Czy macie jakieś informacje na temat pracy w tej firmie? Jak wygląda atmosfera? Czy wynagrodzenie jest dobre? Czy są jakieś benefity? Jakie są warunki pracy? Z góry dzięki!
Koordynowanie prac związanych z realizacją inwestycji w obszarze robót elektrycznych, a w tym:
sprawowanie nadzoru nad wykonawcami robót w branży elektrycznej w zakresie zgodności inwestycji z projektem, pozwoleniem na budowę oraz podpisanymi umowami
przygotowywanie wycen, kalkulacji i kosztorysów w branży elektrycznej
analiza dokumentacji projektowych, przedmiarów i opisów technicznych
kontrola zaawansowania robót oraz ich zgodności z obowiązującym harmonogramem wraz z przygotowywaniem raportów tygodniowych i miesięcznych
przygotowywanie zapytań ofertowych, prowadzenie negocjacji z dostawcami materiałów i usług
sprawdzanie zgodności zaprojektowanych rozwiązań z obowiązującymi przepisami
doradztwo Zamawiającemu w zakresie jakości i trwałości przyjętych rozwiązań
Samodzielne wykonywanie zadań związanych z realizacją inwestycji w obszarze robót elektrycznych, a w tym:
sprawowanie nadzoru nad wykonawcami robót w branży elektrycznej w zakresie zgodności inwestycji z projektem, pozwoleniem na budowę oraz podpisanymi umowami
przygotowywanie wycen, kalkulacji i kosztorysów w branży elektrycznej
analiza dokumentacji projektowych, przedmiarów i opisów technicznych
kontrola zaawansowania robót oraz ich zgodności z obowiązującym harmonogramem wraz z przygotowywaniem raportów tygodniowych i miesięcznych
przygotowywanie zapytań ofertowych, prowadzenie negocjacji z dostawcami materiałów i usług
sprawdzanie zgodności zaprojektowanych rozwiązań z obowiązującymi przepisami
doradztwo Zamawiającemu w zakresie jakości i trwałości przyjętych rozwiązań
doradztwo w procesie przygotowania optymalnej strategii realizacji
Samodzielne wykonywanie zadań związanych z realizacją inwestycji w obszarze robót sanitarnych, a w tym:
Sprawowanie nadzoru nad wykonawcami robót w branży sanitarnej w zakresie zgodności inwestycji z projektem, pozwoleniem na budowę oraz podpisanymi umowami
Przygotowywanie wycen, kalkulacji i kosztorysów w branży sanitarnej
Analiza dokumentacji projektowych, przedmiarów i opisów technicznych
Kontrola zaawansowania robót oraz ich zgodności z obowiązującym harmonogramem wraz z przygotowywaniem raportów tygodniowych i miesięcznych
Przygotowywanie zapytań ofertowych, prowadzenie negocjacji z dostawcami materiałów i usług
Sprawdzanie zgodności zaprojektowanych rozwiązań z obowiązującymi przepisami
Doradztwo Zamawiającemu w zakresie jakości i trwałości przyjętych rozwiązań
Doradztwo w procesie przygotowania optymalnej strategii realizacji
Samodzielne wykonywanie zadań związanych z realizacją inwestycji w obszarze robót elektrycznych
Sprawowanie nadzoru nad wykonawcami robót w branży elektrycznej w zakresie zgodności inwestycji z projektem, pozwoleniem na budowę oraz podpisanymi umowami
Przygotowywanie wycen, kalkulacji i kosztorysów w branży elektrycznej
Analiza dokumentacji projektowych, przedmiarów i opisów technicznych
Kontrola zaawansowania robót oraz ich zgodności z obowiązującym harmonogramem wraz z przygotowywaniem raportów tygodniowych i miesięcznych
Przygotowywanie zapytań ofertowych, prowadzenie negocjacji z dostawcami materiałów i usług
Sprawdzanie zgodności zaprojektowanych rozwiązań z obowiązującymi przepisami
Doradztwo Zamawiającemu w zakresie jakości i trwałości przyjętych rozwiązań
Doradztwo w procesie przygotowania optymalnej strategii realizacji
Samodzielne wykonywanie zadań związanych z realizacją inwestycji w obszarze robót sanitarnych, a w tym:
Sprawowanie nadzoru nad wykonawcami robót w branży sanitarnej w zakresie zgodności inwestycji z projektem, pozwoleniem na budowę oraz podpisanymi umowami
Przygotowywanie wycen, kalkulacji i kosztorysów w branży sanitarnej
Analiza dokumentacji projektowych, przedmiarów i opisów technicznych
Kontrola zaawansowania robót oraz ich zgodności z obowiązującym harmonogramem wraz z przygotowywaniem raportów tygodniowych i miesięcznych
Przygotowywanie zapytań ofertowych, prowadzenie negocjacji z dostawcami materiałów i usług
Sprawdzanie zgodności zaprojektowanych rozwiązań z obowiązującymi przepisami
Doradztwo Zamawiającemu w zakresie jakości i trwałości przyjętych rozwiązań
Doradztwo w procesie przygotowania optymalnej strategii realizacji
Prowadzenie Działu Budownictwa Zrównoważonego Gleeds Polska, a w szczególności:
Propagowanie idei rozwoju budownictwa zrównoważonego na rynku inwestycji budowlanych. Asystowanie przy wdrażaniu wymagań lokalnych oraz międzynarodowych dla budynków oraz portfeli nieruchomości,
Aktywne poszukiwanie zleceń w zakresie certyfikacji, audytów środowiskowych i ekologicznych, analiz, raportów i strategii ESG, redukcji śladu węglowego itd
Rozwijanie metodologii wykonania usług – przygotowywanie procedur, wytycznych dla członków grupy oraz pozostałych pracowników Gleeds Polska. Nadzór oraz stymulowanie działań międzynarodowego EMEA ESG Forum,
Udział w przygotowywaniu materiałów marketingowych – News letter, case study’s, audyty i analizy, dokumenty informacyjne na temat przepisów, procedur oraz aktualnych trendów,
Określanie zasobów, przydzielanie i koordynacja aktualnie realizowanych zleceń, kontrola realizacji zadań przez członków Zespołu oraz podwykonawców,
Planowanie i Raportowanie finansowe - we współpracy z przełożonym przygotowanie założeń finansowo merytorycznych na przyszłość (Business Plan). Bieżąca analiza realizacji założeń oraz wyników finansowych dla poszczególnych zleceń, rodzaju wykonywanych usług oraz rodzajów sektorów,
Współpraca z Zarządem oraz innymi działami firmy we wszelakich działaniach zmierzających do rozwoju firmy - w szczególności pozyskiwaniu nowych zleceń, informacji na temat aktualnych uwarunkowań rynku, tendencji rozwojowych, kluczowych firm z branży itp
Samodzielne wykonywanie zadań związanych z realizacją inwestycji w obszarze robót elektrycznych
sprawowanie nadzoru nad wykonawcami robót w branży elektrycznej w zakresie zgodności inwestycji z projektem, pozwoleniem na budowę oraz podpisanymi umowami
przygotowywanie wycen, kalkulacji i kosztorysów w branży elektrycznej
analiza dokumentacji projektowych, przedmiarów i opisów technicznych
kontrola zaawansowania robót oraz ich zgodności z obowiązującym harmonogramem wraz z przygotowywaniem raportów tygodniowych i miesięcznych
przygotowywanie zapytań ofertowych, prowadzenie negocjacji z dostawcami materiałów i usług
sprawdzanie zgodności zaprojektowanych rozwiązań z obowiązującymi przepisami z zakresu teletechnicznego
doradztwo Zamawiającemu w zakresie jakości i trwałości przyjętych rozwiązań
doradztwo w procesie przygotowania optymalnej strategii realizacji
Analysis of the existing documentation in the Data Room, in particular on aspects such as: environmental risk (asbestos / lead, pollution, flooding, earthquake, radon, geotechnics, Natura2000, etc.), history of administrative authorizations (in the purpose of identifying any non-compliance / necessary retroactive compliance), private law easements and division into volumes (impact on user rights and technical aspects), PLU, structural / enclosed-covered and fluid aspects ( DOE, identification of non-conformities, maintenance, repair and / or compliance work), mandatory periodic inspections and non-conformities, compliance with accessibility and fire safety standards, curative / corrective maintenance and GER aspects, services and maintenance, insurance and claims, commercial and civil leases, etc
Realization of CAPEX and the cost allocation matrix between tenant and lessor;
Presentation of the report and its conclusions to the client, participation in negotiations with the seller's team, definition of the conditions precedent in the promise to sell (possible escrow account for CAPEX),
And where applicable, carrying out an advisory mission for the implementation of these recommendations, and in particular aspects related to the tertiary decree
You will also be involved in audits and environmental and technical due diligence of assets to be developed on behalf of user clients, banks or investors, within the framework of BEFA, VEFA, CPI, etc. in various sectors (industry, logistics, retail, services, hotels, housing, etc.)
Positively engaging with Customers and developing, growing and maintaining Customer relationships;
The site visit,
Site risk analysis (pollution, flooding, geotechnical, earthquake, hydrogeological, PPRN, Natura2000, etc.) and the constraints of the insertion zone (PLU, private law easements, ZAC or subdivision regulations, environmental liabilities with need for cessation of activity, etc.)
Analysis of the technical and administrative file carried out by the developer, in relation to the applicable regulations, the site context and market standards (in relation to the type of asset - eg CARSAT standards for logistics, etc.) and the customer,
Opinion on the principle of contractualization and procurement;
Analysis of the planning of administrative procedures (impact study, PC, ICPE, water law, etc.), studies and works with the highlighting of the risks of planning and financial slippage, warning on possible procedures not taken into account or whose quality would put the project at risk of recourse, analysis of the final nature of the authorizations;
Advice on insurance to be put in place by the Promoter and the MOA, advice on the various rules / standards imposed by insurance for certain types of assets (APSAD, NFPA, MF Global, etc.);
Analysis of the cost of design / construction, benchmarking and assistance in setting up deadlines and mechanisms for payment and validation of calls for funds corresponding to each type of contract;
Drafting of CPI / VEFA contracts (suspensive conditions, sharing of responsibilities, legitimate causes of delay, FTM, MADA, OPL, etc.)
Carrying out an assistance mission for the negotiations and finalization of the project and the contract with the promoter,
Carrying out the work monitoring mission during the work execution phase (including contractual management, monitoring under the credit agreement, validation of calls for funds, etc.) on behalf of the client
Analysis of the existing documentation in the Data Room, in particular on aspects such as: environmental risk (asbestos / lead, pollution, flooding, earthquake, radon, geotechnics, Natura2000, etc.), history of administrative authorizations (in the purpose of identifying any non-compliance / necessary retroactive compliance), private law easements and division into volumes (impact on user rights and technical aspects), PLU, structural / enclosed-covered and fluid aspects ( DOE, identification of non-conformities, maintenance, repair and / or compliance work), mandatory periodic inspections and non-conformities, compliance with accessibility and fire safety standards, curative / corrective maintenance and GER aspects, services and maintenance, insurance and claims, commercial and civil leases, etc
Realization of CAPEX and the cost allocation matrix between tenant and lessor;
Presentation of the report and its conclusions to the client, participation in negotiations with the seller's team, definition of the conditions precedent in the promise to sell (possible escrow account for CAPEX),
And where applicable, carrying out an advisory mission for the implementation of these recommendations, and in particular aspects related to the tertiary decree
You will also be involved in audits and environmental and technical due diligence of assets to be developed on behalf of user clients, banks or investors, within the framework of BEFA, VEFA, CPI, etc. in various sectors (industry, logistics, retail, services, hotels, housing, etc.)
Positively engaging with Customers and developing, growing and maintaining Customer relationships;
The site visit,
Site risk analysis (pollution, flooding, geotechnical, earthquake, hydrogeological, PPRN, Natura2000, etc.) and the constraints of the insertion zone (PLU, private law easements, ZAC or subdivision regulations, environmental liabilities with need for cessation of activity, etc.)
Analysis of the technical and administrative file carried out by the developer, in relation to the applicable regulations, the site context and market standards (in relation to the type of asset - eg CARSAT standards for logistics, etc.) and the customer,
Opinion on the principle of contractualization and procurement;
Analysis of the planning of administrative procedures (impact study, PC, ICPE, water law, etc.), studies and works with the highlighting of the risks of planning and financial slippage, warning on possible procedures not taken into account or whose quality would put the project at risk of recourse, analysis of the final nature of the authorizations;
Advice on insurance to be put in place by the Promoter and the MOA, advice on the various rules / standards imposed by insurance for certain types of assets (APSAD, NFPA, MF Global, etc.);
Analysis of the cost of design / construction, benchmarking and assistance in setting up deadlines and mechanisms for payment and validation of calls for funds corresponding to each type of contract;
Drafting of CPI / VEFA contracts (suspensive conditions, sharing of responsibilities, legitimate causes of delay, FTM, MADA, OPL, etc.)
Carrying out an assistance mission for the negotiations and finalization of the project and the contract with the promoter,
Carrying out the work monitoring mission during the work execution phase (including contractual management, monitoring under the credit agreement, validation of calls for funds, etc.) on behalf of the client
Analysis of the existing documentation in the Data Room, in particular on aspects such as: environmental risk (asbestos / lead, pollution, flooding, earthquake, radon, geotechnics, Natura2000, etc.), history of administrative authorizations (in the purpose of identifying any non-compliance / necessary retroactive compliance), private law easements and division into volumes (impact on user rights and technical aspects), PLU, structural / enclosed-covered and fluid aspects ( DOE, identification of non-conformities, maintenance, repair and / or compliance work), mandatory periodic inspections and non-conformities, compliance with accessibility and fire safety standards, curative / corrective maintenance and GER aspects, services and maintenance, insurance and claims, commercial and civil leases, etc
Realization of CAPEX and the cost allocation matrix between tenant and lessor;
Presentation of the report and its conclusions to the client, participation in negotiations with the seller's team, definition of the conditions precedent in the promise to sell (possible escrow account for CAPEX),
And where applicable, carrying out an advisory mission for the implementation of these recommendations, and in particular aspects related to the tertiary decree
You will also be involved in audits and environmental and technical due diligence of assets to be developed on behalf of user clients, banks or investors, within the framework of BEFA, VEFA, CPI, etc. in various sectors (industry, logistics, retail, services, hotels, housing, etc.)
Positively engaging with Customers and developing, growing and maintaining Customer relationships;
The site visit,
Site risk analysis (pollution, flooding, geotechnical, earthquake, hydrogeological, PPRN, Natura2000, etc.) and the constraints of the insertion zone (PLU, private law easements, ZAC or subdivision regulations, environmental liabilities with need for cessation of activity, etc.)
Analysis of the technical and administrative file carried out by the developer, in relation to the applicable regulations, the site context and market standards (in relation to the type of asset - eg CARSAT standards for logistics, etc.) and the customer,
Opinion on the principle of contractualization and procurement;
Analysis of the planning of administrative procedures (impact study, PC, ICPE, water law, etc.), studies and works with the highlighting of the risks of planning and financial slippage, warning on possible procedures not taken into account or whose quality would put the project at risk of recourse, analysis of the final nature of the authorizations;
Advice on insurance to be put in place by the Promoter and the MOA, advice on the various rules / standards imposed by insurance for certain types of assets (APSAD, NFPA, MF Global, etc.);
Analysis of the cost of design / construction, benchmarking and assistance in setting up deadlines and mechanisms for payment and validation of calls for funds corresponding to each type of contract;
Drafting of CPI / VEFA contracts (suspensive conditions, sharing of responsibilities, legitimate causes of delay, FTM, MADA, OPL, etc.)
Carrying out an assistance mission for the negotiations and finalization of the project and the contract with the promoter,
Carrying out the work monitoring mission during the work execution phase (including contractual management, monitoring under the credit agreement, validation of calls for funds, etc.) on behalf of the client
Analysis of the existing documentation in the Data Room, in particular on aspects such as: environmental risk (asbestos / lead, pollution, flooding, earthquake, radon, geotechnics, Natura2000, etc.), history of administrative authorizations (in the purpose of identifying any non-compliance / necessary retroactive compliance), private law easements and division into volumes (impact on user rights and technical aspects), PLU, structural / enclosed-covered and fluid aspects ( DOE, identification of non-conformities, maintenance, repair and / or compliance work), mandatory periodic inspections and non-conformities, compliance with accessibility and fire safety standards, curative / corrective maintenance and GER aspects, services and maintenance, insurance and claims, commercial and civil leases, etc
Realization of CAPEX and the cost allocation matrix between tenant and lessor;
Presentation of the report and its conclusions to the client, participation in negotiations with the seller's team, definition of the conditions precedent in the promise to sell (possible escrow account for CAPEX),
And where applicable, carrying out an advisory mission for the implementation of these recommendations, and in particular aspects related to the tertiary decree
You will also be involved in audits and environmental and technical due diligence of assets to be developed on behalf of user clients, banks or investors, within the framework of BEFA, VEFA, CPI, etc. in various sectors (industry, logistics, retail, services, hotels, housing, etc.)
Positively engaging with Customers and developing, growing and maintaining Customer relationships;
The site visit,
Site risk analysis (pollution, flooding, geotechnical, earthquake, hydrogeological, PPRN, Natura2000, etc.) and the constraints of the insertion zone (PLU, private law easements, ZAC or subdivision regulations, environmental liabilities with need for cessation of activity, etc.)
Analysis of the technical and administrative file carried out by the developer, in relation to the applicable regulations, the site context and market standards (in relation to the type of asset - eg CARSAT standards for logistics, etc.) and the customer,
Opinion on the principle of contractualization and procurement;
Analysis of the planning of administrative procedures (impact study, PC, ICPE, water law, etc.), studies and works with the highlighting of the risks of planning and financial slippage, warning on possible procedures not taken into account or whose quality would put the project at risk of recourse, analysis of the final nature of the authorizations;
Advice on insurance to be put in place by the Promoter and the MOA, advice on the various rules / standards imposed by insurance for certain types of assets (APSAD, NFPA, MF Global, etc.);
Analysis of the cost of design / construction, benchmarking and assistance in setting up deadlines and mechanisms for payment and validation of calls for funds corresponding to each type of contract;
Drafting of CPI / VEFA contracts (suspensive conditions, sharing of responsibilities, legitimate causes of delay, FTM, MADA, OPL, etc.)
Carrying out an assistance mission for the negotiations and finalization of the project and the contract with the promoter,
Carrying out the work monitoring mission during the work execution phase (including contractual management, monitoring under the credit agreement, validation of calls for funds, etc.) on behalf of the client
Analysis of the existing documentation in the Data Room, in particular on aspects such as: environmental risk (asbestos / lead, pollution, flooding, earthquake, radon, geotechnics, Natura2000, etc.), history of administrative authorizations (in the purpose of identifying any non-compliance / necessary retroactive compliance), private law easements and division into volumes (impact on user rights and technical aspects), PLU, structural / enclosed-covered and fluid aspects ( DOE, identification of non-conformities, maintenance, repair and / or compliance work), mandatory periodic inspections and non-conformities, compliance with accessibility and fire safety standards, curative / corrective maintenance and GER aspects, services and maintenance, insurance and claims, commercial and civil leases, etc
Realization of CAPEX and the cost allocation matrix between tenant and lessor;
Presentation of the report and its conclusions to the client, participation in negotiations with the seller's team, definition of the conditions precedent in the promise to sell (possible escrow account for CAPEX),
And where applicable, carrying out an advisory mission for the implementation of these recommendations, and in particular aspects related to the tertiary decree
You will also be involved in audits and environmental and technical due diligence of assets to be developed on behalf of user clients, banks or investors, within the framework of BEFA, VEFA, CPI, etc. in various sectors (industry, logistics, retail, services, hotels, housing, etc.)
Positively engaging with Customers and developing, growing and maintaining Customer relationships;
The site visit,
Site risk analysis (pollution, flooding, geotechnical, earthquake, hydrogeological, PPRN, Natura2000, etc.) and the constraints of the insertion zone (PLU, private law easements, ZAC or subdivision regulations, environmental liabilities with need for cessation of activity, etc.)
Analysis of the technical and administrative file carried out by the developer, in relation to the applicable regulations, the site context and market standards (in relation to the type of asset - eg CARSAT standards for logistics, etc.) and the customer,
Opinion on the principle of contractualization and procurement;
Analysis of the planning of administrative procedures (impact study, PC, ICPE, water law, etc.), studies and works with the highlighting of the risks of planning and financial slippage, warning on possible procedures not taken into account or whose quality would put the project at risk of recourse, analysis of the final nature of the authorizations;
Advice on insurance to be put in place by the Promoter and the MOA, advice on the various rules / standards imposed by insurance for certain types of assets (APSAD, NFPA, MF Global, etc.);
Analysis of the cost of design / construction, benchmarking and assistance in setting up deadlines and mechanisms for payment and validation of calls for funds corresponding to each type of contract;
Drafting of CPI / VEFA contracts (suspensive conditions, sharing of responsibilities, legitimate causes of delay, FTM, MADA, OPL, etc.)
Carrying out an assistance mission for the negotiations and finalization of the project and the contract with the promoter,
Carrying out the work monitoring mission during the work execution phase (including contractual management, monitoring under the credit agreement, validation of calls for funds, etc.) on behalf of the client
Analysis of the existing documentation in the Data Room, in particular on aspects such as: environmental risk (asbestos / lead, pollution, flooding, earthquake, radon, geotechnics, Natura2000, etc.), history of administrative authorizations (in the purpose of identifying any non-compliance / necessary retroactive compliance), private law easements and division into volumes (impact on user rights and technical aspects), PLU, structural / enclosed-covered and fluid aspects ( DOE, identification of non-conformities, maintenance, repair and / or compliance work), mandatory periodic inspections and non-conformities, compliance with accessibility and fire safety standards, curative / corrective maintenance and GER aspects, services and maintenance, insurance and claims, commercial and civil leases, etc
Realization of CAPEX and the cost allocation matrix between tenant and lessor;
Presentation of the report and its conclusions to the client, participation in negotiations with the seller's team, definition of the conditions precedent in the promise to sell (possible escrow account for CAPEX),
And where applicable, carrying out an advisory mission for the implementation of these recommendations, and in particular aspects related to the tertiary decree
You will also be involved in audits and environmental and technical due diligence of assets to be developed on behalf of user clients, banks or investors, within the framework of BEFA, VEFA, CPI, etc. in various sectors (industry, logistics, retail, services, hotels, housing, etc.)
Positively engaging with Customers and developing, growing and maintaining Customer relationships;
The site visit,
Site risk analysis (pollution, flooding, geotechnical, earthquake, hydrogeological, PPRN, Natura2000, etc.) and the constraints of the insertion zone (PLU, private law easements, ZAC or subdivision regulations, environmental liabilities with need for cessation of activity, etc.)
Analysis of the technical and administrative file carried out by the developer, in relation to the applicable regulations, the site context and market standards (in relation to the type of asset - eg CARSAT standards for logistics, etc.) and the customer,
Opinion on the principle of contractualization and procurement;
Analysis of the planning of administrative procedures (impact study, PC, ICPE, water law, etc.), studies and works with the highlighting of the risks of planning and financial slippage, warning on possible procedures not taken into account or whose quality would put the project at risk of recourse, analysis of the final nature of the authorizations;
Advice on insurance to be put in place by the Promoter and the MOA, advice on the various rules / standards imposed by insurance for certain types of assets (APSAD, NFPA, MF Global, etc.);
Analysis of the cost of design / construction, benchmarking and assistance in setting up deadlines and mechanisms for payment and validation of calls for funds corresponding to each type of contract;
Drafting of CPI / VEFA contracts (suspensive conditions, sharing of responsibilities, legitimate causes of delay, FTM, MADA, OPL, etc.)
Carrying out an assistance mission for the negotiations and finalization of the project and the contract with the promoter,
Carrying out the work monitoring mission during the work execution phase (including contractual management, monitoring under the credit agreement, validation of calls for funds, etc.) on behalf of the client
Analysis of the existing documentation in the Data Room, in particular on aspects such as: environmental risk (asbestos / lead, pollution, flooding, earthquake, radon, geotechnics, Natura2000, etc.), history of administrative authorizations (in the purpose of identifying any non-compliance / necessary retroactive compliance), private law easements and division into volumes (impact on user rights and technical aspects), PLU, structural / enclosed-covered and fluid aspects ( DOE, identification of non-conformities, maintenance, repair and / or compliance work), mandatory periodic inspections and non-conformities, compliance with accessibility and fire safety standards, curative / corrective maintenance and GER aspects, services and maintenance, insurance and claims, commercial and civil leases, etc
Realization of CAPEX and the cost allocation matrix between tenant and lessor;
Presentation of the report and its conclusions to the client, participation in negotiations with the seller's team, definition of the conditions precedent in the promise to sell (possible escrow account for CAPEX),
And where applicable, carrying out an advisory mission for the implementation of these recommendations, and in particular aspects related to the tertiary decree
You will also be involved in audits and environmental and technical due diligence of assets to be developed on behalf of user clients, banks or investors, within the framework of BEFA, VEFA, CPI, etc. in various sectors (industry, logistics, retail, services, hotels, housing, etc.)
Positively engaging with Customers and developing, growing and maintaining Customer relationships;
The site visit,
Site risk analysis (pollution, flooding, geotechnical, earthquake, hydrogeological, PPRN, Natura2000, etc.) and the constraints of the insertion zone (PLU, private law easements, ZAC or subdivision regulations, environmental liabilities with need for cessation of activity, etc.)
Analysis of the technical and administrative file carried out by the developer, in relation to the applicable regulations, the site context and market standards (in relation to the type of asset - eg CARSAT standards for logistics, etc.) and the customer,
Opinion on the principle of contractualization and procurement;
Analysis of the planning of administrative procedures (impact study, PC, ICPE, water law, etc.), studies and works with the highlighting of the risks of planning and financial slippage, warning on possible procedures not taken into account or whose quality would put the project at risk of recourse, analysis of the final nature of the authorizations;
Advice on insurance to be put in place by the Promoter and the MOA, advice on the various rules / standards imposed by insurance for certain types of assets (APSAD, NFPA, MF Global, etc.);
Analysis of the cost of design / construction, benchmarking and assistance in setting up deadlines and mechanisms for payment and validation of calls for funds corresponding to each type of contract;
Drafting of CPI / VEFA contracts (suspensive conditions, sharing of responsibilities, legitimate causes of delay, FTM, MADA, OPL, etc.)
Carrying out an assistance mission for the negotiations and finalization of the project and the contract with the promoter,
Carrying out the work monitoring mission during the work execution phase (including contractual management, monitoring under the credit agreement, validation of calls for funds, etc.) on behalf of the client
Analysis of the existing documentation in the Data Room, in particular on aspects such as: environmental risk (asbestos / lead, pollution, flooding, earthquake, radon, geotechnics, Natura2000, etc.), history of administrative authorizations (in the purpose of identifying any non-compliance / necessary retroactive compliance), private law easements and division into volumes (impact on user rights and technical aspects), PLU, structural / enclosed-covered and fluid aspects ( DOE, identification of non-conformities, maintenance, repair and / or compliance work), mandatory periodic inspections and non-conformities, compliance with accessibility and fire safety standards, curative / corrective maintenance and GER aspects, services and maintenance, insurance and claims, commercial and civil leases, etc
Realization of CAPEX and the cost allocation matrix between tenant and lessor;
Presentation of the report and its conclusions to the client, participation in negotiations with the seller's team, definition of the conditions precedent in the promise to sell (possible escrow account for CAPEX),
And where applicable, carrying out an advisory mission for the implementation of these recommendations, and in particular aspects related to the tertiary decree
You will also be involved in audits and environmental and technical due diligence of assets to be developed on behalf of user clients, banks or investors, within the framework of BEFA, VEFA, CPI, etc. in various sectors (industry, logistics, retail, services, hotels, housing, etc.)
Positively engaging with Customers and developing, growing and maintaining Customer relationships;
The site visit,
Site risk analysis (pollution, flooding, geotechnical, earthquake, hydrogeological, PPRN, Natura2000, etc.) and the constraints of the insertion zone (PLU, private law easements, ZAC or subdivision regulations, environmental liabilities with need for cessation of activity, etc.)
Analysis of the technical and administrative file carried out by the developer, in relation to the applicable regulations, the site context and market standards (in relation to the type of asset - eg CARSAT standards for logistics, etc.) and the customer,
Opinion on the principle of contractualization and procurement;
Analysis of the planning of administrative procedures (impact study, PC, ICPE, water law, etc.), studies and works with the highlighting of the risks of planning and financial slippage, warning on possible procedures not taken into account or whose quality would put the project at risk of recourse, analysis of the final nature of the authorizations;
Advice on insurance to be put in place by the Promoter and the MOA, advice on the various rules / standards imposed by insurance for certain types of assets (APSAD, NFPA, MF Global, etc.);
Analysis of the cost of design / construction, benchmarking and assistance in setting up deadlines and mechanisms for payment and validation of calls for funds corresponding to each type of contract;
Drafting of CPI / VEFA contracts (suspensive conditions, sharing of responsibilities, legitimate causes of delay, FTM, MADA, OPL, etc.)
Carrying out an assistance mission for the negotiations and finalization of the project and the contract with the promoter,
Carrying out the work monitoring mission during the work execution phase (including contractual management, monitoring under the credit agreement, validation of calls for funds, etc.) on behalf of the client
Analysis of the existing documentation in the Data Room, in particular on aspects such as: environmental risk (asbestos / lead, pollution, flooding, earthquake, radon, geotechnics, Natura2000, etc.), history of administrative authorizations (in the purpose of identifying any non-compliance / necessary retroactive compliance), private law easements and division into volumes (impact on user rights and technical aspects), PLU, structural / enclosed-covered and fluid aspects ( DOE, identification of non-conformities, maintenance, repair and / or compliance work), mandatory periodic inspections and non-conformities, compliance with accessibility and fire safety standards, curative / corrective maintenance and GER aspects, services and maintenance, insurance and claims, commercial and civil leases, etc
Realization of CAPEX and the cost allocation matrix between tenant and lessor;
Presentation of the report and its conclusions to the client, participation in negotiations with the seller's team, definition of the conditions precedent in the promise to sell (possible escrow account for CAPEX),
And where applicable, carrying out an advisory mission for the implementation of these recommendations, and in particular aspects related to the tertiary decree
You will also be involved in audits and environmental and technical due diligence of assets to be developed on behalf of user clients, banks or investors, within the framework of BEFA, VEFA, CPI, etc. in various sectors (industry, logistics, retail, services, hotels, housing, etc.)
Positively engaging with Customers and developing, growing and maintaining Customer relationships;
The site visit,
Site risk analysis (pollution, flooding, geotechnical, earthquake, hydrogeological, PPRN, Natura2000, etc.) and the constraints of the insertion zone (PLU, private law easements, ZAC or subdivision regulations, environmental liabilities with need for cessation of activity, etc.)
Analysis of the technical and administrative file carried out by the developer, in relation to the applicable regulations, the site context and market standards (in relation to the type of asset - eg CARSAT standards for logistics, etc.) and the customer,
Opinion on the principle of contractualization and procurement;
Analysis of the planning of administrative procedures (impact study, PC, ICPE, water law, etc.), studies and works with the highlighting of the risks of planning and financial slippage, warning on possible procedures not taken into account or whose quality would put the project at risk of recourse, analysis of the final nature of the authorizations;
Advice on insurance to be put in place by the Promoter and the MOA, advice on the various rules / standards imposed by insurance for certain types of assets (APSAD, NFPA, MF Global, etc.);
Analysis of the cost of design / construction, benchmarking and assistance in setting up deadlines and mechanisms for payment and validation of calls for funds corresponding to each type of contract;
Drafting of CPI / VEFA contracts (suspensive conditions, sharing of responsibilities, legitimate causes of delay, FTM, MADA, OPL, etc.)
Carrying out an assistance mission for the negotiations and finalization of the project and the contract with the promoter,
Carrying out the work monitoring mission during the work execution phase (including contractual management, monitoring under the credit agreement, validation of calls for funds, etc.) on behalf of the client
Analysis of the existing documentation in the Data Room, in particular on aspects such as: environmental risk (asbestos / lead, pollution, flooding, earthquake, radon, geotechnics, Natura2000, etc.), history of administrative authorizations (in the purpose of identifying any non-compliance / necessary retroactive compliance), private law easements and division into volumes (impact on user rights and technical aspects), PLU, structural / enclosed-covered and fluid aspects ( DOE, identification of non-conformities, maintenance, repair and / or compliance work), mandatory periodic inspections and non-conformities, compliance with accessibility and fire safety standards, curative / corrective maintenance and GER aspects, services and maintenance, insurance and claims, commercial and civil leases, etc
Realization of CAPEX and the cost allocation matrix between tenant and lessor;
Presentation of the report and its conclusions to the client, participation in negotiations with the seller's team, definition of the conditions precedent in the promise to sell (possible escrow account for CAPEX),
And where applicable, carrying out an advisory mission for the implementation of these recommendations, and in particular aspects related to the tertiary decree
You will also be involved in audits and environmental and technical due diligence of assets to be developed on behalf of user clients, banks or investors, within the framework of BEFA, VEFA, CPI, etc. in various sectors (industry, logistics, retail, services, hotels, housing, etc.)
Positively engaging with Customers and developing, growing and maintaining Customer relationships;
The site visit,
Site risk analysis (pollution, flooding, geotechnical, earthquake, hydrogeological, PPRN, Natura2000, etc.) and the constraints of the insertion zone (PLU, private law easements, ZAC or subdivision regulations, environmental liabilities with need for cessation of activity, etc.)
Analysis of the technical and administrative file carried out by the developer, in relation to the applicable regulations, the site context and market standards (in relation to the type of asset - eg CARSAT standards for logistics, etc.) and the customer,
Opinion on the principle of contractualization and procurement;
Analysis of the planning of administrative procedures (impact study, PC, ICPE, water law, etc.), studies and works with the highlighting of the risks of planning and financial slippage, warning on possible procedures not taken into account or whose quality would put the project at risk of recourse, analysis of the final nature of the authorizations;
Advice on insurance to be put in place by the Promoter and the MOA, advice on the various rules / standards imposed by insurance for certain types of assets (APSAD, NFPA, MF Global, etc.);
Analysis of the cost of design / construction, benchmarking and assistance in setting up deadlines and mechanisms for payment and validation of calls for funds corresponding to each type of contract;
Drafting of CPI / VEFA contracts (suspensive conditions, sharing of responsibilities, legitimate causes of delay, FTM, MADA, OPL, etc.)
Carrying out an assistance mission for the negotiations and finalization of the project and the contract with the promoter,
Carrying out the work monitoring mission during the work execution phase (including contractual management, monitoring under the credit agreement, validation of calls for funds, etc.) on behalf of the client
Analysis of the existing documentation in the Data Room, in particular on aspects such as: environmental risk (asbestos / lead, pollution, flooding, earthquake, radon, geotechnics, Natura2000, etc.), history of administrative authorizations (in the purpose of identifying any non-compliance / necessary retroactive compliance), private law easements and division into volumes (impact on user rights and technical aspects), PLU, structural / enclosed-covered and fluid aspects ( DOE, identification of non-conformities, maintenance, repair and / or compliance work), mandatory periodic inspections and non-conformities, compliance with accessibility and fire safety standards, curative / corrective maintenance and GER aspects, services and maintenance, insurance and claims, commercial and civil leases, etc
Realization of CAPEX and the cost allocation matrix between tenant and lessor;
Presentation of the report and its conclusions to the client, participation in negotiations with the seller's team, definition of the conditions precedent in the promise to sell (possible escrow account for CAPEX),
And where applicable, carrying out an advisory mission for the implementation of these recommendations, and in particular aspects related to the tertiary decree
You will also be involved in audits and environmental and technical due diligence of assets to be developed on behalf of user clients, banks or investors, within the framework of BEFA, VEFA, CPI, etc. in various sectors (industry, logistics, retail, services, hotels, housing, etc.)
Positively engaging with Customers and developing, growing and maintaining Customer relationships;
The site visit,
Site risk analysis (pollution, flooding, geotechnical, earthquake, hydrogeological, PPRN, Natura2000, etc.) and the constraints of the insertion zone (PLU, private law easements, ZAC or subdivision regulations, environmental liabilities with need for cessation of activity, etc.)
Analysis of the technical and administrative file carried out by the developer, in relation to the applicable regulations, the site context and market standards (in relation to the type of asset - eg CARSAT standards for logistics, etc.) and the customer,
Opinion on the principle of contractualization and procurement;
Analysis of the planning of administrative procedures (impact study, PC, ICPE, water law, etc.), studies and works with the highlighting of the risks of planning and financial slippage, warning on possible procedures not taken into account or whose quality would put the project at risk of recourse, analysis of the final nature of the authorizations;
Advice on insurance to be put in place by the Promoter and the MOA, advice on the various rules / standards imposed by insurance for certain types of assets (APSAD, NFPA, MF Global, etc.);
Analysis of the cost of design / construction, benchmarking and assistance in setting up deadlines and mechanisms for payment and validation of calls for funds corresponding to each type of contract;
Drafting of CPI / VEFA contracts (suspensive conditions, sharing of responsibilities, legitimate causes of delay, FTM, MADA, OPL, etc.)
Carrying out an assistance mission for the negotiations and finalization of the project and the contract with the promoter,
Carrying out the work monitoring mission during the work execution phase (including contractual management, monitoring under the credit agreement, validation of calls for funds, etc.) on behalf of the client
Analysis of the existing documentation in the Data Room, in particular on aspects such as: environmental risk (asbestos / lead, pollution, flooding, earthquake, radon, geotechnics, Natura2000, etc.), history of administrative authorizations (in the purpose of identifying any non-compliance / necessary retroactive compliance), private law easements and division into volumes (impact on user rights and technical aspects), PLU, structural / enclosed-covered and fluid aspects ( DOE, identification of non-conformities, maintenance, repair and / or compliance work), mandatory periodic inspections and non-conformities, compliance with accessibility and fire safety standards, curative / corrective maintenance and GER aspects, services and maintenance, insurance and claims, commercial and civil leases, etc
Realization of CAPEX and the cost allocation matrix between tenant and lessor;
Presentation of the report and its conclusions to the client, participation in negotiations with the seller's team, definition of the conditions precedent in the promise to sell (possible escrow account for CAPEX),
And where applicable, carrying out an advisory mission for the implementation of these recommendations, and in particular aspects related to the tertiary decree
You will also be involved in audits and environmental and technical due diligence of assets to be developed on behalf of user clients, banks or investors, within the framework of BEFA, VEFA, CPI, etc. in various sectors (industry, logistics, retail, services, hotels, housing, etc.)
Positively engaging with Customers and developing, growing and maintaining Customer relationships;
The site visit,
Site risk analysis (pollution, flooding, geotechnical, earthquake, hydrogeological, PPRN, Natura2000, etc.) and the constraints of the insertion zone (PLU, private law easements, ZAC or subdivision regulations, environmental liabilities with need for cessation of activity, etc.)
Analysis of the technical and administrative file carried out by the developer, in relation to the applicable regulations, the site context and market standards (in relation to the type of asset - eg CARSAT standards for logistics, etc.) and the customer,
Opinion on the principle of contractualization and procurement;
Analysis of the planning of administrative procedures (impact study, PC, ICPE, water law, etc.), studies and works with the highlighting of the risks of planning and financial slippage, warning on possible procedures not taken into account or whose quality would put the project at risk of recourse, analysis of the final nature of the authorizations;
Advice on insurance to be put in place by the Promoter and the MOA, advice on the various rules / standards imposed by insurance for certain types of assets (APSAD, NFPA, MF Global, etc.);
Analysis of the cost of design / construction, benchmarking and assistance in setting up deadlines and mechanisms for payment and validation of calls for funds corresponding to each type of contract;
Drafting of CPI / VEFA contracts (suspensive conditions, sharing of responsibilities, legitimate causes of delay, FTM, MADA, OPL, etc.)
Carrying out an assistance mission for the negotiations and finalization of the project and the contract with the promoter,
Carrying out the work monitoring mission during the work execution phase (including contractual management, monitoring under the credit agreement, validation of calls for funds, etc.) on behalf of the client
Analysis of the existing documentation in the Data Room, in particular on aspects such as: environmental risk (asbestos / lead, pollution, flooding, earthquake, radon, geotechnics, Natura2000, etc.), history of administrative authorizations (in the purpose of identifying any non-compliance / necessary retroactive compliance), private law easements and division into volumes (impact on user rights and technical aspects), PLU, structural / enclosed-covered and fluid aspects ( DOE, identification of non-conformities, maintenance, repair and / or compliance work), mandatory periodic inspections and non-conformities, compliance with accessibility and fire safety standards, curative / corrective maintenance and GER aspects, services and maintenance, insurance and claims, commercial and civil leases, etc
Realization of CAPEX and the cost allocation matrix between tenant and lessor;
Presentation of the report and its conclusions to the client, participation in negotiations with the seller's team, definition of the conditions precedent in the promise to sell (possible escrow account for CAPEX),
And where applicable, carrying out an advisory mission for the implementation of these recommendations, and in particular aspects related to the tertiary decree
You will also be involved in audits and environmental and technical due diligence of assets to be developed on behalf of user clients, banks or investors, within the framework of BEFA, VEFA, CPI, etc. in various sectors (industry, logistics, retail, services, hotels, housing, etc.)
Positively engaging with Customers and developing, growing and maintaining Customer relationships;
The site visit,
Site risk analysis (pollution, flooding, geotechnical, earthquake, hydrogeological, PPRN, Natura2000, etc.) and the constraints of the insertion zone (PLU, private law easements, ZAC or subdivision regulations, environmental liabilities with need for cessation of activity, etc.)
Analysis of the technical and administrative file carried out by the developer, in relation to the applicable regulations, the site context and market standards (in relation to the type of asset - eg CARSAT standards for logistics, etc.) and the customer,
Opinion on the principle of contractualization and procurement;
Analysis of the planning of administrative procedures (impact study, PC, ICPE, water law, etc.), studies and works with the highlighting of the risks of planning and financial slippage, warning on possible procedures not taken into account or whose quality would put the project at risk of recourse, analysis of the final nature of the authorizations;
Advice on insurance to be put in place by the Promoter and the MOA, advice on the various rules / standards imposed by insurance for certain types of assets (APSAD, NFPA, MF Global, etc.);
Analysis of the cost of design / construction, benchmarking and assistance in setting up deadlines and mechanisms for payment and validation of calls for funds corresponding to each type of contract;
Drafting of CPI / VEFA contracts (suspensive conditions, sharing of responsibilities, legitimate causes of delay, FTM, MADA, OPL, etc.)
Carrying out an assistance mission for the negotiations and finalization of the project and the contract with the promoter,
Carrying out the work monitoring mission during the work execution phase (including contractual management, monitoring under the credit agreement, validation of calls for funds, etc.) on behalf of the client
Analysis of the existing documentation in the Data Room, in particular on aspects such as: environmental risk (asbestos / lead, pollution, flooding, earthquake, radon, geotechnics, Natura2000, etc.), history of administrative authorizations (in the purpose of identifying any non-compliance / necessary retroactive compliance), private law easements and division into volumes (impact on user rights and technical aspects), PLU, structural / enclosed-covered and fluid aspects ( DOE, identification of non-conformities, maintenance, repair and / or compliance work), mandatory periodic inspections and non-conformities, compliance with accessibility and fire safety standards, curative / corrective maintenance and GER aspects, services and maintenance, insurance and claims, commercial and civil leases, etc
Realization of CAPEX and the cost allocation matrix between tenant and lessor;
Presentation of the report and its conclusions to the client, participation in negotiations with the seller's team, definition of the conditions precedent in the promise to sell (possible escrow account for CAPEX),
And where applicable, carrying out an advisory mission for the implementation of these recommendations, and in particular aspects related to the tertiary decree
You will also be involved in audits and environmental and technical due diligence of assets to be developed on behalf of user clients, banks or investors, within the framework of BEFA, VEFA, CPI, etc. in various sectors (industry, logistics, retail, services, hotels, housing, etc.)
Positively engaging with Customers and developing, growing and maintaining Customer relationships;
The site visit,
Site risk analysis (pollution, flooding, geotechnical, earthquake, hydrogeological, PPRN, Natura2000, etc.) and the constraints of the insertion zone (PLU, private law easements, ZAC or subdivision regulations, environmental liabilities with need for cessation of activity, etc.)
Analysis of the technical and administrative file carried out by the developer, in relation to the applicable regulations, the site context and market standards (in relation to the type of asset - eg CARSAT standards for logistics, etc.) and the customer,
Opinion on the principle of contractualization and procurement;
Analysis of the planning of administrative procedures (impact study, PC, ICPE, water law, etc.), studies and works with the highlighting of the risks of planning and financial slippage, warning on possible procedures not taken into account or whose quality would put the project at risk of recourse, analysis of the final nature of the authorizations;
Advice on insurance to be put in place by the Promoter and the MOA, advice on the various rules / standards imposed by insurance for certain types of assets (APSAD, NFPA, MF Global, etc.);
Analysis of the cost of design / construction, benchmarking and assistance in setting up deadlines and mechanisms for payment and validation of calls for funds corresponding to each type of contract;
Drafting of CPI / VEFA contracts (suspensive conditions, sharing of responsibilities, legitimate causes of delay, FTM, MADA, OPL, etc.)
Carrying out an assistance mission for the negotiations and finalization of the project and the contract with the promoter,
Carrying out the work monitoring mission during the work execution phase (including contractual management, monitoring under the credit agreement, validation of calls for funds, etc.) on behalf of the client
Analysis of the existing documentation in the Data Room, in particular on aspects such as: environmental risk (asbestos / lead, pollution, flooding, earthquake, radon, geotechnics, Natura2000, etc.), history of administrative authorizations (in the purpose of identifying any non-compliance / necessary retroactive compliance), private law easements and division into volumes (impact on user rights and technical aspects), PLU, structural / enclosed-covered and fluid aspects ( DOE, identification of non-conformities, maintenance, repair and / or compliance work), mandatory periodic inspections and non-conformities, compliance with accessibility and fire safety standards, curative / corrective maintenance and GER aspects, services and maintenance, insurance and claims, commercial and civil leases, etc
Realization of CAPEX and the cost allocation matrix between tenant and lessor;
Presentation of the report and its conclusions to the client, participation in negotiations with the seller's team, definition of the conditions precedent in the promise to sell (possible escrow account for CAPEX),
And where applicable, carrying out an advisory mission for the implementation of these recommendations, and in particular aspects related to the tertiary decree
You will also be involved in audits and environmental and technical due diligence of assets to be developed on behalf of user clients, banks or investors, within the framework of BEFA, VEFA, CPI, etc. in various sectors (industry, logistics, retail, services, hotels, housing, etc.)
Positively engaging with Customers and developing, growing and maintaining Customer relationships;
The site visit,
Site risk analysis (pollution, flooding, geotechnical, earthquake, hydrogeological, PPRN, Natura2000, etc.) and the constraints of the insertion zone (PLU, private law easements, ZAC or subdivision regulations, environmental liabilities with need for cessation of activity, etc.)
Analysis of the technical and administrative file carried out by the developer, in relation to the applicable regulations, the site context and market standards (in relation to the type of asset - eg CARSAT standards for logistics, etc.) and the customer,
Opinion on the principle of contractualization and procurement;
Analysis of the planning of administrative procedures (impact study, PC, ICPE, water law, etc.), studies and works with the highlighting of the risks of planning and financial slippage, warning on possible procedures not taken into account or whose quality would put the project at risk of recourse, analysis of the final nature of the authorizations;
Advice on insurance to be put in place by the Promoter and the MOA, advice on the various rules / standards imposed by insurance for certain types of assets (APSAD, NFPA, MF Global, etc.);
Analysis of the cost of design / construction, benchmarking and assistance in setting up deadlines and mechanisms for payment and validation of calls for funds corresponding to each type of contract;
Drafting of CPI / VEFA contracts (suspensive conditions, sharing of responsibilities, legitimate causes of delay, FTM, MADA, OPL, etc.)
Carrying out an assistance mission for the negotiations and finalization of the project and the contract with the promoter,
Carrying out the work monitoring mission during the work execution phase (including contractual management, monitoring under the credit agreement, validation of calls for funds, etc.) on behalf of the client
Analysis of the existing documentation in the Data Room, in particular on aspects such as: environmental risk (asbestos / lead, pollution, flooding, earthquake, radon, geotechnics, Natura2000, etc.), history of administrative authorizations (in the purpose of identifying any non-compliance / necessary retroactive compliance), private law easements and division into volumes (impact on user rights and technical aspects), PLU, structural / enclosed-covered and fluid aspects ( DOE, identification of non-conformities, maintenance, repair and / or compliance work), mandatory periodic inspections and non-conformities, compliance with accessibility and fire safety standards, curative / corrective maintenance and GER aspects, services and maintenance, insurance and claims, commercial and civil leases, etc
Realization of CAPEX and the cost allocation matrix between tenant and lessor;
Presentation of the report and its conclusions to the client, participation in negotiations with the seller's team, definition of the conditions precedent in the promise to sell (possible escrow account for CAPEX),
And where applicable, carrying out an advisory mission for the implementation of these recommendations, and in particular aspects related to the tertiary decree
You will also be involved in audits and environmental and technical due diligence of assets to be developed on behalf of user clients, banks or investors, within the framework of BEFA, VEFA, CPI, etc. in various sectors (industry, logistics, retail, services, hotels, housing, etc.)
Positively engaging with Customers and developing, growing and maintaining Customer relationships;
The site visit,
Site risk analysis (pollution, flooding, geotechnical, earthquake, hydrogeological, PPRN, Natura2000, etc.) and the constraints of the insertion zone (PLU, private law easements, ZAC or subdivision regulations, environmental liabilities with need for cessation of activity, etc.)
Analysis of the technical and administrative file carried out by the developer, in relation to the applicable regulations, the site context and market standards (in relation to the type of asset - eg CARSAT standards for logistics, etc.) and the customer,
Opinion on the principle of contractualization and procurement;
Analysis of the planning of administrative procedures (impact study, PC, ICPE, water law, etc.), studies and works with the highlighting of the risks of planning and financial slippage, warning on possible procedures not taken into account or whose quality would put the project at risk of recourse, analysis of the final nature of the authorizations;
Advice on insurance to be put in place by the Promoter and the MOA, advice on the various rules / standards imposed by insurance for certain types of assets (APSAD, NFPA, MF Global, etc.);
Analysis of the cost of design / construction, benchmarking and assistance in setting up deadlines and mechanisms for payment and validation of calls for funds corresponding to each type of contract;
Drafting of CPI / VEFA contracts (suspensive conditions, sharing of responsibilities, legitimate causes of delay, FTM, MADA, OPL, etc.)
Carrying out an assistance mission for the negotiations and finalization of the project and the contract with the promoter,
Carrying out the work monitoring mission during the work execution phase (including contractual management, monitoring under the credit agreement, validation of calls for funds, etc.) on behalf of the client
Analysis of the existing documentation in the Data Room, in particular on aspects such as: environmental risk (asbestos / lead, pollution, flooding, earthquake, radon, geotechnics, Natura2000, etc.), history of administrative authorizations (in the purpose of identifying any non-compliance / necessary retroactive compliance), private law easements and division into volumes (impact on user rights and technical aspects), PLU, structural / enclosed-covered and fluid aspects ( DOE, identification of non-conformities, maintenance, repair and / or compliance work), mandatory periodic inspections and non-conformities, compliance with accessibility and fire safety standards, curative / corrective maintenance and GER aspects, services and maintenance, insurance and claims, commercial and civil leases, etc
Realization of CAPEX and the cost allocation matrix between tenant and lessor;
Presentation of the report and its conclusions to the client, participation in negotiations with the seller's team, definition of the conditions precedent in the promise to sell (possible escrow account for CAPEX),
And where applicable, carrying out an advisory mission for the implementation of these recommendations, and in particular aspects related to the tertiary decree
You will also be involved in audits and environmental and technical due diligence of assets to be developed on behalf of user clients, banks or investors, within the framework of BEFA, VEFA, CPI, etc. in various sectors (industry, logistics, retail, services, hotels, housing, etc.)
Positively engaging with Customers and developing, growing and maintaining Customer relationships;
The site visit,
Site risk analysis (pollution, flooding, geotechnical, earthquake, hydrogeological, PPRN, Natura2000, etc.) and the constraints of the insertion zone (PLU, private law easements, ZAC or subdivision regulations, environmental liabilities with need for cessation of activity, etc.)
Analysis of the technical and administrative file carried out by the developer, in relation to the applicable regulations, the site context and market standards (in relation to the type of asset - eg CARSAT standards for logistics, etc.) and the customer,
Opinion on the principle of contractualization and procurement;
Analysis of the planning of administrative procedures (impact study, PC, ICPE, water law, etc.), studies and works with the highlighting of the risks of planning and financial slippage, warning on possible procedures not taken into account or whose quality would put the project at risk of recourse, analysis of the final nature of the authorizations;
Advice on insurance to be put in place by the Promoter and the MOA, advice on the various rules / standards imposed by insurance for certain types of assets (APSAD, NFPA, MF Global, etc.);
Analysis of the cost of design / construction, benchmarking and assistance in setting up deadlines and mechanisms for payment and validation of calls for funds corresponding to each type of contract;
Drafting of CPI / VEFA contracts (suspensive conditions, sharing of responsibilities, legitimate causes of delay, FTM, MADA, OPL, etc.)
Carrying out an assistance mission for the negotiations and finalization of the project and the contract with the promoter,
Carrying out the work monitoring mission during the work execution phase (including contractual management, monitoring under the credit agreement, validation of calls for funds, etc.) on behalf of the client
We have a vacancy for a Project Manager for projects in Germany
The successful candidate will join a highly experienced team and will be responsible for supporting Project Management procedures implementation within German Real Estate / Infrastructure projects
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Project Manager in Frankfurt
Wygasła: 05.01.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
We have a vacancy for a Project Manager for projects in Germany
The successful candidate will join a highly experienced team and will be responsible for supporting Project Management procedures implementation within German Real Estate / Infrastructure projects
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Project Manager in Frankfurt
Wygasła: 05.01.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
We have a vacancy for a Project Manager for projects in Germany
The successful candidate will join a highly experienced team and will be responsible for supporting Project Management procedures implementation within German Real Estate / Infrastructure projects
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Project Manager in Frankfurt
Wygasła: 05.01.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
We have a vacancy for a Project Manager for projects in Germany
The successful candidate will join a highly experienced team and will be responsible for supporting Project Management procedures implementation within German Real Estate / Infrastructure projects
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Project Manager in Frankfurt
Wygasła: 05.01.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
We have a vacancy for a Project Manager for projects in Germany
The successful candidate will join a highly experienced team and will be responsible for supporting Project Management procedures implementation within German Real Estate / Infrastructure projects
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Project Manager in Frankfurt
Lesser Poland
Wygasła: 05.01.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
We have a vacancy for a Project Manager for projects in Germany
The successful candidate will join a highly experienced team and will be responsible for supporting Project Management procedures implementation within German Real Estate / Infrastructure projects
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Project Manager in Frankfurt
Wygasła: 05.01.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
We have a vacancy for a Project Manager for projects in Germany
The successful candidate will join a highly experienced team and will be responsible for supporting Project Management procedures implementation within German Real Estate / Infrastructure projects
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Project Manager in Frankfurt
Wygasła: 05.01.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
We have a vacancy for a Project Manager for projects in Germany
The successful candidate will join a highly experienced team and will be responsible for supporting Project Management procedures implementation within German Real Estate / Infrastructure projects
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Project Manager in Frankfurt
Wygasła: 05.01.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
We have a vacancy for a Project Manager for projects in Germany
The successful candidate will join a highly experienced team and will be responsible for supporting Project Management procedures implementation within German Real Estate / Infrastructure projects
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Project Manager in Frankfurt
Wygasła: 05.01.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
We have a vacancy for a Project Manager for projects in Germany
The successful candidate will join a highly experienced team and will be responsible for supporting Project Management procedures implementation within German Real Estate / Infrastructure projects
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Project Manager in Frankfurt
Wygasła: 05.01.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
We have a vacancy for a Project Manager for projects in Germany
The successful candidate will join a highly experienced team and will be responsible for supporting Project Management procedures implementation within German Real Estate / Infrastructure projects
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Project Manager in Frankfurt
Wygasła: 05.01.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
We have a vacancy for a Project Manager for projects in Germany
The successful candidate will join a highly experienced team and will be responsible for supporting Project Management procedures implementation within German Real Estate / Infrastructure projects
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Project Manager in Frankfurt
Wygasła: 05.01.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
We have a vacancy for a Project Manager for projects in Germany
The successful candidate will join a highly experienced team and will be responsible for supporting Project Management procedures implementation within German Real Estate / Infrastructure projects
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Project Manager in Frankfurt
Wygasła: 05.01.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
We have a vacancy for a Project Manager for projects in Germany
The successful candidate will join a highly experienced team and will be responsible for supporting Project Management procedures implementation within German Real Estate / Infrastructure projects
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Project Manager in Frankfurt
Greater Poland
Wygasła: 05.01.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
We have a vacancy for a Project Manager for projects in Germany
The successful candidate will join a highly experienced team and will be responsible for supporting Project Management procedures implementation within German Real Estate / Infrastructure projects
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Project Manager in Frankfurt
West Pomeranian
Wygasła: 05.01.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
We have a vacancy for a Project Manager for projects in Germany
The successful candidate will join a highly experienced team and will be responsible for supporting Project Management procedures implementation within German Real Estate / Infrastructure projects
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Project Manager in Frankfurt
Lower Silesia
Wygasła: 05.01.2022
umowa o pracę
specialist (Mid / Regular)
We have a vacancy for a Project Manager for projects in Germany
The successful candidate will join a highly experienced team and will be responsible for supporting Project Management procedures implementation within German Real Estate / Infrastructure projects
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Ogłoszenie Archiwalne
Kierownik ds. Kosztów - Cost Manager/Estimator
Wygasła: 26.07.2021
pełny etat
umowa o pracę
kontrakt B2B
kierownik / koordynator
Wykonywanie zadań związanych z zarządzaniem kosztami inwestycji, a w tym:
Udział w przygotowaniu Planu Realizacji Inwestycji przy założeniu realizacji w formule Zaprojektuj i Wybuduje przez Generalnego Wykonawcę oraz nominowanych i bezpośrednich podwykonawców,
Bieżąca analiza i kontrola budżetu prowadzonej inwestycji
Przygotowywanie dokumentacji przetargowej i wraz z tabelami cen ryczałtowych prac i materiałów oraz szacowaną ilości,
Udział w negocjacjach z oferentami oraz podpisaniu umowy
Udział w przygotowaniu obmiarów wykonanych prac oraz prawidłowości ich wyceny
Miesięczne zatwierdzanie przerobów na podstawie obmiarów oraz zakresów umownych (maile stonów)
Przygotowywanie i sprawdzanie kalkulacji kosztowych i wycen prac dodatkowych i zamiennych
Przygotowywanie rozliczeń końcowych
Sporządzanie sprawozdań, raportów i analiz finansowych
Wykonywanie zadań związanych z zarządzaniem kosztami inwestycji, a w tym:
Udział w przygotowaniu Planu Realizacji Inwestycji przy założeniu realizacji w formule Zaprojektuj i Wybuduje przez Generalnego Wykonawcę oraz nominowanych i bezpośrednich podwykonawców,
Bieżąca analiza i kontrola budżetu prowadzonej inwestycji
Przygotowywanie dokumentacji przetargowej i wraz z tabelami cen ryczałtowych prac i materiałów oraz szacowaną ilości,
Udział w negocjacjach z oferentami oraz podpisaniu umowy
Udział w przygotowaniu obmiarów wykonanych prac oraz prawidłowości ich wyceny
Miesięczne zatwierdzanie przerobów na podstawie obmiarów oraz zakresów umownych (maile stonów)
Przygotowywanie i sprawdzanie kalkulacji kosztowych i wycen prac dodatkowych i zamiennych
Przygotowywanie rozliczeń końcowych
Sporządzanie sprawozdań, raportów i analiz finansowych
Wykonywanie zadań związanych z zarządzaniem kosztami inwestycji, a w tym:
Udział w przygotowaniu Planu Realizacji Inwestycji przy założeniu realizacji w formule Zaprojektuj i Wybuduje przez Generalnego Wykonawcę oraz nominowanych i bezpośrednich podwykonawców,
Bieżąca analiza i kontrola budżetu prowadzonej inwestycji
Przygotowywanie dokumentacji przetargowej i wraz z tabelami cen ryczałtowych prac i materiałów oraz szacowaną ilości,
Udział w negocjacjach z oferentami oraz podpisaniu umowy
Udział w przygotowaniu obmiarów wykonanych prac oraz prawidłowości ich wyceny
Miesięczne zatwierdzanie przerobów na podstawie obmiarów oraz zakresów umownych (maile stonów)
Przygotowywanie i sprawdzanie kalkulacji kosztowych i wycen prac dodatkowych i zamiennych
Przygotowywanie rozliczeń końcowych
Sporządzanie sprawozdań, raportów i analiz finansowych
Wykonywanie zadań związanych z zarządzaniem kosztami inwestycji, a w tym:
Udział w przygotowaniu Planu Realizacji Inwestycji przy założeniu realizacji w formule Zaprojektuj i Wybuduje przez Generalnego Wykonawcę oraz nominowanych i bezpośrednich podwykonawców,
Bieżąca analiza i kontrola budżetu prowadzonej inwestycji
Przygotowywanie dokumentacji przetargowej i wraz z tabelami cen ryczałtowych prac i materiałów oraz szacowaną ilości,
Udział w negocjacjach z oferentami oraz podpisaniu umowy
Udział w przygotowaniu obmiarów wykonanych prac oraz prawidłowości ich wyceny
Miesięczne zatwierdzanie przerobów na podstawie obmiarów oraz zakresów umownych (maile stonów)
Przygotowywanie i sprawdzanie kalkulacji kosztowych i wycen prac dodatkowych i zamiennych
Przygotowywanie rozliczeń końcowych
Sporządzanie sprawozdań, raportów i analiz finansowych
Wykonywanie zadań związanych z zarządzaniem kosztami inwestycji, a w tym:
Udział w przygotowaniu Planu Realizacji Inwestycji przy założeniu realizacji w formule Zaprojektuj i Wybuduje przez Generalnego Wykonawcę oraz nominowanych i bezpośrednich podwykonawców,
Bieżąca analiza i kontrola budżetu prowadzonej inwestycji
Przygotowywanie dokumentacji przetargowej i wraz z tabelami cen ryczałtowych prac i materiałów oraz szacowaną ilości,
Udział w negocjacjach z oferentami oraz podpisaniu umowy
Udział w przygotowaniu obmiarów wykonanych prac oraz prawidłowości ich wyceny
Miesięczne zatwierdzanie przerobów na podstawie obmiarów oraz zakresów umownych (maile stonów)
Przygotowywanie i sprawdzanie kalkulacji kosztowych i wycen prac dodatkowych i zamiennych
Przygotowywanie rozliczeń końcowych
Sporządzanie sprawozdań, raportów i analiz finansowych
Wykonywanie zadań związanych z zarządzaniem kosztami inwestycji, a w tym:
Udział w przygotowaniu Planu Realizacji Inwestycji przy założeniu realizacji w formule Zaprojektuj i Wybuduje przez Generalnego Wykonawcę oraz nominowanych i bezpośrednich podwykonawców,
Bieżąca analiza i kontrola budżetu prowadzonej inwestycji
Przygotowywanie dokumentacji przetargowej i wraz z tabelami cen ryczałtowych prac i materiałów oraz szacowaną ilości,
Udział w negocjacjach z oferentami oraz podpisaniu umowy
Udział w przygotowaniu obmiarów wykonanych prac oraz prawidłowości ich wyceny
Miesięczne zatwierdzanie przerobów na podstawie obmiarów oraz zakresów umownych (maile stonów)
Przygotowywanie i sprawdzanie kalkulacji kosztowych i wycen prac dodatkowych i zamiennych
Przygotowywanie rozliczeń końcowych
Sporządzanie sprawozdań, raportów i analiz finansowych
Wykonywanie zadań związanych z zarządzaniem kosztami inwestycji, a w tym:
Udział w przygotowaniu Planu Realizacji Inwestycji przy założeniu realizacji w formule Zaprojektuj i Wybuduje przez Generalnego Wykonawcę oraz nominowanych i bezpośrednich podwykonawców,
Bieżąca analiza i kontrola budżetu prowadzonej inwestycji
Przygotowywanie dokumentacji przetargowej i wraz z tabelami cen ryczałtowych prac i materiałów oraz szacowaną ilości,
Udział w negocjacjach z oferentami oraz podpisaniu umowy
Udział w przygotowaniu obmiarów wykonanych prac oraz prawidłowości ich wyceny
Miesięczne zatwierdzanie przerobów na podstawie obmiarów oraz zakresów umownych (maile stonów)
Przygotowywanie i sprawdzanie kalkulacji kosztowych i wycen prac dodatkowych i zamiennych
Przygotowywanie rozliczeń końcowych
Sporządzanie sprawozdań, raportów i analiz finansowych
Wykonywanie zadań związanych z zarządzaniem kosztami inwestycji, a w tym:
Udział w przygotowaniu Planu Realizacji Inwestycji przy założeniu realizacji w formule Zaprojektuj i Wybuduje przez Generalnego Wykonawcę oraz nominowanych i bezpośrednich podwykonawców,
Bieżąca analiza i kontrola budżetu prowadzonej inwestycji
Przygotowywanie dokumentacji przetargowej i wraz z tabelami cen ryczałtowych prac i materiałów oraz szacowaną ilości,
Udział w negocjacjach z oferentami oraz podpisaniu umowy
Udział w przygotowaniu obmiarów wykonanych prac oraz prawidłowości ich wyceny
Miesięczne zatwierdzanie przerobów na podstawie obmiarów oraz zakresów umownych (maile stonów)
Przygotowywanie i sprawdzanie kalkulacji kosztowych i wycen prac dodatkowych i zamiennych
Przygotowywanie rozliczeń końcowych
Sporządzanie sprawozdań, raportów i analiz finansowych
Wykonywanie zadań związanych z zarządzaniem kosztami inwestycji, a w tym:
Udział w przygotowaniu Planu Realizacji Inwestycji przy założeniu realizacji w formule Zaprojektuj i Wybuduje przez Generalnego Wykonawcę oraz nominowanych i bezpośrednich podwykonawców,
Bieżąca analiza i kontrola budżetu prowadzonej inwestycji
Przygotowywanie dokumentacji przetargowej i wraz z tabelami cen ryczałtowych prac i materiałów oraz szacowaną ilości,
Udział w negocjacjach z oferentami oraz podpisaniu umowy
Udział w przygotowaniu obmiarów wykonanych prac oraz prawidłowości ich wyceny
Miesięczne zatwierdzanie przerobów na podstawie obmiarów oraz zakresów umownych (maile stonów)
Przygotowywanie i sprawdzanie kalkulacji kosztowych i wycen prac dodatkowych i zamiennych
Przygotowywanie rozliczeń końcowych
Sporządzanie sprawozdań, raportów i analiz finansowych
Wykonywanie zadań związanych z zarządzaniem kosztami inwestycji, a w tym:
Udział w przygotowaniu Planu Realizacji Inwestycji przy założeniu realizacji w formule Zaprojektuj i Wybuduje przez Generalnego Wykonawcę oraz nominowanych i bezpośrednich podwykonawców,
Bieżąca analiza i kontrola budżetu prowadzonej inwestycji
Przygotowywanie dokumentacji przetargowej i wraz z tabelami cen ryczałtowych prac i materiałów oraz szacowaną ilości,
Udział w negocjacjach z oferentami oraz podpisaniu umowy
Udział w przygotowaniu obmiarów wykonanych prac oraz prawidłowości ich wyceny
Miesięczne zatwierdzanie przerobów na podstawie obmiarów oraz zakresów umownych (maile stonów)
Przygotowywanie i sprawdzanie kalkulacji kosztowych i wycen prac dodatkowych i zamiennych
Przygotowywanie rozliczeń końcowych
Sporządzanie sprawozdań, raportów i analiz finansowych
Wykonywanie zadań związanych z zarządzaniem kosztami inwestycji, a w tym:
Udział w przygotowaniu Planu Realizacji Inwestycji przy założeniu realizacji w formule Zaprojektuj i Wybuduje przez Generalnego Wykonawcę oraz nominowanych i bezpośrednich podwykonawców,
Bieżąca analiza i kontrola budżetu prowadzonej inwestycji
Przygotowywanie dokumentacji przetargowej i wraz z tabelami cen ryczałtowych prac i materiałów oraz szacowaną ilości,
Udział w negocjacjach z oferentami oraz podpisaniu umowy
Udział w przygotowaniu obmiarów wykonanych prac oraz prawidłowości ich wyceny
Miesięczne zatwierdzanie przerobów na podstawie obmiarów oraz zakresów umownych (maile stonów)
Przygotowywanie i sprawdzanie kalkulacji kosztowych i wycen prac dodatkowych i zamiennych
Przygotowywanie rozliczeń końcowych
Sporządzanie sprawozdań, raportów i analiz finansowych
Wykonywanie zadań związanych z zarządzaniem kosztami inwestycji, a w tym:
Udział w przygotowaniu Planu Realizacji Inwestycji przy założeniu realizacji w formule Zaprojektuj i Wybuduje przez Generalnego Wykonawcę oraz nominowanych i bezpośrednich podwykonawców,
Bieżąca analiza i kontrola budżetu prowadzonej inwestycji
Przygotowywanie dokumentacji przetargowej i wraz z tabelami cen ryczałtowych prac i materiałów oraz szacowaną ilości,
Udział w negocjacjach z oferentami oraz podpisaniu umowy
Udział w przygotowaniu obmiarów wykonanych prac oraz prawidłowości ich wyceny
Miesięczne zatwierdzanie przerobów na podstawie obmiarów oraz zakresów umownych (maile stonów)
Przygotowywanie i sprawdzanie kalkulacji kosztowych i wycen prac dodatkowych i zamiennych
Przygotowywanie rozliczeń końcowych
Sporządzanie sprawozdań, raportów i analiz finansowych
Wykonywanie zadań związanych z zarządzaniem kosztami inwestycji, a w tym:
Udział w przygotowaniu Planu Realizacji Inwestycji przy założeniu realizacji w formule Zaprojektuj i Wybuduje przez Generalnego Wykonawcę oraz nominowanych i bezpośrednich podwykonawców,
Bieżąca analiza i kontrola budżetu prowadzonej inwestycji
Przygotowywanie dokumentacji przetargowej i wraz z tabelami cen ryczałtowych prac i materiałów oraz szacowaną ilości,
Udział w negocjacjach z oferentami oraz podpisaniu umowy
Udział w przygotowaniu obmiarów wykonanych prac oraz prawidłowości ich wyceny
Miesięczne zatwierdzanie przerobów na podstawie obmiarów oraz zakresów umownych (maile stonów)
Przygotowywanie i sprawdzanie kalkulacji kosztowych i wycen prac dodatkowych i zamiennych
Przygotowywanie rozliczeń końcowych
Sporządzanie sprawozdań, raportów i analiz finansowych
Wykonywanie zadań związanych z zarządzaniem kosztami inwestycji, a w tym:
Udział w przygotowaniu Planu Realizacji Inwestycji przy założeniu realizacji w formule Zaprojektuj i Wybuduje przez Generalnego Wykonawcę oraz nominowanych i bezpośrednich podwykonawców,
Bieżąca analiza i kontrola budżetu prowadzonej inwestycji
Przygotowywanie dokumentacji przetargowej i wraz z tabelami cen ryczałtowych prac i materiałów oraz szacowaną ilości,
Udział w negocjacjach z oferentami oraz podpisaniu umowy
Udział w przygotowaniu obmiarów wykonanych prac oraz prawidłowości ich wyceny
Miesięczne zatwierdzanie przerobów na podstawie obmiarów oraz zakresów umownych (maile stonów)
Przygotowywanie i sprawdzanie kalkulacji kosztowych i wycen prac dodatkowych i zamiennych
Przygotowywanie rozliczeń końcowych
Sporządzanie sprawozdań, raportów i analiz finansowych
Wykonywanie zadań związanych z zarządzaniem kosztami inwestycji, a w tym:
Udział w przygotowaniu Planu Realizacji Inwestycji przy założeniu realizacji w formule Zaprojektuj i Wybuduje przez Generalnego Wykonawcę oraz nominowanych i bezpośrednich podwykonawców,
Bieżąca analiza i kontrola budżetu prowadzonej inwestycji
Przygotowywanie dokumentacji przetargowej i wraz z tabelami cen ryczałtowych prac i materiałów oraz szacowaną ilości,
Udział w negocjacjach z oferentami oraz podpisaniu umowy
Udział w przygotowaniu obmiarów wykonanych prac oraz prawidłowości ich wyceny
Miesięczne zatwierdzanie przerobów na podstawie obmiarów oraz zakresów umownych (maile stonów)
Przygotowywanie i sprawdzanie kalkulacji kosztowych i wycen prac dodatkowych i zamiennych
Przygotowywanie rozliczeń końcowych
Sporządzanie sprawozdań, raportów i analiz finansowych
Wykonywanie zadań związanych z zarządzaniem kosztami inwestycji, a w tym:
Udział w przygotowaniu Planu Realizacji Inwestycji przy założeniu realizacji w formule Zaprojektuj i Wybuduje przez Generalnego Wykonawcę oraz nominowanych i bezpośrednich podwykonawców,
Bieżąca analiza i kontrola budżetu prowadzonej inwestycji
Przygotowywanie dokumentacji przetargowej i wraz z tabelami cen ryczałtowych prac i materiałów oraz szacowaną ilości,
Udział w negocjacjach z oferentami oraz podpisaniu umowy
Udział w przygotowaniu obmiarów wykonanych prac oraz prawidłowości ich wyceny
Miesięczne zatwierdzanie przerobów na podstawie obmiarów oraz zakresów umownych (maile stonów)
Przygotowywanie i sprawdzanie kalkulacji kosztowych i wycen prac dodatkowych i zamiennych
Przygotowywanie rozliczeń końcowych
Sporządzanie sprawozdań, raportów i analiz finansowych
Wykonywanie zadań związanych z zarządzaniem kosztami inwestycji, a w tym:
Udział w przygotowaniu Planu Realizacji Inwestycji przy założeniu realizacji w formule Zaprojektuj i Wybuduje przez Generalnego Wykonawcę oraz nominowanych i bezpośrednich podwykonawców,
Bieżąca analiza i kontrola budżetu prowadzonej inwestycji
Przygotowywanie dokumentacji przetargowej i wraz z tabelami cen ryczałtowych prac i materiałów oraz szacowaną ilości,
Udział w negocjacjach z oferentami oraz podpisaniu umowy
Udział w przygotowaniu obmiarów wykonanych prac oraz prawidłowości ich wyceny
Miesięczne zatwierdzanie przerobów na podstawie obmiarów oraz zakresów umownych (maile stonów)
Przygotowywanie i sprawdzanie kalkulacji kosztowych i wycen prac dodatkowych i zamiennych
Przygotowywanie rozliczeń końcowych
Sporządzanie sprawozdań, raportów i analiz finansowych