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Rekrutacje prowadzone przez firmę:
Wszystkie (3)Aktualne ( 0 )Archiwalne ( 3 )
Nauczyciel / Nauczycielka edukacji wczesnoszkolnej
Fabryczna 14a, Fabryczna, Wrocław
Wygasła: 14.03.2024
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca stacjonarna
specjalista (Mid / Regular)
Planowanie i prowadzenie zajęć dydaktycznych i wychowawczych zgodnie z programem nauczania edukacji wczesnoszkolnej
Tworzenie i dostosowywanie materiałów dydaktycznych i pomocniczych
Organizowanie i nadzorowanie zajęć dodatkowych, takich jak zajęcia sportowe, artystyczne, muzyczne itp
Śledzenie postępów uczniów i ocenianie ich osiągnięć
Przygotowywanie i prowadzenie zebrań z rodzicami w celu omówienia postępów dzieci i współpracy
Współpraca z innymi nauczycielami i specjalistami (np. psychologiem, pedagogiem) w celu zapewnienia wsparcia i dostosowania zajęć do indywidualnych potrzeb uczniów
Monitorowanie i utrzymywanie porządku w sali lekcyjnej oraz dbanie o bezpieczeństwo i zdrowie uczniów
Wychowywanie uczniów w zgodzie z zasadami dobrych obyczajów i kształtowanie ich postaw społecznych
Uczestniczenie w szkoleniach i doskonalenie swoich umiejętności zawodowych
Budowanie pozytywnych relacji z uczniami i stwarzanie przyjaznej atmosfery w klasie
Wspieranie uczniów w rozwoju ich umiejętności i zainteresowań oraz motivowanie do samodzielnej nauki i poznawania nowych rzeczy
Educational Assistants work closely with teachers to support all students in fully accessing school life and the curriculum, as well as assisting teachers with the organisation and management of the classroom
Main Duties:
• To actively support all students within their learning and achieving the aims of the school curriculum
• Assist in the educational and social development of pupils
• Support students in all subject areas
• Assist students to access the curriculum safely
• Assist in the maintenance of student records and portfolios of work
• Support students to develop their social skills / behaviours
• Provide support for individual students inside and outside the classroom, including supporting access to camps, educational visits and whole school activities, to enable students to fully participate in school life
• Assist students with personal care needs
•Communicate effectively with support staff where necessary
Additional Duties:
• Prepare and present displays of students' work in line with the teachers and school’s expectations
• Support teachers in photocopying and other tasks in order to support Learning and Teaching
• Support the aims and ethos of the School and by displaying concern for the student as a whole person, tact, discretion, confidentiality and the willingness to work as a member of a team
• Set a good example in terms of dress, punctuality and attendance
• Model exemplary professional practice
• Develop and nurture excellent relationships with all member sof the school community (students, parents, teachers, other staff)
• Work collaboratively with teachers and other staff
• Attend team and staff meetings as requested
• Undertake professional duties that may be reasonably assigned by the school’s management
The Personal Assistant (PA) to the Headmaster is responsible for acting as the first line of contact for the Headmaster, overseeing diary management, the maintenance of administrative systems and filing, coordination with internal and external partners (lawyers, accountancy firm, HR etc.), and for general secretarial and administrative duties
In this position, the successful candidate will be a very visible face of the school and the company to both the external community and outside visitors. As such, they should provide a warm welcome to visitors and other contacts whilst operating at the highest professional standards in support of the Headmaster and his role
The PA to the Headmaster will work closely to ensure the effective and smooth day-to-day running of his office and assist in his leadership of the school and management of the governing body
Key duties:
To act as first line contact for the Headmaster (telephone, email and in person), using discretion and tact to ensure enquiries and visitors receive a professional response, and are dealt with by the appropriate person
To create an environment of efficiency, professionalism and always provide a warm welcome
To liaise with members of the academic and support staff as appropriate
To organise the day-to-day time management and diary of the Headmaster
To show absolute confidentiality, tact and discretion at all times
To welcome and look after external visitors on behalf of the Headmaster and ensure refreshments are available
To liaise and follow up on admissions queries from new families and corporate clients
Ensure professional and timely replies to emails, both to internal and external contacts, and actioning requests
To ensure the smooth running of the office and the Headmaster’s schedule through preparing for, scheduling and recording the minutes of meetings
Assist in the production and formatting of accurate and high quality School Publications, Policy Documents, Briefing Papers, Reports, Training Materials, Presentations etc, as required
Maintain accurate files and systems, including the digital archiving of financial documents
To prepare, issue and track invoices
To alert the Headmaster well in advance of approaching issues and/or events
To act as a central point of contact for projects which may be delegated by the Headmaster and to lead and participate in school projects using own initiative and keeping to agreed project deadlines
Additional occasional tasks as requested by other senior school staff which may include room bookings, note taking, report preparation or meeting organisation
To lead by example and model exemplary professional practice as a key representative of the Headmaster and the governing body
To play a full and active part in the life of the School Community
Any other duties reasonably expected of a Personal Assistant