deliverables
Lead decision-making, issue resolution, managing risks, legal/compliance implications and building consensus among the team members and dependent teams
Collaborate with the product team and partners to craft innovative solutions
Supporting roadmap management: capture work from a wide range of inputs, understand and prioritise to make sure your team is always working on the most impactful projects
Provide leadership, expertise and direction on one or more large-scale complex SentiOne Automate implementation projects for enterprise clients (especially in the banking, financial, energy sector)
Offer advanced-level project management oversight and directly influence activities on business-critical projects from the conceptual phase through solution implementation and project closure
Use industry-standard best practices in order to assure delivery of project goals and objectives, and milestones and deliverables
Lead decision-making, issue resolution, managing risks, legal/compliance implications and building consensus among the team members and dependent teams
Collaborate with the product team and partners to craft innovative solutions
Supporting roadmap management: capture work from a wide range of inputs, understand and prioritise to make sure your team is always working on the most impactful projects