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Rekrutacje prowadzone przez firmę:
Wszystkie (37)Aktualne ( 0 )Archiwalne ( 37 )
Financial Controller
Tadeusza Wendy 15, Śródmieście, Gdynia
Wygasła: 12.04.2024
umowa o pracę
full office work
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Credit control: To ensure smooth process of sales order releases based on own assessment customer credit history and discussions with sales team on providing collaterals, payment plans ect
Credit control: To act as a point of escalation for sales credit related issues
Business partnering: To support sales team in setting, monitoring and settling sales targets for Aviko customers
Business partnering: To assist in setting promo actions and then to evaluate and settle them
Business partnering: To conduct frequent and regular meetings with stakeholders
Business partnering: To analyse market data from multi sources periodically and collaborate to provide solutions based on the outcomes
Data analysis: To address open issues independently and to take ownership of resolution
Data analysis: To monitor controlling datasets by tracking activity, resolving problems, ensuring data consistency and completeness
Process improvement: To optimize processes and own performance to increase productivity
1. Social media management (Countries: Poland/Czechia/Hungary/Romania)
- Monitoring and optimization (post plan, campaigns plan, KPI analysis) on monthly basis
- Accountability for the social media efficiency (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn)
2. Content marketing:
- Content calendar preparation
- Content production on monthly basis (3-6 articles)- in cooperation with agency and independently- based on digital marketing strategy
- Preparation and adaptation of content considering market differences
- Managing CMS: creating, developing, and maintaining assets, managing blog section
3. Cooperation with global and regional projects:
- Partner with the marketing team to manage and optimize the design concepts, content, and layout of communications across multiple touchpoints
- Support of digital strategy execution- tactically and operationally by executing the impactful CEE campaigns and content marketing within touchpoints: social media, web page
Współpraca z Marketing Managerem i zespołem Marketingu Food Service w zakresie aktywności działu:
- koordynowanie działań związanych z udziałem w targach, konferencjach, innych wydarzeniach marketingowych,
- wspieranie sprzedaży w organizacji szkoleń produktowych,
- przygotowywanie materiałów reklamowych do prasy branżowej,
- nadzorowanie całości procesu związanego z materiałami POS,
- adaptacje językowe materiałów promocyjnych (ulotki, katalogi produkty prezentacje: konceptowe lub produktowe) na języki lokalne krajów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej