Czy macie jakieś informacje na temat pracy w tej firmie? Jak wygląda atmosfera? Czy wynagrodzenie jest dobre? Czy są jakieś benefity? Jakie są warunki pracy? Z góry dzięki!
Brak treści. Ta firma nie uzupełniła zakładki “O firmie”.
Rekrutacje prowadzone przez firmę:
Wszystkie (5420)Aktualne ( 0 )Archiwalne ( 5420 )
Asystent ds. Administracyjno - Technicznych
aleja Jana Pawła II 22, Śródmieście, Warszawa
Wygasła: 11.05.2024
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca stacjonarna
Wsparcie administracyjne i techniczne przy organizacji wewnętrznych wydarzeń i konferencji, spotkań (ustawianie sal na spotkania, aranżacja stołów i krzeseł);
Codzienna diagnostyka połączeń AV sprzętu na piętrze recepcyjnym;
Kontakt z serwisem AV, zgłaszanie usterek i monitorowanie napraw;
Okresowe przeglądy innych sal spotkań w Deloitte pod kątem wykrywania usterek;
Współpraca z serwisem sprzątającym;
Pomoc w przypadku problemów technicznych związanych z obsługą sprzętu multimedialnego w salach konferencyjnych
Proposing solution architecture based on cloud solutions
Develop data-related solutions (i.e. BigData, Modern Data Warehouse, Data Warehouse Modernization, Data Analytics) based on the cloud environment (Azure, GCP, AWS)
Streaming data processing
Develop solutions in selected specializations in the area of data transformation (ETL / ELT), advanced analytics (OLAP) and reports
Develop Data Governance solutions (Data Quality, Master Data Management, Metadata Management etc.)
Support the process of implementing changes into the existing software
Participate in the planning and tasks estimation process
Cooperate with an external client with respect to analysis and performance of indicated tasks
Communicate with an external client
Desire for intensive development in the field of cloud technologies with a focus on data analytics
Proposing solution architecture based on cloud solutions
Develop data-related solutions (i.e. BigData, Modern Data Warehouse, Data Warehouse Modernization, Data Analytics) based on the cloud environment (Azure, GCP, AWS)
Streaming data processing
Develop solutions in selected specializations in the area of data transformation (ETL / ELT), advanced analytics (OLAP) and reports
Develop Data Governance solutions (Data Quality, Master Data Management, Metadata Management etc.)
Support the process of implementing changes into the existing software
Participate in the planning and tasks estimation process
Cooperate with an external client with respect to analysis and performance of indicated tasks
Communicate with an external client
Desire for intensive development in the field of cloud technologies with a focus on data analytics
Proposing solution architecture based on cloud solutions
Develop data-related solutions (i.e. BigData, Modern Data Warehouse, Data Warehouse Modernization, Data Analytics) based on the cloud environment (Azure, GCP, AWS)
Streaming data processing
Develop solutions in selected specializations in the area of data transformation (ETL / ELT), advanced analytics (OLAP) and reports
Develop Data Governance solutions (Data Quality, Master Data Management, Metadata Management etc.)
Support the process of implementing changes into the existing software
Participate in the planning and tasks estimation process
Cooperate with an external client with respect to analysis and performance of indicated tasks
Communicate with an external client
Desire for intensive development in the field of cloud technologies with a focus on data analytics
Proposing solution architecture based on cloud solutions
Develop data-related solutions (i.e. BigData, Modern Data Warehouse, Data Warehouse Modernization, Data Analytics) based on the cloud environment (Azure, GCP, AWS)
Streaming data processing
Develop solutions in selected specializations in the area of data transformation (ETL / ELT), advanced analytics (OLAP) and reports
Develop Data Governance solutions (Data Quality, Master Data Management, Metadata Management etc.)
Support the process of implementing changes into the existing software
Participate in the planning and tasks estimation process
Cooperate with an external client with respect to analysis and performance of indicated tasks
Communicate with an external client
Desire for intensive development in the field of cloud technologies with a focus on data analytics
Proposing solution architecture based on cloud solutions
Develop data-related solutions (i.e. BigData, Modern Data Warehouse, Data Warehouse Modernization, Data Analytics) based on the cloud environment (Azure, GCP, AWS)
Streaming data processing
Develop solutions in selected specializations in the area of data transformation (ETL / ELT), advanced analytics (OLAP) and reports
Develop Data Governance solutions (Data Quality, Master Data Management, Metadata Management etc.)
Support the process of implementing changes into the existing software
Participate in the planning and tasks estimation process
Cooperate with an external client with respect to analysis and performance of indicated tasks
Communicate with an external client
Desire for intensive development in the field of cloud technologies with a focus on data analytics
Proposing solution architecture based on cloud solutions
Develop data-related solutions (i.e. BigData, Modern Data Warehouse, Data Warehouse Modernization, Data Analytics) based on the cloud environment (Azure, GCP, AWS)
Streaming data processing
Develop solutions in selected specializations in the area of data transformation (ETL / ELT), advanced analytics (OLAP) and reports
Develop Data Governance solutions (Data Quality, Master Data Management, Metadata Management etc.)
Support the process of implementing changes into the existing software
Participate in the planning and tasks estimation process
Cooperate with an external client with respect to analysis and performance of indicated tasks
Communicate with an external client
Desire for intensive development in the field of cloud technologies with a focus on data analytics
Proposing solution architecture based on cloud solutions
Develop data-related solutions (i.e. BigData, Modern Data Warehouse, Data Warehouse Modernization, Data Analytics) based on the cloud environment (Azure, GCP, AWS)
Streaming data processing
Develop solutions in selected specializations in the area of data transformation (ETL / ELT), advanced analytics (OLAP) and reports
Develop Data Governance solutions (Data Quality, Master Data Management, Metadata Management etc.)
Support the process of implementing changes into the existing software
Participate in the planning and tasks estimation process
Cooperate with an external client with respect to analysis and performance of indicated tasks
Communicate with an external client
Desire for intensive development in the field of cloud technologies with a focus on data analytics
Bieżąca organizacja sprawnego i prawidłowego funkcjonowania recepcji;
Witanie klientów, kierowanie ich do odpowiednich sal konferencyjnych;
Obsługa rozmów telefonicznych;
Utrzymanie porządku i estetycznego wyglądu recepcji i sal konferencyjnych;
Wspomaganie pracy działu administracyjnego oraz innych działów wewnętrznych;
Przestrzeganie standardów obowiązujących w firmie;
Dbanie o wizerunek firmy;
Wsparcie administracyjne i techniczne przy organizacji wewnętrznych wydarzeń i konferencji, spotkań (ustawianie sal na spotkania, aranżacja stołów i krzeseł);
Codzienna diagnostyka połączeń AV sprzętu na piętrze recepcyjnym;
Kontakt z serwisem AV, zgłaszanie usterek i monitorowanie napraw;
Współpraca z serwisem sprzątającym;
Pomoc w przypadku problemów technicznych związanych z obsługą sprzętu multimedialnego w salach konferencyjnych
samodzielna organizacja i odpowiedzialność za wszystkie prace związane z projektami prowadzonym dla klienta, w tym przegląd wprowadzonych danych księgowych, analiza aspektów podatkowych poszczególnych transakcji; finalizacja sprawozdawczości rachunkowej i podatkowej
bieżący kontakt z klientem oraz współpracy z działami wewnętrznymi
przygotowywanie okresowych raportów i sprawozdań
czynny udziale w zamknięciach miesiąca, kwartału, roku
samodzielna organizacja i odpowiedzialność za wszystkie prace związane z projektami prowadzonym dla klienta, w tym przegląd wprowadzonych danych księgowych, analiza aspektów podatkowych poszczególnych transakcji; finalizacja sprawozdawczości rachunkowej i podatkowej
bieżący kontakt z klientem oraz współpracy z działami wewnętrznymi
przygotowywanie okresowych raportów i sprawozdań
czynny udziale w zamknięciach miesiąca, kwartału, roku
samodzielna organizacja i odpowiedzialność za wszystkie prace związane z projektami prowadzonym dla klienta, w tym przegląd wprowadzonych danych księgowych, analiza aspektów podatkowych poszczególnych transakcji; finalizacja sprawozdawczości rachunkowej i podatkowej
bieżący kontakt z klientem oraz współpracy z działami wewnętrznymi
przygotowywanie okresowych raportów i sprawozdań
czynny udziale w zamknięciach miesiąca, kwartału, roku
samodzielna organizacja i odpowiedzialność za wszystkie prace związane z projektami prowadzonym dla klienta, w tym przegląd wprowadzonych danych księgowych, analiza aspektów podatkowych poszczególnych transakcji; finalizacja sprawozdawczości rachunkowej i podatkowej
bieżący kontakt z klientem oraz współpracy z działami wewnętrznymi
przygotowywanie okresowych raportów i sprawozdań
czynny udziale w zamknięciach miesiąca, kwartału, roku
samodzielna organizacja i odpowiedzialność za wszystkie prace związane z projektami prowadzonym dla klienta, w tym przegląd wprowadzonych danych księgowych, analiza aspektów podatkowych poszczególnych transakcji; finalizacja sprawozdawczości rachunkowej i podatkowej
bieżący kontakt z klientem oraz współpracy z działami wewnętrznymi
przygotowywanie okresowych raportów i sprawozdań
czynny udziale w zamknięciach miesiąca, kwartału, roku
Develop and configure existing and new features according to given requirements
Provide expertise and technical support to application product owners
Optimize and automate existing processes
Support daily administration of the ServiceNow environment and associated applications
Analyse client requirements and deliver solutions adhering to platform best-practices
Create and maintain documentation such as design specifications, process diagrams and instructional documents for the ServiceNow environment and applications
Drive the continuous improvement of service based on end-user feedback
Learn and grow as a developer by extending your ServiceNow certificate portfolio
Financial Controller - Controlling team in Consulting
Wygasła: 07.04.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
developing financial models and analyses to support strategic initiatives,
analyzing current and past trends in key performance indicators with constant monitoring of KPIs, highlighting trends and analyzing causes of unexpected variance,
planning and forecasting for business units,
monthly actual vs. plan variance analysis by business unit,
control of contracts/projects financial management,
development of analytical and reporting tools,
preparation of management reports,
continuous process improvements, standarization and automation of outputs in a structured and consistent manner,
initiatives support,
liaising with the accounting team in Poland,
on-going cooperation with Partners, Managers and HR team
Szukamy osób, które chciałyby dołączyć do naszego zespołu ekspertów i uczestniczyć w realizowanych przez nas projektach jako pełnoprawni jego członkowie
Z nami będziesz miał możliwość wzięcia udziału w projektach dotyczących:
Analiz rynku energii i zasobów odnawialnych oraz kierunków ich rozwoju;
Doradztwa regulacyjnego i strategicznego dla podmiotów funkcjonujących na rynku energii;
Doradztwa technicznego w obszarze OZE dla kluczowych wytwórców i odbiorców energii w Polsce;
Optymalizacji wyników w przedsiębiorstwach, poprzez projektowanie i wprowadzanie nowych procesów biznesowych;
Analizy oraz restrukturyzacji istniejących procesów biznesowych w przedsiębiorstwach będących uczestnikami rynku energii;
Wsparcia w realizacji strategii biznesowych przy zmieniającym się otoczeniu energetycznym
Wsparcie administracyjne i techniczne przy organizacji wewnętrznych wydarzeń i konferencji, spotkań (ustawianie sal na spotkania, aranżacja stołów i krzeseł);
Codzienna diagnostyka połączeń AV sprzętu na piętrze recepcyjnym;
Kontakt z serwisem AV, zgłaszanie usterek i monitorowanie napraw;
Okresowe przeglądy innych sal spotkań w Deloitte pod kątem wykrywania usterek;
Współpraca z serwisem sprzątającym;
Pomoc w przypadku problemów technicznych związanych z obsługą sprzętu multimedialnego w salach konferencyjnych
Uncover client’s key business questions, design and execute analysis to address those questions, and be able to demonstrate the impact of recommendations across paid, owned, and earned channels. Transform data into actionable insights through strong storytelling with data designed for executive-level audiences by connecting the dots across channels through data to provide a holistic view of marketing/advertising/commerce efforts
Uncover insights and provide impactful recommendations to clients leveraging platforms like Google, Salesforce, Adobe, and more. Lead the vision and creation of measurement plans, testing plans, tagging strategies, modelling strategy, and A/B testing deployment
Plan and execute conversion optimization tests to optimize marketing campaign
Bring a strong background with proven experience in marketing, advertising and commerce analytics, audience discovery and segmentation, measurement, modelling strategy, and data quality
Together with your team, implement solutions for insights and digital marketing optimization
Serve as subject matter expert and assist in development of pre-sales proposals, internal trainings, and data-driven best practices
Possess strong time management skills to ensure accurate delivery while leading a single workstream and a team of analysts
Provide support, coaching, and training to assist in the career development of team members to support the growth of the practice
Uncover client’s key business questions, design and execute analysis to address those questions, and be able to demonstrate the impact of recommendations across paid, owned, and earned channels. Transform data into actionable insights through strong storytelling with data designed for executive-level audiences by connecting the dots across channels through data to provide a holistic view of marketing/advertising/commerce efforts
Uncover insights and provide impactful recommendations to clients leveraging platforms like Google, Salesforce, Adobe, and more. Lead the vision and creation of measurement plans, testing plans, tagging strategies, modelling strategy, and A/B testing deployment
Plan and execute conversion optimization tests to optimize marketing campaign
Bring a strong background with proven experience in marketing, advertising and commerce analytics, audience discovery and segmentation, measurement, modelling strategy, and data quality
Together with your team, implement solutions for insights and digital marketing optimization
Serve as subject matter expert and assist in development of pre-sales proposals, internal trainings, and data-driven best practices
Possess strong time management skills to ensure accurate delivery while leading a single workstream and a team of analysts
Provide support, coaching, and training to assist in the career development of team members to support the growth of the practice
Uncover client’s key business questions, design and execute analysis to address those questions, and be able to demonstrate the impact of recommendations across paid, owned, and earned channels. Transform data into actionable insights through strong storytelling with data designed for executive-level audiences by connecting the dots across channels through data to provide a holistic view of marketing/advertising/commerce efforts
Uncover insights and provide impactful recommendations to clients leveraging platforms like Google, Salesforce, Adobe, and more. Lead the vision and creation of measurement plans, testing plans, tagging strategies, modelling strategy, and A/B testing deployment
Plan and execute conversion optimization tests to optimize marketing campaign
Bring a strong background with proven experience in marketing, advertising and commerce analytics, audience discovery and segmentation, measurement, modelling strategy, and data quality
Together with your team, implement solutions for insights and digital marketing optimization
Serve as subject matter expert and assist in development of pre-sales proposals, internal trainings, and data-driven best practices
Possess strong time management skills to ensure accurate delivery while leading a single workstream and a team of analysts
Provide support, coaching, and training to assist in the career development of team members to support the growth of the practice
Uncover client’s key business questions, design and execute analysis to address those questions, and be able to demonstrate the impact of recommendations across paid, owned, and earned channels. Transform data into actionable insights through strong storytelling with data designed for executive-level audiences by connecting the dots across channels through data to provide a holistic view of marketing/advertising/commerce efforts
Uncover insights and provide impactful recommendations to clients leveraging platforms like Google, Salesforce, Adobe, and more. Lead the vision and creation of measurement plans, testing plans, tagging strategies, modelling strategy, and A/B testing deployment
Plan and execute conversion optimization tests to optimize marketing campaign
Bring a strong background with proven experience in marketing, advertising and commerce analytics, audience discovery and segmentation, measurement, modelling strategy, and data quality
Together with your team, implement solutions for insights and digital marketing optimization
Serve as subject matter expert and assist in development of pre-sales proposals, internal trainings, and data-driven best practices
Possess strong time management skills to ensure accurate delivery while leading a single workstream and a team of analysts
Provide support, coaching, and training to assist in the career development of team members to support the growth of the practice
Uncover client’s key business questions, design and execute analysis to address those questions, and be able to demonstrate the impact of recommendations across paid, owned, and earned channels. Transform data into actionable insights through strong storytelling with data designed for executive-level audiences by connecting the dots across channels through data to provide a holistic view of marketing/advertising/commerce efforts
Uncover insights and provide impactful recommendations to clients leveraging platforms like Google, Salesforce, Adobe, and more. Lead the vision and creation of measurement plans, testing plans, tagging strategies, modelling strategy, and A/B testing deployment
Plan and execute conversion optimization tests to optimize marketing campaign
Bring a strong background with proven experience in marketing, advertising and commerce analytics, audience discovery and segmentation, measurement, modelling strategy, and data quality
Together with your team, implement solutions for insights and digital marketing optimization
Serve as subject matter expert and assist in development of pre-sales proposals, internal trainings, and data-driven best practices
Possess strong time management skills to ensure accurate delivery while leading a single workstream and a team of analysts
Provide support, coaching, and training to assist in the career development of team members to support the growth of the practice
Participation in splendid international projects for top-shelf international and Polish clients
Work with Marketing Automation technologies (Salesforce Marketing Cloud)
Opportunity to expand your knowledge to new Marketing Cloud solutions (e.g. Interaction Studio), complimentary Salesforce solutions (e.g. Sales/Service Cloud), or go even further and learn other technologies (e.g. Adobe)
Business analysis of functional requirements
Consulting and implementation of Marketing Automation projects and business applications based on the Salesforce platform
Active participation in meetings with clients, preparation and presentation of materials and demonstration of solutions to senior management teams
Participation in splendid international projects for top-shelf international and Polish clients
Work with Marketing Automation technologies (Salesforce Marketing Cloud)
Opportunity to expand your knowledge to new Marketing Cloud solutions (e.g. Interaction Studio), complimentary Salesforce solutions (e.g. Sales/Service Cloud), or go even further and learn other technologies (e.g. Adobe)
Business analysis of functional requirements
Consulting and implementation of Marketing Automation projects and business applications based on the Salesforce platform
Active participation in meetings with clients, preparation and presentation of materials and demonstration of solutions to senior management teams
Participation in splendid international projects for top-shelf international and Polish clients
Work with Marketing Automation technologies (Salesforce Marketing Cloud)
Opportunity to expand your knowledge to new Marketing Cloud solutions (e.g. Interaction Studio), complimentary Salesforce solutions (e.g. Sales/Service Cloud), or go even further and learn other technologies (e.g. Adobe)
Business analysis of functional requirements
Consulting and implementation of Marketing Automation projects and business applications based on the Salesforce platform
Active participation in meetings with clients, preparation and presentation of materials and demonstration of solutions to senior management teams
Participation in splendid international projects for top-shelf international and Polish clients
Work with Marketing Automation technologies (Salesforce Marketing Cloud)
Opportunity to expand your knowledge to new Marketing Cloud solutions (e.g. Interaction Studio), complimentary Salesforce solutions (e.g. Sales/Service Cloud), or go even further and learn other technologies (e.g. Adobe)
Business analysis of functional requirements
Consulting and implementation of Marketing Automation projects and business applications based on the Salesforce platform
Active participation in meetings with clients, preparation and presentation of materials and demonstration of solutions to senior management teams
Participation in splendid international projects for top-shelf international and Polish clients
Work with Marketing Automation technologies (Salesforce Marketing Cloud)
Opportunity to expand your knowledge to new Marketing Cloud solutions (e.g. Interaction Studio), complimentary Salesforce solutions (e.g. Sales/Service Cloud), or go even further and learn other technologies (e.g. Adobe)
Business analysis of functional requirements
Consulting and implementation of Marketing Automation projects and business applications based on the Salesforce platform
Active participation in meetings with clients, preparation and presentation of materials and demonstration of solutions to senior management teams
Create, automate, and implement improvements of the processes related to releasing of Salesforce applications deployments
Lead, advocate and enforce solid CI/CD best DevOps practices
Collaborate with development teams, ensuring they follow DevOps procedures and best practices
Manage change control process. Manage production backups, sandbox refreshes and continuously improve release processes
Plan and govern best practices for release lifecycle including version controls, branching and code merges. Package and deploy custom configuration and code
Create, automate, and implement improvements of the processes related to releasing of Salesforce applications deployments
Lead, advocate and enforce solid CI/CD best DevOps practices
Collaborate with development teams, ensuring they follow DevOps procedures and best practices
Manage change control process. Manage production backups, sandbox refreshes and continuously improve release processes
Plan and govern best practices for release lifecycle including version controls, branching and code merges. Package and deploy custom configuration and code
Create, automate, and implement improvements of the processes related to releasing of Salesforce applications deployments
Lead, advocate and enforce solid CI/CD best DevOps practices
Collaborate with development teams, ensuring they follow DevOps procedures and best practices
Manage change control process. Manage production backups, sandbox refreshes and continuously improve release processes
Plan and govern best practices for release lifecycle including version controls, branching and code merges. Package and deploy custom configuration and code
Create, automate, and implement improvements of the processes related to releasing of Salesforce applications deployments
Lead, advocate and enforce solid CI/CD best DevOps practices
Collaborate with development teams, ensuring they follow DevOps procedures and best practices
Manage change control process. Manage production backups, sandbox refreshes and continuously improve release processes
Plan and govern best practices for release lifecycle including version controls, branching and code merges. Package and deploy custom configuration and code
Create, automate, and implement improvements of the processes related to releasing of Salesforce applications deployments
Lead, advocate and enforce solid CI/CD best DevOps practices
Collaborate with development teams, ensuring they follow DevOps procedures and best practices
Manage change control process. Manage production backups, sandbox refreshes and continuously improve release processes
Plan and govern best practices for release lifecycle including version controls, branching and code merges. Package and deploy custom configuration and code
Starszy Konsultant / Starsza Konsultantka w zespole CIT
Wygasła: 04.04.2024
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca hybrydowa
starszy specjalista (Senior)
wykorzystywanie technicznej wiedzy podatkowej oraz analizowanie stanowisk organów podatkowych i orzecznictw sądów administracyjnych,
formułowanie rekomendacji podatkowych dla klientów,
identyfikacja obszarów potencjalnego ryzyka podatkowego,
uczestnictwo w konsultacjach dla klientów oraz przygotowywanie opinii podatkowych,
udział w postępowaniach podatkowych,
przygotowywanie wniosków do organów podatkowych o wydanie indywidualnych interpretacji prawa podatkowego, opinii o stosowaniu preferencji, opinii zabezpieczających itp.,
asysta przy terminowym i poprawnym wdrażaniu zmian przepisów podatkowych u klientów
Adwokat / Radca Prawny (Associate / Senior Associate) w zespole Prawa Korporacyjnego
Wygasła: 04.04.2024
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca hybrydowa
starszy specjalista (Senior)
przygotowywanie i analiza dokumentacji korporacyjnej i transakcyjnej, sporządzaniu opinii prawnych, oraz opiniowanie i przygotowywanie projektów umów handlowych
strukturyzacja i realizacja transakcji na zlecenie Klientów (w szczególności w zakresie reorganizacji korporacyjnych)
prowadzenie spotkań / warsztatów z Klientami (w tym w zakresie planowania sukcesji pokoleniowej) po odpowiednim wdrożeniu
wsparcie merytoryczne członków zespołu w związku z realizowanymi projektami
budowanie i utrzymywanie trwałych relacji biznesowych z Klientami
Be part of the vibrant Deloitte Central Europe Workday practice, which supports international and local customers through their implementation and/or optimization projects
Advise, design, configure, and test the best solutions in Workday HCM
Guide clients in adapting their current processes to the functionality of the system
Act as an SME/Stream Lead in a given module for the client and within Deloitte Workday Practice, driving further capability development
Find solutions and provide advice on challenging topics or issues
Offer direction and guidance to junior functional consultants
Be part of the vibrant Deloitte Central Europe Workday practice, which supports international and local customers through their implementation and/or optimization projects
Advise, design, configure, and test the best solutions in Workday HCM
Guide clients in adapting their current processes to the functionality of the system
Act as an SME/Stream Lead in a given module for the client and within Deloitte Workday Practice, driving further capability development
Find solutions and provide advice on challenging topics or issues
Offer direction and guidance to junior functional consultants
Be part of the vibrant Deloitte Central Europe Workday practice, which supports international and local customers through their implementation and/or optimization projects
Advise, design, configure, and test the best solutions in Workday HCM
Guide clients in adapting their current processes to the functionality of the system
Act as an SME/Stream Lead in a given module for the client and within Deloitte Workday Practice, driving further capability development
Find solutions and provide advice on challenging topics or issues
Offer direction and guidance to junior functional consultants
Be part of the vibrant Deloitte Central Europe Workday practice, which supports international and local customers through their implementation and/or optimization projects
Advise, design, configure, and test the best solutions in Workday HCM
Guide clients in adapting their current processes to the functionality of the system
Act as an SME/Stream Lead in a given module for the client and within Deloitte Workday Practice, driving further capability development
Find solutions and provide advice on challenging topics or issues
Offer direction and guidance to junior functional consultants
Be part of the vibrant Deloitte Central Europe Workday practice, which supports international and local customers through their implementation and/or optimization projects
Advise, design, configure, and test the best solutions in Workday HCM
Guide clients in adapting their current processes to the functionality of the system
Act as an SME/Stream Lead in a given module for the client and within Deloitte Workday Practice, driving further capability development
Find solutions and provide advice on challenging topics or issues
Offer direction and guidance to junior functional consultants
Be part of the vibrant Deloitte Central Europe Workday practice, which supports international and local customers through their implementation and/or optimization projects
Advise, design, configure, and test the best solutions in Workday HCM
Guide clients in adapting their current processes to the functionality of the system
Act as an SME/Stream Lead in a given module for the client and within Deloitte Workday Practice, driving further capability development
Find solutions and provide advice on challenging topics or issues
Offer direction and guidance to junior functional consultants
Be part of the vibrant Deloitte Central Europe Workday practice, which supports international and local customers through their implementation and/or optimization projects
Advise, design, configure, and test the best solutions in Workday HCM
Guide clients in adapting their current processes to the functionality of the system
Act as an SME/Stream Lead in a given module for the client and within Deloitte Workday Practice, driving further capability development
Find solutions and provide advice on challenging topics or issues
Offer direction and guidance to junior functional consultants
Poszerzanie portfolio szkoleń wewnętrznych i zadbanie o rozwój strategii rozwoju i szkoleń zgodnej z potrzebami organizacyjnymi i trendami rynkowymi w Deloitte CE BSC w Rzeszowie;
Prowadzenie szkoleń z zakresu umiejętności miękkich;
Wsparcie menedżerów oraz liderów zespołów biznesowych w rozwijaniu ich umiejętności zarządzania zespołem;
Identyfikowanie oraz ocenianie obecnych i przyszłych potrzeb szkoleniowych poprzez analizę stanowisk, ścieżek kariery, wyników pracy i indywidualnych talentów pracowników przy współpracy z liderami zespołów;
Współpraca przy programach szkoleniowych dedykowanych zdrowiu psychicznemu;
Udział w budowaniu kultury organizacyjnej otwartej na informacje zwrotne i coaching;