Czy macie jakieś informacje na temat pracy w tej firmie? Jak wygląda atmosfera? Czy wynagrodzenie jest dobre? Czy są jakieś benefity? Jakie są warunki pracy? Z góry dzięki!
Head Sales Operations / Customer Service Poland and Lithuania
Legnickie Pole 178, Legnickie Pole (pow. legnicki)
Wygasła: 14.12.2023
umowa o pracę
hybrid work
manager / supervisor
The person in the position coordinates the work of the Sales Operations Team and actively supports Sales by building relationships with external and internal customers. The employee's responsibilities include leading the team and actively working on Sales Operations targets, coordinating and preparing sales offers based on company standards and Customer needs, preparing and comprehensively handling orders taking into account Specific Customer Requirements and B2B portals, creating shipments and issuing sales invoices, as well as coordinating the open topics concerning overdue payments, bonus and all pricing activities
Essential tasks:
Managing the Sales Operations Team responsible for Poland and Lithuania
Set performance targets, lead, mentor and motivate the team in delivering of high-quality services
Contribute actively in daily operative work including CSR review, offer and order processing, delivery scheduling, invoicing
Maintain and improve mechanisms of surveying and measuring Customer Satisfaction
Contact external and internal Customers to ensure the high level of service
Support with new projects implementation, local and global improvements projects
Create reports and analysis
Work with Customer Portals, Salesforce, SAP ERP, Jeeves
Legnickie Pole 178, Legnickie Pole (pow. legnicki)
Wygasła: 01.11.2023
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca stacjonarna
specjalista (Mid / Regular)
Osoba zatrudniona na tym stanowisku będzie głównie odpowiedzialna za procesy VAT dla polskiej spółki jak również za wsparcie zadań z obszaru AR w SSC. Będzie odpowiedzialnA za ewidencjonowanie i weryfikowanie zdarzeń księgowych zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami i standardami w celu terminowego składania sprawozdań finansowych
Główne obowiązki:
Przygotowanie i gromadzenie dokumentacji, do raportowania VAT przy współpracy z partnerem zewnętrznym dla Polskiej spółki
Sporządzanie i weryfikacja rejestrów VAT, rozliczanie kont VAT, kontrola dokumentów przewozowych
Monitorowanie i analiza księgowań w systemie SAP
Kontakt z zewnętrzną firmą doradczą
Sporządzanie deklaracji Intrastat
Księgowanie wyciągów bankowych
Analizowanie przychodzących raportów / wyciągów / sald kont księgi głównej i otwartych pozycji na kontach odbiorców
Wspieranie działu księgowości w procesie zamknięciu miesiąca / roku
Skuteczna współpraca z klientami i współpracownikami
Legnickie Pole 178, Legnickie Pole (pow. legnicki)
Wygasła: 29.10.2023
umowa o pracę
full office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
The Product Quality Engineer supports product development and is responsible for the definition of all quality-relevant product requirements for new clamps and rings products. As a core member of the IDEA (APQP) team this role works to ensure that Quality is designed into our products and processes
Core team member of IDEA team (APQP) for Clamps and Rings products:
Participation in Project meetings
Providing input for all Quality related activities
Ensuring customer-specific requirements are considered and included
Defines quality related requirements for new products:
Legnickie Pole 178, Legnickie Pole (pow. legnicki)
Wygasła: 29.10.2023
umowa o pracę
full office work
specialist (Mid / Regular)
The quality engineer is responsible for overseeing the compliance of procedures and processes in company with respect to IATF16949 / ISO 9001 and ISO14001 Standards. Supervising and implementing local Quality plans to ensure compliance of Products and Processes with Oetiker Group assumptions and customer requirements
Development, modification and supervision of quality documentation
Initiating and supervising immediate, corrective and preventive actions in case of internal and external quality problems
Initiating activities in the area of continuous improvement
Development of qualitative indicators (regarding internal and external complaints, quality costs, scrap metal, repairs, COPQ)
Legnickie Pole 178, Legnickie Pole (pow. legnicki)
Wygasła: 01.10.2023
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca stacjonarna
specjalista (Mid / Regular)
Osoba zatrudniona na tym stanowisku będzie głównie odpowiedzialna za rozliczenie podatku VAT dla polskiej spółki jak również za wsparcie krajów niemieckojęzycznych w obszarach AR. Stanowisko to będzie odpowiedzialne za ewidencjonowanie i weryfikowanie zdarzeń księgowych zgodnie z obowiązującymi przepisami i standardami rachunkowości w celu terminowego składania raportów i deklaracji
Przygotowywanie i gromadzenie dokumentacji do raportowania VAT przy współpracy z partnerem zewnętrznym dla Polskiej spółki
Sporządzanie i weryfikacja rejestrów VAT, rozliczanie kont VAT, kontrola dokumentów przewozowych
Bieżąca analiza przepisów podatkowych dotyczących podatku VAT
Monitorowanie i analiza księgowań w systemie SAP
Kontakt z zewnętrzną firmą doradczą
Sporządzanie deklaracji Intrastat
Księgowanie wyciągów bankowych dla krajów niemieckojęzycznych
Analizowanie przychodzących raportów / wyciągów / sald kont księgi głównej i otwartych pozycji na kontach odbiorców
Bieżące wsparcie działu w procesie zamknięciu miesiąca, roku
Skuteczna współpraca z klientami i współpracownikami
Legnickie Pole 178, Legnickie Pole (pow. legnicki)
Wygasła: 01.10.2023
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
praca stacjonarna
specjalista (Mid / Regular)
Osoba zatrudniona na tym stanowisku będzie odpowiedzialna za sprawne funkcjonowanie parku maszynowego, infrastruktury zakładu, bieżące naprawy i planowane przeglądy
Serwisowanie oraz okresowe przeglądy prewencyjne maszyn zgodnie z opracowanym harmonogramem
Diagnozowanie, naprawa maszyn, usuwanie problemów mechanicznych, elektrycznych i elektronicznych
Analiza pracy maszyn oraz przebiegów procesów produkcyjnych
Instalacja nowych maszyn i stanowisk produkcyjnych
Usprawnienia i optymalizacja pracy parku maszynowego
Analiza, tworzenie schematów elektrycznych oraz dokumentacji technicznej maszyn i urządzeń
Współpraca i spotkania z dostawcami maszyn, serwisami zewnętrznymi
Tworzenie magazynu części zamiennych, kontakt z dostawcami
• Technical specification, design, implementation, and documentation in the area of Oetiker BI:
- Extraction Transformation Loading (ETL) of SAP & Non-SAP Data Sources, structured and unstructured data
- Data & Layer modelling
- Scheduling & Monitoring
• Performance tuning, optimization of ETL processes, housekeeping on SAP HANA and system upgrades
• Assurance of information integrity and data quality through processes and tools for assessing missing values, completeness, reliability, audit trails and accuracy of data
• Incident and problem management in case of operational issues in the area of the BI system
• Testing activities
• Design and implementation of data models and data solutions to extract data from various source systems
• Key team member of projects realized in BI, conceptual design and implementation of new business requirements
• Reengineering and enhancing of BI models, components, data structure and data integration to guarantee an efficient system
BI Frontend:
• Design and further development of standardized KPIs and reports and execution of complex ad-hoc analysis
• Maintaining the requirement process, definition and documentation of detailed specifications for new or changed reports in conjunction with KPI / report owners
• Consult, train and support business users in the area of analytics and reporting in the BI frontend tools (SAP AO & SAC)
• Testing activities
• Control and further development of the compliance of data quality standards and recommendation and coordination on necessary data quality improvement activities in BI and source systems
Position Summary: Responsible for service and customer support for Oetiker electronic and pneumatic tools, that are used with Oetiker clamps and rings, for customers in EMEA Region
Programming e.g., Siemens Production System (SPS) and common configuration of industrial networks
Onsite customer installation of pneumatic and electronic tooling into high-end automated assembly lines
Provide customer training and support of Oetiker installation tools remotely or at customer location
Assembly of new power tools and tool repairs within PTC department or onsite at customer location
Analyze existing installation tools and make technical recommendations to improve overall performance
Ensure compliance with all applicable safety and environmental regulations
Compliance to the Management Manual, IATF 16949, ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 requirements
Coordination with cross functional teams (i.e. R&D, product marketing, logistics and sales)
Responsible for planning, reporting and execution of research and development projects (products and processes) while meeting quality, cost and time (QCT) expectations
Development of concepts and constructive solutions for new products in compliance with costs, deadlines and safety regulations
Defines measurable criteria for product and process realization. Collaboration in the creation of measurable criteria in connection with product and process realization
Responsible for carrying out feasibility studies to assess the possibilities and risks for achieving the project goals
Directly supervises the manufacturing process of sample parts
Is significantly responsible for the initialization, creation and monitoring of the concept, product and process design phase after IDEA and is supported by the R&D test department
Consolidation and evaluation of results from the basic and functional tests of the test department up to series production release
Definition of the requirements and specifications of the corresponding product solutions
Accompaniment of prototype production in connection with product and process development
Preparation of detail drawings, assembly drawings and production documents
Design work on 3D-CAD preferably Solid Works
Mechanical integrity calculations by means of state-of-the-art engineering tools (e.g. FEA)
Supports the creation and updating of design and process FMEA's
Responsible for the application of project management according to IDEA/CUST
Develops and maintains contacts to strategic network partners in the field of innovation and technology (e.g. universities, steel suppliers)
Further tasks as instructed by Head R&D Center of Competence V-clamps and Straps Oetiker Group
We are looking for technical Project Leader who would like to join us and realize with other team members such projects during next couple of years
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
R&D Process Creator
Legnickie Pole (pow. legnicki)
Wygasła: 28.07.2022
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
specjalista (Mid / Regular)
Jeśli jesteś inżynierem z pasją do technologii i metod wytwarzania, wiesz jak powinny być zaprojektowane i wykonane. Masz doświadczanie z procesem i maszynami na hali produkcyjnej, projektowałeś jego elementy
Chcesz rozwinąć umiejętności konstruowania narzędzi i wyrobów gotowych w oprogramowaniu 3D oraz przygotowania i projektowania procesu. Widzisz jak istotne są obliczenia inżynierskie i ich weryfikacja, chcesz je wykorzystywać w codziennej pracy. Chcesz pracować z częściami i narzędziami, które zaprojektowałeś/zaprojektowałaś na etapie przygotowania prototypów, testów i uruchomiania produkcji seryjnej
To jest praca dla Ciebie, zaaplikuj a chętnie opowiemy Ci o szczegółach i odpowiemy na Twoje pytania
Jeśli jesteś inżynierem z pasją do technologii, już dziś konstruujesz nowe produkty, narzędzia, projektujesz w środowisku 3D, przygotowujesz dokumentacje projektowa i chciałbyś/chciałabyś rozwinąć swoje umiejętności w przygotowaniu i projektowaniu procesu, wsparcia działu testowego
Widzisz jak istotne są obliczenia inżynierskie i chcesz je wykorzystywać w codziennej pracy. Chcesz pracować z częściami i narzędziami, które zaprojektowałeś na etapie przygotowania prototypów, testów i uruchomiania produkcji seryjnej
To jest praca dla Ciebie, zaaplikuj a chętnie opowiemy Ci o szczegółach i odpowiemy na Twoje pytania
• Technical specification, design, implementation, and documentation in the area of Oetiker BI:
- Extraction Transformation Loading (ETL) of SAP & Non-SAP Data Sources, structured and unstructured data
- Data & Layer modelling
- Scheduling & Monitoring
• Performance tuning, optimization of ETL processes, housekeeping on SAP HANA and system upgrades
• Assurance of information integrity and data quality through processes and tools for assessing missing values, completeness, reliability, audit trails and accuracy of data
• Incident and problem management in case of operational issues in the area of the BI system
• Testing activities
• Design and implementation of data models and data solutions to extract data from various source systems
• Key team member of projects realized in BI, conceptual design and implementation of new business requirements
• Reengineering and enhancing of BI models, components, data structure and data integration to guarantee an efficient system
BI Frontend:
• Design and further development of standardized KPIs and reports and execution of complex ad-hoc analysis
• Maintaining the requirement process, definition and documentation of detailed specifications for new or changed reports in conjunction with KPI / report owners
• Consult, train and support business users in the area of analytics and reporting in the BI frontend tools (SAP AO & SAC)
• Testing activities
• Control and further development of the compliance of data quality standards and recommendation and coordination on necessary data quality improvement activities in BI and source systems
Praca R&D Engineer CAD / PDM Systems Administrator
Legnickie Pole
Wygasła: 07.05.2022
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Praca R&D Engineer – FEA
Legnickie Pole
Wygasła: 06.05.2022
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Praca Service technician for assembly tools (automotive)
Legnickie Pole
Wygasła: 04.05.2022
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Praca R&D Engineer CAD / PDM Systems Administrator
Legnickie Pole
Wygasła: 04.05.2022
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Praca R&D Projects Leader
Legnickie Pole
Wygasła: 04.05.2022
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Praca R&D Engineer – FEA
Legnickie Pole
Wygasła: 04.05.2022
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Service technician for assembly tools (automotive)
Legnickie Pole (pow. legnicki)
Wygasła: 30.04.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Position summery: Responsible for the technical support with customers for our assembly tools. This can be phone support and support at the customer facility. In this position you are responsible to diagnose root cause and find solutions for the customer issues
Carry out the commissioning of our assembly tools
Advise our customers on service and commissioning issues
Repair the assembly tools
Integrate the assembly tools into the existing networks
Take over the technical support for sales for the assembly tools
Uses FEM to drive research, development and continuous improvements of concepts and solutions for new and existing products and manufacturing processes (preferably ANSYS)
Responsible for carrying out FEM structural studies (static and dynamic analysis)
Documents FEA results and ensures FEA related knowhow management within Oetiker
Definition of FEA verification testing (FEA model creation, validation and release upon proven correlation to real test)
Consolidation and evaluation of results from the basic and functional tests of the test department up to series production release
Research and development of concepts and constructive solutions for new products, technologies and processes
Preparation of detail drawings, assembly drawings and production documents (preferably Solid Works)
Responsible for planning, reporting and execution of research and development projects (products and processes) while meeting quality, cost and time (QCT) expectations
Development of concepts and constructive solutions for new products in compliance with costs, deadlines and safety regulations
Defines measurable criteria for product and process realization. Collaboration in the creation of measurable criteria in connection with product and process realization
Responsible for carrying out feasibility studies to assess the possibilities and risks for achieving the project goals
Directly supervises the manufacturing process of sample parts
Is significantly responsible for the initialization, creation and monitoring of the concept, product and process design phase after IDEA and is supported by the R&D test department
Consolidation and evaluation of results from the basic and functional tests of the test department up to series production release
Definition of the requirements and specifications of the corresponding product solutions
Accompaniment of prototype production in connection with product and process development
Preparation of detail drawings, assembly drawings and production documents
Design work on 3D-CAD preferably Solid Works
Mechanical integrity calculations by means of state-of-the-art engineering tools (e.g. FEA)
Supports the creation and updating of design and process FMEA's
Responsible for the application of project management according to IDEA/CUST
Develops and maintains contacts to strategic network partners in the field of innovation and technology (e.g. universities, steel suppliers)
Further tasks as instructed by Head R&D Center of Competence V-clamps and Straps Oetiker Group
Position summery: Responsible for CAD/PDM Systems Oetiker Group. The job holder leads and drives activities to meet internal and external customer expectations for CAD/PDM systems regarding quality, cost and delivery. This role demands a high degree of competence and confidence in the ability to strategically partner with critical suppliers and internal stakeholders to drive business success
Responsible for the functional operation and management of CAD/PDM systems with its related databases within Oetiker Group, related guidelines and technical environment descriptions of R&D and Product & Process Engineering
Responsible to provide the global CAD/PDM user support, including CAD user integration at new locations
Responsible for local 1sl level support CH/PL and leads the Global Network
Responsible for the management of the global CAD Family numbers
Responsible for strategic projects as assigned by the R&D Governance Manager
Be a team member of global CAD/PDM and further projects
Praca Special offer of OETIKER POLSKA — Leave your CV
Wygasła: 28.04.2022
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Praca Poznaj nas na Festiwalu Pracy JOBICON online
Wygasła: 27.04.2022
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Praca Test Engineer (R&D)
Legnickie Pole
Wygasła: 27.04.2022
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Praca Supplier Development Engineer
Legnickie Pole
Wygasła: 27.04.2022
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Praca Sales Operations Specialist - automotive
Legnickie Pole
Wygasła: 27.04.2022
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Praca FEA Engineer
Legnickie Pole
Wygasła: 27.04.2022
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Special offer of OETIKER POLSKA — Leave your CV
Wygasła: 04.04.2022
Specjalista (Mid / Regular)
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Praca Special offer of OETIKER POLSKA — Leave your CV
Wygasła: 22.04.2022
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Praca RnD Engineer
Legnickie Pole
Wygasła: 21.04.2022
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Praca R&D Engineer CAD / PDM Systems Administrator
Legnickie Pole
Wygasła: 21.04.2022
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
RnD Engineer
Legnickie Pole (pow. legnicki)
Wygasła: 27.03.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
Research and development of concepts and constructive solutions for new products, processes and technologies in compliance with costs, deadlines and safety regulations
Defines measurable criteria for product and process realization
Responsible for carrying out feasibility studies to assess the possibilities and risks for achieving the project goals
Directly supervises the manufacturing process of production machines and tools on each stage till transfer to production plant
Consolidation and evaluation of results from the basic and functional tests of the test department up to series production release
Definition of the requirements and specifications of the corresponding to product and process solutions
Accompaniment and supervision of prototype production in connection with product and process development
Preparation of detail drawings, assembly drawings and production documents (preferably Solid Works)
Mechanical integrity calculations (hand calculations and FEA (Solid Works/Ansys)
Responsible for the functional operation and management of CAD/PDM systems with its related databases within Oetiker Group, related guidelines and technical environment descriptions of R&D and Product & Process Engineering
Responsible to provide the global CAD/PDM user support, including CAD user integration at new locations
Responsible for local 1sl level support CH/PL and leads the Global Network
Responsible for the management of the global CAD Family numbers
Responsible for strategic projects as assigned by the R&D Governance Manager
Be a team member of global CAD/PDM and further projects
Execute operative activities (Quotation Management, Order Handling, Support in the implementation of Customer Specific Requirements, review customer portals, determine prices, monitor deliveries, etc.) in our plants in Poland and Lithuania
Maintenance of customer data in the ERP& CRM systems
Provide customer support
The Position is the interface between Technical Sales / Key Account Management and other Departments in the Entity
Responsible for the compliance of existing customer quality requirements and IATF 16949 and ISO 14000 norms
Uses FEM to drive research, development and continuous improvements of concepts and solutions for new and existing products and manufacturing processes (preferably ANSYS)
Responsible for carrying out FEM structural studies (static and dynamic analysis)
Documents FEA results and ensures FEA related knowhow management within Oetiker
Definition of FEA verification testing (FEA model creation, validation and release upon proven correlation to real test)
Consolidation and evaluation of results from the basic and functional tests of the test department up to series production release
Research and development of concepts and constructive solutions for new products, technologies and processes
Preparation of detail drawings, assembly drawings and production documents (preferably Solid Works)
Functional operation and management of CAD/PDM systems with its related databases within Oetiker Group, related guidelines and technical environment descriptions of R&D and Product & Process Engineering
Provide the global CAD/PDM user support, including CAD user integration at new locations
Local 1sl level support CH/PL and leads the Global Network
Management of the global CAD Family numbers
Strategic projects as assigned by the R&D Governance Manager
Be a team member of global CAD/PDM and further projects
Responsible for planning, reporting and execution of research and development projects (products and processes) while meeting quality, cost and time (QCT) expectations
Development of concepts and constructive solutions for new products in compliance with costs, deadlines and safety regulations
Defines measurable criteria for product and process realization. Collaboration in the creation of measurable criteria in connection with product and process realization
Responsible for carrying out feasibility studies to assess the possibilities and risks for achieving the project goals
Directly supervises the manufacturing process of sample parts
Is significantly responsible for the initialization, creation and monitoring of the concept, product and process design phase after IDEA and is supported by the R&D test department
Consolidation and evaluation of results from the basic and functional tests of the test department up to series production release
Definition of the requirements and specifications of the corresponding product solutions
Accompaniment of prototype production in connection with product and process development
Preparation of detail drawings, assembly drawings and production documents
Design work on 3D-CAD preferably Solid Works
Mechanical integrity calculations by means of state-of-the-art engineering tools (e.g. FEA)
Supports the creation and updating of design and process FMEA's
Responsible for the application of project management according to IDEA/CUST
Develops and maintains contacts to strategic network partners in the field of innovation and technology (e.g. universities, steel suppliers)
Further tasks as instructed by Head R&D Center of Competence V-clamps and Straps Oetiker Group
Research and development of concepts and constructive solutions for new processes and technologies in compliance with costs, deadlines and safety regulations
Defines measurable criteria for process realization. Collaboration in the creation of measurable criteria in connection with product realization
Responsible for carrying out feasibility studies to assess the possibilities and risks for achieving the project goals
Directly supervises the manufacturing process of production machines and tools on each stage till transfer to production plant
Is significantly responsible for the initialization, creation and monitoring of the concept, process design phase after IDEA/CUST and is supported by the R&D test department
Consolidation and evaluation of results from the basic and functional tests of the test department up to series production release
Definition of the requirements and specifications of the corresponding process solutions
Accompaniment of prototype production in connection with product and process development
Preparation of detail drawings, assembly drawings and production documents (preferably Solid Works)
Mechanical integrity calculations and design risk management by using state-of-the-art engineering tools (e.g. FEA, FMEA)
Supports engineering change process
Further tasks as instructed by Head R&D Product and Process Development V-Clamps and Straps Oetiker Group
Execute operative activities (Quotation Management, Order Handling, Support in the implementation of Customer Specific Requirements, review customer portals, determine prices, monitor deliveries, etc.)
Maintenance of customer data in the ERP& CRM systems
Provide customer support
The Position is the interface between Technical Sales / Key Account Management and other Departments in the Entity
Responsible for the compliance of existing customer quality requirements and IATF 16949 and ISO 14000 norms
Research and development of concepts and constructive solutions for new processes and technologies in compliance with costs, deadlines and safety regulations
Defines measurable criteria for process realization. Collaboration in the creation of measurable criteria in connection with product realization
Responsible for carrying out feasibility studies to assess the possibilities and risks for achieving the project goals
Directly supervises the manufacturing process of production machines and tools on each stage till transfer to production plant
Is significantly responsible for the initialization, creation and monitoring of the concept, process design phase after IDEA/CUST and is supported by the R&D test department
Consolidation and evaluation of results from the basic and functional tests of the test department up to series production release
Definition of the requirements and specifications of the corresponding process solutions
Accompaniment of prototype production in connection with product and process development
Preparation of detail drawings, assembly drawings and production documents (preferably Solid Works)
Mechanical integrity calculations and design risk management by using state-of-the-art engineering tools (e.g. FEA, FMEA)
Supports engineering change process
Further tasks as instructed by Head R&D Product and Process Development V-Clamps and Straps Oetiker Group
Responsible for planning, reporting and execution of research and development projects (products and processes) while meeting quality, cost and time (QCT) expectations
Development of concepts and constructive solutions for new products in compliance with costs, deadlines and safety regulations
Defines measurable criteria for product and process realization. Collaboration in the creation of measurable criteria in connection with product and process realization
Responsible for carrying out feasibility studies to assess the possibilities and risks for achieving the project goals
Directly supervises the manufacturing process of sample parts
Is significantly responsible for the initialization, creation and monitoring of the concept, product and process design phase after IDEA and is supported by the R&D test department
Consolidation and evaluation of results from the basic and functional tests of the test department up to series production release
Definition of the requirements and specifications of the corresponding product solutions
Accompaniment of prototype production in connection with product and process development
Preparation of detail drawings, assembly drawings and production documents
Design work on 3D-CAD preferably Solid Works
Mechanical integrity calculations by means of state-of-the-art engineering tools (e.g. FEA)
Supports the creation and updating of design and process FMEA's
Responsible for the application of project management according to IDEA/CUST
Develops and maintains contacts to strategic network partners in the field of innovation and technology (e.g. universities, steel suppliers)
Further tasks as instructed by Head R&D Center of Competence V-clamps and Straps Oetiker Group