Czy macie jakieś informacje na temat pracy w tej firmie? Jak wygląda atmosfera? Czy wynagrodzenie jest dobre? Czy są jakieś benefity? Jakie są warunki pracy? Z góry dzięki!
Financial Reporting Specialist (RTR Acocuntant with French)
Wygasła: 12.05.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Lead general daily accounting activities with the areas of OTC, PTP & RTR for the French entity and 1 other subsidiary. Coordinate recurring tasks in these areas amongst junior team members
OTC Coordination (customer invoicing, intercompany re-invoicing, collections). Circa 20 invoices/month
PTP Coordination (coding of supplier invoices and sending to local accounting firm for posting, supplier/payroll payment preparation, oversee travel expense reimbursement, payment allocation). Circa 20 invoices/month
RTR Coordination (month end closing - calculation of accruals, account reconciliation, reporting monthly results to group for consolidation)/
In collaboration with local accounting provider, provide necessary inputs/feedback as a basis for them to calculate quarterly VAT / annual CIT declarations and statutory financial statements
Lead point of contact for annual external auditor queries
Financial Reporting Specialist (RTR Acocuntant with French)
Wygasła: 12.05.2024
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Lead general daily accounting activities with the areas of OTC, PTP & RTR for the French entity and 1 other subsidiary. Coordinate recurring tasks in these areas amongst junior team members
OTC Coordination (customer invoicing, intercompany re-invoicing, collections). Circa 20 invoices/month
PTP Coordination (coding of supplier invoices and sending to local accounting firm for posting, supplier/payroll payment preparation, oversee travel expense reimbursement, payment allocation). Circa 20 invoices/month
RTR Coordination (month end closing - calculation of accruals, account reconciliation, reporting monthly results to group for consolidation)/
In collaboration with local accounting provider, provide necessary inputs/feedback as a basis for them to calculate quarterly VAT / annual CIT declarations and statutory financial statements
Lead point of contact for annual external auditor queries
Development of reporting processes for the group (Power BI)
Produce managerial reporting data for use in annual management accounts and quarterly supervisory board meetings
Perform fluctuation analysis to identify anomalies at month end and take necessary actions. Identify risks and opportunities and take mitigating actions
Development of reporting processes for the group (Power BI)
Produce managerial reporting data for use in annual management accounts and quarterly supervisory board meetings
Perform fluctuation analysis to identify anomalies at month end and take necessary actions. Identify risks and opportunities and take mitigating actions
Design, develop, and implement IIoT solutions using the Ignition! platform and related technologies
Integrate various industrial devices, sensors, and systems with the Ignition! platform using standard IIoT protocols such as MQTT and OPC UA
Develop custom modules, components, and interfaces for the Ignition! platform to support specific IIoT use cases and requirements
Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including product management, UX/UI design, and quality assurance, to deliver high-quality IIoT solutions
Work with customers and stakeholders to understand their IIoT needs and requirements, and provide technical guidance and support as needed
Stay up to date with the latest trends and best practices in IIoT and industrial automation, and continually improve the Ignition! platform's IIoT capabilities
Developing a standard for IT configuration management methodology
Collaborating and supporting the Customer in the development of CMDB policy, processes, and knowledge base
Cooperation with the Service manager, to improve Customer data integrity regarding classes, naming conventions, attributes, data sources, and relationships
Maintains Customer data to ensure CMDB accuracy and completeness
Works with other ITSM processes to understand new requirements and identify how Configuration management can support
Rejestracja dokumentów finansowych: faktury kosztowe wraz z prawidłową alokacją kosztów
Wsparcie pracowników w zakresie obiegu dokumentów (faktur i rozliczeń)
Wsparcie w rozliczeniach podróży biznesowych
Obsługa biura lokalnego, w tym: - Wsparcie lokalnych eventów we wskazanym każdorazowo zakresie - Obsługa recepcji i dbałość o estetykę biura - Obsługa korespondencji (wysyłka i odbiór, rejestracja, dystrybucja) - Obsługa spotkań biznesowych w biurze
Rejestracja dokumentów finansowych: faktury kosztowe wraz z prawidłową alokacją kosztów
Wsparcie pracowników w zakresie obiegu dokumentów (faktur i rozliczeń)
Wsparcie w rozliczeniach podróży biznesowych
Obsługa biura lokalnego, w tym: - Wsparcie lokalnych eventów we wskazanym każdorazowo zakresie - Obsługa recepcji i dbałość o estetykę biura - Obsługa korespondencji (wysyłka i odbiór, rejestracja, dystrybucja) - Obsługa spotkań biznesowych w biurze
The responsibilities of this person will include development of components using object oriented programming following good coding practices and extensive components testing. Additionally, a person will be involved in the full lifecycle of forecasting application development: from data preparation, through modeling, evaluation, productization to maintenance
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Data Engineer - Python
Jana Pawła II 17, Czuby, Lublin
Wygasła: 14.02.2024
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
The responsibilities of this person will include development of components using object oriented programming following good coding practices and extensive components testing. Additionally, a person will be involved in the full lifecycle of forecasting application development: from data preparation, through modeling, evaluation, productization to maintenance
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Data Engineer - Python
Chmielna 69, Wola, Warszawa
Wygasła: 14.02.2024
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
home office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
The responsibilities of this person will include development of components using object oriented programming following good coding practices and extensive components testing. Additionally, a person will be involved in the full lifecycle of forecasting application development: from data preparation, through modeling, evaluation, productization to maintenance
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Junior Marketing Specialist
Wygasła: 19.01.2024
umowa o pracę
home office work
junior specialist (Junior)
Conducting business communications on social media channels
Planning the publication schedule and materials for publication
Drafting content (e.g. press releases) for mass media or company website
Cooperation with PR agency
Work with foreign marketers and headquarter team to make materials transparent
Create and edit corporate materials in accordance with the communication strategy and brand story of company
Connecting CSR communications for business needs
Creating insight materials for customers (PDF, ebooks, blogposts)
Measuring and reporting the effects of business communications
Engage directly with customers to evangelize, identify needs/improvement areas, and audit the current state
Present portfolio, solutions, and business benefits, while consulting on building digitalization roadmaps
Establish long-term key customers relationships, founded on trust and expertise
Prepare offers, including feasibility studies, technical solutions, architecture planning (with technical team support), and time/effort estimations
Provide support to the project delivery team, assisting in development, handover, and project finalization
Collaborate with customers to extend, scale, and roll-out applications
Conduct internal and external trainings
Stay updated on market trends, and contribute to publications in areas such as Industry 4.0 (IoT, IIoT, AR, AI/ML…), Manufacturing, IT/OT convergence, and Industrial Automation
Reviews and understands customer's overall program strategy
Prepares and executes program and project kick-offs
Develops program and project management plans
Creates and maintains the project plan for the different project phases
Works together with the customer project manager / product owner
Supports customer product owner with creating product backlog
Requirements Overview
Provides project escalation management
Manages project communication
Performs risk management activities
Supports the project execution, monitoring and control phase by performing project administrative tasks such as time and expense reporting & approvals, invoice preparation and approval
You will be a member of project team that implements ITSM solutions for external customers. The solution is based on third-party system and aligned with ITIL best practices. During the project you will combine the role of business analyst with ITSM specialist by:
Working closely with external customers: identify needs, gather requirements and analyzing customer’s expectations;
Modeling business processes with focus on IT Service Management Area;
Suggesting optimizations and areas for improvement;
Hosting workshops and meetings with the customer, presenting solutions to stakeholders;
Creating a concept of final solutions based on third-party vendors’ systems;
Participation in presales activities like assessing feasibility of the requirements and preparing content of the commercial offer;
Close cooperation with technical teams;
Verification whether delivered solution meets business needs;
Constructively engage with stakeholders and support development of global forecasting processes for the group. This includes monthly P&L reviews, improving forecasted data quality, support implementation on new reporting requirements, produce/analyze/present relevant KPIs
Perform fluctuation analysis to identify anomalies at month end and take necessary actions. Identify risks and opportunities and take mitigating actions
Support annual budget process with business unit leaders to define revenue / profitability targets for each entity
Produce managerial reporting data for use in annual management accounts and quarterly supervisory board meetings
Constructively engage with stakeholders and support development of global forecasting processes for the group. This includes monthly P&L reviews, improving forecasted data quality, support implementation on new reporting requirements, produce/analyze/present relevant KPIs
Perform fluctuation analysis to identify anomalies at month end and take necessary actions. Identify risks and opportunities and take mitigating actions
Support annual budget process with business unit leaders to define revenue / profitability targets for each entity
Produce managerial reporting data for use in annual management accounts and quarterly supervisory board meetings
Pełna obsługa płacowa firmy zatrudniającej ok. 300 osób
Terminowe i prawidłowe naliczanie wynagrodzeń, świadczeń z ZFŚS oraz świadczeń pieniężnych z ubezpieczenia społecznego z tytułu umowy o pracę oraz innych tytułów zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami prawa
Przygotowanie, weryfikacja i archiwizacja dokumentacji płacowej (w tym zasiłkowej)
Kompleksowa obsługa programu Płatnik (zgłoszenia, rozliczenia)
Sporządzanie deklaracji ZUS, PIT, PFRON, sprawozdań dla GUS
Kontakt z urzędami oraz organami kontroli
Sporządzanie raportów i zestawień płacowych na potrzeby spółki
Przygotowywanie zaświadczeń o wynagrodzeniu
Przygotowywanie dokumentacji związanej z nawiązaniem, trwaniem i zakończeniem stosunku pracy, prowadzenie akt osobowych pracowników
Bieżące monitorowanie zmian w przepisach prawa pracy, prawa podatkowego i ubezpieczeń społecznych
Efektywna współpraca z zespołem kadrowym oraz pozostałymi działami firmy
Defining strategy for the development of the TTPSC’s cybersecurity portfolio (cloud, IoT, applications tests, vulnerability detection and management, professional services)
Managing and developing company’s services and solutions,
Gathering market insights & analyzing it: deep market analysis, developing and validating propositions, market evaluation, developing business cases,
Managing products, solutions and services roadmap
Launching products, solutions and services covering all required elements – pricing, working sales enablement and with the field defining go-to market strategy,
Close cooperation with competence and delivery centers, marketing, sales, sales enablement, and external partners
Defining strategy for the development of the TTPSC’s cybersecurity portfolio (cloud, IoT, applications tests, vulnerability detection and management, professional services)
Managing and developing company’s services and solutions,
Gathering market insights & analyzing it: deep market analysis, developing and validating propositions, market evaluation, developing business cases,
Managing products, solutions and services roadmap
Launching products, solutions and services covering all required elements – pricing, working sales enablement and with the field defining go-to market strategy,
Close cooperation with competence and delivery centers, marketing, sales, sales enablement, and external partners
Defining strategy for the development of the TTPSC’s cybersecurity portfolio (cloud, IoT, applications tests, vulnerability detection and management, professional services)
Managing and developing company’s services and solutions,
Gathering market insights & analyzing it: deep market analysis, developing and validating propositions, market evaluation, developing business cases,
Managing products, solutions and services roadmap
Launching products, solutions and services covering all required elements – pricing, working sales enablement and with the field defining go-to market strategy,
Close cooperation with competence and delivery centers, marketing, sales, sales enablement, and external partners
Defining strategy for the development of the TTPSC’s cybersecurity portfolio (cloud, IoT, applications tests, vulnerability detection and management, professional services)
Managing and developing company’s services and solutions,
Gathering market insights & analyzing it: deep market analysis, developing and validating propositions, market evaluation, developing business cases,
Managing products, solutions and services roadmap
Launching products, solutions and services covering all required elements – pricing, working sales enablement and with the field defining go-to market strategy,
Close cooperation with competence and delivery centers, marketing, sales, sales enablement, and external partners
Defining strategy for the development of the TTPSC’s cybersecurity portfolio (cloud, IoT, applications tests, vulnerability detection and management, professional services)
Managing and developing company’s services and solutions,
Gathering market insights & analyzing it: deep market analysis, developing and validating propositions, market evaluation, developing business cases,
Managing products, solutions and services roadmap
Launching products, solutions and services covering all required elements – pricing, working sales enablement and with the field defining go-to market strategy,
Close cooperation with competence and delivery centers, marketing, sales, sales enablement, and external partners
Obsługa biura lokalnych (zaopatrzenie, wsparcie lokalnych eventów, dekoracje, dbałość o estetykę biura);
Obsługa Front Desk w poszczególnych lokalizacjach;
Obsługa korespondencji (wysyłka i odbiór, rejestracja, dystrybucja);
Rejestracja faktur + rozdzielenie kosztów;
Bieżące wsparcie pracowników lokalnych;
Globalne wsparcie pracowników;
Organizacja i obsługa spotkań w biurach lokalnych;
Organizacja spotkań poza biurem;
Organizacja i rozliczanie podróży służbowych (krajowych);
Inne dodatkowe zadania zlecone związane z pracami administracji i zespołu technicznego;
Poszukiwanie alternatyw dla obecnych kontrahentów związane z koniecznością optymalizacji kosztów (firmy sprzątające, zaopatrzenie biur, firmy kurierskie, sprzęty biurowe - ekspresy);
Obsługa biura lokalnych (zaopatrzenie, wsparcie lokalnych eventów, dekoracje, dbałość o estetykę biura);
Obsługa Front Desk w poszczególnych lokalizacjach;
Obsługa korespondencji (wysyłka i odbiór, rejestracja, dystrybucja);
Rejestracja faktur + rozdzielenie kosztów;
Bieżące wsparcie pracowników lokalnych;
Globalne wsparcie pracowników;
Organizacja i obsługa spotkań w biurach lokalnych;
Organizacja spotkań poza biurem;
Organizacja i rozliczanie podróży służbowych (krajowych);
Inne dodatkowe zadania zlecone związane z pracami administracji i zespołu technicznego;
Poszukiwanie alternatyw dla obecnych kontrahentów związane z koniecznością optymalizacji kosztów (firmy sprzątające, zaopatrzenie biur, firmy kurierskie, sprzęty biurowe - ekspresy);
Defining strategy for the development of the TTPSC’s Service portfolio (Service Management, Service Requests, Service Catalog, Asset Management, Configuration Management, Monitoring with Event Management, Reporting, Compliance and Security)
Managing and developing company’s services and solutions
Gathering market insights & analyzing it: deep market analysis, developing and validating propositions, market evaluation, developing business cases
Managing products, solutions and services roadmap
Launching products, solutions and services covering all required elements – pricing, working sales enablement and with the field defining go-to market strategy
Close cooperation with competence and delivery centers, marketing, sales, sales enablement, and external partners
Handling issues and Service Requests with Monitoring the Service Quality
Defining strategy for the development of the TTPSC’s Service portfolio (Service Management, Service Requests, Service Catalog, Asset Management, Configuration Management, Monitoring with Event Management, Reporting, Compliance and Security)
Managing and developing company’s services and solutions
Gathering market insights & analyzing it: deep market analysis, developing and validating propositions, market evaluation, developing business cases
Managing products, solutions and services roadmap
Launching products, solutions and services covering all required elements – pricing, working sales enablement and with the field defining go-to market strategy
Close cooperation with competence and delivery centers, marketing, sales, sales enablement, and external partners
Handling issues and Service Requests with Monitoring the Service Quality
Defining strategy for the development of the TTPSC’s Service portfolio (Service Management, Service Requests, Service Catalog, Asset Management, Configuration Management, Monitoring with Event Management, Reporting, Compliance and Security)
Managing and developing company’s services and solutions
Gathering market insights & analyzing it: deep market analysis, developing and validating propositions, market evaluation, developing business cases
Managing products, solutions and services roadmap
Launching products, solutions and services covering all required elements – pricing, working sales enablement and with the field defining go-to market strategy
Close cooperation with competence and delivery centers, marketing, sales, sales enablement, and external partners
Handling issues and Service Requests with Monitoring the Service Quality
Defining strategy for the development of the TTPSC’s Service portfolio (Service Management, Service Requests, Service Catalog, Asset Management, Configuration Management, Monitoring with Event Management, Reporting, Compliance and Security)
Managing and developing company’s services and solutions
Gathering market insights & analyzing it: deep market analysis, developing and validating propositions, market evaluation, developing business cases
Managing products, solutions and services roadmap
Launching products, solutions and services covering all required elements – pricing, working sales enablement and with the field defining go-to market strategy
Close cooperation with competence and delivery centers, marketing, sales, sales enablement, and external partners
Handling issues and Service Requests with Monitoring the Service Quality
Defining strategy for the development of the TTPSC’s Service portfolio (Service Management, Service Requests, Service Catalog, Asset Management, Configuration Management, Monitoring with Event Management, Reporting, Compliance and Security)
Managing and developing company’s services and solutions
Gathering market insights & analyzing it: deep market analysis, developing and validating propositions, market evaluation, developing business cases
Managing products, solutions and services roadmap
Launching products, solutions and services covering all required elements – pricing, working sales enablement and with the field defining go-to market strategy
Close cooperation with competence and delivery centers, marketing, sales, sales enablement, and external partners
Handling issues and Service Requests with Monitoring the Service Quality
Person on this position will be working closely with customers and leveraging relationship with Software Vendors from TTPSC's partner network. The main duty is to satisfy customers’ needs by providing value and address their pain points by offering and implementation high quality services in combination with software offered by partners
Selling Enterprise software in a collaboration with software vendor on a strategic major accounts
Identifing upsell, cross-sell, and renewal opportunities
Qualifing leads and business opportunities
Managing complex sales negotiations and value-based selling
Identifying business pains and handle objections of the customers
Handling inquiries and requests from customers and address their needs
Making sure that customers receive services that are within their budget and meet their needs
Meeting regularly with other team members to discuss progress and find new ways to improve business
Generating progress reports for clients and senior leaders within the organization
Person on this position will be working closely with customers and leveraging relationship with Software Vendors from TTPSC's partner network. The main duty is to satisfy customers’ needs by providing value and address their pain points by offering and implementation high quality services in combination with software offered by partners
Selling Enterprise software in a collaboration with software vendor on a strategic major accounts
Identifing upsell, cross-sell, and renewal opportunities
Qualifing leads and business opportunities
Managing complex sales negotiations and value-based selling
Identifying business pains and handle objections of the customers
Handling inquiries and requests from customers and address their needs
Making sure that customers receive services that are within their budget and meet their needs
Meeting regularly with other team members to discuss progress and find new ways to improve business
Generating progress reports for clients and senior leaders within the organization
Person on this position will be working closely with customers and leveraging relationship with Software Vendors from TTPSC's partner network. The main duty is to satisfy customers’ needs by providing value and address their pain points by offering and implementation high quality services in combination with software offered by partners
Selling Enterprise software in a collaboration with software vendor on a strategic major accounts
Identifing upsell, cross-sell, and renewal opportunities
Qualifing leads and business opportunities
Managing complex sales negotiations and value-based selling
Identifying business pains and handle objections of the customers
Handling inquiries and requests from customers and address their needs
Making sure that customers receive services that are within their budget and meet their needs
Meeting regularly with other team members to discuss progress and find new ways to improve business
Generating progress reports for clients and senior leaders within the organization
Person on this position will be working closely with customers and leveraging relationship with Software Vendors from TTPSC's partner network. The main duty is to satisfy customers’ needs by providing value and address their pain points by offering and implementation high quality services in combination with software offered by partners
Selling Enterprise software in a collaboration with software vendor on a strategic major accounts
Identifing upsell, cross-sell, and renewal opportunities
Qualifing leads and business opportunities
Managing complex sales negotiations and value-based selling
Identifying business pains and handle objections of the customers
Handling inquiries and requests from customers and address their needs
Making sure that customers receive services that are within their budget and meet their needs
Meeting regularly with other team members to discuss progress and find new ways to improve business
Generating progress reports for clients and senior leaders within the organization
Person on this position will be working closely with customers and leveraging relationship with Software Vendors from TTPSC's partner network. The main duty is to satisfy customers’ needs by providing value and address their pain points by offering and implementation high quality services in combination with software offered by partners
Selling Enterprise software in a collaboration with software vendor on a strategic major accounts
Identifing upsell, cross-sell, and renewal opportunities
Qualifing leads and business opportunities
Managing complex sales negotiations and value-based selling
Identifying business pains and handle objections of the customers
Handling inquiries and requests from customers and address their needs
Making sure that customers receive services that are within their budget and meet their needs
Meeting regularly with other team members to discuss progress and find new ways to improve business
Generating progress reports for clients and senior leaders within the organization
Person on this position will be working closely with customers and leveraging relationship with Software Vendors from TTPSC's partner network. The main duty is to satisfy customers’ needs by providing value and address their pain points by offering and implementation high quality services in combination with software offered by partners
Selling Enterprise software in a collaboration with software vendor on a strategic major accounts
Identifing upsell, cross-sell, and renewal opportunities
Qualifing leads and business opportunities
Managing complex sales negotiations and value-based selling
Identifying business pains and handle objections of the customers
Handling inquiries and requests from customers and address their needs
Making sure that customers receive services that are within their budget and meet their needs
Meeting regularly with other team members to discuss progress and find new ways to improve business
Generating progress reports for clients and senior leaders within the organization
Współpraca z Business Development Managerami i Działem Sprzedaży w tworzeniu i realizowaniu międzynarodowych działań marketingowych (kraje nordyckie lub Wielka Brytania)
Planowanie, realizowanie i analizowanie działań marketingowych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem działań lead generation
Opracowywanie i realizowanie strategii content marketingowej
Przygotowywanie treści na bloga, strony internetowe, landing page i inne materiały marketingowe z uwzględnieniem zasad SEO (w języku polskim i angielskim)
Współpraca ze specjalistą SEO - wdrażanie zaleceń wynikających z analiz SEO
Współpraca z Business Development Managerami i Działem Sprzedaży w tworzeniu i realizowaniu międzynarodowych działań marketingowych (kraje nordyckie lub Wielka Brytania)
Planowanie, realizowanie i analizowanie działań marketingowych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem działań lead generation
Opracowywanie i realizowanie strategii content marketingowej
Przygotowywanie treści na bloga, strony internetowe, landing page i inne materiały marketingowe z uwzględnieniem zasad SEO (w języku polskim i angielskim)
Współpraca ze specjalistą SEO - wdrażanie zaleceń wynikających z analiz SEO